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Betting time: Do you think the Switch will be a success?

Will the Switch be a success?

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can I have a summary on why DS Phat was bad?

It wasn't fundamentally bad, but it was ugly and it had a shit library for almost 2 years.

I kinda expect the Switch's story to be the same. It'll meet success in 2 years when they release the Switch Mini and the games get good.
I think this will be like the SEGA Saturn: success in Japan, but third in the west. With bigger numbers!

Could be enough to be profitable and healthy


It will probably do better than Wii U, but I have a very hard time seeing a big market for it.

• Nintendo's still chasing the casual audience. But in a world where smartphones, tablets, f2p and $0.99 games exist, that demographic just isn't interested in paying several hundreds of dollars to buy a dedicated game machine and $40, $50 or $60 to buy games anymore. They also sure as hell aren't going to carry another device around just for gaming.

• Core gamers will ignore it for the same reasons they ignored the Wii U.

• The handheld market is shrinking and has never responded well to devices that aren't super-affordable and small.


No. Asked my kids 6-11 years and no one seemed impressed. And that 1 2 Switch was really lame.
Only thing they was ok with was Arms.
And when i show them the mario kart trailer and asked then if they wanted that game they thought we already had that game on wii u.


I like the first DS

I still can't believe I got one for Christmas back in 2004. They were sold out everywhere.


I think it'll sell better than WiiU because of the handheld mode, but it'll sell less than the 3DS, which will be a big problem for Nintendo.

And I can't see keeping this price for more than 6 months.


Moderate success I think. Right now they're in kind of a bad place, but I'm sure they'll show more new stuff this year (they have to). This was their moment to come back with a bang and they didn't which is a bit disconcerting, but again, I have faith they'll surprise us all. I can remember people dooming Nintendo ever since...forever? Yet here they are, still in business making the best videogames there are. They do have to buckle down on new games though, the Switch Launch line-up is kinda shit outside of, you know, quite possibly one of the greatest games ever made.
I think the range of where the Switch could end up is quite wide. Here are my thoughts on the announcements

A) Better marketing so far. At least it is clear that the Switch is an entirely new product by Nintendo and not an accessory to Wii. But that is a very low bar to top and I don't think the marketing is focused enough to be really effective. Nintendo seems to still long for the Wii audience based on some of the scenes in trailers and 1 2 Switch. And I don't think they can ever come back, so this is purely wasted effort.
B) Launches with Zelda.
C) Region free, although I don't think this will effect sales much at all.

A) Where are all the games? The launch window is especially depressing. They seemed to stop making Wii U games years ago, you'd think they'd be preparing them to launch with the Switch, but nope. Only Zelda is worth mentioning. It will be interesting to see how many hardcore Nintendo fans buy a new console just to play a Zelda game they can play on a console they already own.
B) Where are all the ports? The Wii U was quite unpopular, so plenty of ports could be used to attract new audiences. But we only get Mario Kart and even that not at launch? Bizarre. No Smash, Pikmin, no Bayonetta.
C) Paid online. With barely any games announced that can even support online! Two for the entire first year! On top of that you have the insulting rent NES/SNES games for month "benefit" of being subscribed! Based on everything else I have a feeling they will charge you just as much as Sony and MS, despite offering far less.
D) Expensive console.
E) Expensive accessories
F) Multiple gimmicks that will probably get used for 1 2 Switch and nothing else
G) No achievements even still. (Don't like them? Turn them off)
H) Worst of both worlds. Not a good console, not a good handheld.
I) 32 GB storage in the year of our Lord 2017
J) Only slightly more powerful than the Wii U (also makes 3rd party support impossible)

Based on those lists it'd be easy to predict that the Switch will sell Wii U numbers or less. But the reason why I think it might end up doing more is the handheld side of the device. Which was completely neglected, no announcements or ports were shown. But if game series from the 3DS end up arriving in good numbers, that should give the sales a decent boost.


I'm thinking Switch will do slightly better than GameCube at this point.

GameCube sold 21.7 million worldwide.

Maybe ~25 million for Switch, lifetime worldwide.

I highly doubt it's going to approach the 32.9 million that Nintendo 64 sold.


can I have a summary on why DS Phat was bad?

DS Phat launched at $149 with a weak library. It was ugly, bulky and had an awful screen.

