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Beatmania IIDX Community Thread: Deluxe Sound Sensation


Repost for TOTP:

Week 1.5 Score Challenge

Prelude- NAOKI underground
| Trance |
Standard: 5 / Hyper: 6 / Another: 7 (Old Scale) | 135-140 BPM
Originated in IIDX 9th Style

We're doing the Standard chart, unless a lot want the Hyper version.

Deadline is next Saturday.

First go:

Hoping to have an A by night's end.


I was playing today and my DJ Dao's turn table's rightward spinning motion doesn't register anymore :/

Do any of you guys know how to open this thing up and tighten some wires?

Also looking forward to trying out that song!
I was playing today and my DJ Dao's turn table's rightward spinning motion doesn't register anymore :/

Do any of you guys know how to open this thing up and tighten some wires?

Also looking forward to trying out that song!
Everything is just standard wire connectors inside, should be plainly obvious what is what once you open it. Turntable not registering in one direction is odd though; can't be the sensor because if something were wrong with that, neither direction would function properly.


Everything is just standard wire connectors inside, should be plainly obvious what is what once you open it. Turntable not registering in one direction is odd though; can't be the sensor because if something were wrong with that, neither direction would function properly.

Guess the doctor ordered some open heart surgery for tomorrow!

I feel bad for the guy though, because the extent of my knowledge isn't far past that of applying a bandaid to a cut.


Bummer about the DAO Roubjon, best of luck on that!

Alright, my first attempt:


Score attack has never been my strong point, hopefully these challenges help up my accuracy.
Maybe it's just sticking in that direction?
Just about every IIDX turntable on the market (including KOCs, DJDAOs, and the arcade turntable) operate by using two optical emitters and sensors. When you turn the turntable, you are also turning a toothed wheel that blocks and unblocks the light emitted. You need two in order to detect directionality (if sensor 1 turns off, then sensor 2 turned off, the turntable was spun in x direction). The loss of one sensor would render the entire turntable inoperable, because it becomes impossible to resolve the direction the turntable is spinning.


Lunatic Rave is fine, too.

What versions do you have? I'll keep it in mind for next time.

I have 9, 10, 13, US, and Empress Best.

I play on 20AC at home, but now that I'm thinking about it I'm probably going to the arcade tomorrow which has 14AC, so I just have an afternoon to beat your scores. That said, I'll be away at college starting next weekend and won't have my controller, so it's keyboard or nothing for a while.
Testing out my ASC with a new USB converter. Not too bad, but I'm paying the price from not using it as often as I should.
Timing seems decent on it now, at least much better than my 10 year old Radio Shack PS2 adapter.



Just about every IIDX turntable on the market (including KOCs, DJDAOs, and the arcade turntable) operate by using two optical emitters and sensors. When you turn the turntable, you are also turning a toothed wheel that blocks and unblocks the light emitted. You need two in order to detect directionality (if sensor 1 turns off, then sensor 2 turned off, the turntable was spun in x direction). The loss of one sensor would render the entire turntable inoperable, because it becomes impossible to resolve the direction the turntable is spinning.

That's good news for me then right? Because it works in one direction.


Testing out my ASC with a new USB converter. Not too bad, but I'm paying the price from not using it as often as I should.
Timing seems decent on it now, at least much better than my 10 year old Radio Shack PS2 adapter.

Wait, 20 actually has prelude? Where the fuck is it, I couldn't find it at all? Or is this that omnimix or whatever I've heard about.


Gold Member
pretty rad to see a community for bemani here on Gaf. my friend runs Bemani Invasion and brings tons of bemani games to cons, its pretty radd.


So, this is entirely out of curiosity: what class are you guys? I'm sitting neatly at 7th dan; gigadelic (or at least the last 10 or so seconds of it) has been whooping my ass for a solid month now.
So, this is entirely out of curiosity: what class are you guys? I'm sitting neatly at 7th dan; gigadelic (or at least the last 10 or so seconds of it) has been whooping my ass for a solid month now.

7th dan.
I haven't played consistently for a long time, so gigadelic[H] has been kicking my ass for YEARS


Hates quality gaming
Oh, what's this? A challenge?

