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Assassin's Creed: Unity microtransaction shop wasn't fully live in retail copies


Alright, I'll bite.

You're completely missing the point. Ubisoft intentionally decided to remove the micro-transactions from review copies because they knew it would negatively affect the perception of their game, and rightfully so. This thread proves why. They knew it was a bad/shady move and yet they did it anyway. In this case, "going crazy over nothing" is completely justified. I have a spine and don't like to be insulted, Thank you Very Much, Ubisoft.
They didn't. Untill each store was updated, you couldn't see any price. Is why on the PS4 version, you couldn't because of Grace Chen Time.

But seeing how the "climbing video", which is not a represaentation of what many of us played, but (guess) a combination of the gane streaming, loading and installing at the sane time.

I guess it's "one of those threads", were people will just come by, post "lol" and a gif or clip and leave...yeah,I'm out. Back to the game, since I have to justify my purchase somehow!!! :p


I'm not saying there's a lot of bad stuff with that game. I never denied that.

All I'm saying is that the original OP/Title was misleading and making it sound like there was some kind of conspiracy when it was clearly not the case. But, since it's an Ubisoft game, people in here jumped on the occasion to shit even more on the game and Ubisoft without informing themselves first.

So it's ok that they didn't feel the need to talk about this stuff Prior to launch?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

The servers were not up until very recently which means that when reviewers were playing the game over the week-end they couldn't access the store. This, btw, is a normal thing that happens with the vast majority of games coming out nowadays.

Ubi didn't hide anything, Ubi didn't participate in some kind of conspiracy to embelish the game.

Your profile says you're in Montreal. Is there something else you want to tell us?


Can someone explain the big fuss about this? I am asking this legitimately. I've been reading this thread and I still don't get why everyone is so angry. This is not the first game that has feautured micro transactions.
Forgive my ignorance. I just want to understand.
Doesn't sound hidden but the pricing (either via the game or from Ubisoft) should have been noted and clearly presented in a review copy because it is relevant to reviewers.

If armour is going to cost $5 a pop, then this is something relevant to game design (leveling, in-game non-RMT progression, etc) and consumers (for both fans and non-fans of RMT).


Can someone explain the big fuss about this? I am asking this legitimately. I've been reading this thread and I still don't get why everyone is so angry. This is not the first game that has feautured micro transactions.
Forgive my ignorance. I just want to understand.

The fact you can buy currency at a cost that's more than the fucking game itself is why people are livid.

It was bad enough with little nickel and diming. Now we're entering a point where games are wanting the price of the game and a season pass for the same stuff.


Your profile says you're in Montreal. Is there something else you want to tell us?

2-We're 1.6million people in Montreal and there's something like 2600 employees at Ubisoft Montreal. Not everybody from Montreal on Gaf is working for Ubisoft.
3-I actually work for one of Ubisoft's competitor in Montreal so I have nothing to gain from defending them except a bit a sanity.


Can someone explain the big fuss about this? I am asking this legitimately. I've been reading this thread and I still don't get why everyone is so angry. This is not the first game that has feautured micro transactions.
Forgive my ignorance. I just want to understand.

Well if they were disabled in a review copy as suggested, then a reviewer couldn't slate them.


I'd be in the dick
Can someone explain the big fuss about this? I am asking this legitimately. I've been reading this thread and I still don't get why everyone is so angry. This is not the first game that has feautured micro transactions.
Forgive my ignorance. I just want to understand.
It's a $60 game with $100 "micro" transactions that seemingly weren't known about until launch today.


Can someone explain the big fuss about this? I am asking this legitimately. I've been reading this thread and I still don't get why everyone is so angry. This is not the first game that has feautured micro transactions.
Forgive my ignorance. I just want to understand.

We first thought in-game micro transactions were hidden and/or fully unlocked in copies sent to reviewers. It now seems that it was a server issue. Convenient for Ubi anyway.
So it's ok that they didn't feel the need to talk about this stuff Prior to launch?

Yeah, they weren't really hiding it. That's from early October.

Finally there are Hack Points, a shortcut currency set to be purchasable via micro-transactions. The mechanics for buying these weren't live in the build we played (and there were no example prices listed), but after looking through the game's menus we found a screen with five different Hack Point pack types seemingly ready to go on sale. The currency will allow quicker access to certain weapons and gear items, and while micro-transactions aren't entirely new to the series (Black Flag included time-saver packs to unlock map icons and ship upgrades) the progression to a full, alternate in-game currency is a step further than what has gone before.

Essentially the same stuff as Black Flag.