DS Lite launched at $129 with a library that was really picking up steam and in the same season as New Super Mario Bros and Brain Training and other adult-focused casual games (True Swing Golf, etc). By comparison to the phat, it was sleek, light and slim and had a fantastic screen. It looked less like a toy and more like a device an adult could be seen with.


Eh, after reading 24 Hours of GAF negativity, I am actually excited for the Comsole more.

Call it Underdog Syndrome or what have you, but the more people shit on it, the more I'm excited for its potential.

I hope Japan latches onto it because I doubt success anywhere else really.
I think it will be a success. I think they did a terrible showing in terms of 3rd party lineup and launch lineup. The way that 3rd party segment was held was just embarrassing. Sega person seemed like they accidentally wandered on stage, Suda seemed like he planned what he was gonna say right before he got on stage about a game he has been thinking about for a year. Not too mention bringing EA to demo and hype up FIFA is a waste of everyone's time. The fact that Namco, Ubisoft and Capcom didn't come with much support shown at this event also makes me wonder as those have been strong partners with Nintendo in the past.

However, the first 9 months of this system's release looks better than what any recent system's launch year has in terms of major releases. They are releasing open world Zelda, Mario Kart, 64 style 3D Mario, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2 and "their next big ip, Arms"-Nintendo all this year. I also suspect there are still many titles we don't know about releasing this year.


I don't know about that. I pre-ordered the switch for 330€ yesterday at amazon.de. The last remaining stock is now sold by amazon.de for 350€. There seems to be a lot of demand even at that price.

The core fanbase, who bought the Wii U as well, is large enough to deplete the launch supply, but what happens after that demand has been met is the real question. Will it attract those who didn't have Wii U, or those who had 3DS?


I think the range of where the Switch could end up is quite wide. Here are my thoughts on the announcements

A) Better marketing so far. At least it is clear that the Switch is an entirely new product by Nintendo and not an accessory to Wii. But that is a very low bar to top and I don't think the marketing is focused enough to be really effective. Nintendo seems to still long for the Wii audience based on some of the scenes in trailers and 1 2 Switch. And I don't think they can ever come back, so this is purely wasted effort.
B) Launches with Zelda.
C) Region free, although I don't think this will effect sales much at all.

A) Where are all the games? The launch window is especially depressing. They seemed to stop making Wii U games years ago, you'd think they'd be preparing them to launch with the Switch, but nope. Only Zelda is worth mentioning. It will be interesting to see how many hardcore Nintendo fans buy a new console just to play a Zelda game they can play on a console they already own.
B) Where are all the ports? The Wii U was quite unpopular, so plenty of ports could be used to attract new audiences. But we only get Mario Kart and even that not at launch? Bizarre. No Smash, Pikmin, no Bayonetta.
C) Paid online. With barely any games announced that can even support online! Two for the entire first year! On top of that you have the insulting rent NES/SNES games for month "benefit" of being subscribed! Based on everything else I have a feeling they will charge you just as much as Sony and MS, despite offering far less.
D) Expensive console.
E) Expensive accessories
F) Multiple gimmicks that will probably get used for 1 2 Switch and nothing else
G) No achievements even still. (Don't like them? Turn them off)
H) Worst of both worlds. Not a good console, not a good handheld.
I) 32 GB storage in the year of our Lord 2017
J) Only slightly more powerful than the Wii U (also makes 3rd party support impossible)

Based on those lists it'd be easy to predict that the Switch will sell Wii U numbers or less. But the reason why I think it might end up doing more is the handheld side of the device. Which was completely neglected, no announcements or ports were shown. But if game series from the 3DS end up arriving in good numbers, that should give the sales a decent boost.

Pretty much sums up my thoughts and why I'm not getting it day one. Simply put, the cons far outweighs the pros.


This thing is still going to see its biggest sales around Christmas, so I think the half-year window prior to that is actually designed to get a number of titles out before that window and get the market used to what the device fundamentally is.

The Switch might not sell in March, but it will sell a lot more in November, in other words.
Logic would dictate that this will be a colossal failure. It's value for the cost is terrible, and while it is both a console and a portable, it doesn't do do either amazingly. However, it's form factor is so unique that it could grab a piece of the market not really considered. People will buy it just for Zelda and because it says Nintendo on the box, but It could also capture a lot of people that aren't really informed just because it'll be seen as "both a console and a portable in one!"


It could take off with a hit game eventually but not on the back of what they have now.