Well huh, it's been a while. I also haven't played in 3 days, and I also haven't seriously played 7 key in essentially years, and I also am weaker in playing on the left side (and I can't change it on this sim), but what the hey. Enough excuses. Let's use it as a warm up.

Hm, OK. I didn't realize that they would have that much of the middle interlude show up on the L7. Neat.

An hour later after my normal session, surely things would have improved, right?

3 EX. Well, OK. At least it wasn't worse - though, why was that second part so much worse this time? That's strange.

So, this is entirely out of curiosity: what class are you guys? I'm sitting neatly at 7th dan; gigadelic (or at least the last 10 or so seconds of it) has been whooping my ass for a solid month now.
14key, 9.5 or so. I can pass some easy 12s, and I'm pretty sure I can still pass everything marked as an 11. I'd have to look the ratings over to be sure of that.

7key? Like 2 or some shit. I can't play 7key/1handed anymore, not that I ever did so particularly well.

edit: Wait, why is my result screen showing a higher note count? What the hell? I selected the L7. Well, so much for that.


So I guess my DAO fixed itself? No idea wtf that was about, but knowing electronics it probably won't last.

Regardless, regarding judgement with LR2, is there something I should check or change for the songs I'm playing before I get comfortable with them? Because I know there are different judgement tiers and I don't wanna think I'm better than I really am lol.

EDIT: Just has an awesome sesh. I've got way more muscle memory now and don't have to worry about accidentally hitting the wrong button nearly as much. And holy shit for some reason I can type really fast after playing IIDX. My WPM is 112.


So I guess my DAO fixed itself? No idea wtf that was about, but knowing electronics it probably won't last.

Regardless, regarding judgement with LR2, is there something I should check or change for the songs I'm playing before I get comfortable with them? Because I know there are different judgement tiers and I don't wanna think I'm better than I really am lol.

EDIT: Just has an awesome sesh. I've got way more muscle memory now and don't have to worry about accidentally hitting the wrong button nearly as much. And holy shit for some reason I can type really fast after playing IIDX. My WPM is 112.

"Normal" Judge in LR2 is the judge that IIDX arcade uses, if you want to change it open all the *.bme or *.bms files in batches with notepad++ (I don't recommend more than like 100 songs at once unless you want to freak your computer out) use find and replace all then listen to this man.


Not sure about 'dan's, but I can pass quite a few 7s now and most 6s. Traces(and the Kors K remix) still gives me a hard time, though. I hate streams that have the two button presses thrown into them, they always wreck me.

By the way, would the winner like the next pick or should I decide? I was leaning towards something from Empress Best(either classic or new).
Not sure about 'dan's, but I can pass quite a few 7s now and most 6s. Traces(and the Kors K remix) still gives me a hard time, though. I hate streams that have the two button presses thrown into them, they always wreck me.

I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time I'm explaining this, but this is referring to the highest rank you can earn in Daninintei (which is usually obvious as always being spelled in kanji, even in versions where English menus are prevalent). The lowest rank (easiest course) is 7th kyu; from there, it counts up to 1st kyu, then switches to 1st dan upwards.


I'm moving to Japan. Any advice for a IIDX beginner? I've started to plays 5s, but I have a hard time using my pinky for the turn table. All I know is that the bass boost in the enclosed Spada cabs is dangerous
ly awesome


Not sure about 'dan's, but I can pass quite a few 7s now and most 6s. Traces(and the Kors K remix) still gives me a hard time, though. I hate streams that have the two button presses thrown into them, they always wreck me.

By the way, would the winner like the next pick or should I decide? I was leaning towards something from Empress Best(either classic or new).

Daninintei mode is that mode with the kanji on all your versions (it was in everything from 7th up) that you've probably been ignoring that consists of just under 20 courses of 4 songs each meant to rank players. It starts at 七級(7th Kyu) counting down until you hit 一級(1st Kyu), from which point you continue at 一段(1st Dan) and count up to 十段(10th Dan). There's also a special course after 十段 called 皆伝(Kaiden) but fuck that shit. It's worth checking out to get a feel for how you fare along the totem pole. I would say start at 三段 and see how that goes based on how you describe yourself, then go from there.

