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Call of Duty: Ghosts online multiplayer discussion thread


After 20 hours with the multiplayer, this is easily the worst Call of Duty MP I've ever played. I despised Black Ops II's tiny little maps, but this game is the most frustrating online shooter I've ever played. Never before have I had as little fun killing virtual people as I have with this pile of embarrassing shit. Every game makes me want to punch a hole through my monitor.

Deliver us from evil, Titanfall, I can't take this shit anymore.


I just want to say I think the idea of active/inactive operations instead of challenges like BlopsII is about the most horribly designed aspect of multiplayer I've ever experienced...

I hate, hate, hate it


After 20 hours with the multiplayer, this is easily the worst Call of Duty MP I've ever played. I despised Black Ops II's tiny little maps, but this game is the most frustrating online shooter I've ever played. Never before have I had as little fun killing virtual people as I have with this pile of embarrassing shit. Every game makes me want to punch a hole through my monitor.

Deliver us from evil, Titanfall, I can't take this shit anymore.

Agree 100%, this is the least fun I've ever had with CoD multi since Modern Warfare. I might take it back to the store tomorrow


After 20 hours with the multiplayer, this is easily the worst Call of Duty MP I've ever played. I despised Black Ops II's tiny little maps, but this game is the most frustrating online shooter I've ever played. Never before have I had as little fun killing virtual people as I have with this pile of embarrassing shit. Every game makes me want to punch a hole through my monitor.

Deliver us from evil, Titanfall, I can't take this shit anymore.

Yeah this is pretty much me now.
Put in just under 2 days play and wont be playing much more. I used to jump on with pretty much any spare time I had. But now I find myself just turning off after a few games, even when playing with a full party of the clan I'm in.

With Black Ops 2 I hated it at first but because of the connection. But they sorted that out and loved it it after that.

It's the frigging maps. They're just terrible. I think because you die from the back and side 99 percent of the time (and in the blink of an eye too) It's slowed down everyones play style and you get alot more people just pre aiming waiting for someone to appear.

I just can't play like that.


My opinion? USED.
After 20 hours with the multiplayer, this is easily the worst Call of Duty MP I've ever played. I despised Black Ops II's tiny little maps, but this game is the most frustrating online shooter I've ever played. Never before have I had as little fun killing virtual people as I have with this pile of embarrassing shit. Every game makes me want to punch a hole through my monitor.

Deliver us from evil, Titanfall, I can't take this shit anymore.

The game is rubbish. Absolutely boring. You spend the majority of your time hunting for enemies on the enormous maps with sparse numbers of players only to get killed by some idiot who spawns behind you. Add to that the silly kill-streaks and lame squad points which don't let you carry over attachments and its just an unfun boring grind.

Keep buying the DLC though kids, but dont come back asking why micro-transactions are a cancer this generation.


With MW1 & 2, there were camping spots and choke points with only 1-2 ways in / through. Since then, IW has been trying to overcompensate. In MW3, you had 2-3 ways to get in / through. With Ghost, we are looking at 3-4 ways. That's way too many for game "flow". Nothing makes you want to rage quit like killing someone only to have another person come take you down from any possible 2-3 directions behind you. And, trying to get a payback, good luck with that. There's no "safe" route back. So, it's not surprising moving / running around will often get you killed from the sides / behind. Now, I see so many "good" players just siting / laying down in a spot and waiting for someone to appear. It's funny IW tried so hard to discourage camping only made it worse. Plus, the game "flow" has pretty much disappear.


My opinion? USED.
With MW1 & 2, there were camping spots and choke points with only 1-2 ways in / through. Since then, IW has been trying to overcompensate. In MW3, you had 2-3 ways to get in / through. With Ghost, we are looking at 3-4 ways. That's way too many for game "flow". Nothing makes you want to rage quit like killing someone only to have another person come take you down from any possible 2-3 directions behind you. And, trying to get a payback, good luck with that. There's no "safe" route back. So, it's not surprising moving / running around will often get you killed from the sides / behind. Now, I see so many "good" players just siting / laying down in a spot and waiting for someone to appear. It's funny IW tried so hard to discourage camping only made it worse. Plus, they also remove the game "flow".

