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Atlus refuses to call time of death, will release Trauma Team on JP Wii U eShop

Seriously, bring this to Europe so more people can experience the game. It was ridiculous that I had to import it and modify my Wii to install a region free loader so that I could play what was probably the 2nd best game on the system. I blame New Blood, after that Nintendo completely gave up on publishing them here.


Trauma Team is an awesome game and well worth picking up. I picked it up on the Wii when it first came out and couldn't put it down. Such a great game and they dropped the mystical stuff and went for real problems and I felt it was better overall. Shouldn't be missed and I hope it comes out in the U.S. and EU at some point so many people can get a chance to check it out since it was probably missed by many on the Wii.

I have no problems with this.



I actually did buy this around the time of release (not quite Day 1) and yeah, I really like everything in the Trauma series (i.e. all the DS and Wii games). I'm raising my hands and giving my energy to whoever needs it in order for this to A) come stateside and B) get a sequel.

Hopefully the surgery gets a longer campaign if they pull the multi-specialty gimmick again.

And that whatever supervirus they come up with is more threatening than Roselia. Like WAY more.

Trauma Team is an awesome game and well worth picking up. I picked it up on the Wii when it first came out and couldn't put it down. Such a great game and they dropped the mystical stuff and went for real problems and I felt it was better overall. Shouldn't be missed and I hope it comes out in the U.S. and EU at some point so many people can get a chance to check it out since it was probably missed by many on the Wii.


did you SEE the actual individual campaigns for the doctors in TT

like at all???
I ended up picking up a copy of Trauma Team in December, and I'm so mad I didn't buy it sooner. I loved it! It's probably my favorite Trauma Center game. Hopefully we get another new installment on WiiU; I don't know how likely this is but I really miss this series :/

L Thammy

Beat this on the Wii already, but I kind of want to get this just to support Trauma Center. (Assuming it comes out in NA.)
Also, endoscopy isn't really bad, it's just that physically shoving the tube further in was kind of finicky and uncomfortable.

Bought both trauma centers, never bought this one.


You mean both on the Wii? There were two on the DS as well.


You know, in hindsight, I think I would've rather like the trauma center games. Ah well, maybe I'll pick them up on this go through.

JC Lately

You don't know me.
I was the only person who said "endoscopy wasn't actually that bad, you guys are scrubs" back at release...

... to nobody, because nobody bought it and I had nobody to talk to about the game with.

Endoscopy parts were my favorite parts.

Git Gud, casuals :p


I'm hurt that you left me out.

But there's no chance for a new game. Really.
It's dead, and it's all your guys' fault. Thanks a lot, jerks.

If it makes you feel any better, I bought it after around the fifth time I saw you talk it up.


You don't know me.
I was the only person who said "endoscopy wasn't actually that bad, you guys are scrubs" back at release...

... to nobody, because nobody bought it and I had nobody to talk to about the game with.

I had at the release =D

Just didn't have my GAF account >.<

If they release it here, I'm forcing a few friends to buy it.


Did this game really not come out in Europe? I remember seeing a Trauma Center for the Wii in a movie rental store a few years back


God, I really hope this game actually sells more copies this time around.

Everybody needs to buy this game, not only because it's so good, but also so they can experience the man, the myth, the legend: Hank Freebird

Wow I forgot this existed. If it comes here digitally I'l absolutely pick it up.

Until I obsess over it a few days and then just buy a physical copy.


I find it funny that of all the games that we want to be rereleased on the eShop, we get Trauma Team (well..Hospital,actually) out of the wazoo.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I wish Atlus would get in on the PC train. This is number three on my list after Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga of games I want (4 and 5 are Persona 2 and Second Opinion)


Oh man I loved these games soooo much.

I only rented them though, I was a teenager without any means of income when they where making them.
I feel horrible.

I can definitely support it now that I have income. Well that is if it gets localized....
its so weird that this game bombed so badly.

its the best game in the series, by like, a lot. The investigative/dianostic stages are really great, full-featured adventure sections. The new surgery gameplay is well-realized, the production value is high (so much nice art and voice acting), the story is ambitious and enjoyably soapy.

Why didn't the fanbase that turned the previous entries into modest hits abandon the best realized version of the series? I really don't get it.


Why didn't the fanbase that turned the previous entries into modest hits abandon the best realized version of the series? I really don't get it.

I want to say burnout (seems like quite a few were released in short order?) but I'm just an observer from the outside with no real knowledge on how well each title sold. Also the series seemed like it was made for portable systems (or rather, was perceived to be a series that was best on a portable system), I wonder just how well the previous Wii title did.
If Nintendo announced Excitebots at one point too, that'd make for my two most wanted Wii games being put on Virtual Console. Assuming they would even release them on the European eShop; I wouldn't even care for translations, just give them a massive warning that they're written in English only and call it a day.

Crossing my fingers Trauma Team makes it across.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Operation segment was the best part of Trauma Team. Why? Because it was a casualized (read: EASY) version of Trauma Center's. I didn't care much for the other segments but they were mostly interesting. Well outside of Spike Spigel's medical mysteries that weren't really that interesting.


its so weird that this game bombed so badly.

its the best game in the series, by like, a lot. The investigative/dianostic stages are really great, full-featured adventure sections. The new surgery gameplay is well-realized, the production value is high (so much nice art and voice acting), the story is ambitious and enjoyably soapy.

Why didn't the fanbase that turned the previous entries into modest hits abandon the best realized version of the series? I really don't get it.

Under no circumstances would I call Trauma Team the best game in the series in terms of gameplay. The presentation and admittedly kind of over-the-top story and characters are the reasons I adore the game, but good lord the difficulty at the upper end was brought down so hard in comparison to the other TC games. Why is Hard difficulty locked behind completing the entire game and why is it still way easier than the other games? The medals were a neat idea but they are no replacement for high-tier XS-ing operations or the X operations in general.

