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Atlus' dungeon crawler "Baroque": what's the word?


straydog1980 said:
dude thanks for this site. I downloaded the Baroque soundtrack from there and I have to say.....it's pretty good? Why are people bitching about the music?

Supposedly it isn't as good as the soundtrack from the original 32 bit versions.


Monroeski said:
I was interested in the game until I watched some gameplay videos the other day.

My GOD does the combat look terrible. The main character looked like he was sliding around whenever he targeted a new enemy, and it was all just the same old 3 hit combo over and over and over with maybe a few spells mixed in.

I would think the combat system would not look so clunky in a roguelike. Haven't played it yet, of course, but those vids were just a huge downer for me.

I think you are getting lost on the "Action RPG" aspect that the marketers tagged it with. Roguelikes have NEVER been known for cool combat animations and believable dungeons. The graphics are just a cute bonus and much better than ASCII, but it IS NOT a wannabe Devil May Cry action fighter with clever juggling combos. While everything is moving in real-time I'll bet it's a lot closer to Diablo/Hellgate as far as determining if you hit and the damage you do is based more on the relative statistics than the player's manual dexterity.

I'm willing to bet THIS is also why folk like Nintendo Power ripped it a new one. If you didn't KNOW this is supposed to be a Roguelike it could appear to just be a very unresponsive attempt at a Devil May Cry Action RPG.


i am a butthurt babby that can only drool in wonder at shiney objects
straydog1980 said:
dude thanks for this site. I downloaded the Baroque soundtrack from there and I have to say.....it's pretty good? Why are people bitching about the music?

The music provided there is from the 32-bit version which is AWESOME.

I didn't put up the PS2 version tracks because I didn't have them at the time. They're pretty dull. :( I'll probably go back and add them though.


discoalucard said:
The music provided there is from the 32-bit version which is AWESOME.

I didn't put up the PS2 version tracks because I didn't have them at the time. They're pretty dull. :( I'll probably go back and add them though.

One of those tracks is in the trailer, though. Are some songs the same?


discoalucard said:
The music provided there is from the 32-bit version which is AWESOME.

I didn't put up the PS2 version tracks because I didn't have them at the time. They're pretty dull. :( I'll probably go back and add them though.

The original music is spectacular. Easily one of Masaharu Iwata's finest works.


Why can't they have both versions of the soundtrack in the game? I just don't understand.

I'm sure it's all about CASH! The guy was commissioned for that one game, if you want to use his stuff again you have to pay him AGAIN and probably at the current rates. On the other hand, if you just use your in-house music guy you can do it on the cheap. I also am willing to bet the original was, even if obscure, a big deal release whereas this re-make is just a little low budget endeavor (but who knows, it may still cost more 10 years later even if a supposed low budget deal).


Picked it up today (for the Wii). Played for about an hour (and died almost a dozen times).

It's pretty tough. Maybe this gen of gaming with lots of saves has made me weak, but the fact that you are always losing VT (which replenishes your HP) at first is stressful. Eventually you realize that if you are careful in combat you'll be okay.

The combat is fun. The character designs are pretty cool, and the setting is deranged (makes me think of Silent Hill and Diablo 1 having an insane unstable child).

Story-wise I have no clue what's going on yet, but you get little tidbits everytime you die and go back to the outside place.

It's not gorgeous, but it's not ugly either. The visual style of it makes up for subpar graphics.

Overall, I think it's fun, but very tough. I'm glad I have the classic controller though, I think using the Wii-Mote and nunchuk would really suck for this game.


frogg609 said:
Picked it up today (for the Wii). Played for about an hour (and died almost a dozen times).

It's pretty tough. Maybe this gen of gaming with lots of saves has made me weak, but the fact that you are always losing VT (which replenishes your HP) at first is stressful. Eventually you realize that if you are careful in combat you'll be okay.

The combat is fun. The character designs are pretty cool, and the setting is deranged (makes me think of Silent Hill and Diablo 1 having an insane unstable child).

Story-wise I have no clue what's going on yet, but you get little tidbits everytime you die and go back to the outside place.

