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Amazon DD Sales Thread

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I was looking at that earlier. As disappointed as I am with how their handling some things with this game, I'll still probably end up picking it up. Might as well save $10.
I know i may sound cheap asking for this advice, but is Red Faction Armaggedon a competent game? Any weird bugs or other stuff in the PC version?

"But refreshment is 5 after all." Yea, but 5 dollars here and there and ones finds itself spending a hole lot in stuff that might not be worthed. Anyways i hope someone could share their opinion.
I know i may sound cheap asking for this advice, but is Red Faction Armaggedon a competent game? Any weird bugs or other stuff in the PC version?

"But refreshment is 5 after all." Yea, but 5 dollars here and there and ones finds itself spending a hole lot in stuff that might not be worthed. Anyways i hope someone could share their opinion.

Yeah from what I've played (just bought it yesterday) it's better than its reputation. It got hated on a lot and basically ignored but it feels like a good shooter with some unique gameplay thanks to the destruction. Much more linear than Guerrilla of course but still fun. Magnet gun is sick.


I know i may sound cheap asking for this advice, but is Red Faction Armaggedon a competent game? Any weird bugs or other stuff in the PC version?

"But refreshment is 5 after all." Yea, but 5 dollars here and there and ones finds itself spending a hole lot in stuff that might not be worthed. Anyways i hope someone could share their opinion.

Played it through + the d/l. Besides the FOV which you can't adjust it was excellent. Things like cover (crates) getting shot to pieces and you're able to rebuild cover in the heat of battle or rebuild a bridge that was just blown to pieces. Great mechanics. Did have to play with a controller and sit far back from my screen though because of the FOV.
Yeah from what I've played (just bought it yesterday) it's better than its reputation. It got hated on a lot and basically ignored but it feels like a good shooter with some unique gameplay thanks to the destruction. Much more linear than Guerrilla of course but still fun. Magnet gun is sick.
Played it through + the d/l. Besides the FOV which you can't adjust it was excellent. Things like cover (crates) getting shot to pieces and you're able to rebuild cover in the heat of battle or rebuild a bridge that was just blown to pieces. Great mechanics. Did have to play with a controller and sit far back from my screen though because of the FOV.
Glad to have some fresh views on this game. Thanks Sysgen and Heavy for taking the time to answer :)




So I bought Payday with three friends, but we could only get a two player game going for now because the other two haven't yet installed it. But for what it's worth: I really like the game. We've played the first two missions and I totally love the setting. What I didn't know was, that you can actually level up your character to unlock additional equipment. Love that. I guess we're pretty bad at shooters because we could not actually get through these two missions on normal difficulty, we had to play on easy to make it through. Easy difficulty was a bit weird, because some parts were ridiculously easy while other parts were pretty hard. At one point in the first mission the hud insisted that there was a police assault going on but only one cop actually showed up. I guess normal mode would be possible if we were actually four players instead of two AI.

For that price I'd definitely recommend it!


So I think I'm going to pick up payday but I see that AC: Brotherhood is only 7.50. I'm tempted to buy this as well but before I do, does anyone know if this version contains the weird Ubisoft DRM? I don't care so much about it not activating on Steam but I don't think I want it if it has their crazy DRM. Also how are the controls with just a simple mouse and keyboard? I've played the first 2 games but on a 360 so I don't know how the controls are on PC.

Sorry if these have been asked before, i tried browsing the pages before this but didn't see anything.


If I buy Mirrors Edge, does it activate on Origin? Noticed lots of games that I've purchased on Steam are in my Origin game list.
Payday The Heist is a really good game. It's like Left 4 Dead but better and more teamwork and with lots of unlocks and level up progression. Really cool game. The cops spawn differently every game just like in L4D zombies. Five bucks is a steal for this if you like these type of co-op games. Can't recommend it enough. RF Armageddon for 5 bucks is another must-buy if you like shooters. Also the music in Payday is so good and a perfect fit for the intense fast-paced heists. The developer is giving the games tons of support as well, really just a must-buy.


Hey there,

Posted this on CAG, thought I would share here:

I know the internet has been abuzz with commentary on "From Ashes" DLC for Mass Effect 3. Just wanted you guys to know that you'll get this DLC for free with the Digital Deluxe version, and we're also giving you a $10 credit to buy more video games (physical or digital) when you purchase.


If you're interested in ME3 on the PC this is the best deal I've seen for it yet.


Except...Why would anyone buy the digital deluxe? It's $20 more than the regular version, and the only difference is $10 DLC. Both versions come with the $10 discount. Am I missing something?


Except...Why would anyone buy the digital deluxe? It's $20 more than the regular version, and the only difference is $10 DLC. Both versions come with the $10 discount. Am I missing something?
10$ Credit is for later. Only advantage is that you basically get the non-physical version of the CE along with the day 1 DLC. It's basically the same price, plus the physical CE is pretty much sold out almost everywhere so it's your best option unless you must have it.

The 10$ you can put to something later and pretty much you can use for a year after ME3 releases. And the deals on Amazon have been pretty good, IMO.
Ouch, big bummer to those who jumped the gun and went with the Steam weekend deal regular version.

The game also comes with the Tactical Enhancement DLC for free (I'm not sure if the Steam version does the same thought).

I'm very impress with Amazon. The Augmented Edition is $20 in my region, so basically I got it at half the price and with a free DLC.

Sorry Steam, but Amazon won this round for me.


Ouch, big bummer to those who jumped the gun and went with the Steam weekend deal regular version.

I had a 33% off Square/enix coupon, therefore Deus Ex HR Standard edition only cost me $6.83. So I'm not feeling too burned.

