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Behind the scenes images of Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft from Tomb Raider Reboot

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Even if you're not hot on the reboot games' writing, if you prefer the old barbie doll character you're crazy. This is a 1000 times more interesting foundation. Now whether the movie script is good or not is a totally separate question, of course.

The visual design is better but the actual character backstory and characterisation is so much worse than that of Core's Lara it's not even funny.


It's good enough to be made into a movie where the idea can be expanded.

I don't see how you can ever get the original Lara out of the rebooted Lara.

Short of her bumping her head during one of her 800 scripted fall sequences and just becoming a completely different person.



Likely it's the angle, but for some reason she looks unhealthily thin in this picture.

Wonder if the story going to be based on the latest games (of which I'm not particularly fond of).
What? She looks fine.


Vikander is a damn good actress, too. If they write a decent script for this, it could end up better than it has any right to.


It's good enough to be made into a movie where the idea can be expanded.

Only if they make some serious changes in how they approach her characterisation. If they stick to how it was done in the 2013 game (which I doubt they will), the film will be terrible.
Only if they make some serious changes in how they approach her characterisation. If they stick to how it was done in the 2013 game (which I doubt they will), the film will be terrible.

Like most video game movies, if they stick with trying to be like the game it's gonna be bad. They have a good base to start on and make their own version of what the game was trying to do.


Wow looking great and just like reboot Lara too. I really enjoyed playing the reboot and dug the premise but the overall writing and characterisation of everyone was a bit of letdown and sadly got worse for Rise despite again being fun to play with some great visuals.

Hopefully the film redeems that premise and it's got a hell of a cast too.


I have a real soft spot for the Jolie movies. They were really dumb scholk but then what else can you do with Tomb Raider. Its always find the ancient macguffin or whatever.
No idea who the actress is.I guess she looks the part though.


Are they serious? they are making a movie based on the story line of the reboot? that story was awful I can't see it turning out well.


So is the non gaming press going to refer this movie as a reboot of the movie series or a movie based on the reboot of the game series?

I'm guesing the former and the ignorance will annoy me.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Looks like a random cosplayer from deviantart

Lets see *googles* WTF?
Who the hell casted her as Lara Croft...probably the same idiot that casted Emma Watson as Belle.
Its gonna be worse than the new RE movie.


Movie should be better by virtue of having a professional script reader. NuLaura is super boring though, but the first movies were already going down the garbage follow dad's footsteps angle. Only way some folks can imagine women doing something "abnormal."

It's also really amazing how the sudden shift in GAF's opinion on the new series just coincidentally happened at the same time at RoTR being announced as a timed Microsoft exclusive. Super wierd how those two totally unrelated events just happened to coincide like that.
You're very wrong to think this as the first one was always called out for how terribly quick Laura goes from wimp to sociopath. The character writing was garbage and gutter clichés, but the gameplay has always been derided as push forward for cinematic experience rather than an intense 3d platformer like the originals. Keep that console war shitposting to yourself.


Will only approve if she goes from being shocked at the death of an enemy to "RAMBO II" mode in 5 in-film minutes, like in the game reboot!

Can't tell much from those screens though. I remember the old TR movies being okay-ish. Though I was younger, so maybe these days I wouldn't like them, dunno. Hope it turns out okay :)


I loved the first two Tomb Raider movies and Angelina Jolie was the perfect Lara Croft for the time. I always wanted a third movie for her, and have anticipated this movie ever since the first rumors came out many years ago. I'm glad to finally see production has started, and I'm sure Alicia Vikander is gonna be just the Lara Croft that fits in with our time.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
It's also really amazing how the sudden shift in GAF's opinion on the new series just coincidentally happened at the same time at RoTR being announced as a timed Microsoft exclusive. Super wierd how those two totally unrelated events just happened to coincide like that.

Oh the hivemind


Adding to the fact that in these threads people focus way too much on looks, people also have a skewed view of what constitutes 'strong' or 'tough'. Fit and strong ≠ swole and big. Look at kickboxers. Look at acrobats. Look at runners or outdoor sportswomen.
Adding to the fact that in these threads people focus way too much on looks, people also have a skewed view of what constitutes 'strong' or 'tough'. Fit and strong ≠ swole and big. Look at kickboxers. Look at acrobats. Look at runners or outdoor sportswomen.

Right!? She could probably kick all of your asses. She's 5'4"; of course she's going to have somewhat of a petite frame. I'm sure she went through vigorous training for this role, as did Angelina Jolie. Those are some beautifully toned arms, if I may say so myself.


Looks like shit reboot Lara. Generic action movie time. I sincerely hope they don't try and copy the plot of the first reboot game, make her strong and competent throughout the film instead of the stupid bizarre mix of "weak and uncertain during plot but unstoppable during gameplay and setpieces" the reboot game had. Having her play a green lara will be boring because the action setpieces will be either

a) unbelievable because the character is meant to be new to the action hero game


b) she'll be carried by another character. Which is also shit

Looks like we'll never get a good Indiana Jones/James Bond but with a woman movie.

Yeah, the one where Lara is actually a character

You can complain about old Lara's design all you want, but her personality was very much there, she wasn't a cardbox box, she was a clear female James Bond character. Her personality was easily definable and had perfect clarity in that sense.

I see original Lara as a proto-bayonetta.

Nu-Lara is a pathetic attempt at a writer trying to create a "realistic" character but failing due to lack of writing talent.

Lara works better as a caricature character like Bond and Indiana due to the nature of the general story scenario.


....I should work out.

lol at people trashing the movie based off of a few pictures.

As with all video game movies I'll maintain cautious optimism until I am inevitably and horrifically let down.
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