For all the problems with MW3 its actually my favorite multiplayer from the COD series. The maps were great and the weapon damage was pretty much perfect apart from the LMG's being so weak and so slow.
With MW1 & 2, there were camping spots and choke points with only 1-2 ways in / through. Since then, IW has been trying to overcompensate. In MW3, you had 2-3 ways to get in / through. With Ghost, we are looking at 3-4 ways. That's way too many for game "flow". Nothing makes you want to rage quit like killing someone only to have another person come take you down from any possible 2-3 directions behind you. And, trying to get a payback, good luck with that. There's no "safe" route back. So, it's not surprising moving / running around will often get you killed from the sides / behind. Now, I see so many "good" players just siting / laying down in a spot and waiting for someone to appear. It's funny IW tried so hard to discourage camping only made it worse. Plus, the game "flow" has pretty disappear.

What game mode are you guys playing since you are so frustrated? I think in MW3 and BlOps2 one tended to die a lot faster than in Ghosts. I felt the spawning in MW3 was quite problematic and in general the maps not very exciting. I play Domination which has always had 6v6 and I feel the majority of maps in Ghosts are fine. I'd assume that for more tactical, smaller team games, the maps are too big though. What you guys think ?


What game mode are you guys playing since you are so frustrated? I think in MW3 and BlOps2 one tended to die a lot faster than in Ghosts. I felt the spawning in MW3 was quite problematic and in general the maps not very exciting. I play Domination which has always had 6v6 and I feel the majority of maps in Ghosts are fine. I'd assume that for more tactical, smaller team games, the maps are too big though. What you guys think ?

I only play team deathmatch.


After 20 hours with the multiplayer, this is easily the worst Call of Duty MP I've ever played. I despised Black Ops II's tiny little maps, but this game is the most frustrating online shooter I've ever played. Never before have I had as little fun killing virtual people as I have with this pile of embarrassing shit. Every game makes me want to punch a hole through my monitor.

Deliver us from evil, Titanfall, I can't take this shit anymore.

Sorry but I just don't get it... How does someone play for over 20 hours, nearly a full day of game play and then finally decide they weren't having fun. Your not the first I have seen this before.

Honestly starting to think people are just masochists who put them through the torture of playing a game they don't like for a while so then when they post in a thread they know they can get people on their side because "that guy" had played for that many hours so his opinion is obviously better than others...

That or maybe I need to stop going on forums since they seem to make gaming joyless where being fun isn't enough anymore.
Sorry but I just don't get it... How does someone play for over 20 hours, nearly a full day of game play and then finally decide they weren't having fun. Your not the first I have seen this before.
Same as people who played Diablo 3 for 50+ hours only to say that it's a piece of shit.
And that's their legitimate right. Maybe they gave the game a chance, tried to get everything (unlocks, perks, etc.) , see if it gets better, etc.
I find his opinion more valid than someone who spent 30min in the game and declared it shit.
That or maybe I need to stop going on forums since they seem to make gaming joyless where being fun isn't enough anymore.
Most die hard fans of a certain game will be its loudest critics. They know the mechanics inside and out, they've been with the franchise for many games now and they (usually) have a valid set of complaints/criticisms.
Making observations, pointing out flaws is preciesly WHY I come to GAF. I don't see that as "making gaming joyless".


Sorry but I just don't get it... How does someone play for over 20 hours, nearly a full day of game play and then finally decide they weren't having fun. Your not the first I have seen this before.
It's pretty normal for an online MP game, it's happened to me several times. Point is, sometimes, the outcome is the opposite. Game is being frustrating for 10-20hrs, then something clicks and you're having a blast.

I don't know how many hours I've played in ghost, if not 20 at least certainly 15, and I'm pretty thoroughly disgusted by the game. Yet I'm likely to give it a few more hours in the hope that it eventually comes together (unlikely as it may be).

Edit: I remember back in the day of CS1.5, on the server I used to hang out in regularly, there were a cple of guys who absolutely sucked at the game, they would end up with awful k/d every single round. They were not having any fun. Took them weeks and months to turn it around. Eventually they did though and were on a (more or less) even level with the rest of the server's population. And they started having fun.

