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Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag |OT| Not Based on a DisneyLand Ride

It was the PS4. It was a good chance to try the DS4, which felt a bit odd but overall seems like a solid controller. It certainly looked like it was running at 1080p resolutions, or at least very close to it. I am not a pixel counter by any means.

so against the shooters, do you still hold human shields like in 3?

Are there still annoying 'commander type' units which plagued the series? The ones that you can't counter and you have to clumsily button mash a combo before taking them down.
so against the shooters, do you still hold human shields like in 3?

Are there still annoying 'commander type' units which plagued the series? The ones that you can't counter and you have to clumsily button mash a combo before taking them down.

Everything is still there but minor changes have been made. On the island map there weren't enemy enemies that formed firing lines but the guys up on the roof tops and watch towers were a lot more aggressive about shooting you. Instead of the camera pan you get an on screen icon with a meter being filled up pointing to the guy about to shoot you and nearby enemies get a button prompt with "human shield" floating over their heads.

The different enemy types are still there. The commander/light/grenadier types were still there. You could still counter/disarm/guard break the commanders but none of the attacks from the grenadiers could be countered. You only get to roll out of the way of their axe swing now it seems. The island map I was on did not seem to have any Jaeger type enemies that could counter attacks and guard breaks so don't know if they are still in the game or not.
Everything is still there but minor changes have been made. On the island map there weren't enemy enemies that formed firing lines but the guys up on the roof tops and watch towers were a lot more aggressive about shooting you. Instead of the camera pan you get an on screen icon with a meter being filled up pointing to the guy about to shoot you and nearby enemies get a button prompt with "human shield" floating over their heads.

The different enemy types are still there. The commander/light/grenadier types were still there. You could still counter/disarm/guard break the commanders but none of the attacks from the grenadiers could be countered. You only get to roll out of the way of their axe swing now it seems. The island map I was on did not seem to have any Jaeger type enemies that could counter attacks and guard breaks so don't know if they are still in the game or not.

so dual swords doesn't really offer anything new gameplay wise besides allowing dual assasinate and spiffy new animations then.

Are multi counters still around? Are they more often? I think i had them happen a total of 3-4 times in my playthrough of ac3, which is a bit disappointing.

Does it seem like you still needa do stuff to decrease your heat meter (tear down wanted posters, bribe the dudes etc)?


Everything is still there but minor changes have been made. On the island map there weren't enemy enemies that formed firing lines but the guys up on the roof tops and watch towers were a lot more aggressive about shooting you. Instead of the camera pan you get an on screen icon with a meter being filled up pointing to the guy about to shoot you and nearby enemies get a button prompt with "human shield" floating over their heads.

The different enemy types are still there. The commander/light/grenadier types were still there. You could still counter/disarm/guard break the commanders but none of the attacks from the grenadiers could be countered. You only get to roll out of the way of their axe swing now it seems. The island map I was on did not seem to have any Jaeger type enemies that could counter attacks and guard breaks so don't know if they are still in the game or not.

Thanks for your impressions. Looking forward to this game.


I really can't decide if I want to switch my BF4 preorder to this. I skipped 3 but I kind of feel like getting a meaty single player game for the PS4 launch. Probably just wait for some reviews I guess.
so dual swords doesn't really offer anything new gameplay wise besides allowing dual assasinate and spiffy new animations then.

Are multi counters still around? Are they more often? I think i had them happen a total of 3-4 times in my playthrough of ac3, which is a bit disappointing.

Does it seem like you still needa do stuff to decrease your heat meter (tear down wanted posters, bribe the dudes etc)?

Not sure about a lot of this since I played only a small portion of the game. Notoriety on foot might be gone entirely. The island didn't have too many enemies on it and they were only in restricted zones which means instant notoriety but only as long as you were in that zone.

I think they might have primarily shifted the notoriety system to the sailing where you earn it for destroying/attacking ships for their supplies/crew/whatevs and then bounty hunters come after you and you could lower notoriety by taking a ship via boarding.

