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Anita Sarkeesian: 'What I Couldn't Say'

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u have a link for that?

I found one link but it's half full of GG hot rubbish. Probably google it cause I can't right now but basically, the ex-porn star Cytherea had her home broken into my 3 men while her family slept. She was gang raped in her own bed, beaten up, left terrified to even go outside. A bunch of female porn stars wanted to raise money to donate to her and help her recover(Like Christy Mack when she was beaten up and nearly killed by the MMA fighter). They contacted Anita and a bunch of other internet feminists to help raise awareness for it and all flat out ignored it.

Left a really bitter taste in my mouth about her after hearing that.


No, do not avoid the comments.

Look at them.

Look at them.

This is what the current state of our hobby has bred. This is the new generation that represents our hobby, formed by the media they consumed.

Look at them.

You want to change this, stop supporting what creates them. And actively rebuke it, and them.

Do not cover your eyes and ignore it. Anita sure as hell doesnt have that luxery.
This isn't the current state of our hobby this is the current state of the internet.

I want to edit this to make sure no one misunderstands me. I don't take up for the sexist pieces of shit and i don't deny that there is a problem within our hobby but our hobby also consist of over 700 million people and the majority of those people? They aren't like this. Sexism didn't start and won't end with video games and i agree with Anita in that changes need to be made and it makes me sick she has to go through with what's she going through but it's not just our hobby and not what our hobby has become. The internet has always been a cesspool and now that social media is as big as it is and that anonymity is still allowed on a platform like twitter lets these people be like this.


Every vitriolic and virulent comment that comes her way just reinforces the need for her in the gaming space. I have a lot of respect for her continuing to press her message and stated goal.


I've said this before and I'll say it again here, the strength that Anita and people like her show is astonishing to me. In the face of everything and when compared to the meager responses to my own speaking out against the vileness that seems to permeate gaming culture, I have little doubt I would have caved and given up long ago were I in her position.


I found one link but it's half full of GG hot rubbish. Probably google it cause I can't right now but basically, the ex-porn star Cytherea had her home broken into my 3 men while her family slept. She was gang raped in her own bed, beaten up, left terrified to even go outside. A bunch of female porn stars wanted to raise money to donate to her and help her recover(Like Christy Mack when she was beaten up and nearly killed by the MMA fighter). They contacted Anita and a bunch of other internet feminists to help raise awareness for it and all flat out ignored it.

Left a really bitter taste in my mouth about her after hearing that.

Citation needed? I'm not going to google this at work but that's a really heavy claim to drop without back up. Not saying it's not real.


Left a really bitter taste in my mouth about her after hearing that.

you know though, for her talk of having to carefully frame and comb over every aspect of what she puts out on the internet, can you really blame her?

i'm sure some GG shitheel would have drawn a red-lined image trying to link her to the crime.

KC Denton

I found one link but it's half full of GG hot rubbish. Probably google it cause I can't right now but basically, the ex-porn star Cytherea had her home broken into my 3 men while her family slept. She was gang raped in her own bed, beaten up, left terrified to even go outside. A bunch of female porn stars wanted to raise money to donate to her and help her recover(Like Christy Mack when she was beaten up and nearly killed by the MMA fighter). They contacted Anita and a bunch of other internet feminists to help raise awareness for it and all flat out ignored it.

Left a really bitter taste in my mouth about her after hearing that.

I have a really strong feeling that if the only place you can find information about it is a GG site, either you're not being told the whole truth (considering the amount of shit Anita gets I'm not surprised if she would never even see the email) or the situation was flat out fabricated.


I've said this before and I'll say it again here, the strength that Anita and people like her show is astonishing to me. In the face of everything and when compared to the meager responses to my own speaking out against the vileness that seems to permeate gaming culture, I have little doubt I would have caved and given up long ago were I in her position.

I couldn't do what she's done. Never in a million years.


I found one link but it's half full of GG hot rubbish. Probably google it cause I can't right now but basically, the ex-porn star Cytherea had her home broken into my 3 men while her family slept. She was gang raped in her own bed, beaten up, left terrified to even go outside. A bunch of female porn stars wanted to raise money to donate to her and help her recover(Like Christy Mack when she was beaten up and nearly killed by the MMA fighter). They contacted Anita and a bunch of other internet feminists to help raise awareness for it and all flat out ignored it.

Left a really bitter taste in my mouth about her after hearing that.