The marketing message is too complicated by the waggle/joy con stuff and there's absolutely no reassurance that the same mistakes of previous consoles aren't being repeated.

I really like the hardware concept but Zelda doesn't do it for me anymore.


I think the range of where the Switch could end up is quite wide. Here are my thoughts on the announcements

A) Better marketing so far. At least it is clear that the Switch is an entirely new product by Nintendo and not an accessory to Wii. But that is a very low bar to top and I don't think the marketing is focused enough to be really effective. Nintendo seems to still long for the Wii audience based on some of the scenes in trailers and 1 2 Switch. And I don't think they can ever come back, so this is purely wasted effort.
B) Launches with Zelda.
C) Region free, although I don't think this will effect sales much at all.

A) Where are all the games? The launch window is especially depressing. They seemed to stop making Wii U games years ago, you'd think they'd be preparing them to launch with the Switch, but nope. Only Zelda is worth mentioning. It will be interesting to see how many hardcore Nintendo fans buy a new console just to play a Zelda game they can play on a console they already own.
B) Where are all the ports? The Wii U was quite unpopular, so plenty of ports could be used to attract new audiences. But we only get Mario Kart and even that not at launch? Bizarre. No Smash, Pikmin, no Bayonetta.
C) Paid online. With barely any games announced that can even support online! Two for the entire first year! On top of that you have the insulting rent NES/SNES games for month "benefit" of being subscribed! Based on everything else I have a feeling they will charge you just as much as Sony and MS, despite offering far less.
D) Expensive console.
E) Expensive accessories
F) Multiple gimmicks that will probably get used for 1 2 Switch and nothing else
G) No achievements even still. (Don't like them? Turn them off)
H) Worst of both worlds. Not a good console, not a good handheld.
I) 32 GB storage in the year of our Lord 2017
J) Only slightly more powerful than the Wii U (also makes 3rd party support impossible)

Based on those lists it'd be easy to predict that the Switch will sell Wii U numbers or less. But the reason why I think it might end up doing more is the handheld side of the device. Which was completely neglected, no announcements or ports were shown. But if game series from the 3DS end up arriving in good numbers, that should give the sales a decent boost.

Yea, this mirrors my thoughts pretty well.

It's been a rather disappointing past 24 hours for me; I was hoping Nintendo would come out with guns blazing this time, given the difficulties they've faced with the Wii U.


I voted Wii U tier thanks to my initial negative laden reaction but I do feel it could.. maybe.. do better than that in the end.

I just really hope Nintendo seriously listen to the backlash over the many things that fans, even really hardcore Nintendo fans, have had issues with.

I hope we can see an Xbox One style reimagining of the services and price factor sooner rather than later.

If their online service costs similar to XBL/PSN and they're still only going to offer one ancient NES/SNES game to try for a month then they seriously need to have a rethink as that feels like an actual joke and an insult to people when you see what the others are doing.

Accessory prices need reigned in a little, they just seem unbelievably exploitative.

They seriously need to be knocking on the doors of indie devs everywhere and make content come to the system. If I buy a Switch it will be spent mostly as a handheld for when I'm in bed, and I want lots of fun appropriate portable games for those 10 minute bursts. The system is perfect for it and it's where it could shine.

I just feel like Nintendo are truly living in the past. What they think is a great idea in Japan has western audiences staring dumb founded. They really do seem to think they are apart from the rest of the industry and that's a really dangerous position to be in. Wii U has shown what market exists for the people willing to buy a console solely to play Nintendo games, they need to hugely broaden their appeal from that!

Safe to say they've burned their AAA multi-platform bridges already as the system simply cannot handle the latest PS4/XB1 games, not without being massively gimped and costly to port as a result (i.e. so it just won't happen). So Nintendo need to bring all of their great console and handheld games, their weird niche Japanese stuff that's harder to find elsewhere, get western indies on board who are making some incredible games like Inside or Life Is Strange... get THAT content onto the system, along with the latest and greatest Nintendo AAA stuff and it could do really well in the end (after price drops and game bundling!).

I want the system, it sounds ergonomic, the screen is said to be sharp, bright and colourful, and it has that simple flexibility of TV or portable play. I want one (I've not owned Nintendo systems since Gamecube and the DS), but I'll wait for a year or two. I hope it ends up a success because I want a glut of games to end up on this system!