It's not gorgeous, but it's not ugly either. The visual style of it makes up for subpar graphics.

Overall, I think it's fun, but very tough. I'm glad I have the classic controller though, I think using the Wii-Mote and nunchuk would really suck for this game.

Ditto that!

I tried to go all hardcore and START on Hard difficulty as I'm an experienced Roguelike Veteran, GOD DAMMIT! (after playing in the training dungeons of this game you too will try to figure out ways to work in GOD DAMMIT into everything you say...) but I had to face facts that even if I'm an experienced Roguer, I'm one major suckwad with action games. I'm still having troubles getting my bearings with the controls in the heat of battle. Like there was a point I wanted to run out of a room and once I got a little distance between myself and the crowd of baddies, whip around and toss an explosive into the crowd. Well running out was easy enough, turning to face them wasn't too bad, but then trying to quickly chuck something I choked under pressure. I've since slipped down to Normal but am still having a tough time of it.

I now just realize I think I wandered past many of those Sensory Orbs, I mean they wouldn't have you go 12 levels without any, I wouldn't think? I have yet to test my theory but those rooms where you see the "Wandering Maidens" I think are Sensory Orb rooms (so I will tentatively toss something at the glowy things next time there).

While I have only seen a handful of different baddies, they are pretty varied and often have a couple of sneaky tricks up their sleeves. Like my current primary arch nemesises are these turkeys!


They love to roll around like a wheel only to occasionally stick their head out to spit some poison at you (ow). But, no, there's more. Sometimes they'll spit out little beetles, spin in their wheel form at high speed and knock you across the room, or flop onto their side to turn into turtley dudes to bite the crap out of you! I'm still not sure on this but it APPEARS while in wheel form they are NIGH INVULNERABLE unless you smack their weak spots or hit them as their head pops out to spit you (although once I was more powerful I think I could take them out easily enough rolled up or not...so I'm not sure about this).

So while I doubt there is any advanced AI going on, these guys are chock full of personality and often have multiple tricks up their sleeves!
LordGek said:
Ditto that!

I tried to go all hardcore and START on Hard difficulty as I'm an experienced Roguelike Veteran, GOD DAMMIT! (after playing in the training dungeons of this game you too will try to figure out ways to work in GOD DAMMIT into everything you say...) but I had to face facts that even if I'm an experienced Roguer, I'm one major suckwad with action games. I'm still having troubles getting my bearings with the controls in the heat of battle. Like there was a point I wanted to run out of a room and once I got a little distance between myself and the crowd of baddies, whip around and toss an explosive into the crowd. Well running out was easy enough, turning to face them wasn't too bad, but then trying to quickly chuck something I choked under pressure. I've since slipped down to Normal but am still having a tough time of it.

I now just realize I think I wandered past many of those Sensory Orbs, I mean they wouldn't have you go 12 levels without any, I wouldn't think? I have yet to test my theory but those rooms where you see the "Wandering Maidens" I think are Sensory Orb rooms (so I will tentatively toss something at the glowy things next time there).

While I have only seen a handful of different baddies, they are pretty varied and often have a couple of sneaky tricks up their sleeves. Like my current primary arch nemesises are these turkeys!


They love to roll around like a wheel only to occasionally stick their head out to spit some poison at you (ow). But, no, there's more. Sometimes they'll spit out little beetles, spin in their wheel form at high speed and knock you across the room, or flop onto their side to turn into turtley dudes to bite the crap out of you! I'm still not sure on this but it APPEARS while in wheel form they are NIGH INVULNERABLE unless you smack their weak spots or hit them as their head pops out to spit you (although once I was more powerful I think I could take them out easily enough rolled up or not...so I'm not sure about this).

So while I doubt there is any advanced AI going on, these guys are chock full of personality and often have multiple tricks up their sleeves!

dude, I've noticed that if you hit the 'sides' of them and not the 'wheel' part when they are ready to roll, they die a lot faster.