Took them way more than 20 hours.


Making observations, pointing out flaws is preciesly WHY I come to GAF. I don't see that as "making gaming joyless".

I guess for me personally it comes from liking a game, going into a thread and seeing maybe one other person liking it and then the rest taking utter shits at it. I really don't mind people with opinions but sometimes it feels like you either join in or be ignored.

Then what makes it worse is that people only listen to the negatives and hail that person's opinion was the one true fact rather than just their own opinion.

I guess it's a bit of irony that gamers rally against listening to reviewers as their sole decesion making progress yet use gamers for the exact same thing. One person says it's bad? Then it must be bad no questions asked. :/

Edit: I guess to further explain my position I guess I could expand on it by saying that the root of it really is the cyncism and pessimism that is seemingly being glorified now a days. I feel like unless your a select few (like Gies), that you being down and hatred of something is viewed as better than someone with a more positive view. The whole "Stick it to the man!" sort of attitude. :/

Maybe it's just me and I am not saying just based on NeoGAF, this is based on the various sites I go onto to.


Man all of these maps are fucking horrendous. What happened IW??

We all quit..

The only designer left at IW that worked on CoD4 MP was Nate, and that was just DLC (Creek). Porter worked on MP for a bit on MW2, on Derail iirc.

Also worth pointing out that Mary, a tester on MW2 who (I'm told) went on to make some of the best MW3 maps, went to Konami.


With MW1 & 2, there were camping spots and choke points with only 1-2 ways in / through. Since then, IW has been trying to overcompensate. In MW3, you had 2-3 ways to get in / through. With Ghost, we are looking at 3-4 ways. That's way too many for game "flow". Nothing makes you want to rage quit like killing someone only to have another person come take you down from any possible 2-3 directions behind you. And, trying to get a payback, good luck with that. There's no "safe" route back. So, it's not surprising moving / running around will often get you killed from the sides / behind. Now, I see so many "good" players just siting / laying down in a spot and waiting for someone to appear. It's funny IW tried so hard to discourage camping only made it worse. Plus, the game "flow" has pretty much disappear.

Quoted because I agree with it so much.

In MW3, it didn't feel like I had to 'restart' after any death - if that makes any sense. There is no flow in Ghosts for the most part (except for a couple maps).

Honestly however, I have not played either MW1 or MW2. BO1 had some great maps as well - more open than MW3 but not as crazy empty huge as Ghosts.

This game is a campers paradise.

Get a kill off, go to some other random hiding spot in the 15 corners available within 10 feet - repeat ad nauseum.

Its like every design decision was made to butt heads with one another.

Big maps? Can't see where team mates died most times (at too big of a distance or killed with that perk), no tactical insertion, UAVs are now ground based and blow chunks, ugh... and so much more.

And now its worse now than ever to have terrible teammates. Before I could pull their weight - make up for some bad scores - now any time I die I have to traverse so far that its near impossible for me to be "in the action" enough.

And thats what I wanted from Ghosts: action. Not traversing a level in hope of some action.
Thanks for proving my point. This is why I despise this stuff. If one setup becomes the most popular, it's overpowered.

If I were in charge the ability to be off the radar would work just like it did in BLOPS 2. If you stop moving, you're visible.
For the record, I completely agree. That's why I posted it. I believe that they should up the cost of entry for those perceived OP skills. Like I said, I'm definitely part of the problem.


We all quit..

The only designer left at IW that worked on CoD4 MP was Nate, and that was just DLC (Creek). Porter worked on MP for a bit on MW2, on Derail iirc.

Also worth pointing out that Mary, a tester on MW2 who (I'm told) went on to make some of the best MW3 maps, went to Konami.

Heh, most of us knew you all quit. Them keeping the name Infinity Ward seems kind of sleazy.

Love you guys' work very much, hope you make it to PS4 sooner rather than later.


We all quit..

The only designer left at IW that worked on CoD4 MP was Nate, and that was just DLC (Creek). Porter worked on MP for a bit on MW2, on Derail iirc.

Also worth pointing out that Mary, a tester on MW2 who (I'm told) went on to make some of the best MW3 maps, went to Konami.

Shame that something your team crafted went to shit. Excited for Titanfall.