[Counting in japanese is important here, #'s in order from 1 to 10 are: 一、二、三、四、伍、六、七、八、九、十]

I'm moving to Japan. Any advice for a IIDX beginner? I've started to plays 5s, but I have a hard time using my pinky for the turn table. All I know is that the bass boost in the enclosed Spada cabs is dangerous
ly awesome

Took me a week to learn to scratch after only playing with a keyboard for years (I'm 七段 on both keyboard and controller, somehow), just keep at it and it will come eventually. I'm still not as good as it as I should be, I miss (as in physically miss the turntable) quite often. Other than that, learn what high speed (and sudden+, if applicable) is comfortable for you.


Daninintei mode is that mode with the kanji on all your versions (it was in everything from 7th up) that you've probably been ignoring that consists of just under 20 courses of 4 songs each meant to rank players. It starts at 七級(7th Kyu) counting down until you hit 一級(1st Kyu), from which point you continue at 一段(1st Dan) and count up to 十段(10th Dan). There's also a special course after 十段 called 皆伝(Kaiden) but fuck that shit. It's worth checking out to get a feel for how you fare along the totem pole. I would say start at 三段 and see how that goes based on how you describe yourself, then go from there.

[Counting in japanese is important here, #'s in order from 1 to 10 are: 一、二、三、四、伍、六、七、八、九、十]

Yeah, I've never tried it. I'll give it a go, though.


When I last played I was passing some 9s and 10s and I still couldn't pinky scratch, lol. Just stuck with bad scratching habits I guess. Don't be like me!


Cool to see an IIDX thread here. I have an arcade close to me and get to play Spada about once a week. Curently at the 10-11 wall.

When I last played I was passing some 9s and 10s and I still couldn't pinky scratch, lol. Just stuck with bad scratching habits I guess. Don't be like me!

i know that feeling man. Before getting my FP7 I just used a keyboard and pressed shift to scratch. It took me a good month to not suck ass at scratching.


Any highlights from Spada's OST? I skimmed some of it and nothing seemed to stand out.

旋律のドグマ, Miracle 5mpho X, La Festa La Vita!!, Elektrick U-Phoria, 罪と罰, Lightning Shower, 超!!遠距離らぶ❤マール, Insane Techniques, Insomnia, and Rainbow Guitar Weeps are my favorite tracks from the OST part one. I haven't heard part two yet though so no comment on any of that.

I really liked the Spada OST as a whole though. Tricoro had more consistent quality IMO, but Spada has better standout tracks.
Any highlights from Spada's OST? I skimmed some of it and nothing seemed to stand out.

I'm a fan of Odin, RISE, Funny Shuffle, diagram, Adularia, and 牧神笛吹き

I like that the Spada OST comes out swinging a lot harder, though it misses more often, the hits for me are really good.


Phew, just got through 9th's first dan course. I have no idea how the ranking works, but I'm happy with the clear.
(And the Tran art)


Testing out my ASC with a new USB converter. Not too bad, but I'm paying the price from not using it as often as I should.
Timing seems decent on it now, at least much better than my 10 year old Radio Shack PS2 adapter.

So it should be your pick for the next challenge, unless you'd rather leave it to me.
(In which case we're doing Empress, if no one objects.)


Heh, working on Empress as we speak. Found an unlock thing here,not sure if legit:

Unlock all code.

1. Select the RIVALS Option from the main menu and set your rivals in order of the following. - BEAT - MANIA - IIDX - 16 - SECRET 2. Go to EXPERT Mode and create a custom made course called BEATFREE. Select any song on any difficulty with any mod. 3. Finish the course and watch the end credits. Voila! All music, gallery image, U/I modification, and hidden note charts are available to use.


Unconfirmed Member
I haven't played IIDX in forever and I was never much good at scoring, but when I saw that the week's challenge was on Empress I had to boot it up. :D

Might try the Hyper chart later on.
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