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Can someone explain this ghost myth?

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It's Feng shui.

Also, some say if you have a mirror in front of your bed is bad, just like the door thing.

My bed is in line with the door which is across the hall from my bathroom. If I leave both doors open, I can see my bathroom mirror. How fucked am I?


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Just salt your doors and windows and don't worry about bullshit superstitions like this. =p



But they're so cute!


Lying in bed one night and a girl suddenly leaps on top of you?

Yeah, I can see how that would be pretty scary for most neogaffers.


My bed is in line with the door which is across the hall from my bathroom. If I leave both doors open, I can see my bathroom mirror. How fucked am I?

My bedroom door faces the bathroom door and some of my relatives tells me that it's bad luck if both doors are open. Can't really close either due to cats. It worries my relatives enough that they brought one of those bead screen to be placed in the doorway. Might possibly be related.


I clicked on this thread because i love the show Supernatural. Then i realised i dont care one bit for ghosts and all that crap.

I feel slightly dissapointed now.


I always heard the rumor that you're not supposed to put your feet toward the door because that's the way they'll carry you out when you're dead: feet first.

I believe that's an Asian thing.
But then you're warding off ghosts AND girls

No, no, no. You just got to be smooth with it like

"Hey girl...this mushroom pillow isn't the only thing that can make shit get bigger round here." or start a pillow fight with the other mushroom and say "Let me get 1UP in ya. No extra life though." *pull out rubbers.

Guaranteed lady boners.


"Hey girl...this mushroom pillow isn't the only thing that can make shit get bigger round here." or start a pillow fight with the other mushroom and say "Let me get 1UP in ya. No extra life though." *pull out rubbers.

She'll be dialing 911 as soon as you look away.


Self-denying ghost believers, ugh. You're scared of the dark because of social influences like movies. If no one had ever told you about being scared of the dark, you wouldn't be. Just admit it.

Right let's deny millions of years of evolutionary instinct. You're right. The reason why people are afraid of the dark is because other people told them to be, not because people possess the innate fear of the dark conditioned through evolution.

Ever heard of agency.

You're a nomadic hunter living in the year 25,000 BCE. You're walking along a wooded area when suddenly the bush to your left begins to rustle. This stimulus evoke a physiological response. You can't be certain what's in the bush, perhaps it's nothing, but because you assume it may be a predator like a lion, you run away as fast as you can. 9 times out of 10 there's nothing in the bush. It was just the wind, but because you're wary all the time, you have a better chance of surviving and procreating than the guy who took it for the wind that 10th time, when it was actually a lion.

We are afraid of things that aren't there because it is advantageous to our survival. Fear of the dark is ingrained in us, and was passed down to us through our ancestors. I don't believe in ghosts, but their popularity in horror films makes it easier for me to call them to mind than a lion.

I'm not sitting in my room at night in the middle of Los Angeles, afraid that a lion is in my closet. Ghosts and demons and monsters under the bed are a popular substitute.

Anyway, I only get these irrational fears after a night of surfing through creepypasta or creepy GAF.


itt: one kind of amusing post poking fun at a widely-known superstitious story, possibly implying a play on the phrase "Holy Ghost", three people bitching about it.

It's too frequent an occurrence to be amusing. And by the same handful of people, no less. One would think a lack of belief in something wouldn't become a central focus of someone's life.


What is worse : a ghost in the door , monster in the closet or a Demon-clown under the bed?

I go for the demon-clown..


Lined up with the door how?? No one seemed to ask that.

Like foot of the bed faces the door?

Because most rooms being square, your bed being a rectangle.... it will ALWAYS "line up" with the fucking door.... AGGHGHHGG
Well duh the point is that the other real ghost will see that the room is already spoken for.

I thought it was more a reference that ghost don't move toward Mario when he' s looking at them. So if your bed is in line with the door then that means Mario blanket has line of sight outside the room, thus any ghost contemplating coming in will first see Mario and freeze right there... Never able to enter


Lined up with the door how?? No one seemed to ask that.

Like foot of the bed faces the door?

Because most rooms being square, your bed being a rectangle.... it will ALWAYS "line up" with the fucking door.... AGGHGHHGG

They're talking about feet facing the door, as in someone dragging you out by your feet through the door would be the position you don't want your bed to be in.


My bed is in line with the door which is across the hall from my bathroom. If I leave both doors open, I can see my bathroom mirror. How fucked am I?

That's even worse than me. Well, i want to know just how bad feng shui can get now. What's the worst possible way you can arrange your furniture? Without actually blocking off doorways with beds etc.

I'm going to move some furniture around today, but i have a feeling it's going to be a much less efficient use of the space.


I still don't see why that matters.