For anybody who doesn't have a coupon though, Amazon is clearly the way to go.
So when games don't activate on Steam and you buy through Amazon, how does that work exactly? What if I reformat my machine? Can I go back and DL anytime I please?


HEAD'S UP: Tony admitted that the Deus EX Augmented Edition price was a mistake. Price will be going back to $13.59 in a few minutes. If you want the Augmented Edition for the standard price, better buy it now.
So when games don't activate on Steam and you buy through Amazon, how does that work exactly? What if I reformat my machine? Can I go back and DL anytime I please?

Yes. As far as I know there is no additional DRM in any Amazon game downloads.

This isn't quite accurate, the DRM solution is determined primarily by the publisher. We push for DRM free solutions whenever possible but the majority of our Core Catalog will still have some form of DRM attached.

HEAD'S UP: Tony admitted that the Deus EX Augmented Edition price was a mistake. Price will be going back to $13.59 in a few minutes. If you want the Augmented Edition for the standard price, better buy it now.

This is accurate, although pricing is taking exceptionally long to change, I don't have a solid timeline for when it will be back to $13.



Quick question if you all don't mind :) Is the Deus Ex Missing Link DLC worth downloading? About how long is it?

It's maybe 3-5 hours, it's mostly a huge facility to go through expanding on the story of the main game. I was quite tired of the gameplay when I played it, but if you want more it certainly delivers.


Amazon's download service is really good and these deals are great. I was hooked on the service since I bought AC: Brotherhood last summer and I find myself using it even more than Steam. Amazon has been really going at it with their DD service and I can say that I am one extremely satisfied customer.


FOV is all preference and won't have to scale to resolution unless you're bothering with other aspect ratios, it'll look the same regardless of what you're playing in.


That said, 70 is where the fisheye look starts when just running around, so that's why I went with 65.
Ok wow, unless you just can't stand shooters for some reason you HAVE to pick up Red Faction Armageddon for 5 bucks. I forgot how incredibly fun and jaw-dropping this GeoMod 2.0 engine was. I love just walking around with the hammer destroying every structure, hammering their weak points and then watching in awe as it comes tumbling down. Just that aspect is worth the 5 dollars, let alone a whole campaign with much more content + co-op horde mode + a ruin mode (guessing it's like the destruction mode in Guerrilla). This is really a must-buy. Can't recommend it enough. I'll paypal you half the price if you don't like it lol.

What's sad about this is that who knows if Volition/THQ will use this engine to this capability again, certainly not the rest of this gen. Saints Row 3 was said to be running on it but obviously they didn't turn on the destruction in that game.

These physics and destruction are just so ahead of every other game made that it really feels almost next-gen. Frostbite 2.0's canned destruction is a joke compared to this and it boggles my mind how that engine got so much press and media attention for its destructiblity (at least one of the most talked aspects of it) when this Geomod 2.0 bends it over on every front.

Can you imagine how many games this engine could be used with and just be so awesome? Imagine it for next-gen, good lord almighty. Let's pray that Volition & THQ survive.

Oh and remember this engine was made on fkng 2005 console hardware. Imagine what they could do with next-gen tech or high-end PC hardware.


I was about to recommend the same. The game got a bad rap for not being open-world, but it's a better game for it. The magnet gun is much more fun to play around with because it allows the environment to become a weapon, which adds to the gameplay a good bit. For $5 it's a no-brainer. Shame we're not seeing anymore Red Faction, either.
So it seems this Amazon sale was unable to jump start any sort of community for Payday. It hasn't registered on the top 100 played games on Steam yet. I'm not surprised though. The game is not bad but the existing community is pretty miserable. If you try playing pub, you will continuously keep getting kicked from lobbies for not being a high enough level. I mean it's one thing to get removed from a high difficulty game which you can't manage at lower levels, but there are people who will even kick you from easy/normal games that are within your capability, just because you're not leveled enough. You'd think that people would remember that they too were at a low level at one time, or at least be more welcoming to new players considering the existing community is miniscule, but apparently not. The only options are play private or uninstall :\
This sale goes through to the end of the month, right?

Yep, the 29th

So it seems this Amazon sale was unable to jump start any sort of community for Payday. It hasn't registered on the top 100 played games on Steam yet. I'm not surprised though. The game is not bad but the existing community is pretty miserable. If you try playing pub, you will continuously keep getting kicked from lobbies for not being a high enough level. I mean it's one thing to get removed from a high difficulty game which you can't manage at lower levels, but there are people who will even kick you from easy/normal games that are within your capability, just because you're not leveled enough. You'd think that people would remember that they too were at a low level at one time, or at least be more welcoming to new players considering the existing community is miniscule, but apparently not. The only options are play private or uninstall :\

Dude that sucks :(, you should pop over to CAG:


and tell that thread you want to play with them. Those guys are all awesome, and from what it sounds like they're all playing together.



Quick question if you all don't mind :) Is the Deus Ex Missing Link DLC worth downloading? About how long is it?

If you like the game and like sneaking, it's great. Take your time with it - I did it in 6 or 7 hours and did not rush through it. It's to be savored, not blasted through.


It's pretty funny that RF:A has had a huge anti-backlash. Reviews were pretty middling and most people seemed to hate it at the time, but after expectations lowered most people seem to think it's pretty good.


It's pretty funny that RF:A has had a huge anti-backlash. Reviews were pretty middling and most people seemed to hate it at the time, but after expectations lowered most people seem to think it's pretty good.

I don't think I ever hated it, and I am glad it's getting some + feedback, but it's too late for the series now, sadly. And Guerrilla was still better. :)


Can we get a final verdict on whether promo codes work on these sales? They don't seem to work on anything else sold on Amazon lol...
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