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Any Wii U owners pissed off the console is getting replaced soon?


I bought the Wii u in release day. I was ready for a new console. With NX I'll wait a few years until it is realy cheap or enough good games get released.

I think the way nintendo do business is going to create a downward cycle with console sales.
I bought a Wii U a few months after it launched, honestly expecting a new Zelda title....It feels like a very small library of games to be honest....but they are the most memorable gaming experiences I've had in years. Theres a great, albeit small, library of games, but I would go as far to say it was worth it just for mario kart and 3D world.... I became so , much closer to friends over these games...so much fun times to be had. I now am in the belief that Zelda Wii U should really only come out for the NX, so they can put as much energy into a superior machine as possible....But I know it will release for both.
Nah, the market has spoken and Nintendo has to move on to a new product if they want to stay in the console business. The best you can ask for in this case is 2-3 years of solid support and we've gotten that. Now if they didn't localize the best games and ditched the system super early like Sega did with Sega CD and Saturn, then I'd be upset.


Even if Wii U is such a nice little console I freaking hope it doesn't last till 2017 with NX launching until then. For some reason I had enough of the Wii U concept and I simply cannot wait to move on to new Nintendo hardware. The games are nice but certainly the console itself is starting to show it's age. Starting by the fact that the gamepad screen is not even in HD...

I am working on the assumption that it is RARE to oficialy announce a system at e3 and release it in the same year

But then again, Saturn =P


Will QA for food.
I am working on the assumption that it is RARE to oficialy announce a system at e3 and release it in the same year

But then again, Saturn =P

That's why they'll unveil it in March, alongside their new loyalty / digital programs, but have the full blow out at E3. :p


It gave me games I enjoy and there are still games I will probably enjoy, so no I'm content with the 4 year life cycle of the console


People really think the nx will be some massive hit and that the wii u was only a one time problem? With the exception of the wii, Nintendo home consoles have gone down in sales since the nes. The wii was the outlier not the wii u. The wii hit causal markets hard and sold well with demographics that don't traditionally buy consoles, but trying to do that twice is not a viable strategy as it's unpredictable. That same casual market isn't there anymore.

i'd say the short of it is that the market that nintendo tapped into isn't unpredictable. they are. it's just that nintendo didn't predict that something even more valuable to a 'non-gamer' would roll around with a library of even cheaper games with an even more accessible control method.

last gen was the peak for dedicated hardware for everyone, and this gen is going to be a hard decline for every hardware manufacturer in terms of reach (sony will get off the lightest). calling this or that an anomaly or an outlier doesn't actually account for any sort of context of the times.


Nah I've had my fun with the Wii U even though this went by much quicker then the Wii. I'm ready to jump ship over to the NX.


You know, I bought the system when it came out in 2012. I own around two dozen games on it (which is close to my console average, given that I buy most of my multiplats on PC), and I've sunk thousands of hours into the games I own. It doesn't matter how long the system has been out, I feel like the purchase was well worth it, at least for me. In that sense, I don't mind it being replaced sooner. It does bother me that the NX launch more or less seems to coincide with the time around which I was planning to finally get a PS4, because it's hard for me to justify buying two consoles within a few months of each other, but that aside, I'm fine with it.

More importantly, I do agree that it is the right move to put the Wii U to rest earlier, and I'd rather have a healthier console business for Nintendo (because I like their games and want them to do well enough to keep making them). Also, I'm always up for some new system excitement, but I'm also the kind of person who'd prefer to have shorter console generations, in general (I'd like 5-6 years to be the upper limit even for a system that performs well).
Interesting to see all the responses of people saying they feel fulfilled at this point.

On the flip side, as a non-owner, I would just hope Nintendo knocks it out of the park as I'd be worried about this occurring again next time if things start shakey.


Somewhat yes.