What's Anita's opinion on porn and prostitution, is that known? Because some feminists show real strong hate against women in the sex industry, while others are rather supportive of their issues.
I found one link but it's half full of GG hot rubbish. Probably google it cause I can't right now but basically, the ex-porn star Cytherea had her home broken into my 3 men while her family slept. She was gang raped in her own bed, beaten up, left terrified to even go outside. A bunch of female porn stars wanted to raise money to donate to her and help her recover(Like Christy Mack when she was beaten up and nearly killed by the MMA fighter). They contacted Anita and a bunch of other internet feminists to help raise awareness for it and all flat out ignored it.

This argument is both a false cause fallacy and appeal to emotion fallacy. The absence of action by Anita, related only by circumstance and issue association to this person's situation, doesn't make her argument or lack or action any less right or wrong.

It's impossible to help everyone. Period. And bringing this up again and again only shows that evil exists in the world. What should happen - the community around this women and the justice system should help her. If Anita helps her, fantastic.

But the lack of action here means nothing.
There are little things they could do. Filters, repeated strikes, automated transparent blocking, probation from features, things that make outwordly trying to harass people more difficult.

But they don't.

No one does.
The same guys who developed super sophisticated algorithms to autodetect copyright infringements apparently can't be assed to delete a comment with the word "cunt".

I'm guessing it must be calling us "SJWs" or something?
Yeah, but they're just jelly we're eventually getting our own Musou game.


you know though, for her talk of having to carefully frame and comb over every aspect of what she puts out on the internet, can you really blame her?

i'm sure some GG shitheel would have drawn a red-lined image trying to link her to the crime.

Or, lord knows if she did help, some horrible person would probably try and sabotage the thing because Anita's name was on it.

There are two dozen excuses I could come up for this particular problem. None of them are really relevant.


The problem is, no one is interested in doing that for the internet. Have you ever tried curbing online harassment through the internet? It doesn't work, it's meaningless to try because the people you're trying to rebuke are getting off on the fact that you're trying to stop them. They KNOW their behavior is unacceptable. They love it. It gives them moments of glee.

That's false. Your generation was totally like this, you simply didn't have the windows into people's personal lives that social media provides to see it.

Correct. These people are human.

Nothing will change unless the systems that people use change. Social media vendors need to step up when it comes down to protecting people from their users. But that comes off as a violation of privacy, even in the face of horrible acts like doxxing and swatting, so they do nothing.

One day, we're going to get to the point where we don't get to be anonymous on the internet anymore and everything will be tied to our identity, and everyone's going to hate it, but the people for it will point to things like the harassment of Anita Sarkeesian and say, "That's why" and no one will be able to say shit. We are bringing the end of anonymity on ourselves because we don't know how to behave.

No, we werent, and we have that window now, and we STILL dont act like that. Those are excuses to mantain complacancy.

Yes, I HAVE acted to curb online harrassment, and YES, it HAS worked.

They like making people upset. They DONT like losing and looking stupid. Their arguments are incredibly easy to defeat, and when other people see that, and begin commenting on it, they feel stupid, and they leave. They can dish out the most volatile abusive filth imaginable, but they cant handle even the slightest scrutiny themselves.

Like any other similar behavior, they look for, and enjoy, soft targets. They will leave when they think its not worth their trouble and they can go somewhere easier to get their jimmies off.

And no system will change as long as people keep shrugging their shoulders and say 'Nothing I cand about it, so Im not going to do anything at all!'

Someone elsewill do something to solve this problem someday right?


I often have fantasies about teleporting into some of these commenters' basements, slamming their head against a hard surface, and then immediately teleporting out.

Ah, to dream...


It's convenient that if you need any proof that she's not just making up all the shit she gets, all you need to do is scroll down to the comments section.

I am scrolling through the comments on YT and I am not seeing anything that is worth reporting to the FBI. There are mean comments though, but I have seen worse on GAF.

Regarding the speech, I agree with most of her points except her (implicit) complain about being in the spot light. She talked about being under a magnifying glass and being scrutinized all the time. This is what happens when you put your self out in the open and talk about controversial topics: You will be put under a magnifying glass, and your opinions will be heavily discussed and rebuked. Unfortunately, some outlets have banned objective disagreement with her videos/opinions. Such foolish censorship leads to the well known Streisand effect, and make her even more popular and scrutinized, which she seems to dislike.

