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Apple CEO Tim Cook spotted at video game designer Valve's headquarters

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Did you know that Gabe loves Nintendo games? Nintendo needs an online services solution. OMG!!!!! NINTENDO BUYING VALVE!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing. Nintendo needs an online service solution and Valve's CEO and principle loves Nintendo games. NINTENDO BUYING VALVE!!! OMG!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't you get it? Valve likes Nintendo. Nintendo needs an online service provier. Imagine a Nintendo Valve Steambox? It would be AMAZING. OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!


It's really hard to keep up with this thread lol


But that's not that their big chunk of money comes from, or? Is the masses which buy ipods and ipads, everything else is still, more or less, a niche. Also they could probably be easyily replaced with regular PCs running Windows or specialized software/linux whatever...just guesswork though. Still, they may be rich, though I don't think they are very important. Even stuff they more or less invented like the ipad...it's not more than a "nice to have" product. Up to this day I still don't know why I'd need something like that besides that it's a nice gadget. Google is very different from that, I think.

Also there are other companies (which I don't know) which are part of food or delivery or energy (oil etc.) chains which are probably way way more important than apple could ever be. They are still rich, obviously.

What about all the iOS app developers? Instagram was bought by Facebook for a billion dollars. A app that was iOS exclusive nearly it's entire life.

The iOS dev community is an entire industry almost on its own employing thousands.

If Apple closed shop tomorrow there would be mass chaos. And it would cause a massive negative impact on the economy.


Man, I haven't seen this side of Ulairi since webOS was making one of its final swirls down the toilet.


They could if Valve were public, however they're not so it becomes a whole lot harder. I'm pretty sure Gabe is not interested in losing their independence no matter how much money Apple throws at them. A collaboration on something would be the biggest thing to happen from this meeting.

And it isn't like Valve needs the money.

Yo Gotti

I doubt gaming is that much of a priority for Apple to even consider buying Valve.

Now maybe getting a high quality Steam App, and talking about the best ways to interface an iPad with a TV/PC monitor and controller or something along those lines, most likely.

Those are the things that are really holding the iPad back from competing in the games industry.


What about all the iOS app developers? Instagram was bought by Facebook for a billion dollars. A app that was iOS exclusive nearly it's entire life.

The iOS dev community is an entire industry almost on its own employing thousands.

If Apple closed shop tomorrow there would be mass chaos. And it would cause a massive negative impact on the economy.

I don't know man I don't know. Could be Yeah but I alos do think that they could easily be replaced. TheirUSP still imo is a certain sense of image, catering to a certain lifestyle. Its less about the quailty of their products or more important, what their products do. Though they had a certain Sense for Innovation some years ago. I still don't think they are imprtant for anything right now. Doesnt mean they are useless though. But to each his own.
Wow I had no idea Apple it the $600 Billion Market Cap mark and with so much liquid capital, it definitely is the most valuable company in the world today. My guess is this has to do with them revisiting the apple TV. I wouldn't mind them creating a console with steam, the more people that get to enjoy PC gaming the better


I don't know man I don't know. Could be Yeah but I alos do think that they could easily be replaced. TheirUSP still imo is a certain sense of image, catering to a certain lifestyle. Its less about the quailty of their products or more important, what their products do. Though they had a certain Sense for Innovation some years ago. I still don't think they are imprtant for anything right now. Doesnt mean they are useless though. But to each his own.

replaced by who?

it's not each it's own, it's about you ignoring facts.

You think the biggest company in the world is replaceable ?


replaced by who?

it's not each it's own, it's about you ignoring facts.

You think the biggest company in the world is replaceable ?

Yes I Do. Because their products Palette is not important. OSx may be in certain aspects or areas but iPod ipad and iphone imo is just image and luxury. It does nothing for society and could easily be dropped or exchanged. Just my opinion we will See Where they are in 10 or 20 years.


Yes I Do. Because their products Palette is not important. OSx may be in certain aspects or areas but iPod ipad and iphone imo is just image and luxury. It does nothing for society and could easily be dropped or exchanged. Just my opinion we will See Where they are in 10 or 20 years.

The iPad kick started the tablet market which is on track to become the best selling pc form factor (already is outselling the desktop market). How is that not hugely important?
Yes I Do. Because their products Palette is not important. OSx may be in certain aspects or areas but iPod ipad and iphone imo is just image and luxury. It does nothing for society and could easily be dropped or exchanged. Just my opinion we will See Where they are in 10 or 20 years.
this is crazy talk. srs.
probably beaten but...nothing to see here. big wigs chill together all the time just for the fuck of it

at the same time...wow...imagine what valve and apple what do together...

the things they'd do...
Yes I Do. Because their products Palette is not important. OSx may be in certain aspects or areas but iPod ipad and iphone imo is just image and luxury. It does nothing for society and could easily be dropped or exchanged. Just my opinion we will See Where they are in 10 or 20 years.

Apple's iPhone also kickstarted the smartphone market in the US as well. Prior to that you had choice of Blackberrys or importing smartphones from Europe (at least for ATT and Tmobile). It wasn't until the iPhone launched that other manufacturers entered the US market in force. Whether you like/dislike Apple as an organization, it has made a significant impact in the mobile/tech industry. I'm an android user myself and I highly doubt Android would have come into existance without the iphone, Symbian would probably still be around :p


Yes I Do. Because their products Palette is not important. OSx may be in certain aspects or areas but iPod ipad and iphone imo is just image and luxury. It does nothing for society and could easily be dropped or exchanged. Just my opinion we will See Where they are in 10 or 20 years.

