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Call of Duty is annual, rotating between 3 devs w/ 3 year dev time, Sledgehammer 2014


WAIT I'm I getting it right :
so, 3 devs, at ONE per YEAR ?
So 3 years between games of each DEV ???

So still a yearly installment ?


Excellent news. I'm eager to see how Sledgehammer does, and how the other studios do with longer to work on it. Might mean more innovation, since they won't have to rely so much on previous incarnations.
On the one hand I was looking forward to a Treyarch game this fall. On the other hand it may be exciting to see what Glen Schofield and Sledgehammer can do. Hopefully they can give the series (or at least the campaign) a much needed shot in the arm.
Since some people are confused, basically:

2014: Modern Warfare 4 by Sledgehammer - Current gen and next gen.
2015: Black Ops 3 by Treyarch - Next gen only (possibly new engine).
2016: Ghosts 2 by Infinity Ward - Next gen only/new engine.

Added a few speculative edits.


Not sure I understand. So after the Sledgehammer game this year a new CoD will release only every 3 years? Or did I get that wrong?

No, this means that CoD games will have three-year dev cycles, versus the two they used to have. To help keep up with releasing one game a year, Sledgehammer has been promoted to being a main studio for the series. Of course, the games will all receive help from Activision's other studios, like Neversoft and Raven Software.


Hm, well one would hope that the extra time for development would make better quality titles.

Yup that would be my hope too. Also it spreads things out for those of us who just follow one storyline and end up buying every other year. This gives us an extra year to relax and enjoy the multiplayer. Now my question is does that mean 2 years before Ghosts 2? If so I might actually buy the season pass since I'll get 2 more years of play time with it.
It's 1 a year, from 3 studios, meaning each studios games will have a 3 year dev cycle. Hopefully this means the games will be better and differentiated more. Isn't Slegehammers rumored to be space? I could be making that up haha


I'm expecting 3arc to be the ones leading the charge. So basically they are going to be the ones that uses a better engine, and possibly different gameplay.


A good thing, I guess...

New cod every November , but from different team each time that had three years to develop it.


Umm yay? At least with 3 year dev time they might actually evolve the formula a bit. Or just create a full-fledged zombie game. That's about the only reason I bought Black Ops 2.
Okay I misunderstood. I thought they meant one CoD title every three years.

Looks like they want to overkill and flood the market especially with Destiny on the horizon, and the potential of Titanfall, isn't this just Guitar-Hero'ing?


I'm as cynical as anyone but giving each team two plus years on each game will hopefully be a good thing


Unconfirmed Member
Why would they do this? Just so the devs have the time to make a quality game? But what does Activison care? Have the COD games dropped in quality that much?
Should stop releasing one every year. All this means is that treyarch weren't going to be ready for 2014 and sledgehammer will bang together some mess to fill the holiday gap.

this series used to be so good.


It's 1 a year, from 3 studios, meaning each studios games will have a 3 year dev cycle. Hopefully this means the games will be better and differentiated more. Isn't Slegehammers rumored to be space? I could be making that up haha

I believe their space game got cancelled so that they could assist IW on MW3 after the exodus that led to Respawn's founding. They might revisit it, but I really wouldn't be surprised if they got turned to MW4 instead.


Why would they do this? Just so the devs have the time to make a quality game? But what does Activison care? Have the COD games dropped in quality that much?

Kinda what I thought, maybe they are taking issues of fatigue and stagnation seriously though.


Funny how those CoD hip guys will be the Doom kids in some years from now. "But it is the most important shooter!" - "Sure, grampa".


3 Year dev cycle?

Mind = Blown!

*Meanwhile at EA*

You heard them DICE! Consumers want Battlefield, Titanfall and Battlefront game EVERY YEAR!

*cracks whip*



Leave it Activision! Jesus, can't you just leave it to ONE DEV and have them come out with a decent game say every 2-3 years instead of annually. Treyarch, Sledge & IW could possible, idk make other games. Have one dev stick to the series and not go annual, that's why this game is tiring out now.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Treyarch had better knock it out of the park when it comes time to deliver. They've got the time and I believe they have the talent and passion (if all the insane stuff they do with Zombies isn't creative passion, I don't know what is).
the last two IW cods were butt cheeks. let's see what Sledgehammer can do. Treyarch still has my trust, even though I didn't like BLOPS2 as much as the first one.
Did sledge work on mw3 at all? I think they did the SP right?
I think they did multiplayer. I know Raven did Ghosts' multiplayer, so I'm just assuming here, that Infinity Ward did not do the multiplayer for MW3. The I.M.S. reminds me of those exploding Necromorphs from Dead Space 1, so that also leads me to believe that Sledgehammer did MW3 mp. All speculative of course.


Why would they do this? Just so the devs have the time to make a quality game? But what does Activison care? Have the COD games dropped in quality that much?

Well, Ghosts has a Metacritic of 78 on its most reviewed platform (PS4), and it drops down to 73 on its second most reviewed (360).
Treyarch had better knock it out of the park when it comes time to deliver. They've got the time and I believe they have the talent and passion (if all the insane stuff they do with Zombies isn't creative passion, I don't know what is).
Knock it out of the park? It's going to be Black Ops 3.
Why would they do this? Just so the devs have the time to make a quality game? But what does Activison care? Have the COD games dropped in quality that much?
Yep I'm sure they want to keep the gravy train rolling as long as possible. This is a very smart move I think.


I hope this inspires EA to give DICE more time for their next projects instead of shipping broken products because of a shortsighted deadline.

mr stroke

Since some people are confused, basically:

2014: Modern Warfare 4 by Sledgehammer
2015: Black Ops 3 by Treyarch
2016: Ghosts 2 by Infinity Ward

wait so Activision gave MW series over to Sledgehammer? I though MW was Infinity Wards baby?
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