I've noticed that all of the hands on impressions from tech blogs have been very positive. I wonder if the thing makes more sense when you actually play one yourself.
I'm starting to think that this thing has potential to take off. If it's really impressive in the hands, and since it is designed to be brought and shared with others, it stands a chance to spread and gain momentum, especially among non-gamers.
Maybe I'm being optimistic, but I'm not so sure anymore. It has the ingredients for viral spread


I think the range of where the Switch could end up is quite wide. Here are my thoughts on the announcements

A) Better marketing so far. At least it is clear that the Switch is an entirely new product by Nintendo and not an accessory to Wii. But that it is hard to tell how many people outside of normal gaming circles are excited about this console. The initial Switch trailer numbers are promising but this needs a lot more obvious word of mouth effects to convince me it is getting through to a lot of people who won't care about many of the negatives that gamers who go to places like 4chan, GAF and IGN would care about. Nintendo seems to still long for the Wii audience based on some of the scenes in trailers and 1 2 Switch. And I don't think they can ever come back, so this is purely wasted effort.
B) Launches with Zelda.
C) Region free, although I don't think this will effect sales much at all.
D) Much more powerful than the Wii U and makes 3rd party support possible even though there are much bigger barriers at play.

A) Where are all the games? The launch window is especially depressing. They seemed to stop making Wii U games years ago, you'd think they'd be preparing them to launch with the Switch, but nope. Only Zelda is worth mentioning. It will be interesting to see how many hardcore Nintendo fans buy a new console just to play a Zelda game they can play on a console they already own.
B) Where are all the ports? The Wii U was quite unpopular, so plenty of ports could be used to attract new audiences. But we only get Mario Kart and even that not at launch? Bizarre. No Smash, Pikmin, no Bayonetta.
C) Paid online. With barely any games announced that can even support online! Two for the entire first year! On top of that you have the insulting rent NES/SNES games for month "benefit" of being subscribed! Based on everything else I have a feeling they will charge you just as much as Sony and MS, despite offering far less.
D) Expensive console.
E) Expensive accessories
F) Multiple gimmicks that will probably get used for 1 2 Switch and nothing else
G) No achievements even still. (Don't like them? Turn them off)
H) 32 GB storage in the year of our Lord 2017
I) Questionable as a handheld because of battery life range and even more so for the price which is way beyond what handhelds and their software sold for.

Based on those lists it'd be easy to predict that the Switch will sell above Wii U numbers but not enough to beat Gamecube. But the reason why I think it might end up doing more is the handheld side of the device. Which was completely neglected, no announcements or ports were shown. But if game series from the 3DS end up arriving in good numbers, that should give the sales a decent boost.

Decent list. I made my own revisions in bold.
It wouldn't shock me if it did ok. I feel like people forget how much of a disaster the Wii U's promotional campaign alone was. News outlets thought it was an extension for the Wii ffs.

I definitely don't feel great about its initial chances though. Personally I'm not sold on it.


No, it will not.

Whatever the virtues of its design, it is Nintendo doubling down on not making a respectable jump from the previous (home console) generation. Wii U was one gen behind. Switch is arguably 1.5 generations behind. This is totally unacceptable for a $300 price point. I don't see the 3DS crowd switching over en masse, either. It may do marginally better than Wii U, but even if it does, it may very well mark the end of the Nintendo home console. And it's sad that they died not even trying to compete for one last time.


I think the range of where the Switch could end up is quite wide. Here are my thoughts on the announcements

A) Better marketing so far. At least it is clear that the Switch is an entirely new product by Nintendo and not an accessory to Wii. But that is a very low bar to top and I don't think the marketing is focused enough to be really effective. Nintendo seems to still long for the Wii audience based on some of the scenes in trailers and 1 2 Switch. And I don't think they can ever come back, so this is purely wasted effort.
B) Launches with Zelda.
C) Region free, although I don't think this will effect sales much at all.

Now let's SWITCH to the cons!