Unconfirmed Member
Its a massive assumption to make, that the store was offline pre-launch because ubisoft didnt want revíewers to know/notice the microtransactions and how they were priced. Its certainly possible that it was done to keep that from showing up in reviews, but we simply dont know if that was the intention since it was before launch after all, and they might have been workning on that part right up until release.


And in the mean time AC Unity will absolutely destroy games like Evil Within and Alien Isolation at the retail charts. Such bullshit.

As long as EW/AI crew still gets to make games.. thats fine by me.

Its like being pissed off that Transformers made more money than the movie Moon with Sam Rockwell.


I don't understand what the controversy here is.
Ubisoft didn't have the server for micro transactions ready until launch day, therefore reviewers couldn't comment on the prices.

I don't see it as Ubisoft hiding stuff from reviewers.


But the stuff that they offer? Can you unlock it normally in-game? If so, I still dont get why everyone is so angry. The game doesn't have competitive multiplayer, so people that DO buy the things via microtransactions won't really affect anyone's gaming experience. I'm not defending Ubisoft, microtransactions are a shitty practice. But people need to calm down.
I don't understand what the controversy here is.
Ubisoft didn't have the server for micro transactions ready until launch day, therefore reviewers couldn't comment on the prices.

I don't see it as Ubisoft hiding stuff from reviewers.
Everyone is just having fun with their pitchforks today. The original thread title made it sound like the copies they received had no trace of the hack money.



The servers were not up until very recently which means that when reviewers were playing the game over the week-end they couldn't access the store. This, btw, is a normal thing that happens with the vast majority of games coming out nowadays.

Ubi didn't hide anything, Ubi didn't participate in some kind of conspiracy to embelish the game.

Then it is the fault of reviewers who didn't talked about that obvious option. Only Kotaku did.
Or you read properly the tweet and see that strangely co-op servers were up but not that Eshop option during embargo.
You choose which one you prefer.


Then it is the fault of reviewers who didn't talked about that obvious option. Only Kotaku did.

Yeah not denying that.

There's a ton of shitty things about that game for sure... What pisses me off is people who automatically assume that there was some kind of conspiracy theory behind it.
Then it is the fault of reviewers who didn't talked about that obvious option. Only Kotaku did.
Still Ubi's responsibility to provide clarity on pricing if the game itself cannot yet. RMT pricing is relevant to a review copy. It would be like sending out a review copy with any other form of progression, achievement, leveling disabled.
Almost a year in and I already have some reservations about this gen. Whether this was intentional or not there's tons of shady stuff going on in this industry now a days. From stuff like this, to review embargos, shitty unfinished games, and day one dlc.

Some of this isn't new, but it doesn't mean I needs to continue. I certainly hope this gen also becomes the one where consumers really show their opinions with their wallets, and some good comes from it.


Almost a year in and I already have some reservations about this gen. Whether this was intentional or not there's tons of shady stuff going on in this industry now a days. From stuff like this, to review embargos, shitty unfinished games, and day one dlc.

Some of this isn't new, but it doesn't mean I needs to continue. I certainly hope this gen also becomes the one where consumers really show their opinions with their wallets, and some good comes from it.

It's a bubble. And it'll pop soon.


So we're all going to cancel our Far Cry 4 pre-orders in protest, right?
What's that?
We're going to make excuses for Ubisoft instead because that game will be good?

You guys do understand that publishers will continue to perpetuate these practices to see what they can get away with and they won't learn that lesson unless we blacklist ALL of their games... EVEN the good ones that aren't affected by them.

Cherry-picking with selective boycotts won't work. Publishers will continue to abuse us with these kinds of deceptive micro-transaction/hinky review practices with their high-profile AAA titles and throw marketing dollars at the ones they choose to test out their strategies so it won't matter in the long run.

So it doesn't matter that Far Cry 4 will be good. Because the copies you buy will be an endorsement of more games like Assassin's Creed: Unity in the future.

i dunno about this. if a publisher releases two games and sales soar in one while dragging in the other, it would be a sign that they're doing something wrong in one game or something right in the other.
Not that I had any interest in yet another dumb ass game in a dumb ass franchise like Ass Creed but I already swore off Ubisoft after they ripped the Trials series to shreds. This just further solidifies the decision.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
This is fucking horrible. I totally forgot about this game today. Just saw the reviews as well. Hollyshit.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I guess Ubisoft wants to take EA's title of "Worst Company."

Well if that is their goal then they sure are doing a FANTASTIC job of it. Seriously, EA will have to work extra hard at screwing their customers to get the crown back at this point. Fortunately, I have faith in EA's ability to ruin franchises and disrespect their customers, so I can't wait to see how they retaliate. There is still time left in this year, but they need to hurry!
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