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Can someone explain this ghost myth?

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No, that's not having the bed too close to an unsafe square!

Anyway. Yeah, Feng Shui mentions this, but that's because Feng Shui isn't all that supernatural that people believe, and there's a lot of westerners today that "believe" in Feng Shui and have completely misunderstood the idea behind it.

I can tell you it is bad Feng Shui, because sleeping in line with your door, feet towards the door just feels awkward. There's just something about it that makes you feel unsafe - I could probably go on about the evolutionary history behind this, but if I were you, I'd try moving the bed. If you somehow feel a bit more "at home" or something like that in your bed when you do it, I'd keep it like that. If you don't give a fuck, you don't give a fuck, but at least try it. I've moved around furniture in my bed room and I sleep much better from it.

Do you have any links to articles about this? I don't mind moving stuff around but I kinda want to have more of an idea about why it makes people uncomfortable. Though some of the stuff already mentioned makes sense.


I can't think of a single game where that applies. Perhaps you're thinking of the chain chomp in Mario Party 5 in the mini game titled "Night Light Fright," where your character is turned away from the chain chomp as it approaches and you have to turn around and scare it before it hits you. Whichever player stuns the chain chomp at the smallest distance wins the mini game.




gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I can't think of a single game where that applies. Perhaps you're thinking of the chain chomp in Mario Party 5 in the mini game titled "Night Light Fright," where your character is turned away from the chain chomp as it approaches and you have to turn around and scare it before it hits you. Whichever player stuns the chain chomp at the smallest distance wins the mini game.


Super Mario World and NSMB Wii, for two.


Although I don't believe in ghosts, I always arrange my bed against a wall so I can turn my back to the wall without fear that some monster/ghost/thing will be watching me.

This is due to years of watching horror films. I also made sure not to have a bed elevated from the floor because of the irrational fear that some creature would live under my bed. I recall vividly a film I saw as a child in which a teddy bear demon with red eyes occupied a young child's bed and frequently asked her to play with him.

So you don't believe in ghosts, but you believe in ghosts?


Do you have any links to articles about this? I don't mind moving stuff around but I kinda want to have more of an idea about why it makes people uncomfortable. Though some of the stuff already mentioned makes sense.

Because if you're a proto human using a cave as shelter you don't want predators looking in to see your feet. You'd be easily dragged out by your feet. But if a potential predator doesn't see you in the cave but happens to enter to snoop around, you now have a better chance of waking up and seeing it there and catching it off guard before it even sees you. It's all about survival. I have no evidence to back up what I'm saying but evolutionary psychologists don't, either. They just come up with simple, acceptable explanations for modern human belief and behavior.



Ah, I haven't had the pleasure of playing that one.

So you don't believe in ghosts, but you believe in ghosts?

No. You're not afraid of the dark, but when the lights go out things just seem creepier, don't they? But you're not afraid of the dark.

I sleep with my back to the wall because it makes me feel safe. Safe against what, I don't know. Nothing at all, but I can't override the feeling so I abide by it.


Ah, I haven't had the pleasure of playing that one.

No. You're not afraid of the dark, but when the lights go out things just seem creepier, don't they? But you're not afraid of the dark.

I sleep with my back to the wall because it makes me feel safe. Safe against what, I don't know. Nothing at all, but I can't override the feeling so I abide by it.

I used to feel this when when I was younger and afraid of the supernatural, but as I got older and stopped thinking of it as true, I stopped getting those feelings altogether. The only things that keep me up at night are noises that might indicate burglars or animals that might be digging into my central air conditioning.


I vividly remember a post on GAF where some guy checked the shower every single time he needed to go to the bathroom because he was afraid of ghosts.


Where were you in that ridiculous tarot card thread?

At first, I was like, ooh this is fun.

And then I was all... what's the fuckin' point? The prediction intended for me wouldn't have been any more personalized then the rest of the predictions been thrown out. Extremely vague, generic crap that doesn't interest me as an audience or a story teller.

Fuck man... if you're going to make a profession of fleecing people for their money, then at least put a little more fun and theatrics into it! I mean, casinos operate on this premise and provide an adequately entertaining way to lose money because of it!

Anyway, people providing feng shui more credence because its an eastern form of superstition deserves to have their money and time fleeced by both tarot card readers AND homeopaths. And practitioners of feng shui.


So like, my room is at the end of a hallway, bed in line with the door and a window behind the bed. In terms of feng shui this is a pretty powerful ghost magnet. I did have a dream once where a ghost came up and grabbed me by the legs, waking me up, but it probably wasn't real.