A) Where are all the games? The launch window is especially depressing. They seemed to stop making Wii U games years ago, you'd think they'd be preparing them to launch with the Switch, but nope. Only Zelda is worth mentioning. It will be interesting to see how many hardcore Nintendo fans buy a new console just to play a Zelda game they can play on a console they already own.
B) Where are all the ports? The Wii U was quite unpopular, so plenty of ports could be used to attract new audiences. But we only get Mario Kart and even that not at launch? Bizarre. No Smash, Pikmin, no Bayonetta.
C) Paid online. With barely any games announced that can even support online! Two for the entire first year! On top of that you have the insulting rent NES/SNES games for month "benefit" of being subscribed! Based on everything else I have a feeling they will charge you just as much as Sony and MS, despite offering far less.
D) Expensive console.
E) Expensive accessories
F) Multiple gimmicks that will probably get used for 1 2 Switch and nothing else
G) No achievements even still. (Don't like them? Turn them off)
H) Worst of both worlds. Not a good console, not a good handheld.
I) 32 GB storage in the year of our Lord 2017
J) Only slightly more powerful than the Wii U (also makes 3rd party support impossible)

Based on those lists it'd be easy to predict that the Switch will sell Wii U numbers or less. But the reason why I think it might end up doing more is the handheld side of the device. Which was completely neglected, no announcements or ports were shown. But if game series from the 3DS end up arriving in good numbers, that should give the sales a decent boost.

Perfect list. In bold I had to add an overused, tone-deaf transition.


May I have a cookie?
Depends on your definition of success.

Personally, my goal for Switch, as a replacement for both Wii U and 3DS, was to sell at least as much as both platforms combined.

In that respect I believe it will utterly fail.


I was intrigued until I found out it would cost me $460 to get the switch, a pro controller and the dock. I just don't see it succeeding at that price, especially when it is so underpowered compared to the other consoles on the market. Plus online costs money now, and I'd have a hard time justifying another online subscription. I still think it looks cool but I'll wait a couple years for a sweet black Friday deal before I even consider buying it.


...hate me...
I was intrigued until I found out it would cost me $460 to get the switch, a pro controller and the dock. I just don't see it succeeding at that price, especially when it is so underpowered compared to the other consoles on the market. Plus online costs money now, and I'd have a hard time justifying another online subscription. I still think it looks cool but I'll wait a couple years for a sweet black Friday deal before I even consider buying it.
It comes with a dock. An extra dock is to connect it to multiple TVs with ease. Also, while the Pro controller is surely great, if you don't need 2 full controllers from the get-go, I'm sure the Joy-cons in the their grip make a very comfy controller too.
Where are all the games? The launch window is especially depressing. They seemed to stop making Wii U games years ago, you'd think they'd be preparing them to launch with the Switch, but nope.

Sad truth is this seems to be what Nintendo is capable of, and not what we've imagined. Unfortunately after this happening twice in a row with Wii u and seemingly switch, I think I and others just need to accept that maybe Nintendo can't put out the dozens of toP tier console quality works we've imagined yearly, even if they do combined handheld and console development.


"hello?" "this is vagina"
If their output can match their Wii U and 3DS combined, they shouldn't have a problem. But their reveal has me worried that won't happen, and I was certain they would have a GOAT launch lineup.

John Wick

I just don't see a market for the device outside of the Nintendo faithful. The price and accessories are way to expensive for 2017. It's trying to be a jack of two trades but is master of non.
Mario Odyssey looks amazing but one game won't sell it to the masses. The other games are just ports of Wii U games.
Probably do about 15 million lifetime.
I think this will be like the SEGA Saturn: success in Japan, but third in the west. With bigger numbers!

Could be enough to be profitable and healthy

From impressions I've seen, it will probably do about the same as the Wii U in Japan.
They want a 3DS successor and this ain't it.


It comes with a dock. An extra dock is to connect it to multiple TVs with ease. Also, while the Pro controller is surely great, if you don’t need 2 full controllers from the get-go, I’m sure the Joy-cons in the their grip make a very comfy controller too.

Hmm, I missed that part. OK, that makes the price a bit more reasonable...


Sorry Nintendo, its too pricey and there's not enougth games in the first year to warrant it.

Splatoon maybe a killer app for me but if I need to pay a subscription it becomes a really expensive game.

Only chance it had was to come out all guns blazing with loads of classic franchises and at a reasonable price, people were paying £150 for XB1's and PS4's in the UK last year, £280 seems too high for an under powered games machine with sporadic games

I didnt vote, I would have voted for Nintendo to go third party for console games given the choice


I think it will do well. I thought Nintendo was gonna knock everyone's socks off with this info but that doesn't really seem to be the case.

I think it will do N64 levels or so unless all the 3DS owners migrate over than it could do better. Time will tell.