It doesn't matter to us, but the fact is it makes some people very uncomfortable. It may not ever affect you, but if you ever end up living with someone who believes that stuff, it might be easier to move a few things around than to try and convince them why they're crazy or whatever.
Make sure to fill a bowl with semen then plant a potato in it and hide the whole project under your bed. I saw this in Pan's Labyrinth once and it seemed to bring a woman good health.
It's 2:00 AM in the morning. You suddenly hear a bit of a cracking noise and wake up because of it. Your state of mind is fuzzy, because you're trying to get back to sleep. Your eyes are half open and while squinting you notice your door is open and see your dark hallway. It's a bit too dark to see. You're very sleepy, so you don't think much about why your door is wide open as you normally close it or leave it slightly open.

You fall back asleep.

Some moments later, another cracking noise wakes you up again. You can't remember how much time has passed since the last time you woke up. You take a quick look at your clock and notice it's 2:03 AM. It takes you some time to process that in your sleepy state. "Ah, I just woke up a few minutes ago as well." You notice your door is still open and the hallway is still pitch dark. You stare at the hallway while trying to fall asleep. Your eyes won't close, it doesn't seem like you're getting any sleepier, even though you feel sleepy. Suddenly you notice it's not actually pitch black, but a shimmer of a shadow is there. While you stare longer at it, you notice it's a figure. Then you noticed the eyes. Someone is looking at you, staring at you in your eyes.

"I must be in some weird dream state", you think and you try to wake up a bit more to understand reality. But the shadow of a figure doesn't go away. In fact, while trying to clear your mind, the figure became more pronounced. Someone is there. This figure never moved an inch.

You feel a bit confused and try to rationalize it as a dream. You close your eyes for a few seconds and open them again. The figure, got closer. It's like it moved a foot more into your room. But it's still as dark as it was before and no more details can be seen from the figure. You stare at it once again, but no more details are showing up. It still a vague looking dark figure.

You remember that a ghost can't move if you look at it. Could this be perhaps a ghost? "There's no way", you think. You look at the clock again: it's still 2:03 AM. You turn back to the door and the dark figure has approached you even more. This time it went in much further than the last time you closed your eyes. You start to get a little bit frightened, but still thinking it's a dream. "This can't be real", you think.

You keep staring at this figure. It feels like several minutes have passed. Since your eyes are half open, you don't really blink much. But your eyes are getting a bit teary from never shutting them, so you take a few good blinks. But you notice the figure gets an inch closer with every blink. That shocked you and you suddenly open your eyes wide open. It's still as dark as ever. The figure is still as shimmery as ever. But the eyes of the figure are clear. It's staring at you.

The remaining night you keep staring at it. There's no sound, no movement. Just a figure. You just hope the night is going to be over soon.

Many hours have passed, you feel daylight should come soon. The figure hasn't moved since, since you never stopped staring. "Daylight, daylight" is your on your mind. Just a little bit more, as every minute passes by. It's soon over. You decide to take a quick glimpse at your clock.

2:03 AM

"No!" you screamed! You take a quick look at the door and notice the figure is gone. Nothing. You feel scared, but relieved, but also confused. "What was that!?" you said in a slightly shocked voice. You take a look at the clock again. You can't see it. Something is blocking your view. You look at a bit up and then notice it. This shadow is standing next your bed, staring you down.

You scream out loud, throw the blanket, try to punch, shake your head! But you suddenly feel nothing. You don't feel your bed. You don't see anything, everything is pitch black. It feels like you're floating in space while being completely numb. You don't hear anything. You can't even hear your own voice anymore.

Then you suddenly hear in your own voice, as if someone is playing a video recording of yourself say:

"Thanks for the invitation."


Yep, keep staring that ghost.

I am alone in motel right now fucker. haha


They're talking about feet facing the door, as in someone dragging you out by your feet through the door would be the position you don't want your bed to be in.

Why wouldn't a ghost just fly in through the window and take you out the same way? It seems like that would be easier.
I really wish I could believe in ghosts, even when you apply the science shit like dimensions that we can't comprehend it still sounds ridiculous.


Gold Member
Just tell the people that you want to ghosts to come and then proclaim loudly that you want the most terrible and most vindictive ghosts to inhabit the residence.
I read about a mental disorder that makes you think you are seeing someone who can't be real. The people I read about knew they had the disorder so didn't think it was a ghost, but it was like seeing a person from another time moving around right in front of you.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I really wish I could believe in ghosts, even when you apply the science shit like dimensions that we can't comprehend it still sounds ridiculous.
I read about a mental disorder that makes you think you are seeing someone who can't be real. The people I read about knew they had the disorder so didn't think it was a ghost, but it was like seeing a person from another time moving around right in front of you.
Welp, I may as well repost this from the AvT thread:

A long time ago when I was a teenager, I lived with my family in a house that was really old. It was old enough that there were old ports in the ceiling from when there was gas lighting. One summer day, late in the morning, about 11am or so, with the sunlight beaming into the windows, I entered the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal and saw something unexpected.

It was an old man, dressed up in a suit and cap like from 1900-1920 or so, on the other side of the table holding the box of Cheerios, looking at the back of it. The moment I realized some stranger was in the house, he also realized I was there, looking up at me while setting down the box of Cheerios and vanished. I was completely dumbfounded, yet thought I was crazy or at least that if I told anyone they'd think I was crazy, so I didn't tell anyone.

