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Betting time: Do you think the Switch will be a success?

Will the Switch be a success?

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Prithee Be Careful

Industry Professional
You might want to drop out of the prediction game, as even if the Switch is a massive flop so huge that it makes the Wii U look like the DS, it'll outsell the Ouya within its first hour on the market.

Mmmm... I'm pretty sure the Vita is at or around the WiiU in terms of sales. I could be wrong, though.


Remove the joycon and it fits in the back pocket. Not the most eloquent solution, but I see people carrying the XL around which is much bigger.

No it's not, the XL fits in both my front and back pockets nicely, I can even drop it in my inner jacket pocket easily.

PLUS there's no thumbsticks like on the Switch to make it uncomfortable in my pockets.
Either Nintendo are being completely delusional by thinking that they can keep partying like it's 2008 or they recognize that a limited number of people are gonna buy their new console and the plan is to use whatever leverage they have (Zelda, Splatoon) to gouge the hell out of them early on with an expensive console, accessories, games, online fees and then.. ??

Also I'm not really buying this whole portable argument. I can see taking the Switch to a friend's house or on a long trip but as a 3ds replacement? No. Personally speaking, I already carry around an extra sized phone on a day to day basis, I'm not gonna carry anything else, especially when it's way bigger from what I've seen. Whether I'm indicative of a large group of people who are gonna reject the idea of using the Switch as a 3ds, who knows.


You think that tripling the Wii U is equal to the Wii? I thought that the Wii sold over 100 million and the Wii U is under 20 million.

3 x 20 = 60

2 x 100 = 200

200 =/= 60

Tripling Wii U would be double Wii if the Wii U sold 30 million and the Wii only sold 50 million. Personally of the people that I know that have ever owned a console about 90% of them owned a Wii at one time. With the Wii U it is less than 10% and I live and work in Nintendo town. (It's also Microsoft town too.)
This is for 3 months from launch. Wii U managed 3.45 mil, Wii did 5.84 mil. This poster claims the Switch will triple the Wii U and manage around 10.5 mil. Which is, for lack of a better term, batshit crazy. But hey it's his avatar bet.
I don't think so, unfortunatelly. Everything surrounding the console is a little too expensive. Games are fine but controllers are too expensive, not having the charging grip included is a mistake, the console pricing should be lower in EU at least (329€ vs 300€ that it should have been imo), paying for the online... I wish them the best but yea, it's going to be tough.


You think that tripling the Wii U is equal to the Wii? I thought that the Wii sold over 100 million and the Wii U is under 20 million.

3 x 20 = 60

2 x 100 = 200

200 =/= 60

Tripling Wii U would be double Wii if the Wii U sold 30 million and the Wii only sold 50 million. Personally of the people that I know that have ever owned a console about 90% of them owned a Wii at one time. With the Wii U it is less than 10% and I live and work in Nintendo town. (It's also Microsoft town too.)

Just realized that you were talking about the launch window not lifetime sales.


EDIT: Yeah, they were talking 1st 3 months lol :D


The "WiiU tier" predictions might be selling this short. It's purely anecdotal, but I hear regular people (read: non-gamers, casuals) talking about Switch with a level of awareness and excitement they never had for WiiU. Most of them still don't know what a WiiU is, but they already understand the central gimmick and appeal of the Switch.
Yup. You have to remember though, GAF can be a vacuum of opinions. People here were also blindsided during the election results. Tons of my non-gamer friends are flooding me (the known game dude) with questions about the Switch. We already have an 8 player Bomberman party planned for March 3rd.


I was actually planning to buy one on day 1 as a mainly handheld console. I never bothered with a 3DS and my Vita is starting to get old but can keep me entertained for at least another year. (I own a wiiu, a second vita, both kinects and a gaming laptop and enjoyed them all; I have no need to defend or hate any company).

As for the prediction I think it'll do around 20M-30M so better than gamecube but nowhere near 3DS. If Sony supported Vita for a couple of years they could have crippled Switch easily.

I think going for a hybrid was a mistake, they should have come up with a 3DS successor that has a tv out accessory at 200$.

Buying as a handheld: it is too expensive, especially with 60$ games.
Buying as a primary home console: too weak, not enough launch games, not enough future games, the joke that is the paid online service (I am pretty sure they'll charge at least 40$/year).
Buying as a secondary home console: too expensive, especially with the accessories.