So like, my room is at the end of a hallway, bed in line with the door and a window behind the bed. In terms of feng shui this is a pretty powerful ghost magnet. I did have a dream once where a ghost came up and grabbed me by the legs, waking me up, but it probably wasn't real.

Was she hot?


At first, I was like, ooh this is fun.

And then I was all... what's the fuckin' point? The prediction intended for me wouldn't have been any more personalized then the rest of the predictions been thrown out. Extremely vague, generic crap that doesn't interest me as an audience or a story teller.

Fuck man... if you're going to make a profession of fleecing people for their money, then at least put a little more fun and theatrics into it! I mean, casinos operate on this premise and provide an adequately entertaining way to lose money because of it!

Anyway, people providing feng shui more credence because its an eastern form of superstition deserves to have their money and time fleeced by both tarot card readers AND homeopaths. And practitioners of feng shui.

What if someone, say, asked a question in the thread that was 100% false. I.e. "I'm worried about the new job I just started" and you're unemployed?

A "real" mindreader would already know the lie, so whatever advice would be related to that.

There were a few examples (no names, that ruins the whole point) of people putting fake requests that the reader completely failed to see, and indeed their advice was completely and totally wrong.

Something to ponder.


I've been sleeping with my bed in line with the door for a year and I haven't been diddled by any ghosts. Maybe I should sleep more eroticly.

I actually had this dream once, and you're bringing back disturbing memories for me. Please leave.

Cheezmo has that effect on people.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Luring ghosts, huh? How do you get a succubus to stop by? I heard they make sure you don't mind.


What if someone, say, asked a question in the thread that was 100% false. I.e. "I'm worried about the new job I just started" and you're unemployed?

A "real" mindreader would already know the lie, so whatever advice would be related to that.

There were a few examples (no names, that ruins the whole point) of people putting fake requests that the reader completely failed to see, and indeed their advice was completely and totally wrong.

Something to ponder.

For who?

Jay Sosa

Just be sure to always keep huge amounts of salt and maybe a knife that can kill demons. And don't trust any of them no matter how pretty they are.


It's Feng shui.

Also, some say if you have a mirror in front of your bed is bad, just like the door thing.


itt: one kind of amusing post poking fun at a widely-known superstitious story, possibly implying a play on the phrase "Holy Ghost", three people bitching about it.
I just got asked if I could move my bed, because if it's in line with the door apparently it attracts ghosts. No idea where this idea comes from, but a mate of mine suggested that it might be, if you look through a door and can see a girl sleeping in there, she's in more danger than if you can't see her. Sounds reasonable to me I guess, but it has little to do with ghosts. Anyone heard of this before?

lol ok. Make sure to follow all the other superstitions too!


I can't think of a single game where that applies. Perhaps you're thinking of the chain chomp in Mario Party 5 in the mini game titled "Night Light Fright," where your character is turned away from the chain chomp as it approaches and you have to turn around and scare it before it hits you. Whichever player stuns the chain chomp at the smallest distance wins the mini game.

Hate to sound like a dick, but you're posting on a gaming board and you're telling me you have never played a Mario game with Boo in it? Are you serious?


Here's more:

Hotel rooms also tend to be a place where the 'yang' is weaker than the 'ying'. People go in and out, but they don't stay, thus causing ghosts to gather. Here are some things to observe when you enter a new room to make sure your rest isn't disturbed:

1) Knock before entering the room, showing respect to anyone or anything that may reside there.
2) Flush the toilet. This means to flush out any bad influences.
3) Don't place socks or shoes neatly by the bed, or it will be easier for ghost to find the bed and bother your slumber.

Heading out at night? Some things to observe so the spirits will not bother you:

1) Don't turn around if someone taps you on your shoulder.
2) Don't wear clothing with your name on it, or the spirits could call you out.
3) Don't shine flashlights into trees, ghosts like to hang out there.
4) Don't pat your friends on the head or on the shoulder. A person has three fires to keep spirits away, two on the shoulder, one on the head. Putting it out means it's easier for spirits to enter them.
5) Don't press your chest against the floor or against a dark place.

Good luck OP!
Although I don't believe in ghosts, I always arrange my bed against a wall so I can turn my back to the wall without fear that some monster/ghost/thing will be watching me.

This is due to years of watching horror films. I also made sure not to have a bed elevated from the floor because of the irrational fear that some creature would live under my bed. I recall vividly a film I saw as a child in which a teddy bear demon with red eyes occupied a young child's bed and frequently asked her to play with him.

