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A polite discourse amongst friends on the importance of MP-elements in No Man's Sky

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So if the problem is sorted out, what happens after you see each other? You just wave and fly off to another procedural generated planet? I'm just trying to understand the uproar. What multiplayer aspects were people expecting? Just seeing others?

Yes, because it was a challenge Sean presented.

THe chances are basically zero --> Challenge accepted.

It happened, we never got to see what the avatars looked like.

It was meant to a unique experience that happened rarely.

THe people in an uproar are because Sean has not stated whether the feature is in or not. This has lead to some believing that he's lying, some who believe he's being kept quiet and some who are believe he's dodging the questions because of spoilers. All in all, what we want is a simple answer: Is this advertised feature still in?

That's all! And what do we get? Nothing, just some unclear answers. Never directly addressing the problem



Crystal clear

No Mans Sky is not a multiplayer game.


If this is the case, you can finally put me in the "this industry is disgusting" group.

NDAs serve a pourpose but they shouldn't serve to prohibit a developer from clarifying miscommunications/lies about a core feature of the game. That would be so incredibly slimy that I really hope it's not the truth.

"Disgusting." Good lord, folks. You're taking this shit WAY too seriously. Save your outrage for something that matters because at the end of the day, this does not.


I'm tired of drive-by posters who cross-post the same old NMS defense manifesto, containing the same weak arguments, all being seemingly oblivious about the numerous interviews Murray gave and what he said etc.

Yeah, I'm tired of that.
Maybe you need to take a break from this thread. We all should. No one is offering new info, 122 pages of absolutely nothing.


Neo Member
Wow, really? Well, that's another stinker.

Yes. These little things make the game universe less awe-inspiring.

So it's basically just a collection of solar systems that are made in the game, and you transport between those?

Spoilers ahead. Each solar system is in a skybox, you warp from skybox solar system to skybox solar system within the starting galaxy. You try to get to the center of your galaxy and you're then able to "hyperwarp" to another galaxy in what appears to be a differently named dimension, and repeat the whole process.

I'm sorry what? I did not know this. This is really shitty.

Yes, many have tried to fly to the sun and they cannot get closer to it, let alone fly to a different solar system altogether. You are loosely bound to the groupings of planets and moons in the solar system you start or warp to.


time to take my meds
So if the problem is sorted out, what happens after you see each other? You just wave and fly off to another procedural generated planet? I'm just trying to understand the uproar. What multiplayer aspects were people expecting? Just seeing others?
i was honestly expecting to be able to explore planets together once you find someone. gather materials together. sorry if im excited at the thought of playing one of the loneliest games ever for hours and hitting the space lottery and running into someone. even if they couldnt speak or communicate id imagine the experience similar to journey.
"Disgusting." Good lord, folks. You're taking this shit WAY too seriously. Save your outrage for something that matters because at the end of the day, this does not.

hes not referring to murray lying, hes referring to how ridiculous it is to assume there is an NDA blocking HG from talking about the basic features of the game. He's saying if that really is the reason theres no solid answer, because sony BLOCKED them from saying it, its disgusting, and hes pretty much right. blocking info from consumers in order to get them to plop down 60 bucks is disgusting.

IF theres an NDA. But, in all likelyhood, theres not


Let's be honest people didn't want to meet with their mates. They wanted to feel they were in a living interactive universe.
Let me elaborate on why it doesn't make sense to compare Murray to Molyneux. Todd and Molyneux have a history of making false promises and overembellishing the features in their games. And I mean games, as in gameS. Multiple games. This has been going on for years and is a part of their internet persona now, the lies. In fact so much so that the mere invocation of the names Todd Howard and Peter Molyneux mean that someone tried to pull a fast one on the unsuspecting gamer with lies and deceit and they we responded to with Todd and Molyneux memes, because as far as the internet is concerned, they are bamboozle personified. Heck, a journalist opened a freaking interview with Molyneux with the question "Are you a pathological liar", like something straight from Michael Mann's Insider where the guy interviews a a terrorist head and opens with a cold "are you a terrorist?". This is right after the Godus incident I believe. There are people out there who have literally had enough of Molyneux, it seems. Larry Bundy Jr. always has a Molyneux jab in the opening of his videos. He has had enough of Moly's lies as well. I think everyone has, tbh. I think Molyneux is nothing but a joke at this point, and nobody would get hyped for a Molyneux game if he announced one. How much money do you guys think a Molyneux kickstarter could make in 2016?