Regardless of our intellectual differences, the harassment is awful; I hope it stops, but I know it will not.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
What's Anita's opinion on porn and prostitution, is that known? Because some feminists show real strong hate against women in the sex industry, while others are rather supportive of their issues.

Yup thats important to know. She might not be a sex positive feminist. Also looking for that story lead me to some pretty shady new reports. I'm definitely not getting an unbias look at this incident.
when it comes to sarkessian im very divided

on one hand i cant stand his copartner..macintosh...he is behind the videos and the ideals

on the other hand i want a better representation of females on games,the last article of kotaku about her was very good,she made a lot of good points

but is still think she paints the industry in a very exagerated broadstroke

I often have fantasies about teleporting into some of these commenters' basements, slamming their head against a hard surface, and then immediately teleporting out.

Ah, to dream...

if violence is your solution,you arent better than them
Yup thats important to know. She might not be a sex positive feminist. Also looking for that story lead me to some pretty shady new reports. I'm definitely not getting an unbias look at this incident.

It's a messy situation about a horrible thing that happened to someone, but it literally has nothing to do with Anita Sarkeesian. The only reason the two are even mentioned in the same breath is because it was politicized and weaponized to use as criticism.


I am scrolling through the comments on YT and I am not seeing anything that is worth reporting to the FBI. There are mean comments though, but I have seen worse on GAF.

Regarding the speech, I agree with most of her points except her (implicit) complain about being in the spot light. She talked about being under a magnifying glass and being scrutinized all the time. This is what happens when you put your self out in the open and talk about controversial topics: You will be put under a magnifying glass, and your opinions will be heavily discussed and rebuked. Unfortunately, some outlets have banned objective disagreement with her videos/opinions. Such foolish censorship leads to the well known Streisand effect, and make her even more popular and scrutinized, which she seems to dislike.

Regardless of our intellectual differences, the harassment is awful; I hope it stops, but I know it will not.

Objective disagreement.... Censorship... Streisand effect... HMMMM

when it comes to sarkessian im very divided

on one hand i cant stand his copartner..macintosh...he is behind the videos and the ideals

on the other hand i want a better representation of females on games,the last article of kotaku about her was very good,she made a lot of good points

but is still think she paints the industry in a very exagerated broadstroke

i would say that a woman that can't even make declarative statements such as the bolded without being harassed or threatened probably gives her a different view of the industry than yours.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
It's a messy situation about a horrible thing that happened to someone, but it literally has nothing to do with Anita Sarkeesian. The only reason the two are even mentioned in the same breath is because it was politicized and weaponized to use as criticism.

Yup one of the reports even "decries" the accusation that its being weaponized against feminists
What's Anita's opinion on porn and prostitution, is that known? Because some feminists show real strong hate against women in the sex industry, while others are rather supportive of their issues.
I kinda have a feeling Anita would be the former more (which I don't agree with), but that doesn't inherently mean she ignored a rape victim's pleas for help either.


Happy to see that this topic continues to receive the attention it deserves, and be seriously discussed. Also very happy for the moderation on these boards, as I've no doubt we'd see some of the same sort of hateful, misogynistic comments here, were it not for the mods.

The people online who spew this nonsense are fortunately a minority. However, there are far more people who, intentionally or not, take advantage of the (perceived) relative anonymity of online to conduct themselves in a manner that would be considered socially unacceptable, were they face-to-face. Anyone who truly opposes the sort of treatment Anita receives online should strive to ensure that their own behavior online is respectable.
This makes me think of the AI's big monologue at the end of MGS2...how the internet allows these scattered people with backwards, sometimes dangerous, views and opinions to come together and prop each other up, to reaffirm their awful ideals and think that what they're doing is right after all. Friggin gamergaters.

I've taken issue with some of Anita's work in the past from an academic standpoint, but good on her for sticking with it and not rolling over for these cretins.
It's a messy situation about a horrible thing that happened to someone, but it literally has nothing to do with Anita Sarkeesian. The only reason the two are even mentioned in the same breath is because it was politicized and weaponized to use as criticism.

Gonna quote my post - seems to be getting lost.

This argument is both a false cause fallacy and appeal to emotion fallacy. The absence of action by Anita, related only by circumstance and issue association to this person's situation, doesn't make her argument or lack or action any less right or wrong.

It's impossible to help everyone. Period. And bringing this up again and again only shows that evil exists in the world. What should happen - the community around this women and the justice system should help her. If Anita helps her, fantastic.

