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AusGAF 11 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Persona 5 is US this year, hopefully AU too. This is SEGA we are talking about :/

Sounds great, can't wait for the rest of GAF to give the award to to Uncharted 4 with RPG of the year going to a Vita exclusive waifu simulator.

( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆)

Isn't that what award polls are? Majority vote? Uncharted 4 is shaping up to be great and this time around PS4 has a bigger mindshare than X1 so I'd expect it to get a lot of votes if it's another Uncharted 2 level release.

Also Vita should just win every GOTY award :)
My gaming attention has been kinda splintered.

I played and finished Infamous First light. Then I tried out D4- which is free for XBL Gold this month (thanks cods). Okaaaaay. Maybe its not for me.

Thence going through Ace Attorney Trilogy. It's my first run through of these games (I did try the iOS version and stopped once I heard the trilogy was coming out). Jesus, this shit is fun. Stupid, logically illogical and clever and brilliant.

And then today I double dipped on Titanfall (my GOTY 2014) and grabbed it cheapish from JB. And then Captain Toad turns up in the post.

And there's still FC4 to DL once my quota ticks over.



I've been playing aloooot of Diablo 3 on ps4. It's my first Diablo and I'm kinda really into it! Sent some of those gift drops to those of you that played at one point:D


I played a little Captain Toad and really liked it, but then I had a couch co-op games session with a friend and now whenever I get time to play a console I'm playing FIFA 14.

I'm playing career mode where I just play as the one player, and it's a really fun way of playing. When you get subbed off, you have the option of playing as the whole team, and when I do it feels like a different game, the strategy is completely different. That, and you get loaned out to the lower leagues for your first season and get really good, so you go back to your main team next season and all the stuff you did in the lower leagues doesn't work as well because the defence is more skilled. The fleshed out skills practice stuff while the match is loading is really good now too, I always play until the end of the session now instead of skipping it when it's finished loading. I heart FIFA.

When I don't get to play on console I've been playing a bit of 3D Land and A Link Between Worlds. I did a cleanout recently and was kind of amazed at the amount of good games in my DS collection, but I don't think any individual games were as great as those two. The 3DS is keeping me away from playing Wasteland 2, which I should make an effort to finish before Pillars of Eternity comes out.


Shark week continues on here in Newcastle. Kind of wish I could get a close up but safe view of the supposed 5m great white and others feeding on dolphins.

Also am kind of amazed at people decoding to go into the water anyway.
I'm playing career mode where I just play as the one player, and it's a really fun way of playing.
Oh yeah, video games. Maybe I should talk about those, not that I've been playing much recently. I heard about that mode a while ago, it sounds pretty interesting. Might be interested in it on PC, but I seem to recall the PC version is different to consoles (like it's a rebadged version of FIFA 12 perhaps?).

The stuff I've been playing recently is:
Screencheat. Fantastic but does your head in after half an hour of playing, but it's so, so good.
Speedrunners. Definitely Early Access, but from a sort of pure multiplayer platformer racing game with grappling and rockets and wall jumping, it's really great. If you got it in the AGDQ Humble Bundle, give it a shot. It'd be all sorts of enjoyable with some mates in the same room (I've only played online), I'm sure.
A Story About My Uncle. Mirror's Edge meets Spiderman meets floating islands in space. Only a few hours long and not super difficult but it's fun while it lasts.
Transistor: Meh.
80 Days. Do you like steampunk resource management interactive fiction? Of course you do!


Might be interested in it on PC, but I seem to recall the PC version is different to consoles (like it's a rebadged version of FIFA 12 perhaps?).

It changes with the wind. FIFA 14 X1/PS4 had a new engine while the PC had the old one, but FIFA 15 PC has the new engine and I'm fairly sure feature parity with the consoles too. Which is impressive actually, it took a lot longer last gen. The PC version runs a lot better, but online is nowhere near as popular and the card trading market for FIFA Ultimate Team went from being bad because it was nowhere near as populated, to being bad because it was overpopulated with bots. If you just want to try FIFA offline though, the PC version sounds like the way to go. I haven't tried it myself yet though.

Edit: Found confirmation of FIFA 15 PC/Console parity: http://www.joystiq.com/2014/06/06/fifa-15-pc-engine-features-on-par-with-consoles/


Thence going through Ace Attorney Trilogy. It's my first run through of these games (I did try the iOS version and stopped once I heard the trilogy was coming out). Jesus, this shit is fun. Stupid, logically illogical and clever and brilliant.
I powered through to the last proper case of Ace Attorney then got distract by Smash Bros + podcasts for a bit. Back to playing the bonus case now. Other than that I'm currently playing Bayo 1 (next up on Wii U is Captain Toad) and I finished up Strong Bad mostly so I could get a step closer to scratching all of old Telltale off my backlog. Not sure what I'll play on PC next, probably Uplink.

I'm actually looking forward to participating in the 52 games thread this year, I don't often have the motivation to write up my thoughts about what I'm playing.