On the other hand, the entire persona of Murray for the last few years was that he was that hard-working small indie dev who gets shy in front of the camera, and in one day he's supposed to overthrow the King and the King's right hand of Lies?

I don't buy it.

Agreed. The comparisons are ridiculous. I've assumed anyone making the comparison was just making a joke and no one genuinely thinks he's one in the same with someone like Molyneux. That kind of mistrust is earned over time.

There's a big difference between one potential lie about a game and people who have had made a career of over-promising and under-delivering.
What, so when I quote his most recent statement on the game it is kindergarten level. But when you fill this thread with gifs from months ago it is master class debate?

if i spent weeks, months, and almost years being super vague about, or outright saying there is, multiplayer, and then said "its not a multiplayer game" you would be fucking confused too


Again, the mental gymnastics... unbelievable.

Explain to me how anything I've said is more of a mental gymnastics competition than the alternative, which is believing the person we've seen in those videos is actually a con man in disguise lying to the internet at large, the people of the internet who are so intent and dedicated in their past efforts to seek out shortcomings and call out those who mislead others, and thinking he can get away with it for the sake of that sweet sweet $60 life nectar to which you so hold dear?

Why would a con man do pre-emptive damage control on a feature such as multiplayer if he were after your Hamilton Sextuplet by saying it's not really the focus and please don't go in expecting it?

Why would a con man go through years of creating a game and never once showing multiplayer interaction if he could easily fake it?


What, so when I quote his most recent statement on the game it is kindergarten level. But when you fill this thread with gifs from months ago it is master class debate?

It's not crystal clear given the context that he said numerous times in the past already that NMS is not MP-focussed but players can see/meet each other.

See this:

Not a multiplayer game !== Not having multiplayer features.

That seemed to me like he is saying don't expect a World of Warcraft like experience with large groups and party features.

The same minute he also said:

"The chances of two players ever crossing paths in a universe this large is pretty much zero."

Which implies there is a chance. And:

"We do have some online features and easter eggs so people can know they are playing in the same universe. It's about cool "moments""

I have no clue what the moments are.

And there are dozens of other posts explaining the same thing to you. But instead of engaging in discussion, you're shouting the same line.
As someone not really invested in this and not really paying attention it seemed pretty clear that you'd be able to meet people but it'd be super rare because of the size of the game.

If this is not the case then they should've come right out and said it.
Spoilers ahead. Each solar system is in a skybox, you warp from skybox solar system to skybox solar system within the starting galaxy.
Can you miss the solar system if you don't time and aim it right, like in Elite Dangerous? Or is it just click, go and wait, with everything automatic?


What, so when I quote his most recent statement on the game it is kindergarten level. But when you fill this thread with gifs from months ago it is master class debate?

Alright so in your opinion what is a multiplayer game if you are so hung up on this tweet?
World of Warcraft?
Dark Souls?
Call of Duty?
Watch Dogs?
Why would a con man go through years of creating a game and never once showing multiplayer interaction if he could easily fake it?

jesus tap dancing christ.

For the 1000th time in this thread.

because. they. talked. about. multiple. player. interactions. including. physically. seeing. eachother.


Explain to me how anything I've said is more of a mental gymnastics competition than the alternative, which is believing the person we've seen in those videos is actually a con man in disguise lying to the internet at large, the people of the internet who are so intent and dedicated in their past efforts to seek out shortcomings and call out those who mislead others, and thinking he can get away with it for the sake of that sweet sweet $60 life nectar to which you so hold dear?

Why would a con man do pre-emptive damage control on a feature such as multiplayer if he were after your Hamilton Sextuplet by saying it's not really the focus and please don't go in expecting it?

Why would a con man go through years of creating a game and never once showing multiplayer interaction if he could easily fake it?
It's impossible that my favorite indie developer ever told a lie!!!!

As are you man, lol. You are very invested in this.
Arguably, my responses became shorter because we've been those same drive-by defense posts containing the same weak arguments several times.


Neo Member
Can you miss the solar system if you don't time and aim it right, like in Elite Dangerous? Or is it just click, go and wait, with everything automatic?

Click and go, from what I've seen. The only time you are in control of your flying and need to time things right is when you are zipping around within a solar system (i.e. from one distance planet to another, that share the same sun).