Switch will die of a thousand paper cuts but at least Nintendo fans will have a bunch pointless arguments. 300$ is cheap (for a home console), switch looks pretty good (for a handheld), library has high quality games (but missing all of the seminal games from the 3rd party publishers), ps4's launch line-up was worse (should have taken advantage of this 3 years ago), it won't get a price cut anyway (even though 3ds got one in a couple of months), online play is (probably) cheaper (the rental games are a joke/insult even if PS+ declined this year) etc.

The main problem is how easy it is to ignore all of Switch library. Yeah I liked the Zelda trailer as well but there are and will be enough great games to last a lifetime without ever playing a Nintendo game again. There isn't a unique experience that is not represented somewhere else. The same is true for the other two, I love sunset overdrive and bloodborne as much as the next fan but I have so many good games waiting for me to try them out on the systems I already own at much cheaper prices.


I was hoping Nintendo might have come around, but I think they have another Wii U on their hands. Price and launch lineup are not looking good. This thing's hardware is very weak and it shows, which is all the more troubling when you look at the competition.


Time will tell but the launch lineup, price, paid online all lead me to think it will flop.

I'm just going to keep the launch lineup open in a separate page until December so I can stop myself from being tempted.

How do you fuck up this badly?

Nintendo needs to accept that they are in the secondary console space and price accordingly, including online services. $249 with free online would have been acceptable. $70 controllers are a joke.
Yup. You have to remember though, GAF can be a vacuum of opinions. People here were also blindsided during the election results. Tons of my non-gamer friends are flooding me (the known game dude) with questions about the Switch. We already have an 8 player Bomberman party planned for March 3rd.

Yeah we all know how much this means in the grand scheme of things, assuming it is even true,


I don't think the general populace gives shit about all the things we give a shit about, but when they go buy one and a controller, they will care about the price point. Console prices go down, but accessory prices generally don't in the lifespan of the console. If controllers are still 80 bucks without a grip and 70 dollars for a pro during the holidays, I imagine it will be unsuccessful. I'll still get one for Mario at least. :/

Since it already has the loyal Nintendo fans in the bag, I imagine it will, at the very least, do WiiU numbers.

Prithee Be Careful

Industry Professional
If you want to have a regular discussion about this, we can, but I'm not going to deal with hyperbole. Mario Kart and Splatoon 2 will sell shitloads of units. The E3 Smash hype will also move tons of units.

The only people likely to be hyped for Splatoon 2 are those that played Splatoon - given that it's a WiiU exclusive and the WiiU is considered a relative flop, 'shitloads' seems pretty optimistic...


Im in for it because I like Nintendo's games but I dont see it being a huge success. Not even getting into shit like how expensive getting a second set of joycons is going to be, I really dont get Nintendo's new trend of creating obvious pack-in games like Nintendo Land and 1,2,Switch and then selling them separately at full price.


Show me which part of the presentation shows that please.
... I mean, even Zelda at 900p with improved textures, shadows, draw distance and AA is a clear example of that, or Mario Kart at 1080p 60fps. And those are Wii U ports.

In terms of sheer power it's not. It's marginally better than Wii U, which wasn't all that much more powerful than a ps3 in the first place. I'd say it's closer to a ps3 than a ps4 in power

Define "marginally".

I don't see how it can be an improvement from the Wii U, it's the same thing but worse.

Would be amusing to read how exactly it's worse than the Wii U. Or "the same thing" for that matter.
Why is "fresh experience " always a fall back. I want a GOOD experience. I want a complete experience.
What you are saying sounds like some sales pitch for the Wii and the wiiU and now the Switch but it sounds like something said when there is nothing tangible to point to imo

If you have either a PS4 or XB1, how different is the one you don't have? They're a fairly similar experience. A Switch would be a different. Having both would give you access to the best of both worlds.

If you don't have a PS4/XB1 by now but are still interested in games, a new Nintendo platform that provides a different kind of experience might be appealing. In this case, a complete experience isn't relevant.


Yup. You have to remember though, GAF can be a vacuum of opinions. People here were also blindsided during the election results. Tons of my non-gamer friends are flooding me (the known game dude) with questions about the Switch. We already have an 8 player Bomberman party planned for March 3rd.

Cool, on your pocket projector?


If you have either a PS4 or XB1, how different is the one you don't have? They're a fairly similar experience. A Switch would be a different. Having both would give you access to the best of both worlds.