I'm hoping Nintendo supports the Wii U for a bit into the NX's lifespan, since it would certainly instil more confidence going forwards.
Depends for me. If it releases before Sept of next year I might feel a bit ripped off, but after that I think I'll be okay with it, though I don't think I'll be able to afford upgrading quite yet.
As someone who's been wanting a Wii U it does bum me out cause they basically killed the Wii U the moment they mentioned the NX. They should at least drop the price of the Wii U

I'm actually pretty psyched because it means I can pick one up for dirt cheap, along with all the Nintendo exclusives.

"Dirt cheap"? Price hasn't changed


Neo Member
Nope. It's not like I'm getting rid of it. I have plenty of games on it that I still love to play and can go play again numerous times. However, it needs to be replaced. The console is not selling. I'm excited for the NX and will totally be buying it.


Wii U had a lot of really great games so I'm not disappointed at all. A 4-5 year cycle is fine.

I'm actually pretty psyched because it means I can pick one up for dirt cheap, along with all the Nintendo exclusives.

You might get the console for "dirt cheap" but those exclusives will stay full price for a long time.


I am...N64 was my previous Nintendo console. And I finally decided I didn't wanna miss out on anymore Mario/Zelda so I decided to get a WiiU....I enjoyed 3D World, and Zelda will still come to the WiiU. But I really expected to get more than that....I still plan on getting Windwaker/TP HD.

edit: I also really enjoyed Smash and Mario Kart, but I got it for the full on Mario/Zelda experience.
I'm kind of pissed, but mostly because I actually love the Wii U, especially Smash 4. But mostly I'm skeptical that this will improve Nintendo's situation at all. To be blunt, I fear the NX might not outsell even the Wii U, let alone touch the likes of XBone and PS4.


Nintendo home console ownership is such a tough pill to swallow. Huge droughts with the awesome oasis in between. The Wii U has a handful of fantastic games, but not enough to justify my launch investment of $350. I just don't do anything with the console on a regular basis.

I own over 34 VC (mostly upgrades from Wii) and 28 WiiU games. Plus I will buy StarFox and ZeldaU in 2016.

I've played the hell out of the machine for gaming and non-Gaming activities for the last three years and will continue to do so on a smaller scale in 2016 when it is replaced by NX.

I also now currently own a Xbox1 with a few games and will continue to use this as a second to my Nintendo consoles.

I don't think anyone stating that they were able to purchase and enjoy 50+ games on any console can possibly say they are butt-hurt that a new model is coming out. I mean how many of you spend $500+ on a new mobile phone that literally does 99% of the exact same functionality as your current 2-year old phone?

I'm excited for the NX!


Nope. Had it since day one and it has gone through a normal console cycle. If they cut it loose Sega style than I would of been upset.


Nah. I got it on release day, I've been very happy with it. When NX arrives next year the Wii U will have been out for four years. The typical Nintendo home console lifetime is five years. You've got to give it to Nintendo for sticking it out so long, but the NX needs to arrive next year and with the disaster the Wii U has been, I have no problem with them retiring it a year early.

I understand why others might be angry, but I've had nothing but good experiences with the machine.
No. I've gotten more than enough enjoyment from the console to justify the cost. And that doesn't include the games that remain before I disconnect the console for good.


I've gotten a few years out of the thing, and it's had some of my favorite games ever. Plus since I have a PC, it's still more worth it to me than a PS4 or XBO. The only game I've bought on my PS4 is Bloodborne, which is fantastic, but I'm satisfied with my Wii U. Is it a good console? No, but at least for the foreseeable future I'll have more games for it than the other two. I'm ready for Nintendo to actually try to enter the modern console market


Super Mario 3D World
Mario Kart 8
Super Smash Bros 4
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Yoshi's Woolly World
New Super Mario Bros / New Super Luigi
Super Mario Maker
Hyrule Warriors
Wind Waker HD
Lego City
Wii Sports Club
Captain Todd
Kirby Rainbows
Need For Speed
Darksiders II

I've gotten way more out of the Wii U than I ever did out of the Gamecube or N64, and I had those fuckers plugged in for 10+ years.
I've had the console since launch. I've been fairly content with it. Theres still some games I want to get for it to satisfy owning this console.
The WiiU was shit and deserved it's truncated life span. I'd rather Nintendo put effort into a system they'll hopefully not fuck up.