Anyway--Treyarch will save us, etc etc
We all quit..

The only designer left at IW that worked on CoD4 MP was Nate, and that was just DLC (Creek). Porter worked on MP for a bit on MW2, on Derail iirc.

Also worth pointing out that Mary, a tester on MW2 who (I'm told) went on to make some of the best MW3 maps, went to Konami.

How does the Respawn team feel about the current state of Call of Duty?
The thing that gets me about this game is that you KNOW...you just KNOW that if you've been running anywhere aside from a wide open space for 5-7 seconds, you had better turn around or get shot in the back.

Every. Time. I can't tell you how many "psychic kills" I've had by just turning around and catching someone come around the corner.

I don't know if the game is intentionally going for a "Well you got a kill so now you need to die" mentality, but it is really frustrating.

I was not a fan of MW3 and this feels so similar. I miss BLOPS1 & 2....an opinion I realize is not shared by all in this thread.

Edit: When you unlock something from leveling it also gives you no indication (that I can see) of what you have unlocked. The interface is so obfuscated. Arg.
The thing that gets me about this game is that you KNOW...you just KNOW that if you've been running anywhere aside from a wide open space for 5-7 seconds, you had better turn around or get shot in the back.

Every. Time. I can't tell you how many "psychic kills" I've had by just turning around and catching someone come around the corner.

I don't know if the game is intentionally going for a "Well you got a kill so now you need to die" mentality, but it is really frustrating.

I was not a fan of MW3 and this feels so similar. I miss BLOPS1 & 2....an opinion I realize is not shared by all in this thread.

Edit: When you unlock something from leveling it also gives you no indication (that I can see) of what you have unlocked. The interface is so obfuscated. Arg.
On that last I agree. On the PS4 version you have to press the touch pad button.
We all quit..

The only designer left at IW that worked on CoD4 MP was Nate, and that was just DLC (Creek). Porter worked on MP for a bit on MW2, on Derail iirc.

Also worth pointing out that Mary, a tester on MW2 who (I'm told) went on to make some of the best MW3 maps, went to Konami.

CoD4 still has the greatest competive multiplayer map design I've ever played. Well done man. Sad that it is all gone now, but exciting looking forward to Titanfall and to see what you guys do next.

These maps on Ghosts are not good at all. Way too big. It doesn't feel like any thought at all was put into the layout and size of these things.


I was never one to say this in previous years, but Treyarch are now the A team for this franchise in my mind.

I don't want NO team who can't admit there is a frame rate issue, hit detection issue, netcode issue creating my next gen FPS game.

Treyarch STILL to this day will NOT take blame for these issues in Black Ops 2 and blames OUR connection. Remember that tutorial they dropped on how to connect online?


WTF, really, yeah, fuck you Treyarch.

Black Ops 2 was a cluster fuck on PS3, you're a disgrace of a programmer or designer if you worked on the PS3 version. It was in beta the whole year.

Let's not even get into the first Black Ops on PS3... HOLY SHIT was that a disaster.
We all quit..

The only designer left at IW that worked on CoD4 MP was Nate, and that was just DLC (Creek). Porter worked on MP for a bit on MW2, on Derail iirc.

Also worth pointing out that Mary, a tester on MW2 who (I'm told) went on to make some of the best MW3 maps, went to Konami.

Thanks for being honest!

You will all rock it back with Titanfall, tho.

Best MP FPSes out there follow a straight evolution path:

Doom 2 --> Quake 3 --> Halo 2 --> Modern Warfare --> Titanfall



After 20 hours with the multiplayer, this is easily the worst Call of Duty MP I've ever played. I despised Black Ops II's tiny little maps, but this game is the most frustrating online shooter I've ever played. Never before have I had as little fun killing virtual people as I have with this pile of embarrassing shit. Every game makes me want to punch a hole through my monitor.

Deliver us from evil, Titanfall, I can't take this shit anymore.

I am with you, I just cannot play this game. Everything feels off and just weird. I will stick with Killzone and BF4 for my shooters.
Can someone explain how Domination is working in terms of flag capping counting towards your streak.

It seems to be inconsistent. Sometimes I get a point added to my streak and sometimes I don't.

