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Best movie ending?

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Zodiac. Not the part with the McPoyle that's the actual ending. The parts just before that. It's so many great sequences in a row:
-The basement scene
-The weirdly tense scene where he's finally figured out who he thinks is the Zodiac
-The fucking perfect scene where he goes into the store, looks Arthur Lee Allen in the eye (as he said was his endgame earlier in the movie), and the background music just comes into focus. So god damn good.

Robot Pants

Fight club


Before Sunset



then they probably "did it" like 10 times that night; once for every year they were apart

Was going to post this.

Lost in Translation is great too. Best open ending imo. And Eternal sunshine offcourse...

Last shot of Her is awesome too. I'm on mobile, so you'll have to imagine the pic though :(


A silly choice compared to everything else here, but I love the ending of Shoot 'Em Up. It revels in all the over the top craziness of everything you've already seen and brings back the carrot.



Inception had a brilliant ending.

Return of the King will always be my favorite though. The last 30 or so minutes are perfection.

Kev Kev

Hell yeah. I watched the film and immediately inquired what others around me thought, and no one seemed to understand the purpose of the film. I thought it was fairly obvious, but I guess some people just see everything at face value.

Yes, yes, yes. Man, it gotta tell ya, it so nice to finally see that there are others out there who really got the point of that film. Every person I ever talked to about Gravity said, "Yeah, man, that was movie was crazy. Being stuck in space space must be, like, the scariest thing ever!". And I'm like, no, being stuck in the past and trying to move on with your life is the scariest thing ever, lol. Ahhh... In the end, it really helps me appreciate my English 2 professor that much more. He was like a life coach, taught me how to analyze characters and stories, and in turn how to analyze my own character and my own story. Something he used to say is, "the words are on the page, but the story is found in between the lines". I'm so happy that I am able to read between the lines now.


What? No, that ending was a shipwreck. Rose let Jack die by being a completely selfish bitch, despite there being room for two on that door, and having just claimed she will never let Jack go. Then, to top it off, she pretty much voids all of Brock's research and work by throwing 'The Heart of the Ocean' over the side of the ship, losing it to the depths of the sea forever. Complete and utter bitch.

Also, The Mist.
Awesome film, bittersweet ending.
The Count of Monte Cristo. I just felt so good for Edmond.

The Green Mile.

Boyz in the Hood. Sad but well done.

Shawshank Redemption.


The Third Man
The 400 Blows
Bicycle Thieves
Nights of Cabiria
Spirit of the Beehive
Sunset Blvd

Many to pick, really.

If just one then The 400 Blows. Or The Third Man. :p

Gotta add Nights of Cabiria and Spirit of the Beehive, because those other six films are bang-on.

"The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner" had a pretty good ending. Most Kubrick films have great final moments too. Pretty much all of them actually.

I'd add the end to the Apu Trilogy. The ending to the Three Colours trilogy also has an amazing payoff.

Kev Kev

Whelp, since no one else is going to say it...

"Farewell, my brave Hobbits. My work is now finished. Here at last, on the shores of the sea, comes the end of our Fellowship. I will not say "do not weep", for not all tears are an evil."

It's actually really difficult to find a video for this ending, but it is one of my favorites. Being the Tolkien dork that I am, Gandalf leaving Middle Earth, and leaving the hobbits, is one of the saddest things in any movie I've ever seen, but oh so satisfying. Makes me cry like a little girl every time.
The New World, from when Das Rheingold begins to swell until the credits. It is just stunning in or out of context, culminating and re-capitulating all of the themes of the film in a perfect, beautiful four minute span.


What kind of monster hates the ending of Inception? It's great!
Rarely have a left a movie theater so angry than at the ending of Inception. I went in dreading that Nolan would pull one of, it was all a dream! or, is it a dream or not? Both are easy, lazy writing tropes when dealing with the subject of dreams. Naturally, he went with one of them. And yes I know about the ring. It didn't salvage it.
Probably not the best ever but the ones that spring to my mind immediately and left an impression:

Raiders of the Lost Ark:

"Top... men."


The Godfather:

"Don Corleone..."


Brazil (director's cut obviously):

"He's got away from us, Jack."


The Insider:

"What got broken here...doesn't go together again." (cue Massive Attack 'Safe from Harm')


The Usual Suspects:

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."


And for sheer nostalgia:



Say what you want about Nolan's Batman trilogy, but all three endings are very effective.


The Graduate


also my favorite film

I actually watched this in a film class I took in community college. Such a good movie and a perfect ending for the movie.

Imma have to go with Requiem for a Dream. Sure its sad as shit but I felt like it was a great way to wrap it up while giving kind of a commentary on addiction
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