But the lack of action here means nothing.

Objective disagreement.... Censorship... Streisand effect... HMMMM

Ugh. Seriously. There's a reason people need to hear from voices within and outside the industry; it's the only way a entertainment genre can truly grow.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
This whole situation is just crazy. I still can't understand the point of actively slandering someone with an opinion you don't agree with. I mean, I disagree with at least half of the things she's said, but isn't disagreement the root of many discussions? It should open the door for conversation - not this bullshit.

I've experienced plenty of bullying when I was much younger and it's stuck with me since then - but it's not even a fraction compared to what is possible when angry mobs on the internet attempt to destroy someone. It's really damn depressing.

All of this harassment has basically ruined any meaningful conversation about the topics she has attempted to address. Rather than something worth being discussed it's turned into a war.


"I'm angry that I'm expected to accept online harassment as the price of being a woman with an opinion."

That quote hits kind of hard. People seem to just brush some of this stuff off like "Yeah, what do you expect? It's the internet."


Yup thats important to know. She might not be a sex positive feminist. Also looking for that story lead me to some pretty shady new reports. I'm definitely not getting an unbias look at this incident.

I've seen more than a few posts from women talking about Anita and how she's "anti-sex." I'm not educated in feminist theory and I certainly don't participate in the debate because of it, but I'm at least aware of the divide.

That said, of course she doesn't deserve any of this harassment and it's ridiculous that this has gotten so out of hand.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
This whole situation is just crazy. I still can't understand the point of actively slandering someone with an opinion you don't agree with. I mean, I disagree with at least half of the things she's said, but isn't disagreement the root of many discussions? It should open the door for conversation - not this bullshit.

I've experienced plenty of bullying when I was much younger and it's stuck with me since then - but it's not even a fraction compared to what is possible when angry mobs on the internet attempt to destroy someone. It's really damn depressing.

All of this harassment has basically ruined any meaningful conversation about the topics she has attempted to address. Rather than something worth being discussed it's turned into a war.

Clearly the war was inevitable with this much ugliness pent up over the years.


This is what the current state of our hobby has bred. This is the new generation that represents our hobby, formed by the media they consumed.

More like this is the state of the world in general.

The difference between the way I act and how I've taught my daughter (compared to others) is astounding. I walk into a classroom of her peers and their parents and it's no wonder people act like this.

I've not cursed anyone or anything verbally in my 32 years of life. My daughter doesn't even know what foul language is, in her personal life, and doesn't understand the cruelty of her peers. She would never insult anyone...even if their breath stunk she wouldn't mention it.

A LOT....and I mean A LOT of people are self centered trash now days. I don't get, I wasn't raised that way...it's way worse than when I was in school in the same area 14 years ago.


I have to admit I don't really follow this gamergate thing (I'm just in it for the games man) and I've only seen a few epsisodes of her kickstarter thing and to be honest I don't even agree with her that much on multiple stances. That said, I have a ton of respect for this woman; how she keeps doing this amidst all this constant harrassment is beyond me. I hope she can make a difference, I really do.


but is still think she paints the industry in a very exagerated broadstroke

This is where I get really confused.

What exactly is she exaggerating? What has she said that paints anything in such terms?

I cant seem to find it, I've seen her videos and her statements and have yet to find a point where she makes any such hyperbolic statements about much of anything.
I've taken issue with some of Anita's work in the past from an academic standpoint, but good on her for sticking with it and not rolling over for these cretins.
I think this holds true. I don't fully agree with the videos, but she has every right to make them and no one should slander her for it.
As an example replace her with Michael Bay. I cannot stand his work, but if he was getting treated the same I would call BS.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I am scrolling through the comments on YT and I am not seeing anything that is worth reporting to the FBI. There are mean comments though, but I have seen worse on GAF.

Yup. There's even some decently-written rebuttals there. I was expecting to see nothing but "FUCK YOU _________" comments and that's not quite the case.


I shouldn't have read the comments. It's mostly disgusting vitriol and people hating on the "SJWs of Neogaf" >.>
At this point "SJW" is on the same level as "Faggot", an insult that has lost it's original meaning and is pretty much worthless as a catch all insult. In Gamergate's eyes, anyone who disagrees with them is a "SJW", a term formally used for overbearing feminists which is now used for anyone who thinks sending death threats, doxxing and trying to force people out of their career is a bad thing.
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