Not at all. I loved it. Very solid console, Very solid lineup. The lack of 3rd party shouldnt even be an issue for most gamers. I assume everyone has a PC, 360, or PS3 also.
Smash Bros
Donkey Kong Country
2D Marios
Mario Kart
4 years for a console seems fine to me. I mean, the original Xbox lasted 4 years, too. The Game Boy Advance lasted only 3!

I got enough satisfaction out of the console with all the retail and E-shop games, and Nintendo seems like it will end the console with a bang with the release of Zelda Wii U as well. I'd be perfectly fine if the NX gets released next year.
The Wii U has some of the best games I've ever played, but as far as hardware specifications and support it has always been disappointing. I'd happily buy an NX tomorrow.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I am happy, got the console at launch, and its been a great plattform since. Its not about how long its supported, but how many worthwhile games it has, and in that regard, it beats out most of its competitors imo. So no, looking forward to the reboot with the NX!


i'd say the short of it is that the market that nintendo tapped into isn't unpredictable. they are. it's just that nintendo didn't predict that something even more valuable to a 'non-gamer' would roll around with a library of even cheaper games with an even more accessible control method.

last gen was the peak for dedicated hardware for everyone, and this gen is going to be a hard decline for every hardware manufacturer in terms of reach (sony will get off the lightest). calling this or that an anomaly or an outlier doesn't actually account for any sort of context of the times.

Did you forget the ps2? Last gen Sony sold some 80 mil ps3's. The ps4 is on track to beat that. It probably won't keep the pace up to reach the ps2 but will definitely beat the ps3.


No, I have enjoyed a lot of games in the system and I wouldn't mind if a new system came out today.

I also fail to see the problem here, we aren't getting aa new console for at least a year, so won't the system last for at least 4 years? I'd be perfectly fine if generations lasted that long.

We got the best Smash, best Mario Kart, an amazing Donkey Kong game, the best game of 2015(Splatoon), the best game of 2014 too(Bayonetta 2), Wonderful 101, Mario Maker, Pikmin 3 and many more amazing titles, how could I be disappointed with the Wii U?

And we haven't even gotten Xenoblade, FExSMT, and Star Fox. I fucking love my Wii U and I'm ready for a new generation of amazing Nintendo games.
This is how I'm feeling. Plus, there's still some games I've yet to play that are probably great like Wooly World.

I played NSMBU for the first time a few months ago and was pleasantly surprised to discover another legitimate masterpiece in the Wii U's library. It's a good system and it's been worth the price.
I barely used the fucker but it doesnt elicit a strong emotional response from me in general. Which is probably even worse than strong feelings of resentment.


I was disappointed but then I grew to accept it and then I realised I will be getting Xenoblade, Zelda and Tropcial Freeze at some point. Now I'm cool with it.
I've been playing mine since it launched, and have a backlog to catch up on. Systems are only ever dead to me when they no longer have any games to play on them. I have a SNES, N64, GC, and PS2 hooked up to an old TV and a library of stuff I still enjoy on them so no, Wii U won't be dead to me. The only way I'd sell it at all is if the new Nintendo system also plays Wii and Wii U games natively.
Is OP a time traveler who came back and forgot the NX release date hasn't been announced yet, not to mention we don't even know anything about it?
I just hope they replace it with something better. Wii U was a disappointment to me and felt like a big step down from the Wii, and the 360 and PS3 they thought they could replace.


The WiiU was shit and deserved it's truncated life span. I'd rather Nintendo put effort into a system they'll hopefully not fuck up.


System is fine, software is wonderful, naming was suspect and the industries treatment of the console was downright laughable...thankfully indies and some good partnerships still make it fun system to have in the house.
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