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Angry Joe being accused of sexual harassment


Gold Member
I think it's safe to say that the majority of people on this forum who judge people too fast left some while ago.
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Airbus Jr






Well Played
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I just read the corresponding thread on Resetera. They're all immediately assuming guilt. What a fucking joke. Everyone has their ideologies and it's fair to have your differing opinions about this, but surely we should be all bound by the same desire to assume innocence until proven guilty? This should transcend all ideologies regardless of where you fall on the spectrum.

"I just read the corresponding thread on Resetera." <- this is the point where credibility stopped. Not because of you, but because of the other place, where people like to wallow in the mud like pigs in shit. And they're happy about it.


I wonder what it will take for a DA or some authority to do a thorough investigation on these attacks, and also hold twitter responsible for allowing this shit to go on for so long. I mean at least one guy committed suicide and no one reported that?

It's not even about if they are true anymore, since they all now sound like relationship problems maybe enhanced by jealousy or mental issues, while the mob cries rape, sexual assault or coercion, or a predator or shit. Because of course they do, this is what a mob does, this is the goal here.

For the unfortunate percent that actually have some tragic thing happen to them, get your evidence together, go to a lawyer and make a case or the police or someone close that will help you with this process and support you in general.
I don't know if that classifies as sexual harrassment but why can't some guys just read the room? Some of his attempts at getting into her pants made me cringe.

I can tell from a mile away when a tinder date is disappointed and has no interest so my natural reaction is to drop her and try my luck on the next one. Does this chick have a magic snatch or something?


Yeah it seems like people don't even want to bother with court anymore. They can ruin your life much worse by taking to Twitter.
Really, if women are found to have intentionally lied, the guys should take them to court and sue the fuck out of them.
Of course not every accuser is lying and not every guy is an angel, but there's far too little punishment for the few women who choose to lie for the sake of... attention?

I used to be a huge advocate of #metoo. I'm not ashamed to admit it, and I'm not ashamed to admit that my opinion can be swayed over time through rational debate.

I think it was when I came to the realisation that it violated pretty much our core tenant of law in regards to innocence until proven guilty. I think that was my "holy shit what have we done..." moment.


I guarantee you with all these harrassment claims coming forward in the last few days they're gonna need to see a doctor for the non stop boner they've probably had.

Don't be so hard on lobster roll. He has invested 38 years to the path to become a wizard. It is only two more years to go.
@lobster_roll Stay strong buddy. Only two more years and you will be a full wizard.
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My thoughts on this matter are in accordance with the assumption that what this woman has reported is 100% true. I don't mean that I actually believe her (or that I don't believe her) but mean that if she is indeed telling the truth, then the following is my opinion.

I don't think that any of what she purports AngryJoe to have done would be illegal. However, I do think that some of his purported actions would be immoral, namely deceiving her into coming to his hotel room, manipulating her into enabling himself to acquire her phone number, keeping her phone and purse away from her so that she wouldn't call for help or leave a location to which he brought her (since she'd be unlikely to leave without her belongings), and attempting to convince her that she had used and manipulated him to acquire the contacts of his business associates (even though he introduced her to them without her ever asking or knowing that he'd do so).

If this is something that AngryJoe does regularly, he should be punished by YouTube in some sort of way, such as by being suspended from the platform for 6 months to a year.
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I mean, I dont... not believe her?
This is a case of being a
thirsty dingus?

it is what it is. Someone you just met invites you to their hotel? They trying to fuck you. Every girl I taken to a hotel, knew that. Accusation : Sexual Assault. Verdict: Not Smooth.


It's really up to the person making a claim to provide proof of that claim. That is notoriously hard to do in he said/she said cases. It's one of the reasons that sexual assaults are hard to prove and is a big part of the motivation of movements like 'believe women'.

While I think there's a duty to listen to accusations and to seriously investigate them, I also think it's very dangerous to condemn someone when no objective evidence exists.
But what's the accusation? What exactly is Joe being accused of?! What did he do?!


it is what it is. Someone you just met invites you to their hotel? They trying to fuck you. Every girl I taken to a hotel, knew that. Accusation : Sexual Assault. Verdict: Not Smooth.

That's fucking bullshit and you know it. Maybe the guy has just built an awesome pillow fort and wants to show it off? If a stranger invited me to see their pillow fort I'd be there in a heartbeat.
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I'm glad I'm not famous, because otherwise I'd be walking with a pocket camera 24/7 to fight those inevitable sexual assault allegations.
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I used to be a huge advocate of #metoo. I'm not ashamed to admit it, and I'm not ashamed to admit that my opinion can be swayed over time through rational debate.

I think it was when I came to the realisation that it violated pretty much our core tenant of law in regards to innocence until proven guilty. I think that was my "holy shit what have we done..." moment.
Good for you. I've missed most of the early #metoo since I don't live in the US and not use twitter all that much, or at all back then. But I'd probably at the time would have thought there was credibility to most of the claims.

