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Batman: Arkham Origins |OT| Justice from the head of Prototype And Hulk: UD


Twice now I shot at the sky,because the RB icon just vanishes a second and I guess the game actually hooks me in space or something lol and my screen turns completly black,can't even go to the dashboard or anything,I have to shut the 360 down...thank god it auto saves pretty often...


I really like the game, I'd probably give it an 8.5/10, if it weren't for the bugs (PS3 version). It can be so glitchy at times that it really feels more like a 7. I was in a predator situation and the last remaining thug (the one I had to interrogate) got himself stuck inside of a wall. I can live with weirdness, but it happened 3 times in a row!

I would restart, complete the scenerio, and there he'd b,e back in the wall. I wish it was my fault, but unfortunately it was just janky. He finally figured out how not to get stuck in the wall on the fourth attempt, after I wasted a good deal of time and lost respect for AO's testers. I've also been in stealth situations where Batman became functionally invisible. I looked normal, moved normal, but none of the enemies could detect me. I breezed through the situation with this convenient invisibiity glitch. I haven't played a game with this many Superman 64 moments in quite some time.
Thanks. Guess I'll give it a few more goes.

No bother. Specifically the menu restart, not jsut chucking yourself in the river. I was trying that for 5 minutes to no avail. I think it's to do with the wall detonating, the object is supposed to fall onto the water. If it doesn't or gets stuck, that's when it screws you.

And yea, I agree with others. I think the story is brilliant, lvoe the new voice actors, the writing, I'm perfectly happy with *more arkham city* gameplay this time around, but the buggyness is the game's biggest detractor.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
How in the heck do you get this enigma data thingamabob?




is there a way to grabble/RB to a ledge such that, when he gets there, instead of climbing to the ledge, he just hangs off of it? kinda hard to set up ledge takedowns and stuff when he automatically climbs up

Dr Dogg

Played for an hour or last night and what really stuck with me is how much of an asshole Bruce/Batman is in this. The talk with the warden at the beginning was just pure grade A asshole. No sympathy, no attempt to console him, just pure asshole.

Gameplay is fantastic though and the visuals seem to be even better than those in City. Hopefully I'll have more time to play today between sessions of Blackgate and Beyond...

I think it plays to his moody persona. I'm about an hour in and I've had a little chuckle when Alfred has called him out on his shenanigans twice. Once where head said he had to stick to the most important task but said he knew he was going to do both anyway and when he said
kids will be expecting Santa Claus prattling on their roof not a bat man. To which Batman replied "I don't prattle" like a pouty teenager
. Also can't get bloody Chris Redfield out of my head, urgh!


Just had another glitch, not a game breaking one but a spoilery one.

My synopsis age on the menu just filled to 90% and showed me things I've not seen yet and so I've spoiled some details, watch out for that one guys.

Questions regarding the spoiler details below, don't look unless you've finished.

Does Alfred die? That doesn't make any sense he's in Arkahm City, right?
Quick question about the PC version. When running the game fullscreen, my 2nd monitor next to me goes fully black so I can't watch anything while playing. Is there a way to play borderless window mode? Or to somehow turn off the exclusive fullscreen so that I can see my other monitor while playing?
I just realized that I finished the game without ever unlocking the disarm and destroy skill. Fucking dumbass unlock system in this game. I get it about an hour into a playthrough of City.
Oh, and it may be the best looking game which I have ever played.

Not every area is amazing, but some of the areas in this game are the best looking UE3 interiors I've ever seen, and this is one of them.

I just realized that I finished the game without ever unlocking the disarm and destroy skill. Fucking dumbass unlock system in this game. I get it about an hour into a playthrough of City.

Yeah this was annoying. So many of the combat's core features are locked away behind the side quests.
OK, for all of you that wanted a Mr Freeze style boss I have to say that they gave us one. It's the
final Bane
fight and it's so good. Now it's not exactly a 1-1 thing, but it's the same idea in that you can't keep doing the same sort of things and expect it to work.

This is completely untrue.
You can silent takedown him 4 times on hard and win the fight. I did silent, vent, silent, silent to win the fight.
It's nothing like the Freeze fight.
The vast majority of your gadgets do nothing to him, the area isn't a big enough playground like the Freeze room was, and you don't have as many options to evade him if he sees you.
It's more like Killer Croc in Asylum.

Yeah this was annoying. So many of the combat's core features are locked away behind the side quests.

They should make it clear which sidequests they are behind. They don't tell you what you get until you start the sidequest, which was fine with the ones that started as part of the main quest, but the disarm and destroy... I don't know where it is.
They should make it clear which sidequests they are behind. They don't tell you what you get until you start the sidequest, which was fine with the ones that started as part of the main quest, but the disarm and destroy... I don't know where it is.
The upgrades locked behind sidequests are on the "waynetech upgrades" screen, or whatever it's called, and they tell you where they come from. Destroy weapons comes from the fighting gangs sidequest, I think


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
I knew that plot point before release. It's not a huge deal, believe me :)

Same here, well it is kind of a huge deal i'd say but the scene is so well made it's a blast to watch it.

btw. Crub, don't worry it's not the ending or something, it's pretty early in the game and doesn't really ruin anything I'd say.
The upgrades locked behind sidequests are on the "waynetech upgrades" screen, or whatever it's called, and they tell you where they come from. Destroy weapons comes from the fighting gangs sidequest, I think

I know where they are. But they appear as grey boxes until you accept the sidequest in question.

