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Another dumbass cop: Pepper Sprays and Tasers a man having a stroke

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[QUOTE="God's Beard!";165037389]I'm not apologizing for anyone. I said they're both separate but equally unfortunate events. Just because the officer was a dick, that doesn't mean we can't also learn something from the driver's poor choices.

We can all just yell about officers being mean to black people if that's what we want off topic to be, or we can have a productive thread that talks about a bigger-picture issue that needs more exposure. People in general aren't always able to recognize the symptoms of a medical emergency versus drug abuse. This isn't something that only happens to police officers, and it's certainly not something that only happens because someone wants an excuse to beat up black people.

People in the position to be first responders need to be more educated on how to identify a seizure, or anticipate the possibility of low blood sugar in a diabetic patient, or someone that just had a stroke. To someone like a police officer or ambulance driver that deals with people under the influence on a daily basis, the symptoms of these conditions can often be misleading, and sometimes lead to otherwise preventable death.

None of those symptoms involve the darkness of a person's skin. We don't need to immediately jump to racism in these situations, there are other factors worth considering.

And just because this unfortunate situation happens with a police officer, that doesn't mean it's not worth also looking at the driver's behavior. Knowing that he's not been healthy for several days, knowing that he's not legally allowed to drive, he still made that choice to put the lives of others at risk. The events following the outcome of his choice being unrelated, we should all be aware of the dangers of what he did.

That's all I'm looking for. It seems to me that there are two unrelated stories in this case.[/QUOTE]

"knowingly sick man with revoked license and alcohol in the car crashes outside an elementary school"? That an aggressive enough title?

That sounds like nothing short of victim blaming.

Having a thread about being able to properly assess medical emergencies is absolutely something worth talking about. The way you prefaced your post didn't indicate wanting to speak about these things but something totally irrelevant to the situation.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";165037389]That's all I'm looking for. It seems to me that there are two unrelated stories in this case.[/QUOTE]

All right, did anything suggest to you in this thread to think otherwise? I mean before you made your initial post.

That aside, many people can and will react reflexively upon seeing scrutiny shown towards the victims behaviour as opposed to a public servant in the position of authority abusing their power. This is due to the fact that in numerous occasions prior their is always an argument highlighting things that a victim had done that caused them to be a victim in the first place. Its almost always used as a justification for the action taken from the aggresive party.

If you can accept that, you can understand why people may react negatively here when bringing up the victims licences status and medical history, rather than being surprised or perplexed by peoples obvious reactions.
"knowingly sick man with revoked license and alcohol in the car crashes outside an elementary school"? That an aggressive enough title?
I was making fun of the title to this thread being hate baiting. That if you flipped it around, his comment might have been the same but towards the other side of the story.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";165038886]I was making fun of the title to this thread being hate baiting.[/QUOTE]

The cop is obviously a fucking idiot.

Can you prove otherwise?


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";165039042]I don't think I was clear enough before. This is disconcerting. I'm not trying to save the officer's reputation here. Hmm.[/QUOTE]

Then what was so "hate baiting" about the title?


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";165035082]Why couldn't the situation be "knowingly sick man with revoked license and alcohol in the car crashes outside an elementary school"? That an aggressive enough title?

Why are we only allowed to talk about the officer? Can't they both be equally unfortunate situations without implying that one lead to the other?

It'd be perfectly fine to discuss the problems people have recognizing medical emergencies while also saying don't fucking drive if you feel like you're prone to medical emergencies and don't even have a license.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't jump to conclusions, by "sick" he could have meant a bit of nausea or something and this was the first time he became paralysed/blacked out. But yes, it's a bit ridiculous that you can't even mention that the person may have been putting other people's lives at risk without being jumped on. The cop was clearly being a dumbass, and honestly by this point I wouldn't be surprised if race played a part. On the other hand, the driver may have been reckless if he knew about his symptoms and could have easily killed someone, it's why in the UK at least you need to inform the driving authority if you have something like epilepsy. Two separate issues both relating to the article, not much point to a discussion if you're going to cover your ears for one of them.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";165038886]I was making fun of the title to this thread being hate baiting. That if you flipped it around, his comment might have been the same but towards the other side of the story.[/QUOTE]
I can appreciate the desire to troll stupid/incindiary thread titles, but doing so in the way you did would make you seem like an apologist looking to undermine the actual issues here. If you had said something to indicate the authority figures being ignorant about medical emergencies that would be one thing. The thread title pretty much already does that though, just in a more disparaging way.


The most fascinating part of this is that once they get him out and see/hear how pained and fucked up he is they say "We'll help you out buddy." You could have, you know...asked him what was going on before you tased and sprayed him. Hahaha. Our police force is unbelievable.