I would still not be the proper medium to go about making such accusations.

Now? Everything on twitter that is not self-evident, I consider by default to be a lie or over-exaggerating the truth and must be treated with skepticism at the very least, or a report to proper authorities and a severe punishment for not going through the proper channels and calling out to the mob.
Wouldn't call this sexual harassment, just sounds like Joe never learned how to not be a douche around woman and can only use his name and brand to get any action.


If it needs to be said, and it really shouldn't be because it's not the important issue here, I dislike most of the youtubers and streamers and I stopped watching Angry Joe's stuff years ago because he was too annoying for my taste.

So, lol, it's not about liking the one who is being accused, it's about the cancel culture losing credibility and it's about time.


So, did she contact the police? Did she hire a lawyer? Or was her first thought "I've been sexually herassed/assaulted/raped. I need to go on the net and collect my pity points this week!"

I get fucking angry at this. This is mocking all the people who really were sexually assaulted and raped. Those people fight tremendously to gather the courage to come forward and talk to other people, to talk to the police and to not shut themselves out of society. Writing a fucking post on Medium is NOT what's on their minds (I have dealt with ACTUAL victims, not those internet attention whores). This makes me so fucking angry. People like this are mocking all the real victims here and are just as bad as the perpetrators, IMHO.

Sorry, but I had to vent.


Yeah this is a plea for attention. While I twitter I see syndicate is being accused too. The woman even admits she has no proof. Could Tom sue her for damaging his image or brand?


Gold Member
I am starting to get the impression they ran out of actual sexual abusers and rapists ... so now they have to crucify the awkward flirters and the cringeworthy dudes who hit on you in embarrasing and uncomfortable ways.

I guess that makes 50%+ men guilty of sexual harassment. I want to think most men had an embarassing cringey flirt encounter at least once in their lives.
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I don't know if that classifies as sexual harrassment but why can't some guys just read the room? Some of his attempts at getting into her pants made me cringe.

I can tell from a mile away when a tinder date is disappointed and has no interest so my natural reaction is to drop her and try my luck on the next one. Does this chick have a magic snatch or something?
I personally wouldn't call this sexual harassment but I think not reading the room and being a bit too aggressive is how it comes off. Becoming famous doesn't turn you into a smooth talker, usually it just makes people think they are smoother than they really are. Why he thinks taking a woman to an "executive meeting" is a good idea for a date lol. Showing off 101. Dude just needs Hitch's help.


He once did that heart icon thing on a YouTube comment I left him.

I was in a relationship at the time and didn't know how to react.

Preparing a career ending twitlonger at the moment but it's difficult reliving that moment I saw that "angryjoe liked your comment" notification


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I do not quite know the importance of her having a boyfriend in this situation other than she should have tried to remove herself for the situation earlier. He did not know she had a boyfriend until the very end and when he suspected, she only corrected him in the most minor way (explaining Allan was not her boyfriend, leaving out that at the same time, she did have a boyfriend), so his behaviour is is not really to be seen in the context of her having a boyfriend.

Lol yeah, you're disabled all right.
I support their cause, and at the same time dont give a fuck.
That's fucking bullshit and you know it. Maybe the guy has just built an awesome pillow fort and wants to show it off? If a stranger invited me to see their pillow fort I'd be there in a heartbeat.
Yeah, but they’ll show their fort.. so you’ll be impressed and you’ll FUCK them. Oldest trick in the book.


I used to be a huge advocate of #metoo. I'm not ashamed to admit it, and I'm not ashamed to admit that my opinion can be swayed over time through rational debate.

I think it was when I came to the realisation that it violated pretty much our core tenant of law in regards to innocence until proven guilty. I think that was my "holy shit what have we done..." moment.

Yeah the idea that we just have to take someone's word for it. That doesn't work in any other situation and yet in sexual assault/rape accusation situations, the concept of innocent until proven guilty automatically goes out the window. There must be thousands of men (if not more) who have had their lives ruined by false accusations. We only hear about the juicy ones in the news. Women who make false accusations generally get to keep their jobs regardless of the outcome, and yet men will probably lose their job regardless of the outcome.

The idea that shaming the liars detracts from the real victims is a load of shit. If the real victims have a problem with anyone, they should have a problem with the liars who fuck it up for them.
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I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or what, but I don't even necessarily not believe her. I'm not believing or disbelieving. What I'm feeling is that what she's describing doesn't sound like a damn crime, and is no one's fucking business.

It's being posted online purely to ruin his career and get attention for themselves, and I'm tired of seeing this shit.
I wasn't being sarcastic.

I agree it was posted to ruin this dude's career, and attention seeking. Yeah, I'm tired of all the she said/he said bullshit. Just more crap to glaze over.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
So, I’m sorry, somebody help me out here...