I only had at most one or two multi assassinations happen, honestly I not a big fan of those. They only seem to happen when there are a ton of enemies on screen at once which didn't happen too often in 3 unless you were running around at level three notoriety a lot.

Yeah I don't know about dual swords too much, didn't spend too much time messing around with them and they just seem to work like any other weapon. Dual Pistols seem cooler as I think they have better animations for them now and I imagine you start with two right away.

I really can't decide if I want to switch my BF4 preorder to this. I skipped 3 but I kind of feel like getting a meaty single player game for the PS4 launch. Probably just wait for some reviews I guess.

I think this is a solid choice for a console launch title. It should be a somewhat meaty single player where you can just run around and do stuff. It's not really a difficult game like all the other assassin's creed games so you aren't very likely to get too stressed out and burn out like with an online competitive shooter.


Not sure about a lot of this since I played only a small portion of the game. Notoriety on foot might be gone entirely. The island didn't have too many enemies on it and they were only in restricted zones which means instant notoriety but only as long as you were in that zone.

I think they might have primarily shifted the notoriety system to the sailing where you earn it for destroying/attacking ships for their supplies/crew/whatevs and then bounty hunters come after you and you could lower notoriety by taking a ship via boarding.

I only had at most one or two multi assassinations happen, honestly I not a big fan of those. They only seem to happen when there are a ton of enemies on screen at once which didn't happen too often in 3 unless you were running around at level three notoriety a lot.

Yeah I don't know about dual swords too much, didn't spend too much time messing around with them and they just seem to work like any other weapon. Dual Pistols seem cooler as I think they have better animations for them now and I imagine you start with two right away.

Is the graphical style still there where sometimes characters and objects like digitize and stuff? Know what I mean?
Is the graphical style still there where sometimes characters and objects like digitize and stuff? Know what I mean?

Yeah the animus effects are still rather present through out the game. Honestly I got so used to them that I just kind of tune them out now and can't be sure if there are more or less of them this time around compared to 3. But now you have "animus fragments" or some such as one of the collectibles in the word so it might be a bit more in your face.

I think the more noticeable thing is that there are a lot more icons and button prompts on screen. Wonder if those can be turned off.


Yeah the animus effects are still rather present through out the game. Honestly I got so used to them that I just kind of tune them out now and can't be sure if there are more or less of them this time around compared to 3. But now you have "animus fragments" or some such as one of the collectibles in the word so it might be a bit more in your face.

I was just wondering, thanks. It's kind of a staple of the AC series, so I guess I wouldn't have expected otherwise. Doesn't bother me too much.


It was the PS4. It was a good chance to try the DS4, which felt a bit odd but overall seems like a solid controller. It certainly looked like it was running at 1080p resolutions, or at least very close to it. I am not a pixel counter by any means.

The PS4 can't even hit 60fps? Oh boy...


Has there been any word about the length of the intro section? I really enjoy the series, but I feel like AC3 had it drag on waaaaaay too long. Apologies if this has been addressed already in the thread.
Has there been any word about the length of the intro section? I really enjoy the series, but I feel like AC3 had it drag on waaaaaay too long. Apologies if this has been addressed already in the thread.

One video I watched said the game opens up completely within an hour.


If you have a 680 then I don't see why you would even consider getting it on consoles.

I am being somewhat unfair. I honestly have no idea how 3 looked on the 360 and PS3 so I am comparing directly to my experience with the PC version.

I got used to the game looking kind of like this. Oh but I do have to say that I like the brighter colour pallet of the Caribbean. This screenshot looks really drab and dull in comparison.

I don't know- I think it's mostly to spend time with the new console, get a feel for the controller, break it in, feel like you're experiencing something new... even if it isn't truly cutting edge?

The performance will almost certainly be lower, but I'd like to see what they've done with this generation of consoles.
I don't know- I think it's mostly to spend time with the new console, get a feel for the controller, break it in, feel like you're experiencing something new... even if it isn't truly cutting edge?