If you don't have a PS4/XB1 by now but are still interested in games, a new Nintendo platform that provides a different kind of experience might be appealing. In this case, a complete experience isn't relevant.
Well put.
... I mean, even Zelda at 900p with improved textures, shadows, draw distance and AA is a clear example of that, or Mario Kart at 1080p 60fps. And those are Wii U ports.

Define "marginally".

Would be amusing to read how exactly it's worse than the Wii U. Or "the same thing" for that matter.

Man, lets stop beating around the bush. The games that were shown show small improvements over the wii u but nothing more. Like a "new wii u" kind of improvement. Dont try to be smart. This thing is weak as fuck. And no its not trying to be a handheld. Not ONCE has nintendo even HINTED that its a "handheld that you connect to your tv". They HAVE, however, stated its their new "home console that you can take with you". Which is why it is being treated as such.


In the long run possibly, not for a couple of years though. It needs to come at us with alot of exclusives people want. Zelda is massive of course, but its on the WIIU and so many that was going for switch are now sticking with the U version. Mario Kart, Smash both on WIIU, XC2 will sell systems but not a ton, Mario will start to bring in buyers but not till xmas and beyond. After that they realy need to bring out alot of exclusives each year, I cant believe the risks they take with there system pretty much cutting off 3rd party devs, realy makes it either a super Nintendo only fan system or a sideman system to Xbox, PS4 or PC. A title that could help as been mentioned before is a big exclusive 3D Pokemon game, either some sort of MMO or a more traditional RPG but with vast open lands ect. We will see, I always wish Nintendo well as they gave me so many great memories as a kid and I respect them for being different but I do feel there making life harder and harder for themself.
Absolutely. Their mobile strategy (started with Super Mario Run but continuing with other games and franchises) will feed into the Switch's success. It won't approach Wii numbers but I predict within 3 years Nintendo's stock will rise by at least 50%. Quote me on that and check back in 2020.
guessing total flop, maybe Nintendo's last console. i personally have zero interest, and i haven't heard anyone even mention it in real life, not a single person.. that can't be a good sign.

and the only game i know for the console is Skyrim and i guess the new Zelda. would love to try out the latter but ehh.. not in a position to buy a console just to try out one game (unless it's truly revolutionary).

it seems like the GameCube turned out to be my last Nintendo console :/ oh well, at least i'll have the memories.


Persecution Complex
'Brand power' couldn't save the GameCube or WiiU - it's not some magic currency. Price and sentiment matter and yesterday's reveal - if the Internet buzz is any indication - did more harm than good.

What brand power? The wii-u/gamecube/N64 didn't get much help from said brand power. It is not 1990, Nintendo has a limited appeal brand power wise these days,

The N64 and GameCube were a success in terms of worldwide sales and power. They weren't as successful as SNES, PS1 or PS2 but they were still successful.

And when I talk about the Nintendo brand I'm not just talking about their consoles.

While the Wii U, GameCube, N64 were on the market so were the Game Boy, Gameboy Advance, DS and 3DS.

The Switch is the successor to the Wii U but it's also the successor to the 3DS. So the sales from the handhelds will follow.

The Nintendo brand is strong worldwide and that includes consoles, handhelds and their franchises. Nintendo did not show Pokémon last night nor Super Smash Bros.

Like I said I was personally underwhelmed, but I still think the Switch will be massive in terms of sales and popularity.


With all the new details coming out like no miiverse/streetpass and western games being based on ps3/360 counterparts, no way this thing will appeal to the enthusiasts that aren't hardcore nintendo fans.

It remains to be seen what the mass market will think of it but enthusuiast is out for the count.
Someone who doesn't care what some sad judgy loser thinks of them.

Remove the joycon and it fits in the back pocket. Not the most eloquent solution, but I see people carrying the XL around which is much bigger.

Remove the joycon and potentially lose them. No sweat just $80 to replace them


Man, lets stop beating around the bush. The games that were shown show small improvements over the wii u but nothing more. Like a "new wii u" kind of improvement. Dont try to be smart. This thing is weak as fuck. And no its not trying to be a handheld. Not ONCE has nintendo even HINTED that its a "handheld that you connect to your tv". They HAVE, however, stated its their new "home console that you can take with you". Which is why it is being treated as such.

Like i said in another thread, Nintendo can call it a space ship. It would still run on mobile hardware, and it would still be idiotic to expect even Xbox One performances out of it.

You can keep moving the goalpost as much as you want, but the Switch is still better than Wii U and similar consoles, despite using said mobile chip, and that's a fact. It's not even up for a debate. You can even watch the DF video about Tegra X1 if that makes you feel better.
Like i said in another thread, Nintendo can call it a space ship. It would still run on mobile hardware, and it would still be idiotic to expect even Xbox One performances out of it.