He asked this girl out, they went out a couple times, he said some daft things because he’s clearly socially awkward, and tried to hook up...

...but didnt?

And no touching, rape or assault was made...?

And you hold onto this shit for two years, which is fine by the way because everybody has a different idea of how long they can hold onto something, but two years...

......and release it NOW?

Am I right in that? He didn’t touch her or anything...?

Fucks sake. I often wonder how ANYBODY survived school with me in the 90’s, we had much thicker skin. Tell me he’s done something or touched her or what and I missed it?
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He once did that heart icon thing on a YouTube comment I left him.

I was in a relationship at the time and didn't know how to react.

Preparing a career ending twitlonger at the moment but it's difficult reliving that moment I saw that "angryjoe liked your comment" notification
You need kotaku to help you writing a piece?


So, I’m sorry, somebody help me out here...

He asked this girl out, they went out a couple times, he said some daft things because he’s clearly socially awkward, and tried to hook up...

...but didnt?

And no touching, rape or assault was made...?

And you hold onto this shit for two years, which is fine by the way because everybody has a different idea of how long they can hold onto something, but two years...

......and release it NOW?

Am I right in that? He didn’t touch her or anything...?

Fucks sake. I often wonder how ANYBODY survived school with me in the 90’s, we had much thicker skin. Tell me he’s done something or touched her or what and I missed it?
If you are referring to, or insinuating it's about tlou2, I don't think it is. This is more like the quinn incident, where she said what she said, and in the next couple of days every twitter gal would recall the moment she saw a pigeon die and tweet about how that traumatized her.

That's what I think.

P.S: Where the fuck have you been, my hombre?
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Jesus Fucking Christ.

Even as a guy, I can tell stories of being hit on that are 100x more intense than that.

Joe called her a cutie and was forward in asking her out for a drink yet she thought it would just be friendly?

What he did sounds inappropriate at best assuming she made it clear from the get go she wasn't interested. No way this is "sexual harrassment".

All that will happen now is he'll lose his RetardEra crowd, all 8 of them who actually watch his content.


So, I’m sorry, somebody help me out here...

He asked this girl out, they went out a couple times, he said some daft things because he’s clearly socially awkward, and tried to hook up...

...but didnt?

And no touching, rape or assault was made...?

And you hold onto this shit for two years, which is fine by the way because everybody has a different idea of how long they can hold onto something, but two years...

......and release it NOW?

Am I right in that? He didn’t touch her or anything...?

Fucks sake. I often wonder how ANYBODY survived school with me in the 90’s, we had much thicker skin. Tell me he’s done something or touched her or what and I missed it?

She wants to grow her twitch channel i assume. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt but right now it seems like a giant pile of BS


Gold Member
Purple-hair avy.

Impeccably convenient timing.

The pattern is as cliché as the accusations by now. Sorry ladies, I’m all for justice, but you’ve played yourselves.


What’s this at the bottom? This seems wildly out of place.

If you’re posting something at a public forum, essentially accusing someone of abusing you, then should you really be using that space to promote yourself?


Queen of the Feeders

T Twitch Partner ° Voice Actor ° @USMC Veteran ° O Overwatch Coach for a @TeamTespa team ° @SWTOR streamer ° business inquiries: ashley@wookiemonster.com


He didnt like tlou 2 so i could see this coming a mile away

Did you watch him playing it? Lol.

The guy was playing on what I assume was an easy mode because he had a ton of ammo and couldn’t hit anything and this season about 12 + hours in to the game. So many deaths and poor gameplay and he was playing from beginning through to Day 3.

So embarrassing for a “pro” gamer - in the sense he wants to be paid to talk about games.

Nevermind his skills with women, he needs to focus on being to able to play the games if he wants to talk about them. I mean just play them at an average standard rofl.

As for the girl thing here - yeah it’s only harassment if you don’t find the guy attractive ...
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Remember what happened with ProJared? Poor guy went through hell from the accusations from the Internet drama he got.


Look at that strong woman. She looks like she's been suffering with this pain for way too long.

Is that her? Why is it always the fuck ugly ones? Who in their right mind would even want to have sex with her.

To be very clear, I'm saying in this jest, in a satirical writing voice, and I absolutely do not condone sexual assault of any kind, but if you were going to do it, would you not hit on someone more attractive?

Either that or Joe is so unattractive that even with shit loads of money and massive following he still has trouble getting laid? Not sure what to think.


Not only streamers, wrestlers too:
Yep this is their attempt at going after anything that’s masculine, mans club, men only types. Shit that Last of Us response must’ve really got them in their feelings.


These snowflakes are crayz. A man is not sexual predator only because he asked You out. You can't treat someone as rapist because he flirted and asked out lol
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