Also if Atlus ever makes another Trauma game, understand that TT's co-op is not the way to do co-op. There needs to be a series of missions balanced around the presence of two fully equipped players playing simultaneously. New Blood's co-op, while breaking the balance of the game, was way better than TT's turn-based/limited equipment nonsense.

Also, why is the US cover for New Blood so shitty?


Go Europe.

What the fuck, New Blood looks like an actual game with that box art. I guess I'll have to shed my tears over my big dumb generic Red Cross cover now...


May I have a cookie?
this thread is still going?

Well then, I guess I'll post my cross over idea straight out of the alternate universe where this series (and another one) still have massive followings:

brace yourselves!

efyu_lemonardo said:
efyu_lemonardo presents: A fan reimagining:
(approved by none other than the great Mama Robotnik *)

Mama Robotnik said:
I'm not sure what else to add to your cool concept other than I'd play it! Thanks for sharing, really interesting idea!

Trauma Team X Metroid

Lead a crew of Galactic Federation Doctors on a mission to purge the body of an unconscious Samus Aran of alien infestations. Gain new insight into the Federation's political intrigue as you attempt to balance your patient's health against the need to extract military grade biological samples.

It started off as a troll idea, but the more I kept thinking about it the more it seemed to be very appropriate for a one time spin off, providing answers to the question:"What realy happened during all those times in the Metroid games when Samus was unconscious for extended periods?" such as the beginning of Prime 3, Other M, etc.

From a story and worldbuilding perspective, this would not only allow to fill in some gaps in the timeline, it would also gives players a glimpse of the Metroid universe outside of Samus in a way that doesn't feel artificial because there'd be no need to invent a new protagonist.

And surprisingly enough this unlikely combination of genres also allows the gameplay to hold on to many of the tonal staples the Metroid series is known for, because underneath the surface the Trauma games actually share quite a few similarities with classic Metroid. This is true especially when it comes to intense and frantic arcade action, but the concept of combining a variety of tools to solve puzzles and earning upgrades for those tools as you go could also be further developed within the Trauma framework in a way that would help bridge the gap with Metroid.

Another reason this feels like a good fit is because of the recurring role of questionable medical intervention in a series that has had a longstanding influence on Metroid: the Alien series. The premise for this crossover would mirror what we know the corporation did to Ripley in the Alien films (2, 3, and most obviously 4). The whole motif of exploring the body of the heroine and the strange alien alterations made to her and the parallels between that and exploring the external alien environments is also something that lies at the base of both series. The subtext of how our patriarchal society is fundamentally lacking when it comes to understanding/accepting of the woman psyche has always been there from the start.

Further expanding on this premise, there seem to be a lot of very cool possibilities that could be implemented within Trauma Center/Team's template, and (crucially) they could be done justice on a small budget, since the main game is quite simple in terms of assets and complexity.

The whole core concept of treating the patient while simultaneously protecting the infector/virus has the potential to fit nicely with the established Trauma Center gameplay, plus beyond the main story which would be centered on the Federation's need of bioweapons, there could be a secondary story thread about further exploring Samus' unique abilities indirectly by discovering changes/enhancements to her physiology (both those made by the Chozo as well as other unplanned mutations she's acquired over the years). It helps that the Japanese games always blurred the line between how much of those enhancements were mechanical/external and how much internal. This also enables a similar method of player-directed storytelling to what the Prime games did - facilitating drawing a bigger mental picture of the world and lore via scanning and analyzing pieces of evidence.

The other really interesting part in my opinion is that we're essentially "playing the bad guy". Every successful operation isn't just saving Samus, it's also enabling the creation of the very enemies and demons players already know she'll have to deal with in games like Prime 3, Other M, Fusion etc. On some occasions (such as Prime 3) we already know the Federation made alterations to Samus' physiology, and this would be a good opportunity to add a sinister twist to the story: maybe the Federation chose to keep Samus infected as a human experiment (prototype for the soldiers later in the game) and lied to her when they said they couldn't cure her.
Side missions could have the player performing lab experiments, as there would be a need to culture and study the extracted organisms outside of Samus' body in order to better understand how to treat her, but also to learn about how to use these organisms as effective bioweapons.

I think there's definitely enough to explore around this concept for a successful one-off game, and the more I think about it the more I feel having such a game could even strengthen the Metroid franchise as a whole.

What do you guys think?

If anybody at Nintendo and/or Atlus is reading this, you have full permission to steal my idea and call it your own!


I didn't even know this game was a thing. I played the DS one and one of the wii ones and liked them (tho I'm not very good at them oop). Now I gotta look into this.


You don't know me.
I was the only person who said "endoscopy wasn't actually that bad, you guys are scrubs" back at release...

... to nobody, because nobody bought it and I had nobody to talk to about the game with.
Excuuuuuse me princess?!

You weren't the only one!


May I have a cookie?
isn't that kinda bad that they made a remake of sorts for Wii? Like how terrible the ultrasound was.

I can't help you there as I never played the remake. I also didn't play the second DS Trauma Center either which is why I didn't comment on it (played everything but those two). But the original was meant to be played on the DS. As far as I'm concerned the series was made for a resistive touch screen, which is why the absence of a Wii U entry hurts so bad..


isn't that kinda bad that they made a remake of sorts for Wii? Like how terrible the ultrasound was.

I thought that the original DS Under the Knife was a lot better than Second Opinion, personally, but then it also took me a really long time (ie: until Trauma Team) to warm up to the Wii controls, and I never did go back to it. I still prefer DS controls to Wii for the pure surgery games.

(New Blood is so great that it's the best in the series despite that preference, though.)
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