I took some pics last night but they all turned out blurry, because the game is so dark :(

Screw the haters, the game is fun! Yes the physical combat is simple, but that's because it's more akin to say Diablo than Devil May Cry. Plus, the LOADS of different items are a blast to try and figure out! I've killed myself more than once by using the wrong item in the wrong situation. I remember the first time I tried to use my "holy gun" I threw it at the target instead of shooting it :lol :lol :lol

I'm having a lot of fun with it. Yes it's odd, yes it's not for everyone, but I would argue it IS for Atlus fans.

I love how you are forced to constantly manage your inventory on the run, it doesn't let you keep TOO many items...just enough.

I love all the different types of creatures and their different "personalities"

I love the art direction

I love the music (yeah i said it)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE how changes to weapons, armor and accessories alter the appearance of your character.

I love all the fucked up little nonsensical things the residents of this world say to you.

I love all the different items! Most of them don't even have a description, but some do so that you can know what they are for. Many items have to be identified by using OTHER items you find in the tower. You eat hearts, bones, inject yourself with antidotes and other status changing potions. You equip swords, armor, wings. You find boxes, some of which you can open only upon reaching a certain strength, some of which will occasionally explode and damage you, etc...

Oh, one more thing. In the training dungeon I found this "trap" and I am excited to see how this gameplay mechanic is fleshed out as the game progresses. I know it's blurry, but....here it is.


there is a set of stairs in this room, and if you walk up them you come upon a glowing panel on the floor. Step on it.... and BOOM that thing in the picture above explodes below you. I see wonderful possibilities for this.... seeing as how there is an item that calls EVERY enemy and item on the current floor to the room you are currently in.... I can just imagine filling that room with 20 baddies, then stepping on that switch. good times! :D


Unconfirmed Member
LordGek said:
I think you are getting lost on the "Action RPG" aspect that the marketers tagged it with. Roguelikes have NEVER been known for cool combat animations and believable dungeons. The graphics are just a cute bonus and much better than ASCII, but it IS NOT a wannabe Devil May Cry action fighter with clever juggling combos. While everything is moving in real-time I'll bet it's a lot closer to Diablo/Hellgate as far as determining if you hit and the damage you do is based more on the relative statistics than the player's manual dexterity.

I'm willing to bet THIS is also why folk like Nintendo Power ripped it a new one. If you didn't KNOW this is supposed to be a Roguelike it could appear to just be a very unresponsive attempt at a Devil May Cry Action RPG.
Well, I DID know it is a roguelike, and the combat still just looks bad. In Diablo, the combat is very simple, but there are hordes of monsters and your character is at least facing the enemy that they are hitting instead of slowly sliding clockwise while swinging at the air and somehow still hitting the enemy. Plus, there is a wide range of weaponry in Diablo, and a nice array of spells. If you get into Diablo 2, there is even more variety in characters and in combat.

I played the bejeezus out of Phantasy Star Online, and just reinstalled it yesterday in fact, and that game just has you doing the same 3 hit combo over and over, but there are also different weapons you can use and different tactics to go along with them.

My problem with the Baroque videos wasn't just necessarily the same combo over and over, which I guess is the impression my first post may have given off, but it's the overall picture. I know it's a port of an older game, but everything about it just looks low budget, clunky, and very slow paced. When I said "clunky," I didn't mean it looked too basic and I want DMC style combos; it just doesn't look smooth at all to me.

Maybe the videos I saw were just a bad representation of the game overall, but I looked them up to see if it was a game I thought I should pick up and they didn't convince me at all. I haven't played it, but I didn't get these same impressions from videos of Shiren the Wanderer, and you don't get much more roguelike than that game.
Volcynika said:
So, anyone know how hard this game is to find currently? I want to know my chances if I go out looking for it.

my eb games got 2 copies. My reserve copy, and 1 for the wall.

