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Absolver |OT| Kick! Punch! It's All In The Mind!

Think of this game like SuperHOT. In that game, the campaign was more of a cool story-driven tutorial before getting into the meat of the arcade modes and modified challenges. This seems like the solo/story stuff is training for PVP and multiplayer; don't go into this if you want something with a single player focus

Shit. Did you get far?

For PS4 users, it might be worth ensuring Cloud Saves are enabled.
Luckily only had played for an hour, and the gameplay is fun enough that l don't mind just doing the early fights again. But yeah, sucks that I got to remake my deck now

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Think of this game like SuperHOT. In that game, the campaign was more of a cool story-driven tutorial before getting into the meat of the arcade modes and modified challenges. This seems like the solo/story stuff is training for PVP and multiplayer; don't go into this if you want something with a single player focus

That's a good way to look at it... but now I want to finish my speedruns on SUPERHOT!

Luckily only had played for an hour, and the gameplay is fun enough that l don't mind just doing the early fights again. But yeah, sucks that I got to remake my deck now

Relearning moves too. That's balls.

I kind of expected teething issues. It's a fairly ambitious project for an indie.
YEah, I know the game is in its infancy, but if anyone has any pointers in general... I go up on 2v1 encounters against NPCs and the way the dodge/dash system is related to lock-on, I feel like I usually dodge into the second attacking NPC's foot or fist. And then I die.

What I like to do is the poke and run tactics lol. Do a few hits then back off and rinse and repeat until one dies.
Bombcast mentioned Dark Souls/Journey in terms of MP for Absolver. Can you intentionally join up with your friends in this game?
I saw an option to switch from encounters to invitations, so I assume so, but I haven't tried it out


I like RPS' summation of the combat
Constructing new decks and then learning their rhythms, perfecting the timing of each strike for maximum effect, is utterly compulsive, like Pokemon for warrior monks. Combat is very much an art form in Absolver, and despite the uppercuts, flying kicks and swords, it never really feels violent. It’s aggressive, sure, but in the same way a dance can be aggressive. Duels become dance-offs, and each deck a set of steps that must be remembered and combined to the beat of an internal DJ.
I must have experienced just about every type of fight imaginable. Long, tense one-on-one duels where we slowly circle each other, locked on, waiting for an opening; furious brawls where neither of us rest, even when our stamina gauge teeters on empty; terrifying battles against three enemies at once, forcing me to dash around and change stances constantly; and even fights that last a mere second, with one of us swiftly kicking the other off a cliff — I’m still crap, but I’m a crap veteran. And, surprisingly, fights against the AI prove to be just as tense and dangerous, with the AI being as unpredictable as a human opponent.

Their concerns and criticisms, besides the technical issues
Though Absolver is a multiplayer game through and through, it doesn’t always make teaming up easy. Boss battles are single-player only affairs, even though sub-bosses aren’t; getting knocked out and then respawning removes you from a co-op group, even though it keeps you in the same instance; and hitting a buddy too many times turns them hostile, breaking up the party.

All of these things seem directly opposed to the philosophy of seamlessly connecting players. Aside from the first example, they feel like punishments for things that already have consequences. So being forced to send a request to cancel hostilities, and then another to rejoin the group might make you more likely to be cautious in future, but it’s entirely redundant when friendly damage already teaches that lesson. The only result is breaking up the flow of the game.
Some — but certainly not all — of these issues will hopefully be alleviated by the influx of players after today’s launch, and I’m not done with Absolver yet, but I do have concerns about its longevity. More post-launch PvP modes have been promised, and it will absolutely need them if it wants to keep people around after the first week. Random scraps in the forest can only keep people occupied for so long.


I saw an option to switch from encounters to invitations, so I assume so, but I haven't tried it out

I saw a video where three people joined in the same game together, before release. I assume it was the PC version.

They wandered around picking fights and let one of them take on a group of NPCs while the others stood back doing emotes.

It was from a channel called Funhaus which is apparently very popular.