The most fascinating part of this is that once they get him out and see/hear how pained and fucked up he is they say "We'll help you out buddy." You could have, you know...asked him what was going on before you tased and sprayed him. Hahaha. Our police force is unbelievable.
Yeah, their demeanor changed real quick.


I guess at this point we should just be thankful he wasn't shot.

You know shit is fucked up when people are saying that. Seems even with bodycams cops will do stupid shit so for some it may be less about exerting power and more about lack of experience/stupidity, I'd really be interested to know what their training is like because this is getting ridiculous.
Why on Earth would you think it wouldn't happen this time when it happens every other time? lol
Too much Saturday drinking, and faith in idiots. I also expect a thread where Homer, Dwight and Patrol will just sit back and not try to excuse shit all the time..it's fun to dream.



And the victim is black so he will bend over backwards to excuse the actions of this cop.
He does it in every thread about police brutality involving black people.
The funniest shit was that thread about the black dude defending himself with a gun in that waffle house or whatever.

That was maybe the most overt example of a double standard I have ever seen on the Internet.


The funniest shit was that thread about the black dude defending himself with a gun in that waffle house or whatever.

That was maybe the most overt example of a double standard I have ever seen on the Internet.

Did the black guy try deescalating the situation by taking the beatdown this group of drunk, coked out violent skinheads would have given him??? No? Well there's your answer!

Serioisly tho, what a mess that was. Even if we follow the letter of the law to the T, we're still in the wrong. :(


Homeland Security Fail
The funniest shit was that thread about the black dude defending himself with a gun in that waffle house or whatever.

That was maybe the most overt example of a double standard I have ever seen on the Internet.

I stopped following that thread after page two, so I missed his comments.

I laughed out loud. What a fucking joke.


The funniest shit was that thread about the black dude defending himself with a gun in that waffle house or whatever.

That was maybe the most overt example of a double standard I have ever seen on the Internet.

That thread made it glaringly obvious how patrol sees black people.

The Llama

As I've said before, this is the same stuff that's been happening for years and years but we finally have the technology to help find and stop it.


As I've said before, this is the same stuff that's been happening for years and years but we finally have the technology to help find and stop it.
Doesn't seem to matter. Always a defense force. Fucking always.
Gotta take their word over your lying eyes, ya know?


Going by a few posts in here, it worked.

Yeah, it's SOP for police to reach as much as possible in coloring the victim as deserving of death and brutality as possible. Case in point: every case ever. But for recent events that were then disproved mostly with video: Tamir Rice, John Crawford (Walmart shooting), Walter Scott, etc.

It's always in the cop's best interest to put as many bullshit details in there (either stretching the truth or outright lie) to gather as much empathy for him. And people eat that up hook line and sinker.


So the police ran over a man's foot with the man's own car while handcuffed after being pepper sprayed, tasered, and threatened to be "smoked", all while experiencing a stroke.
The combination of events to unfold with police interactions are becoming endless and almost unimaginable. It's not even as simple as having a stroke while black anymore.


What are the issues with officers' safety here? To what are you referring?
Gun control, line of fire, officer placement. One of the officers considers the driver a threat (hence why his gun was drawn) yet he's standing in front of the A pillar with no cover; at least the female officer realized her surroundings and backed up behind cover. I'm still trying to wrap my head around why the guns were drawn to begin with. Lastly, the lack of communication between the officers and failure of effective command presence also led to multiple officers giving commands and a failure to deescalate the situation. Just bad all around. I've seen people go into diabetic shock before but never a stroke while driving. Is possible the text of the call from dispatch could have highlighted hit and run with possible injuries, wreckless driver, hence felony stop with guns drawn. Maybe that's why they were so amped, but that's just speculating.
Patrol, what do you actually think about this story?
Bad all around.


Junior Member
That cop is obviously overreacting, but that guy shouldn't be on the road at all, since his drivers license was revoked. The OP doesn't tell the whole story:

What part of the story will we find out that the cop didn't know this when he interacted with the stroke patient?


Junior Member
The most fascinating part of this is that once they get him out and see/hear how pained and fucked up he is they say "We'll help you out buddy." You could have, you know...asked him what was going on before you tased and sprayed him. Hahaha. Our police force is unbelievable.
Yeah, their first response is to assume he was a threat. If you ask 100 reasonable people what to assume about a person after a car crash, it's 'is he okay?'

If you have ever been on a car crash, it's disorienting. I would assume most people are not able to clearly respond immediately after a crash. It's some weird fog. Seriously, go get into a crash, fully belted and tell me how you feel in the aftermath. Last crash I was in, I couldn't think straight for a few hours.

This isn't even police training. Just life experience.
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