I'm guessing ala most Atlus games this is going to get increasingly difficult to find.


there's a first-person control option available from the start, right? is it easier to control that way?

is there any reason to go for a ps2-version if you've got a classic controller? (rumble?)
birdchili said:
there's a first-person control option available from the start, right? is it easier to control that way?

is there any reason to go for a ps2-version if you've got a classic controller? (rumble?)

uhhhh maybe there is a first person control option, but I haven't found it in my limited time with the title. I haven't played with the classic controller option yet either though. As far as the version goes, I can't imagine that the graphics are very noticeably worse on the ps2, as the real charm of this game is not it's graphical prowess.


Impressions have come through. My fears have been rested.

Now to find a way to purchase this in Argentina.... =(


cpro said:
Now the question is--- PS2 or Wii? Does the Wii version shove shitty motion controls down your throat?
Someone mentioned using CC, so no worries.

Wii wins on 16:9 and 480p alone, though.
cpro said:
Now the question is--- PS2 or Wii? Does the Wii version shove shitty motion controls down your throat?

no sir. The only motion control is to waggle the wiimote for a "special" attack. You can also use the classic controller which apparently is the way to go. I have had NO problems using the wiimote and nunchuk, but I'll probably give the CC a go tonight and see what the differences are.

I would say Wii over PS2, honestly just because the Wii is newer. I don't know if there are any other benefits to the Wii version...


My current meta being that is a pain in my side is http://www.atlus.com/baroque/ps2/ikei/ikei2/ikei09.htm.

That confusion spell is terrible, and they seem to take a lot of damage.

Stupid question, but LordGek, what are you talking about in regards to Sensory Orbs? I'm not sure what you are talking about.

I think this game is going to be an amazing learning experience to challenging gameplay the more I go through it.


Is this game pretty scary/freaky?

I'm a total wuss when it comes to that stuff...I like to game to relax and hate getting all on edge and tense. :)


I'm hopefully getting my copy through Gamefly this weekend (I've been using Gamefly to make sure I don't buy too many games...)

It saddens me that this is the first new release that I've wanted that didn't go immediately under "Available Now" status, but at least I get to play this weekend.
sk3tch said:
Is this game pretty scary/freaky?

I'm a total wuss when it comes to that stuff...I like to game to relax and hate getting all on edge and tense. :)

scary? no....

it is pretty odd though, and as far as being tense I have to admit that you have be pretty diligent in managing your health, remaining vitality, inventory as well as destroying all the enemies around you. It can get a little hectic, but I wouldn't say it's "tense" per se.


straydog1980 said:
scary? no....

it is pretty odd though, and as far as being tense I have to admit that you have be pretty diligent in managing your health, remaining vitality, inventory as well as destroying all the enemies around you. It can get a little hectic, but I wouldn't say it's "tense" per se.

Cool. Thanks. I'm a Shiren the Wanderer vet so I know about that kind of tense. I should be able to handle it. I just ordered the Wii version off of Amazon (local Game Crazy only got it in for pre-orders - so no copies). I'll have it on Friday.

In other news, I signed up for the Atlus email list and received these links to some cool add'l art content for some of their games:




Douchebag. Yes, me.
Whoa there, the PS2 version does not have a 16:9 mode?

In that case, are you guys sure the Wii is actually true 16:9 and not just stretched?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
cpro said:
Supposedly it isn't as good as the soundtrack from the original 32 bit versions.
Oh so true. That was really the only reason I was interested in looking into this game at all, but after hearing the new soundtrack, I was really disappointed. It's not that the new music is BAD, per se, but the original soundtrack was among the best I've ever heard in a game. Really well done.

In that case, are you guys sure the Wii is actually true 16:9 and not just stretched?
Err, what? The Wii is incapable of displaying a true 16:9 resolution. All games use a 4:3 resolution with a 16:9 aspect ratio. It relies on your TV to stretch the image.


dark10x said:
Err, what? The Wii is incapable of displaying a true 16:9 resolution. All games use a 4:3 resolution with a 16:9 aspect ratio. It relies on your TV to stretch the image.
Technically it's not really a 4:3 resolution, either. It's all stretched to fit. It only cares about the number of lines, not the width. It relies on the TV and the user to stretch the image to the proper width.

