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Banshee - The 4th and final season - Fridays on Cinemax

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What the he'll was the point of the satanic ritual crap? Total waste.

Season should have been about Proctor or Burton vs Hood.

Horrible season. And I'm sick of Eliza Dhusku. She sucks in everything she's ever been in.

Man the show has taken a complete nosedive.

Seeing Job back to his old game was the best part of the last episode.


I hope Job shares some of that green with the others. They all deserve some sort of happy ending, the ones who survive the finale anyways.


Still liking this final season but man,compared to the awesome fights in season 1,it's real tame here...like the one when the bodyguard of the mayor fights the whole Nazi guys,I thought finally a big fight...but they fucking panned the camera behind them slowly and we saw no fight,I was like WTF dudes lol ;)...that would of lasted at least 5 minutes in season 1...oh well.


That simple nod at the end. awww

Great good byes all around.

.. and the bag of money.

Suck my tit! (Instead of ....)

Proctor.. F'ing cartels. Do you think Proctor sprayed them down? He sure was out armed, but that gun of his..

Driving into the sun set (woods)..

I want to cry :p
Well, it was a decent send off, not an all time great, but not a disaster either. This season needed at least 2 more episodes though, this one had very little room to breathe.
Finished up. Nice little featurette after the credits at the end with Tropper saying goodbye to all of the cast members. :)

Bring on Quarry.
The Tommy Gun:

If it's good enough to kill Nazi's and Prohibition era gangsters then it's good enough to kill some hispanic cartel members.

It was an ok ep I guess. Pretty disappointed by Hood vs Burton. Lol the Bowtie-minator is a Shakespearean actor.
Lol. My thoughts exactly.

The Burton/Hood fight I felt was a disappointment but I realized what they were going for. The Bunker fight was great.

Man I'm gonna miss this show. "Suck my tit bitch"
It's like they knew they wouldn't be able to out do Nola vs Burton so they didn't even bother trying. Was sort of rooting for Burton, but then Hood got the last breath buff and beat his ass. Calvin couldn't even fight clean, had to stab his bro with a fucking car antennae of all things.


Would've loved to see Hood kill Proctor, always expected that'd be the endgame of the show but the way they set things up this season, Hood had little motivation to do so. Perhaps they should've had Proctor kill Rebecca, then we would've gotten one last epic fight.

Still, great show. Going to miss this one. :(
Bunker vs Calvin fight was best fight of the episode. This episode felt kind of rushed. Alot of stuff didn't have time be fleshed out in the episode(thanks to 7 episodes of a bullshit serial killer). Not a bad way to end the show. It's left open if they ever want to bring it back or any of the main characters.


Hunky Nostradamus
I thought the finale was good, but not great (action wise, anyway. The character stuff was very well done). It was also fairly predictable and kind of played it safe - the good guys all survived and won out against the bad guys, who all died.

I am relieved that they did the smart (and obvious) thing and had it be Burton who killed Rebecca though. He and Kai were the only ones who I would have been satisfied with as her killers, so I'm happy they went in that direction even though it rendered the whole serial killer plot a dead end red herring.

I appreciated the writers' willingness to try new things this year, with time jumps and whatnot, but I think that I ultimately would have rather they had done a regular season of the show: pick up shortly after the events of season 3 and show Hood and Carrie actively pursuing leads on Job/Dalton - rescuing Job before too much time had passed; no Hobo Hood; no Eliza Dushku; no serial killer - the neo nazis should have been the big bads of the season; follow Rebecca's doomed journey linearly instead of in pieces via flashbacks and maybe set up Burton's motivations a little better.

Ah well. It was a solid way to end the series and after the way the rest of the season turned out, I think that was the best we could have hoped for.

Other thoughts:

The scene between Deva and Hood was nice. It felt like an appropriate way to end their side of the story.

Kai and the cartel opening the back of the semi truck only to find Carrie surrounded by dead bodies (and Job on the roof!) was the only moment of the episode where I let out an audible "Yesss!". And then Brock with the rocket launcher blowing shit up! Fuck yeah!

The Hood vs Burton was decent, but also a tad underwhelming. I would have liked a little more back and forth instead of it being super one sided until it suddenly wasn't. Kai being the one to deliver the finishing blow was appropriate though, especially with him holding Burton in his arms like some kind of weird psychotic baby.

Calvin vs Bunker was definitely the best fight scene of the season. It wasn't as ambitious or well directed as Burton vs Nola, but it was still pretty good.

Hood and Carrie's final scene :(

Job and Sugar's final scene :(

Suck my tit! (Instead of ....)

I fucking love Job.

How in the fuck did Deva get into college?

Aside from the fact that it's the default storyline for older teenage characters? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Would've loved to see Hood kill Proctor, always expected that'd be the endgame of the show but the way they set things up this season, Hood had little motivation to do so. Perhaps they should've had Proctor kill Rebecca, then we would've gotten one last epic fight.

Still, great show. Going to miss this one. :(
Gotta keep that open for when cinemax has nothing and brings it back due to demand because everyone loved it!

please don't go banshee/strike back i miss you both

It could of had a worse final season and a worse final episode and although i have my problems with the season i enjoyed it and it left me satisfied.


It was a nice ending, did a good job of giving some camera time to everyone. Would've been nice to have the season be the normal length, felt a little rushed at parts. Still, really enjoyed it. I'll miss you Banshee.


Pour one out for Banshee :(

It never reached the heights of the previous seasons, and I likely won't re-watch this one, but it was a satisfying enough send off.