PC version. Anybody else have this bug in the Burnley Comm tower where you can't climb into this air duct? It basically means I can't unlock the Burnley tower.

edit: apparently so. Gdamn it, I need to finish this game before BF4 hits.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.

PC version. Anybody else have this bug in the Burnley Comm tower where you can't climb into this air duct? It basically means I can't unlock the Burnley tower.

Yeah it's a bug, just restart the level. It's really not a big deal imo if you can't fast travel from there.

Have the same problem; this game is realllllly buggy.

It really is not, in my playthrough this was pretty much the only bug i've discovered. Oh and one in
Mad Hatter's mission with the stupid flower



PC version. Anybody else have this bug in the Burnley Comm tower where you can't climb into this air duct? It basically means I can't unlock the Burnley tower.

Yup. Everyone is. Appears that the vent is bugged. I haven't seen anyone yet say they can get into the vent. This is a pretty game breaking bug. That's the one thing I don't like about this game. The bugs seem a lot nastier then in past games. The crashes at a couple points and things like that just really should not have been missed. I had nothing remotely that bad in the previous games.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Is that all it affects then? I mean, I assume it'll prevent me from completing the Enigma quest line - but I'm okay with that for now.

Yup, you can always come back if they fixed it but for now just ignore that tower.


I just tried walking through a door and the entire screen went black. Couldn't see anything but Batman himself. Restarted from checkpoint and now all he does is fall through darkness forever and I can't do a thing.

14 hours of play and I can't do anything anymore. Pretty f*cked now. Shame, I was enjoying this immensely.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
I just tried walking through a door and the entire screen went black. Couldn't see anything but Batman himself. Restarted from checkpoint and now all he does is fall through darkness forever and I can't do a thing.

14 hours of play and I can't do anything anymore. Pretty f*cked now. Shame, I was enjoying this immensely.

Scarecrow is just fucking with you.

Well ok, that sucks :/ guess I was just lucky not getting any of these nasty glitches/bugs then.
I need help again! Just did the first
mission and at the very end I'm stuck holding a remote controlled batarang but I can't move or throw it, so I'm stuck at this bit. I'm convinced it's a glitch since I had a progress halting glitch earlier, but restarted checkpoint does nothing to fix this one. Maybe I'm missing something obvious, I hope so.

EDIT: Never mind, I just had to hold down the right bumper while aiming at the target, I have hints turned off so that's probably why I had no idea what to do.


Wow, the amount of bugs in this game is incredible.

After the
Joker + Harley
sequence I was at 90% story progression. I've now played an hour more and my progress is now at 78%.


PC version. Anybody else have this bug in the Burnley Comm tower where you can't climb into this air duct? It basically means I can't unlock the Burnley tower.

I almost stopped playing at this point, telling myself to just wait for the patch(es). Or that maybe I was doing something wrong, this is
E. Nigma
afterall. Tried throwing the remote baterang a few times, and guiding it through the vent, but there's just another vent cover at the end.

As my third Batman game, the combat and dull world just isn't doing it for me. Might consider skipping the sidequests and just finishing the main story.


I am so bad at this game. I've beaten the previous games on hard but this one seems a lot more difficult. Seems like I have to counter even more frequently too. Really enjoying it, just have to get back into the groove of combat I guess.
I just got to Penguin's
ship area
. There was a predator section before this (with two snipers), and detective mode didn't tell me how many enemies were in the area. Is this a bug?

Also had a bug where gameplay was just a black screen except the menu/pause screen. Restarting fixed that. Definitely a buggy game.
The boss fights in this game are amazing, characters are amazing, cutscenes are amazing, music is amazing.

I love this game!

EDIT: I also love how they've made combat significantly harder than previous instalments!


Just a couple of hours in - quite good for the most part. As many have said, though, it lacks refinement. When the counter prompt appears, sometimes my button press doesn't register. I've started mashing to counter, which I hate doing.

Also, the game froze up right after a boss fight, so I had to reboot the 360 and do the fight over again.

Then there's one of my biggest pet peeves - bodies make no sound when they impact the ground or other surfaces, which drives me crazy. Asylum had nice "thuds" that really gave bodies weight and mass, but that sound was gone in City for some reason and is still gone here. 200+ pounds of thug hitting the ground as dead weight should make a sound, dammit!

Dr Dogg

Ok who ever though Tracy's lines of dialog were acceptable should go take a long hard look in the mirror. It's about an accurate representation of the affable cockney dialect as Dick van Dyke in Marry Poppins, christ Nick Cotton's son in East Enders was more convincing. I'm half creasing up with laughter and half cringing in despair.
I'm really having trouble adjusting to the combat. It's much faster than the previous 2 games, and absolutely necessary to counter a TON.

I'm in Gotham PD at the mo, and just realised that despite choosing Normal, my save file says I'm playing on Hard. That probably isn't helping, lol.


EDIT: I also love how they've made combat significantly harder than previous instalments!

They just did some little things but threw me completely off when I started playing it.

Like AA and AC I started on hard without counter hints (sadly AC didn't let you do that from the start) but have since turned the hints back on.

The enemies are a lot more aggressive, coupled with the fact that the stun and evade mechanics have been tweaked so they are not overpowered as hell anymore, I died more in this already than in AA and AC combined.


So I just finished the game and.....I'm dissapointed. Definitely not at the level of the previous two games, imo it starts out pretty damn good, but the further the story progress the worse it becomes. Luckily it was only 20 euros. But definitely not worth the full price.
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