It's when you get into HDMI (which obviously the Wii can't do) and shit that the width actually matters.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Atlus accidentally sent me the PS2 version instead of the Wii version, and I sold my PS2 6 months ago to buy college books and junk. Sadness.


Lost Fragment said:
Atlus accidentally sent me the PS2 version instead of the Wii version, and I sold my PS2 6 months ago to buy college books and junk. Sadness.

Buy/sell/trade thread, my friend. :) Or, eBay it. Then buy the Wii version on Amazon or something.


birdchili said:
there's a first-person control option available from the start, right? is it easier to control that way?

is there any reason to go for a ps2-version if you've got a classic controller? (rumble?)

It is very easy to switch camera modes on the fly through options...but I found first person
WAAAY too disorienting (it feels like you are only seeing the action through a tiny window whereas in third person you can see all around you a bit better, I think).


Loudninja said:
Hey, is this game like Azure Dreams?Because if it is, I want it!

Not really. I mean the big tower of random floors and level resetting is all there but no:

-Monster Raising
-Dating Simulator
-Building up the town

Actually, interestingly enough, I don't think this game has ANY form of currency although there are LOTS of ways to build up and even "trade" items with NPCs.
wow I'm having a lot of fun with this title, especially now that I'm learning how to "save" items and how to properly fuse items to increase the potency of weapons and armor (and myself).

I'm having a LOT of fun......man this is great!


LordGek said:
Here's a pretty decent and not too spoily review just out:


Wow, 78%? One of their lowest reviews ever! I'm serious, there's something deeply wrong with both the editorial staff and their standards for reader reviews.

This game sounds fun, but I think I'll wait for a wider variety of thoughts before I buy it (no offense, but I don't spend forty dollars until I learn a lot more about the game). Does anyone have a lot of experience with Rogue-likes yet still like this game a lot? I've played quite a few, and especially loved Shiren 1.

On another note, do any rogue-likers like Tower of Druaga? Mainstream reviews are horrific at judging games like this, not in their review scores, but they completely gloss over or ignore the parts of the games that people actually like.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
TheOneGuy said:
Technically it's not really a 4:3 resolution, either. It's all stretched to fit. It only cares about the number of lines, not the width. It relies on the TV and the user to stretch the image to the proper width.

It's when you get into HDMI (which obviously the Wii can't do) and shit that the width actually matters.
It's still only rendering at 640x480 and the image quality suffers when stretched to fill the screen.


dark10x said:
It's still only rendering at 640x480 and the image quality suffers when stretched to fill the screen.
Looks all right to me.

360 composite/component does the same damn thing.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
TheOneGuy said:
Looks all right to me.

360 composite/component does the same damn thing.
Of course, if you attempt to display 480p over composite and component, you're limited to a 4:3 pixel resolution (though 360 appears much smoother due to anti-aliasing and filtering). XBOX360 can display up to 1920x1080 over component, however. It can also display 853x480 over VGA.

The Wii maxes out at 640x480.
cpro said:

Wow, 78%? One of their lowest reviews ever! I'm serious, there's something deeply wrong with both the editorial staff and their standards for reader reviews.

This game sounds fun, but I think I'll wait for a wider variety of thoughts before I buy it (no offense, but I don't spend forty dollars until I learn a lot more about the game). Does anyone have a lot of experience with Rogue-likes yet still like this game a lot? I've played quite a few, and especially loved Shiren 1.

On another note, do any rogue-likers like Tower of Druaga? Mainstream reviews are horrific at judging games like this, not in their review scores, but they completely gloss over or ignore the parts of the games that people actually like.

can you give me examples of roguelikes that aren't DS games? Maybe i've played one before..... I know I'm a long time RPG fan though and I'm having a blast with it.


straydog1980 said:
can you give me examples of roguelikes that aren't DS games? Maybe i've played one before..... I know I'm a long time RPG fan though and I'm having a blast with it.

Nethack and craploads of other ASCII based PC games, some of which have graphics, some of which do not. The entire Mystery Dungeon series (Pokemon and DQ spinoffs) Izuna. Don't know which are DS and GBA of those latter ones.
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