Some time later, I was watching TV with my siblings and there was one of those ghost shows on history channel or scifi channel or whatever. We all talk while watching TV, so the topic of the show brought up this experience and it turned out that we had all at different times seen this same figure and said nothing to each other about it.

Now, I don't claim to know what my siblings and I saw, or whether it was even related despite the description being the same for each of us. Yet things like that aren't easily explained. I've never heard of temporary communal schizophrenia where everyone sees the same delusion and then never has any further experiences for the rest of their lives.

I do not believe in ghosts because of this experience, but I would not blame someone for believing if they had a similar experience.


When I was young, I stayed at my Auntie's house and slept in one of their rooms. I saw eyes floating towards me.


Welp, I may as well repost this from the AvT thread:

A long time ago when I was a teenager, I lived with my family in a house that was really old. It was old enough that there were old ports in the ceiling from when there was gas lighting. One summer day, late in the morning, about 11am or so, with the sunlight beaming into the windows, I entered the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal and saw something unexpected.

It was an old man, dressed up in a suit and cap like from 1900-1920 or so, on the other side of the table holding the box of Cheerios, looking at the back of it. The moment I realized some stranger was in the house, he also realized I was there, looking up at me while setting down the box of Cheerios and vanished. I was completely dumbfounded, yet thought I was crazy or at least that if I told anyone they'd think I was crazy, so I didn't tell anyone.

Some time later, I was watching TV with my siblings and there was one of those ghost shows on history channel or scifi channel or whatever. We all talk while watching TV, so the topic of the show brought up this experience and it turned out that we had all at different times seen this same figure and said nothing to each other about it.

Now, I don't claim to know what my siblings and I saw, or whether it was even related despite the description being the same for each of us. Yet things like that aren't easily explained. I've never heard of temporary communal schizophrenia where everyone sees the same delusion and then never has any further experiences for the rest of their lives.

I do not believe in ghosts because of this experience, but I would not blame someone for believing if they had a similar experience.
What color was it?

I saw a ghost with my mom when I was young.

I was with my mom in her bed late and night and then we saw a completely grey boy. I walked up to it, asked it it's name, and then it ran. I chased it to the door. It wasn't a quick thing. He stood there silent with the lights on in the room for a good 30 seconds.

My mom remembers. So... shared dream? Shared hallucination?

That was 1 time for me and her out of 74 combined years.

I'm skeptical about these things, used to try an ghost hunt, but the only explanation I can come up with is if it was real that sightings are very rare and even if you see one you're not guaranteed to ever again.

As far as a non supernatural explanation for me and her, I can't really find anything strong for two people to see the same thing so vividly.
That's even worse than me. Well, i want to know just how bad feng shui can get now. What's the worst possible way you can arrange your furniture? Without actually blocking off doorways with beds etc.

I'm going to move some furniture around today, but i have a feeling it's going to be a much less efficient use of the space.

I've thought about rearranging my room before I saw this thread but I feel like this is the best use of space. I like having my desk by the window in my room. I could put my bed next to my desk, but then it would be awkwardly close to my closet. If I simply rotated my bed, it would be perpendicular to the doorway.
Now, I don't claim to know what my siblings and I saw, or whether it was even related despite the description being the same for each of us. Yet things like that aren't easily explained. I've never heard of temporary communal schizophrenia where everyone sees the same delusion and then never has any further experiences for the rest of their lives.

Yeah, stories where lots of people experience the same thing are the weirdest. Something similar happened to my cousins, they would all see a guy walking around their house in different rooms at night, then my grandparents stayed over and claimed they saw a guy too. They're all perfectly sane people that don't believe in ghosts and stuff, but whenever the story is bought up none of them can explain what it was. It could have just been a burglar that kept coming back because everyone though he was a ghost so no one called the police, but..come on...

The fact that everyone in the world has some kind of spooOOOooky ghost story must mean that there's something up...right?
It's not pipes.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
What color was it?
Nothing apparitional about it until it disappeared. Looked like a real person.

One thing with assuming some incorporeal being is the logistics of navigation. The planet is rotating quickly, orbiting the sun even faster, which is spiraling around the galaxy much faster, which itself is flying through space at a nearly unfathomable speed. If ghosts are real, and aren't somehow literally bound to earthly things in some sense of physics, then they have really damn good navigational intuition.


Nothing apparitional about it until it disappeared. Looked like a real person.

One thing with assuming some incorporeal being is the logistics of navigation. The planet is rotating quickly, orbiting the sun even faster, which is spiraling around the galaxy much faster, which itself is flying through space at a nearly unfathomable speed. If ghosts are real, and aren't somehow literally bound to earthly things in some sense of physics, then they have really damn good navigational intuition.

The boy I saw looked like it had weight, and it ran on the ground, just grey and transparent.
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