Very satysfing finale. Lots of action, but most of all it managed to successfully wrap up all the characters' stories in a way that made the final goodbyes beautifully bittersweet.

This season was uneven, it didn't reach the absolute masterpiece level of S3, nor did it match S1. But as a whole I like it a lot more than S2. It felt constricted by budget issues, but it didn't feel aimless as S2 did and when the final credits rolled I felt satisfied, unlike with S2.

Oh..and Brock with his rocket launcher :D Nice callback to S1.

Now, bring on Quarry!


Yeah that was a better than expected finale considering the rest of this season. I found it pretty satisfying overall. Was kinda hoping they were saving up some of that budget for the Hood v. Proctor or Hood v. Burton fight, but oh well. Calvin and Bunker was great though.

Gonna miss this series, cheers BansheeGAF.
How in the fuck did Deva get into college?


It would take him about 15 seconds.


Surprised you guys were so into it, I thought it was a pretty terrible finale for a similarly terrible season.

They could have done anything, but went with the most low-stakes, by-the-numbers finale I can think of. It was like Cinemax said "Give us a short, final season, but we're giving you no money. Oh, and make sure all the major characters are left open in case we want to bring it back".

Strip the go-nowhere devil worshipper story, and the inconsequential FBI agent, and you could edit the 8 episodes into a much tighter 90 minute TV movie.


Pretty OK sendoff overall. It's a shame the season was largely wasted on irrelevant garbage. Whoever decided that the satanism angle was a good idea should be demoted to one task: fetching coffee for competent writers. What an egregious detour.

It's surprising this season did any justice to its characters at the margins of that mess of a storyline. The killer was pointless because the murder mystery could have played out in any number of ways that involved the main characters, and still had the same outcome. Dushku's character was pointless, and the subject of regressive tropes that didn't prove the season one bit. What bizarre creative choices for a final season that, as I understand, had ample planning time. It's not like the rug was ripped out from under the show.

Also, the neonazis were boring, or at least the way their role in the story was dramatized was boring. We didn't even get to see Burton do his thing in that fight.

Well, whatever. Two good season out of four isn't the worst thing. It's just hard to give Banshee my wholehearted recommendation when it wastes so much of its viewers' time.


Last 2 eps to close the series were absolute garbage. The bar for great television seems way to low for some of u if u thought this was even decent. Literally 30 minutes of montage in the final ep. That's just lazy. The whole season was bad. Just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Burton went out like a bitch. Here's a guy who took a fucking axe to the chest and was still able to wreck one of the best fighters we've seen and yet here he's stumbled by a thumb to the eye?

What the fuck? This episode and season has retroactively ruined the entire show for me. I tried to play off any issues as them just saving the epic stuff for the finale, but it was just more of the same garbage. I'm so pissed about the Burton/Hood fight.

Fuck. That should have been one of the best fights in televised history and yet it was worse than the boring Bunker fight.

Ugh. Just...ugh.


That was as wholly unsatisfying an end to a lacklustre final season as I can recall. Just watching season 2 again recently reminds you of the heights this show hit.

Props to those predicting Burton's responsibility in Rebecca's death, although it still makes no sense to me.


It wasn't the best series finale we could have hoped for, and obviously this season as a whole was very mixed, but I think it still finished satisfactorily.

Not that I think there'll be much controversy with this ordering, but I would rate the seasons as 3 > 1 > 2 > 4.


Not a bad finale, but considering how average this season has been, it could've been worse.

I'm just glad there wasn't any stupid cliched shit like Carrie dying in her last scene with Hood, or someone showing up at the bar when Job opened the door.

Still, memorable series.


This was disappointing.

Show deserved a better send-off, but at least we'll always have the first three seasons.


It was a decent finale. The main fight was disappointing but the episode had its moments and I like how they spent 1/3 of the episode on goodbyes. :)

Gonna miss the show even with how the final season turned out to be. Banshee, Pennsylvania. Suck my tit.
The bad thing is they knew they had 8 episodes and they wasted 7 on a bullshit red herring serial killer. Why did they feel the need to keep Burton as the killer a surprise? We could have known that from the start and had the tension between Proctor, Burton, and Hood from the beginning. Just seems like a horrible way to waste a season.


Best episode of a bad season. The Burton v Hood was not a great fight and that's hugely disappointing. The Bunker brothers was a better fight but still not on par with great fights from seasons past. The ending stuff in the last 20 minutes was alright.

Just wish the entire season was better. So much time was wasted on that serial killer plot which wasn't even good and felt like it came out of a different show, and in the end it truly had nothing to do with any of the established characters. Rebecca was also completely mishandled. Her end is awful considering her character arc and development from previous seasons.

The season should have had the Neo-Nazis front and center as antagonists. They didn't even get a cool fight scene really, it just boiled down to a fight between two brothers. Even the Proctor stuff was diffused because of random member who has risen high in government and just tells them to stop. Kinda lame.

This season barely felt like Banshee until the last two episodes. All of the primary characters from the first 3 seasons felt really marginalized and barely used outside of Hood and Brock. Barely any Sugar. Barely any Carrie. Barely any Job. Very weird direction for a final year to go.


mfw the final fight of the series (and best in this season) was between the Bunker brothers.
mfw Proctor barely threw a punch in the series. fucking. finale.

EDIT: Also, what was Hood's real name again?
EDIT2: Also, i was totally expecting a Hood + Proctor vs Burton fight to avenge Rebecca, kind of like the Mad Dog fight in The Raid.
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