Sp00ky's streaming it.



Played 'till now on PC, the game is legit
A lot of fun going around the world, the map is really complex. I need to figure out the deck system but even without having spent a lot of time in it I'm doing good thing in terms of combo and such
PvP is a blast
At 144FPS it is an higher refresh monitor seller honestly, just soooo good :p

Dear Prospects,

Absolver has launched and the teams at Sloclap and Devolver Digital are thrilled with the love and support from the new Absolver community. We hope you are enjoying the game thus far and while we know it's not a perfect experience for everyone our small team is hard at work with fixes. We're combing through your feedback, notes, and user reviews to put together some updates to improve the overall experience, taking particular care for regions that are having connection and lag issues.

Critical issues are with relay server stability and performance across the board with particular attention and changes coming for Russia, Australia, OCE and more. Additionally, we are looking to implement changes in some UI, usability, and localization in more languages soon.

Thanks again for your patience and we appreciate your input to help make the game better and better as we introduce new features and modes in the coming weeks.


Neo Member
Managed to get in about 20 minutes of PVP before the servers went down again on PSN. I didn't level up enough to unlock school creation, which I really want to dig into. Currently at level 4 for Combat Trials.

Despite winning all of those matches, I despised the arena we fought in, which didn't change during our rematches. It was based off a library and had a set of stairs between the two spawn points on different levels. Stairs had no guard rails, and most of my kills were beating my opponent over the edge and having them fall. Felt like For Honor without edge throws.


I am having fun with this, quite a lot actually. Surprising kind of since I have yet to be able to connect to servers on PS4.

So, I knew a bit about the game, but it was the 'Should you buy it?' video that someone linked in here that pushed me over into getting it. This video: https://youtu.be/RzOjyuPIzw8

It's been pretty fun so far. I have beaten the first three named characters, and the boss (red dot on the map?).

Still messign with my deck, but really what I'd like some info on is... are builds a thing? I chose Kahlt, and currently am at around 11 STR, 10 VIT, 9 END and then 2 WIL and 3 DEX. Sitting on 5 points because I don't know what to do. Anyone point me in a good direction for info? I've heard diminishing returns start at around 20 in any of the stats. So am I just overthinking it here?


Really loved everything I've seen about this game except the pvp focus of it. Just can't get into pvp games. Would've loved this to be a martial arts dark souls/journey love child, but guess it's not sadly.
Anyone else got into their game and didnt have a mask on? Really like it that way even though it'll probably get patched in.



Added funds to my PSN account for this, not deciding whether to buy or not.

The capitalist in me doesn't want to support a product that isn't ready, but the enthusiast in me wants to try it and, to an extent, support small teams for trying something new.

Also, unless it tanks totally, it's probably not going to get a price cut for a few months, so is a spotty experience worth the money in the meantime?


Sod it, I'm in on PS4. It's the kind of game I've want to try for years. Now to face Sony's treacle-slow download servers.
Added funds to my PSN account for this, not deciding whether to buy or not.

The capitalist in me doesn't want to support a product that isn't ready, but the enthusiast in me wants to try it and, to an extent, support small teams for trying something new.

Also, unless it tanks totally, it's probably not going to get a price cut for a few months, so is a spotty experience worth the money in the meantime?


Sod it, I'm in on PS4. It's the kind of game I've want to try for years. Now to face Sony's treacle-slow download servers.

Enthusiasm is always a better outlook to have than being pessimistic, but I might be a tad bit biaised since I gave in before the game came out by pre-ordering lol.

edit: glad you caved in. :D


Played for just a short time past the tutorial.

So far I am quite pleased with it, mainly the combat. The deck system and being able to pick your moves is something I hope more games borrow in the future.

The servers are getting hammered though and have been offline for me, so I am not playing a ton of it because I don't want to blow through it without experiencing the seamless player interactions that it has because of that.

I went with the windfall style of combat and am focusing more on dexterity and speed rather then brute strength.

