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Canned games that were barely ever shown. Which would you have loved to have seen?

Fortress - that FFXII sequel/spinoff that Square-Enix entrusted to GRIN. Quite why they elected to hand it to a studio whose track record hasn't exactly been stunning to say the least we might never know, but we do know that they weren't too happy with how the project was coming along and canned it.





A shame, really. There was the real potential of a sort of open-world Dark Souls-like game with an Ivalice setting and this could have been - in the right hands - a much more enticing Final Fantasy game than any other Final Fantasy game released last gen.

Just imagine. A game set in Ivalice with an open world like Dragon's Dogma but much larger and with Demon's/Dark Souls style gameplay directed by Yasumi Matsuno.

Maximo 3
I loved the two games released on the PS2, wonderful 3D spinoffs to Ghosts n Goblins and wonderfully difficult.
As they were working on Maximo 3, Capcom closed down that company




Supposedly it was supposed to have much more exploration elements and gets some more ideas from Zelda (items, puzzles) and Mark of Kri (lock-on system). I would've loved it to play that one.

They just don't make games like this anymore.
I really wanted to know what Titan by Blizzard was going to be. So mysterious.

All the information I read was that it was an attempt to bridge the real world with a continuous gaming world. Basically like The Secret World there was the real world and an unground society which is where missions and combat came in. But in the "real world" you would have professions that were intereactive in the sense that you could have an actual job within the game, and when your character logged off you could setup what your shop was selling, if you were a butcher for instance depending on what you did while logged in your shop would have different items for sale while you were outside of the game.

It sounded really strange and from what I read they just couldn't find a way to make it fun (not surprising).


I don't remember the game...

But I can describe it ..somewhat.. im going off of memory..

I believe it was either for the XBOX360 if not PS3

Basically it was a FPS, that incorporated RPG elements such as upgrading your Weapons from a point system... it was a futuristic shooter where different city districts had different culutre backgrounds... I believe there was a portal to go to different worlds?

I don't remember but i do remember they hyped the shit out of this game.. and they had this bad ass Chinatown district... amazing... but they kept pushing back the game and never released it... can anyone help with this?
I don't know if it counts as "barely ever shown", but the cancellation of Capcom Fighting All-Stars still haunts me to this day. The roster of that game was incredible.

There was also this weird 1st party space exploration game from Nintendo that was supposed to come out for the Wii, but I think we only saw a few screens and a brief snipped of footage and that was it.


I always wanted the revived Bonk that was supposed to come out from a few E3's ago.


This would've been great.

Played what must have been a near-complete version at the Microsoft booth at Tokyo Game Show. It was nothing special, but it was more Bonk. Shame.
Chronos Materia looked pretty cool and it's been over a year since we heard from it

I keep forgetting about this game until it gets brought up again. I've loved every single game Gust has put out. I would've been all over this.

This. For the love of -insert your favorite deity-; I want a PS4 Wipeout. I dont care if they just re-release HD/Fury/2048 on it in rock solid 1080p60fps (or even downsample it if possible). If they did and it cost 200 bucks, I would still get it.

I didn't even realise there was a PS4 version of WipEout in development.

Just thinking about the possibilities... :(

Simsville always seemed interesting to me. I don't think even Maxis knew what it was meant to be though

Didn't even know this was a thing either. Goddamn it. (Though, it does just look like a zoomed out Sims).

One day, I'll try SimCity Societies, even though I know it'll be crap.

Dreamcast version of Gun Valkyrie

Strange connection to make, but this has just reminded me of something I was looking forward to which got canned - PS1 version of Black & White. It was from the same devs (Krisalis Software) that ported Theme Hospital to PS1, and that was a great port!


I've just remembered something else as well - Westwood's Command & Conquer: Tiberian Incursion. Ended up being C&C3, but I hated that game and would've loved to see their original vision for it:

The original 2.5D version of Ultima IX, before they scrapped the engine, made it 3D and had to rush it through production after EA tried to screw over Richard Garriott by prioritizing Ultima Online.

The original version of Splinter Cell Conviction, before it was thrown out and remade. Sam Fisher as a homeless drifter, being able to use the environment to your advantage, throwable items and equipment scavenged from common items sounded awesome. All we got were a couple renders of "homeless Sam" and a gameplay demo of part of one level before they canned it for supposedly being too much like Assassin's Creed (and considering how readily they're milking that franchise, it comes off as ironic).