Obviously they've added the kind of BF approach where you can now have neutral flags and things, but I've yet to see any consistency in it yielding me a point to my streak at all.


Can someone explain how Domination is working in terms of flag capping counting towards your streak.

It seems to be inconsistent. Sometimes I get a point added to my streak and sometimes I don't.

Obviously they've added the kind of BF approach where you can now have neutral flags and things, but I've yet to see any consistency in it yielding me a point to my streak at all.
I think it's first one on.


We all quit..

The only designer left at IW that worked on CoD4 MP was Nate, and that was just DLC (Creek). Porter worked on MP for a bit on MW2, on Derail iirc.

Also worth pointing out that Mary, a tester on MW2 who (I'm told) went on to make some of the best MW3 maps, went to Konami.

You guys made the best maps in MW1 ever, loved loved the PC version played sooo many hours and yes even on my 360. I hope to see a glorious pc version from Titanfall bt i have no doubt it will be good.

Since IW is to me nothing more but a shell of empty and i am curious how you guys feel from the current state of CoD like others asked.


We all quit..

The only designer left at IW that worked on CoD4 MP was Nate, and that was just DLC (Creek). Porter worked on MP for a bit on MW2, on Derail iirc.

Also worth pointing out that Mary, a tester on MW2 who (I'm told) went on to make some of the best MW3 maps, went to Konami.

I don't know if you can answer this or not... but where's the majority of the MW/MW2 level designers? Have they dispersed all over the industry or is the large majority of them at Respawn?
After 20 hours with the multiplayer, this is easily the worst Call of Duty MP I've ever played. I despised Black Ops II's tiny little maps, but this game is the most frustrating online shooter I've ever played. Never before have I had as little fun killing virtual people as I have with this pile of embarrassing shit. Every game makes me want to punch a hole through my monitor.

Deliver us from evil, Titanfall, I can't take this shit anymore.
Yup! This installment finally did it for me. Traded it in and I'm now enjoying my first Battlefield since BF1943.
Sad what happened to the franchise and the maps. Good lord the maps. They just got worse every year for me.


There's your problem. TDM has never been a good gamemode for CoD because of how random it is. Try playing Blitz or Dom, where you can establish "sides" and better predict enemy traffic.

Every time I play a object base game type, I see players just going for K/D ratio and ignoring the objectives. Being the few going after objective, dying over and over, fuck that I'll stick to Team Deathmatch.


Yup! This installment finally did it for me. Traded it in and I'm now enjoying my first Battlefield since BF1943.
Sad what happened to the franchise and the maps. Good lord the maps. They just got worse every year for me.

Even the MW3 maps were a million times better then this games. I loved MW 1,2 and 3 but this game is just weird. Maps are way to big, the guns all feel off, and it seems they just made a game for snipers. It is maddening.
Yeah, I thought I was getting into a groove with this game, but I'm literally having zero firefights. Just getting shot from behind. And all of my kills too, it's just people I happen to see as I run around. It's really, really poor map design.

BLOPS 2 restored my faith on CoD after MW3, i LOVED that game. But this one is somehow even worse than MW3.


Sorry but I just don't get it... How does someone play for over 20 hours, nearly a full day of game play and then finally decide they weren't having fun. Your not the first I have seen this before.

I didn't "finally decide", I was having negative amounts of fun the entire time I was playing it, but since I paid $60 for it, I gave it a fair shot.

From now on it will just BF4 until Titanfall comes out in March. I'm done with CoD.


CoD4 MP was pretty damn good. When I started playing it, I instantly started getting vibes of Quake 2 MP. That's a pretty big compliment since I played Quake 2 up until like 2008.

Thanks, it was something that I considered but can be a bit tricky to tell if you're first with everyone jumping on at once.
A few things might complicate who gets the point. If you leave or die before the point is captured, obviously you probably won't get the point. If someone else manages to capture more of the point than you, they might get the point.


Thanks, it was something that I considered but can be a bit tricky to tell if you're first with everyone jumping on at once.

Yep, that sprint to the first A/C flag when the game starts is funny when playing with friends. Everyone switches to pistol and tries to get that first KS point.
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