Shark week continues on here in Newcastle. Kind of wish I could get a close up but safe view of the supposed 5m great white and others feeding on dolphins.

Also am kind of amazed at people decoding to go into the water anyway.

There was a decent crowd at Newcastle Baths today watching the water. We had jetskis and helicopters going by. Was a few people, ironically swimming in 'Shark Alley' at Newcastle Beach.


You people playing FIFA, should check out this year's Pro Evo. It's not as pretty as FIFA but it plays really well, maybe better (according to others) than FIFA.


People say that every year. I used to play the shit out of PES, but the last time it was noticeably better than FIFA was 2006. PES5 was definitely better than FIFA 06. The new FIFA engine in 07 (360 exclusive for that year) was a huge step up. From FIFA 09 onwards there was really no competition. I try PES again every few years but eh. FIFA is so big budget, I doubt PES will ever really catch up again. It will always have it's fans though, which is good for competition I guess, and the modding scene used to be pretty good. Not sure if it's as lively as it used to be. I'm sure the fanboys are as rabid as ever though.


Have you played PES 2015? It sounds like you have and that's fair enough. I haven't played Fifa since 13 and PES feels better (in terms of fluidity) than that did but that's not like for like. All I know is, it plays really well :)


I haven't, I've barely played FIFA 15. I'm just saying, there has never been a year in history where "PES is better than FIFA this year! Try it!" hasn't been uttered. After half a dozen of times of trying and disagreeing, you can forgive me for being a bit skeptical that it's really true this time. I plan to skip FIFA 15 and get a current gen console in time for 16, so I will definitely try PES again when that happens, probably the 2016 version.


Doing a quick search (I won't bore you with all the quotes) it seems to be a general consensus that PES's latest instalment is a huge improvement over previous iterations. I agree that every year we hear this, it's just as boring as xbox vs playstation etc. Though having no affiliation or attachment to either franchise I would like to think (there is always some kind of bias in there) I am pretty impartial on the matter. That said, you can't tell someone what they do or do not like, so, try the demo on Steam and let me know what you think :)


Yeah I did a bit of a Google myself and you seem to be right. I think this is a good summation: http://kotaku.com/pro-evo-plays-better-than-fifa-but-thats-not-enough-1659900541

Especially because he's right about FIFA 09: "This year's Pro Evo is the best football game since FIFA 09"

He shits on the licensing and modes and stuff, but I don't give too much of a shit about all that if it plays as well as he says. You've made me keen to try it. I assume they'll keep the same engine for 2016.


I would assume so. It's better on console this year, but I think only in graphics (it might just be lighting and the crowds). Hopefully they will fix that this year.



Just in those couple of things I mentioned. Also there is couch co-op on PC, that's not exclusive to console.

edit: scratch that, I read co-op and thought multiplayer, yeah co-op is console only I think :(

edit2: local co-op is there, maybe it's online co-op that's missing from PC


Holy shit, this is fucking incredible:
Hotline Miami 2 developer to censored Australians: “Just pirate it”.



Hey random AusGAF Driveclub players. In light of the game being $37.95 on PSN at the moment I've picked it up. I'm having a lot of fun but I'd like to join an Ausgaf club. Does one exist? Can I join in game or do you send me an invite? (psn id: mandiller)


Just came back from the Palestine vs Jordan game in Melbourne as part of the Asian Cup.

Honestly one of the best experiences I had in my life - while Palestine lost badly, the amount of energy from all the supporters was exhilarating (and I was part of that energy too!). I've never seen a more excited crowd when Palestine finally scored that goal, and considering the constant struggles and barriers the national Palestine team faces daily, I believe they gave it their best shot, and considering that, the amount of support (the palestine supporters section was practically full!) they received at the game probably came off as very inspiring and meaningful to them especially with the supporters chanting things like "FREE FREE PALESTINE!". After the game had ended two of the palestine players gave away their jersey to the fans. Which was a awesome gesture :D


I've been playing aloooot of Diablo 3 on ps4. It's my first Diablo and I'm kinda really into it! Sent some of those gift drops to those of you that played at one point:D

I know that feeling. Diablo III on PS4 was my first Diablo since Diablo 1 and I got hooked big time, couldn't play anything else till the credits rolled and then dived right back in on a new character.


I spent the night in some fucking park in some fucking no name town trying to shelter from the bitter cold. Check the times of your train transfers if you live out in the fucking sticks - the fucking app assigned me a five hour wait at a station.


For context, imagine I lived in Canberra but took a day trip out to Sydney, and began to take the train back and somehow got stranded in some fucking place with a train terminal and almost nothing else

Sounds like you made it home okay to me.



You could have shacked up in one of those capsules for the night.

you drastically overestimate the technological wonders of japan, especially outside their major cities

i got asked to fax something to someone the other day, for god's sake


I want a tag give me a tag
you drastically overestimate the technological wonders of japan, especially outside their major cities

i got asked to fax something to someone the other day, for god's sake

Ireceive faxes at work, and cheques.

farmers man, they won't move on.
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