I'd love if they had moves that had sounds to them, like some that'd have classic kung-fu screams and things to them, a la:


I've set up a PlayStation community called 'AbsolverNeoGAF'.

AbsolverGAF wasn't allowed.

I've not done it before, but I've set it up so anyone can join. I believe the game is region locked, but I hope this gives people a chance to play together.

If anyone spots glaring issues with the community let me know and I'll see if I can fix them or boot people if necessary.


I've only been able to play for about an hour due to having to move my PC, but I've loved it so far. My deck is going to take a lot of work to sort and some grinding to get new moves. Love the costumes and stuff you get.

I also had a ton of fun finding a random duo to join even though they where rushing through areas. I'll have to spend some more time revisiting them.
Glad I only did my preview video I linked on the first page and not a review right away. Felt like things could be rocky. Def seems like there are reasons to be concerned at launch. For example my game never got erased ever prelaunch and now that's happening. So odd.


Played for about an hour. PS4. Paid copy.

Frate poor, either in complex areas or with multiple NPCS on screen. One on one in small places it's fine.

Issues with lag and input delay. Toggling lock on on and off felt sludgy, not sure mechanics or lag. Made worse with frate drops.

Frate issues when entering new area and/or or players join sever in your location.

No introduction to systems at all. Can't understand the combat deck or sequence of moves. Annoyance compared to tech issues

When the combat worked, it did feel good. Learning attack strings and then figuring out you have to crouch or dodge. Good tension.

But with those technical issues, the game can't get out of its own way. I can feel like it's on the edge of greatness, but the performance is holding it back.

It shouldn't have these issues. Not at £25.

EDIT - also they need to anglicise the in-game text. A pony tail is listed as an 'attached' haircut and other information has clearly been written by somebody who speaks English well enough to get by, but not to write a technical manual, which is what the game neeeds.

Edit 2

There's an icon onscreen that shows what stance you're in and the moves to come next, but it feels like the icon is ticking through them counter-clockwise.

Anyone else getting that? I can't figure it out.

3. I was streaming on YouTube, so maybe that affected me. But my upload is something like 16mbps.


Playing on PC, framerate seems solid, but man does the combat go to shit when you are fighting more than one person.
Played for about an hour. PS4. Paid copy.

Frate poor, either in complex areas or with multiple NPCS on screen. One on one in small places it's fine.

Issues with lag and input delay. Toggling lock on on and off felt sludgy, not sure mechanics or lag. Made worse with frate drops.

Frate issues when entering new area and/or or players join sever in your location.

No introduction to systems at all. Can't understand the combat deck or sequence of moves. Annoyance compared to tech issues

When the combat worked, it did feel good. Learning attack strings and then figuring out you have to crouch or dodge. Good tension.

But with those technical issues, the game can't get out of its own way. I can feel like it's on the edge of greatness, but the performance is holding it back.

It shouldn't have these issues. Not at £25.

EDIT - also they need to anglicise the in-game text. A pony tail is listed as an 'attached' haircut and other information has clearly been written by somebody who speaks English well enough to get by, but not to write a technical manual, which is what the game neeeds.

Edit 2

There's an icon onscreen that shows what stance you're in and the moves to come next, but it feels like the icon is ticking through them counter-clockwise.

Anyone else getting that? I can't figure it out.

3. I was streaming on YouTube, so maybe that affected me. But my upload is something like 16mbps.
Concerning your 2nd edit, it can go either way, depending on the strike you pick you can end up in one of the four stances.


These servers are awful. They also throw way too many enemies at you, this combat is awful for anything more than 1v1 or 2v2


EDIT - also they need to anglicise the in-game text. A pony tail is listed as an 'attached' haircut and other information has clearly been written by somebody who speaks English well enough to get by, but not to write a technical manual, which is what the game neeeds.

OH. That's what "Attached" was. Since you cant rotate the camera when choosing hair, I've actually restarted the games a few times because I got annoyed at how something looked from the back.