Those three products shaped/are shaping the way people all over the world consume music, video, news, books, etc. In 10-20 years from now physical media will be laughed at as an ancient thing of the past. Apple and those three products will be the catalysts for that change of paradigm.


extra source of jiggaflops
Wow I had no idea Apple it the $600 Billion Market Cap mark and with so much liquid capital, it definitely is the most valuable company in the world today. My guess is this has to do with them revisiting the apple TV. I wouldn't mind them creating a console with steam, the more people that get to enjoy PC gaming the better
Most valued publicly traded company at this very moment. Not overall.

How fast you can fall from a top spot has been shown by Cisco.
Not that this is going to happen to Apple. Impressive nonetheless.
Most valued publicly traded company at this very moment. Not overall.

How fast you can fall from a top spot has been shown by Cisco.
Not that this is going to happen to Apple. Impressive nonetheless.

That is true, it still boggles the mind that they went from nearly bankrupt to having so much capital. I'm really curious what business textbooks will say about our current leaders in the tech industry. You wouldn't happen to have any links describing what happened to Cisco would you?


extra source of jiggaflops
That is true, it still boggles the mind that they went from nearly bankrupt to having so much capital. I'm really curious what business textbooks will say about our current leaders in the tech industry. You wouldn't happen to have any links describing what happened to Cisco would you?
I think Cisco is just the most extreme example of what happened in the dot-com bubble.
Personally, I don't see touch to be the future. It's not sci-fi enough. For the dot-com stuff, see here.


consolewar never changes...

The console war has changed. It's no longer about large hardware companies making consoles. It's an endless series of proxy companies making content fought with indie developers and corporate studios. The console war, and it's consumption of good developers, has become a well oiled machine. The console war has changed.


Most valued publicly traded company at this very moment. Not overall.

How fast you can fall from a top spot has been shown by Cisco.
Not that this is going to happen to Apple. Impressive nonetheless.

Apple fundament are much stronger than Cisco ever was. apple last Q1 was the 4th biggest ever in the history of any company. Apple is actually under valued, unlike Cisco.


But, you are correct. A company that relies on retail products, it has to keep innovating and maintain , which is extremely hard to do


This whole situation boils down to:

Gabe: Come on, man! Just let the damn steam app update through already!

Cook: HL3? lol


That is true, it still boggles the mind that they went from nearly bankrupt to having so much capital. I'm really curious what business textbooks will say about our current leaders in the tech industry. You wouldn't happen to have any links describing what happened to Cisco would you?

People forget that before Apple's rough times prior to Apple getting rid of Steve Apple was on top and starting trends and making moves. They act as if success is new to apple.

Ladies and Gentlemen, and the rest of you... The Macintosh Dating Game....


:( I miss Bill Gates...


I'll welcome for that.

So tried with other 3 companies.

I tried but am not willing to drop sony for microsoft or nintendo.. But I'd definitively could be persuaded for a valve or apple system. Put them together and its a wrap.


Online Ho Champ
...long as apple doesnt fuck with steam for the PC im cool and dont care. Steam has proven to be the best app of them all at what it does. I remember when it was shit too but man has it become ...indispensible.


i am trying really hard to understand whats the value of steam to apple... apple wants to make pc console with steam on it? kind of doubt that.
Maybe Cook just wants to know more about PC/Mac gaming so he visited Valve and asked questions about things they can do to make gaming on Mac bigger and better.

Gaming is probably the biggest revenue earner on iOS for Apple but they have always failed to get Mac gaming off the ground.

The last Mac gaming thing at a Apple presser was iD tech 5 demo back in 07. With the new mac line coming it seems like as good of a time as any for Apple to give the ol' Mac Gaming horse another kick.


i am trying really hard to understand whats the value of steam to apple... apple wants to make pc console with steam on it? kind of doubt that.

Yeah. Me too. The Apple store with the 30% cut is a giant cash cow, and so getting involved with Valve doesn't make much sense to me, especially given Apples transition from a computer company to a device company. So I don't really see what kind of deal would be getting made.

Having some Apple tech guys discuss with Valve as a developer what some future AppleTV could have to encourage it as a platform for games would make more sense.

So maybe it was purely just a personal visit.

Mr. B

So much hyperbole. Tim Cook gets around, so did Jobs. They're always going to developers, political leaders, manufacturers, competitors to get input (or to give input).

The last thing Apple is going to do is buy Valve or partner with them for hardware. Apple doesn't need Valve because Valve has nothing to offer them (unless Valve secretly has facilities that mass produce displays or ram better then Apple's current partners).

App Store already mirrors what Steam does but only on a much broader scale. They don't need or want Steam.

Vast majority of Steam's userbase is Windows users. They probably want to work with Valve to better suit their OS and hardware for developers to gain marketshare.


So you'll never buy a console, period.

I've purchased them in the past, when they were still relevant. The console model doesn't fit the tech/economic landscape anymore, though. I'm seeing it at the end of this generation, I expect next generation will make it obvious to everybody. It is already obvious to Apple, indeed they've been investing in the demise of the dedicated gaming console for almost a decade at this point. Whatever they're doing with Valve---if anything---it isn't a home gaming console.

Every game is available on PC now? I wonder why people argue about exclusives on this board. They must not know this.

Yes, every game currently available for the mythical Apple-designed, Steam-supported console is also currently available for PC. Should that state of affairs change, perhaps my opinion will too. Sane people argue about exclusives they can play today, insane people argue about exclusives they can't play today, may never actually be exclusive, may end up as timed exclusives, or may never get released at all. Red Dead Redemption is the only console exclusive that exists today that has me considering re-buying a current gen console. Every other game I really want to play that is out is covered by PC or Handheld.
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