You can keep moving the goalpost as much as you want, but the Switch is still better than Wii U and similar consoles, despite using said mobile chip, and that's a fact. It's not even up for a debate. You can even watch the DF video about Tegra X1 if that makes you feel better.

But who is claiming its worse? I have not seen anyone claim that at all.

You are stating the obvious. Its better. It is. But how much? not much at all. Thats the issue here. And they want to charge a fucking premium for it too.


Like i said in another thread, Nintendo can call it a space ship. It would still run on mobile hardware, and it would still be idiotic to expect even Xbox One performances out of it.

You can keep moving the goalpost as much as you want, but the Switch is still better than Wii U and similar consoles, despite using said mobile chip, and that's a fact. It's not even up for a debate. You can even watch the DF video about Tegra X1 if that makes you feel better.

Don't think your average consumer would care if they're being told by Nintendo marketing that this is a home console you can take with you on the go.


Jaxapollo over here blowing my mind. Do you seriously think people in 2017 are living like they were in 2005? They're sitting here just ITCHING to finally move up from their Wii over a decade later having completely ignored all new technology to include smart phones, tablets, cheap laptops, and the consoles that have been released since then?

Brand power will carry it? People have been dating this since the n64. People said it about the ps3. It never happened. How old are you? Are you completely ignorant to history?

Am I worked into a shoot here?


The "WiiU tier" predictions might be selling this short. It's purely anecdotal, but I hear regular people (read: non-gamers, casuals) talking about Switch with a level of awareness and excitement they never had for WiiU. Most of them still don't know what a WiiU is, but they already understand the central gimmick and appeal of the Switch.

The downside to this is I'm hearing a lot of people going... "this is just the Wii U again, I burned once, not again." (which is why I don't plan on buying one for the foreseeable future.)


Man, lets stop beating around the bush. The games that were shown show small improvements over the wii u but nothing more. Like a "new wii u" kind of improvement. Dont try to be smart. This thing is weak as fuck. And no its not trying to be a handheld. Not ONCE has nintendo even HINTED that its a "handheld that you connect to your tv". They HAVE, however, stated its their new "home console that you can take with you". Which is why it is being treated as such.

Agree , also every time a company release a new console there is a graphical gap that make you wish the new one , PS2 to PS3 to PS4, XBOX-360-XBOX ONE

Switch does no makes you move from WiiU , the games look the same. The gap between WiiU and Switch is less noticeable than PS4 vs PS4 PRO a half generation console.

Switch It's a home console not a portable specially with that battery life and as a home console does not offer something different from WiiU.



People already carry cellphones and therefore they won't be carrying a tablet sized portable with removable controllers along with it. 3 hr battery is a joke. Just not thought out very well. Should have just made a ds phone instead.

Nintendo diehards will be the only ones buying this.
Have you guys looked at the preorder thread?


The preorders appear to be drying up already. Nintendo has not upgraded their supply lines yet. I think the Switch will sell out, but only because Nintendo is shipping a tiny amount of them.

Because everyone knows Nintendo does weird shit with allocations and with $0 down required at Best Buy, Amazon, Target, and even I think Walmart it was a no brainer to order them.

I ordered two for me and my brother but our feeling right now is we are 99% likely going to cancel, just not that much interest. Nintendo has a month to get us hyped but I mean, realistically there is very little they can do to get us to pay $500+ (console, pro, sd card, games) for essentially 2-3 games (that we would want to play) for 2017.

Maybe we're way outliers but given on every message board I have seen a TON of people say "I put in a preorder, but will probably cancel" I have a feeling I am not alone there.

(don't PM me about asking to get my order, I don't want to deal with paypal etc. I am 99% sure anyone will be able to pick up a switch on launch day in store anywhere)
To answer the OP's question: hell no it won't be a success. Im getting one in April/May but I doubt it'll be a success. I thought the same thing about the Wii and got proven wrong, so I'm still a tiny bit hopeful that Nintendo pulls it off.



20+ hour battery life.
Docked while playing.
While plugged into a pocket projector. ($100)

So you have to lug around all this crap. I assume in a dedicated bag to hold it all along with additional external batteries, go outside somewhere because....? find a suitable flat untextured wall, wait till dark and play some fucking Kart!!!! Yeah that sounds like a mass market proposition. Don't forget the insect repellant.
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