Bombadil said:
No. You're not afraid of the dark, but when the lights go out things just seem creepier, don't they? But you're not afraid of the dark.

I sleep with my back to the wall because it makes me feel safe. Safe against what, I don't know. Nothing at all, but I can't override the feeling so I abide by it.

Self-denying ghost believers, ugh. You're scared of the dark because of social influences like movies. If no one had ever told you about being scared of the dark, you wouldn't be. Just admit it.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
If no one had ever told you about being scared of the dark, you wouldn't be. Just admit it.
Isn't that exactly what he was saying when he said

Bombadil said:
This is due to

We are social creatures. Knowing better doesn't always change feelings we get because of the influence of culture upon us. He was just saying he relents to these feelings because it's easier. Do you think he should keep his bed in the center of the room until he finally gets a good rest?


Although I don't believe in ghosts, I always arrange my bed against a wall so I can turn my back to the wall without fear that some monster/ghost/thing will be watching me.

This is pointless. Ghosts don't give a shit about walls.

Sleep tight


If I learned anything from my years of video games, it's that ghosts can't approach you if you're facing them. Thus, you should always go to sleep facing the door.
It's 2:00 AM in the morning. You suddenly hear a bit of a cracking noise and wake up because of it. Your state of mind is fuzzy, because you're trying to get back to sleep. Your eyes are half open and while squinting you notice your door is open and see your dark hallway. It's a bit too dark to see. You're very sleepy, so you don't think much about why your door is wide open as you normally close it or leave it slightly open.

You fall back asleep.

Some moments later, another cracking noise wakes you up again. You can't remember how much time has passed since the last time you woke up. You take a quick look at your clock and notice it's 2:03 AM. It takes you some time to process that in your sleepy state. "Ah, I just woke up a few minutes ago as well." You notice your door is still open and the hallway is still pitch dark. You stare at the hallway while trying to fall asleep. Your eyes won't close, it doesn't seem like you're getting any sleepier, even though you feel sleepy. Suddenly you notice it's not actually pitch black, but a shimmer of a shadow is there. While you stare longer at it, you notice it's a figure. Then you noticed the eyes. Someone is looking at you, staring at you in your eyes.

"I must be in some weird dream state", you think and you try to wake up a bit more to understand reality. But the shadow of a figure doesn't go away. In fact, while trying to clear your mind, the figure became more pronounced. Someone is there. This figure never moved an inch.

You feel a bit confused and try to rationalize it as a dream. You close your eyes for a few seconds and open them again. The figure, got closer. It's like it moved a foot more into your room. But it's still as dark as it was before and no more details can be seen from the figure. You stare at it once again, but no more details are showing up. It still a vague looking dark figure.

You remember that a ghost can't move if you look at it. Could this be perhaps a ghost? "There's no way", you think. You look at the clock again: it's still 2:03 AM. You turn back to the door and the dark figure has approached you even more. This time it went in much further than the last time you closed your eyes. You start to get a little bit frightened, but still thinking it's a dream. "This can't be real", you think.

You keep staring at this figure. It feels like several minutes have passed. Since your eyes are half open, you don't really blink much. But your eyes are getting a bit teary from never shutting them, so you take a few good blinks. But you notice the figure gets an inch closer with every blink. That shocked you and you suddenly open your eyes wide open. It's still as dark as ever. The figure is still as shimmery as ever. But the eyes of the figure are clear. It's staring at you.

The remaining night you keep staring at it. There's no sound, no movement. Just a figure. You just hope the night is going to be over soon.

Many hours have passed, you feel daylight should come soon. The figure hasn't moved since, since you never stopped staring. "Daylight, daylight" is your on your mind. Just a little bit more, as every minute passes by. It's soon over. You decide to take a quick glimpse at your clock.

2:03 AM

"No!" you screamed! You take a quick look at the door and notice the figure is gone. Nothing. You feel scared, but relieved, but also confused. "What was that!?" you said in a slightly shocked voice. You take a look at the clock again. You can't see it. Something is blocking your view. You look at a bit up and then notice it. This shadow is standing next your bed, staring you down.

You scream out loud, throw the blanket, try to punch, shake your head! But you suddenly feel nothing. You don't feel your bed. You don't see anything, everything is pitch black. It feels like you're floating in space while being completely numb. You don't hear anything. You can't even hear your own voice anymore.

Then you suddenly hear in your own voice, as if someone is playing a video recording of yourself say:

"Thanks for the invitation."


Yep, keep staring that ghost.
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