This actually touches on another small problem I have, which is that I really want to be able to re-customize my character without restarting.
These servers are awful. They also throw way too many enemies at you, this combat is awful for anything more than 1v1 or 2v2
Yeah, the AI don't seem designed to work in groups, they all just come at you very aggressively with no thought to anyone around them. Also doesn't help that the Dodge in this game is way too short for how much distance most attacks cover, it's almost pointless to even try to dodge when there's multiple enemies.
I'm beating a named enemy and then I go to one of the meditation/save spots but the named enemy is there again if I go back after I respawn. Anyone know what's up with that?

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I put in some hours last night. Despite a few technical issues, I'm really digging it. Fiddling with the Combat Deck is a-deck-tive ahahahaaaurgimsorry

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I know this is a good game because I'm sitting at work thinking about how I can improve my Combat Deck. :D

How are you lot putting your Deck together?

I've made it so all my common stances are fast moves that string into each other; my alternatives string too, which means they kind of act as a fifth combo string of my higher damaging moves. I've also made sure my alternatives are the ones that predominantly have properties like guard break, interrupt or dodge, though the latter seems a little unnecessary given I'm using Windfall. Seems to work at the moment, but am I approaching it arse about face?

Also, Windfall dodging is much easier to implement than I thought it would be. The hit boxes are pretty good, so dodging looks awesome.

Joey Ravn

Oof. Picked up this game after listening to Jason and Brad talking about it on the Bombcast. I wasn't very keen on the combat to begin with, but they made it so better than I had imagined. Ended up not liking it, specially in 2v1 or 3v1 scenarios :/

I would stick with it, but the locked framerate is just too noticeable for me. I don't know if it's tied to the physics or what, but it baffles me that they decided to lock the framerate at 60 FPS on PC. Maybe unlocking it impacted negatively in the timing of hits or whatever... but I just can't deal with it. Sorry :(

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Oof. Picked up this game after listening to Jason and Brad talking about it on the Bombcast. I wasn't very keen on the combat to begin with, but they made it so better than I had imagined. Ended up not liking it, specially in 2v1 or 3v1 scenarios :/

Yeah, I haven't got the hang of dealing with multiple opponents either. I think it's a case of positioning and getting them hitting each other.

I would stick with it, but the locked framerate is just too noticeable for me. I don't know if it's tied to the physics or what, but it baffles me that they decided to lock the framerate at 60 FPS on PC. Maybe unlocking it impacted negatively in the timing of hits or whatever... but I just can't deal with it. Sorry :(

Who are you apologising to? :D

Is the framerate locked on other fighting games? I'm a dunce, so I'm not sure if it would give a player an advantage to have a higher fps.


You can unlock the frame rate without any problem guys:

Go to C:\Users\Your user name\AppData\Local\Absolver\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini
Change FrameRateLimit=0.0000000 to FrameRateLimit=144


Is it me or is this game extremely laggy? I'm doing the story/open world like stuff with it being open but it is so laggy to the point where it's just unplayable. This is on PS4 by the way.


Slightly more stable 30 fps

Thank you kind sir! :)

Was going to jump in but the reviews and impressions in this thread made me decide to wait to see what kind of post launch support
the game will get and whether there will be a healthy online community for it(since the main idea of the game is to be multiplayer based).


Is it me or is this game extremely laggy? I'm doing the story/open world like stuff with it being open but it is so laggy to the point where it's just unplayable. This is on PS4 by the way.

It's not you. It's the game. It's better offline. But still not quite good enough.

I've found out that you can shareplay the game on PS4, including handing over the controller so online friends can play. This is a good way to demo the game if need be.

Edit I also now really dislike the camera.


Really interested in this game, but with Destiny 2 coming next week and I still haven't had time to finish uncharted lost legacy or hell blade I'm hesitant to pull the plug...


I like the concept of the Combat Deck and learning new moves by fighting enemies, but I feel like the time it takes to learn the moves is too long. Maybe it's because of the fighting style I chose but avoiding moves is hard to time and blocking them doesn't provide much move xp.
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