I may get one but after getting burnt with the Wii U I'm certainly gonna wait at least 2 years before considering it.



The console market belongs to the PS4 and the Xbox One.

The mobile market belongs to smartphones.

There is nothing left for Nintendo. Except the Nintendo Faithful, but there aren't enough of those.
Stop deluding yourself with the bolded.

I expect it to be between Wii U and Gamecube; a slow start, but in the end, a commendable success.

What you're saying in the bolded is a little over the top, to say the least.

wait...what? WiiU is about 13 million. Gamecube was about 20 million.

If the Switch sells 13-20 million, that's not a "commendable success." Nintendo is out of business.
Switch will be a modest success. Lol I keep saying it somehow trying to will it into existence, if that isn't an indicator of my faith on Switch then I don't know what is.

It's was all about communicating what makes Switch appealing and although they stumbled outta the gate (nowhere near as bad as Xbone) they can still fix this. There are many unanswered questions including online and VC and I feel Nintendo could shore up there.

The one thing I'm not a fan of is the prices of the accessories. $70 for the Pro controller, like wtf Minty, what makes this Pro controller $20>Wii U Pro controller? This I specifically don't like because I feel like Nintendo is trying to take me for a sucker. "oh we're charging you $20 extra because we can and we're going to". Fuck off. I find shit like that insulting to me.



The console market belongs to the PS4 and the Xbox One.

The mobile market belongs to smartphones.

There is nothing left for Nintendo. Except the Nintendo Faithful, but there aren't enough of those.

I mean, I agree that the handheld market is contracting due to the proliferation of mobile phones but surely the 60m or so 3DS owners won't disappear overnight.


...hate me...

The console market belongs to the PS4 and the Xbox One.

The mobile market belongs to smartphones.

There is nothing left for Nintendo. Except the Nintendo Faithful, but there aren't enough of those.

One would think they didn’t just sell 60M of 3DS LTD.


I think it will do better than Wii U. Question is, how much better? Same audience that bought Wii U, hardcore Nintendo fans, will also buy Switch, but how much it can bring 3DS owners (that don't own Wii U)? If Nintendo can market Switch attractive enough for Nintendo handhelds fans it will do fine, although even in that case I don't think Switch sells 3DS numbers.

Number wise my guess is Switch can sell anything from 20 million to 40+ million consoles.

Has Nintendo said or is the rumors about just purely handheld Nintendo console, 3DS successor? I know Switch is hybrid, but to me it's seems Switch is still home console first and successor to Wii U, not 3DS. Wouldn't be surprised to see new Nintendo handheld down the line, but it would be opposite to Switch: handheld first but you can connect it to TV and play like home console.


This thread will be interesting couple of years from now. I clicked: Improvement from GameCube/Wii U and honestly believe it after everything I've seen so far.
I'm in it for the Nintendo games, PC everything else basically.

I think it is going to do much better than people think. It will sell out basically most of the year because it's new and the few games it is getting like Mario Kart and Splatoon will last it until the holidays unless other stuff comes out that we don't know about which is a possibility.

In the years following I'm sure they will release a revision with a more efficient GPU that will get close to doubling the battery life among other things. It will have a great library of games by then too.

Also cannot deny the appeal of a mainline pokemon game for the Switch which will come, just a matter of when.
So after playing it today I have much more faith in this platform. A lot depends on price but id say (with iterations) it will sell 3DS numbers and even more potentially. Dont expect DS or Wii numbers


From the WSJ:
The price of the new console exceeded the sub-$250 mark expected by market analysts. The Wii, a hit console that Nintendo released in 2006, was $250 initially, while its unpopular successor Wii U was $300 when released in 2012. Sony Corp.’s PlayStation 4 currently sells for $260, and Microsoft Corp.’s Xbox One is $240.

Nintendo shares were down almost 6% in afternoon trading in Tokyo on Friday, wiping nearly $1.8 billion from the company’s market value.

Part of the reason for the Wii U’s poor performance was a lack of interest among third-party game makers. Analysts said Switch needs a successful launch to generate interest from software producers who in turn can deliver a fresh stream of titles to keep consumers’ attention.

“A key threshold line is 10 million units in its first year,” said Hideki Yasuda, an analyst at Ace Research Institute.

Last year, Nintendo Chief Executive Tatsumi Kimishima said the company planned to ship two million Switch units in March.


It will be a nervous year ahead for Nintendo executives.
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