The performance will almost certainly be lower, but I'd like to see what they've done with this generation of consoles.

Well then you should most certainly not play Black Flag because you are not going to get any of that from this game.


Anyone know if super-secret Subject-16-style puzzles, which were a major appeal of AC2 and ACB, will be back? I loved those and was very disappointed that they were gone in ACR and 3.

Going online to talk with people about stuff they'd found was a "multiplayer mode" that I quite enjoyed.

I wish "Access the Animus" would've made more appearances. I very much consider it the series theme.

QFT, my man. Love that piece, particularly when set against AC1's moody, less bombastic ambient music.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I'm a little curious how they'll handle characters like Adéwalé in terms of accents and linguistics. I usually like Ubi's spin on this stuff, so if I actually get the game, I'd be mostly interested in that.

EDIT: I miss Kyd too, what's he doing now anyway?
I miss Kyd, too. I haven't listened to the AC4 soundtrack yet, but the plethora of genres of music that were in the last four games were certainly missed in AC3. I liked AC3's main theme, and the motifs of that main theme throughout the game, but there was certainly a lack of music in many areas and that didn't make town traversal necessarily enticing for me. Part of what made AC for me before was the music.

Kyd in 2013 did/is doing the music for Borderlands 2 (the Tiny Tina/Dragon's Keep DLC), Heroes and Generals, Métal Hurlant Chronicles Season 2, and State of Decay. Last year, he worked on Borderlands 2, Métal Hurlant Chronicles Season 1, and Darksiders II. So... non-AC stuff, and some TV stuff.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
The hand to hand combat remains largely the same but there have been a ton of tweaks made to it. All the face buttons function exactly as they used to, hit range buttons to throw/fire the weapon auto aimed at the highlighted target or trigger the takedown cutscene/animation.

Fuck yeah, that was one of the things that were changed for the worse in AC3. Thanks for the impressions, Lost!

I shamelessly love the hell out of this trailer. Way better than the launch trailer.
I think it played during the Walking Dead


That music is totally out of place. Worse of all is that I'm not surprised.
Does anyone remember those "truth" puzzles in AC2 or the other puzzles in Brotherhood? Is something like that in this game too? I miss those, they were incredibly fun to figure out after beating the main storyline.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I actually really liked the music choice. I'm a big Drake fan though, I could definitely see how it could seem out of place for some.

I totally get why you'd like it. Just seems a bit strange that the game is not even set in the present (in the context of marketing) and it has this song. Plus the OST is just another story compared to the song hehe.


I hope this is good. :( I liked 3 but will admit I didn't care for much of the other activites like I did in 2 and Brotherhood so the game felt shorter. Hopefully there is reason to actually do the extra stuff in this.

I got it pre-ordered for the PS4 and so I hope for the best.


The trailers for this game hasn't really done anything for my excitement this go around. I'm just happy to have another AC game.

Gotta say, though, with the focus on "The Kenway Family" I wonder if we'll have one more sequel with Connor Brotherhood/Revelations style.

Please Ubi, I'm begging you.


Apparently the PS 3 version is leaked online. Soon we'll be able to see some current gen footage.

Cousin already has his copy......will hopefully be able to get to his house this weekend and drag my elgato with me!!!

Man I miss working at Target :(.......hate having to go through people to get my games early.


Is there any PS3 footage? I know AC3 ran like shit, this will probably as well but still ... I somehow want to play it!
nice op. not really excited for this though, or anything else for that matter. feels weird man

never disappoints
unlike the games :D :(

Come on man, don't let the hope die.
I feel the same way. :(

It at least got rid of the annoying weapon select menu's that plagued AC3, that alone was reason enough for me to get it.

The amount of hype in this thread shows that Ubi really should just let go for a few years.

I remember the Revelations and III OT's, those moved fast.
Killzone looks sweet, but with WatchunderscoreDogs and hashtagDriveclub gone, reviews of Ass Flag may well determine whether or not I go through with my PS4 preorder. Hopefully it lives up to its piratey potential.
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