Alright so in your opinion what is a multiplayer game if you are so hung up on this tweet?
World of Warcraft?
Dark Souls?
Call of Duty?
Watch Dogs?
A multiplayer game is one in which you can play with multiple players. You are creating vagueness out of a defined term.
No I would know it's not a multiplayer game.
You are just ignoring everything now. We all know it is not a multiplayer game. Nobody is expecting death match gameplay or World of Warcraft style stuff. But it was stated multiple times that you could see other players, just that is was very, very, very rare.

Now that seems to be gone. And it is confusing people why this was never communicated and why the developer does not give a clear answer to this.

Click and go, from what I've seen. The only time you are in control of your flying and need to time things right is when you are zipping around without a solar system (i.e. from one distance planet to another, that share the same sun).
you choose a star off a menu and then the system loads.
I see. Thanks!


No mans sky is not a multiplayer game.

How is that obtuse or vague? It is crystal clear to me.

Murray said ypu can play the game with friends and see each others avatars, implying real time interaction. So is this possible or not? All Murray has to do is to say yes or no, simple as that. But he isn't doing that so far.
A multiplayer game is one in which you can play with multiple players. You are creating vagueness out of a defined term.

so by your definition of a multiplayer game, no mans sky, according to sean murray himself, is a multiplayer game.

he said, as posted a billion times here, you can interact with other players. he said that you could see other players.

if i can see another player, im playing with him correct?

but i cant do that. no one can. so. he lied.


No I would know it's not a multiplayer game.
The thing is, he tweeted it right before release, while tweeting a minute later that it'd almost be impossible to come across a player.

Meaning that it's still possible, which means you should be able to come across and see other players.

It has multiplayer features. People want a clear answer.


A multiplayer game is one in which you can play with multiple players. You are creating vagueness out of a defined term.
Is Dark Souls a multiplayer game or a singleplayer game?

He said no on Monday.
No, he said it's not a multiplayer game. Again: that doesn't rule out some MP functionality. Especially considering NMS was always framed as a game that is not MP-focussed but includes some MP features.


Yes. These little things make the game universe less awe-inspiring.

Spoilers ahead. Each solar system is in a skybox, you warp from skybox solar system to skybox solar system within the starting galaxy. You try to get to the center of your galaxy and you're then able to "hyperwarp" to another galaxy in what appears to be a differently named dimension, and repeat the whole process.

Yes, many have tried to fly to the sun and they cannot get closer to it, let alone fly to a different solar system altogether. You are loosely bound to the groupings of planets and moons in the solar system you start or warp to.

Well, this is even worse... I thought they said at some point you could fly between solar systems without using warp but that it would take a long time... but not like that :(

Next: there are only a few million planets :(


Sean literally said on national television that you would be able to see other people. Those words came directly out of his mouth while he was talking to Stephen Colbert. Sean has never corrected that.

Two Words

Sure. I have quite a few times.

I am speaking to those who demand answers. You got one on Monday.
Some are holding out hope that it is a feature that isn't implemented yet and want a definitive answer. At the very least, Sean Murray should directly answer the state of this feature and acknowledge his previous statements.


I honestly hope there is no MP just because too many people are douche bags, getting to name the planets is probably bad enough unless there is some kind of family filter, having some foul-mouthed random guy doing stupid stuff and mess up my sci-fi fantasy is not something I'm excited about.

On my planet if Buttsurfing Anal Cavity, we find your planet's name "Earth" to be a form of extreme blasphemy. I totally know what you mean.


While we can debate forever about how impactful seeing another player in this game is, and whether there is any validity or interpretation of all those interviews of Sean saying you can run into someones else, we have to at lest understand that this isn't sitting will with what seems like many fans of the game that want to enjoy it.

However, what I think is a bigger issue, that is completely ignored by most, is that we can't actual fly anywhere in space, and need to rely on warps (which ARE loading screens). Every solar/star system is just a skybox around some planets and moons. You cannot fly to any star, period. You cannot go to a sun because it is a non-physical entity at "infinity", which eventually causes a floating point precision error when you're x,y,z coords are too high from 0,0,0 which is the middle of the skybox. There are many videos showing the result of these errors.

With every day, more and more things about the game are not living up to the hype that the devs established.
That's disappointing, but I'm not sure if they promised that? Apparently does that not even quite work in Elite dangerous.
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