Cool Boarders: Sell Out. Also an ironic title, given how they were trying to make it an annual franchise. We got some concept art and a name... and that's it. Would have been interesting to see if for no other reason than for how far the franchise had fallen.



I remember reading about it in a video game magazine when it was announced in the early nineties, but shortly afterwards it was never mentioned again.

Wikipedia said:
Only four games were known to be in development.

Nuclear Rush: A simulation in which users pilot a hovercraft in a futuristic war.
Iron Hammer: In this helicopter simulation, gamers pilot a flying gunship a la EA’s popular “Strike” series.
Matrix Runner: This has nothing to do with The Matrix, it was reported to be a “cyberpunk” adventure game inspired by Hideo Kojima’s Snatcher.
Outlaw Racing: Road Rash meets Rock -n- Roll Racing in this vehicle racing/combat game.

The company claimed to have terminated the project because the virtual reality effect was too realistic. Users might move while wearing the headset and injure themselves. The limited processing power of the system makes this claim unlikely,[citation needed] although there were reports of testers developing headaches and motion sickness. Mark Pesce, who worked on the Sega VR project, says SRI International, a research institute, warned Sega of the 'hazards of prolonged use'.

Oh well, at least we got this hilariously awful video out of it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd98RGxad0U


Saints Row Drive By 3DS. It's too bad that 3DS never have got a proper 3D action game at all. If this had been a real thing, maybe it would have lured other western 3rd parties to 3DS, like Rockstar.


Molyneux sub game (for pc in the 90s), and cave man sim (for Xbox).
That awesome looking star wars game for current gen.
Road Rash sequel by Criterion (?).
That Capcom trinity of games they announced on GameCube.
The SCEA game Yoshida shut down after years of development. I think nothing was shown which makes it even more tantalising. Would have though even a screenshot would have been leaked by now.


Neo Member
Alliance: The Silent War
I remember being super pumped about this game. In multiplayer you could choose the setting and era of where you were fighting, as well as that for the opposing teams. So you could have one team fighting with WWI era gear vs a modern day unit, with everything and anything in between. Not officially canned, but the developer was acquired by Linden Labs to work on Second Life and has been on hiatus ever since.


City of Metronome
This game was probably too ambitious for it's own good. The idea of utilising recorded sounds for combat was intriguing and the visual style was gorgeous.


Citizen Zero
This was one of the first MMOs due to come out on the OG Xbox (was also slated for PC). The small amount shown looked awesome and it's a shame these Aussie devs didn't have the funding to finish it.



Bullfrog (Theme Park, Syndicate etc...) had a superhero game in the 90's they were working on. Idea was it would be open world / 3D ala GTA3, you could create your own hero with your own powers etc...

Edit: found some details:

Another Bullfrog game, superhero beat-em-up The Indestructibles, was cancelled because "technology was behind what [they] wanted to do," according to lead artist Fin McGechie.

"Bullfrog was going through a lot of changes at the time and the freedom that made the company so successful was disappearing," McGechie added. "After a while it was apparent that the game probably wasn't going to get done."


Chocobo Racing for 3DS. Was mentioned once or twice, and I think there's a screenshot floating around somewhere. But it was canned a while ago.

Contra update
Not just that but also the KCEO Contra for N64.

Cosmic Walker - there was about 5 seconds of this shown, and yet 6 years later I'm still intrigued


Bomberman 3DS.


Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (Wii)

We saw a gameplay trailer of it once. Then it got cancelled and a whole different game was released with the same name.
Are you really sure? I don't remember it.
I love these threads and get depressed by these threads at the same time.

My pick is The Indestructibles by Bullfrog.


It was a Superhero strategy game. I guess the game is more mythical in my mind. The tech wasn't there and it wasn't ever a game, just several demos.

My second pick, another superhero strategy game, which I did get to play was Guardians Agents of Justice.


The game was a mess. It was being developed at Simtex in Austin. I was a beta tester at Microprose Hunt Valley at the time. The game had been cancelled already (and I think the Austin studio was closed at that point) but they wanted our opinion if the game could be turned around by another studio. I loved the idea, it had its Hall of Justice, it had a neat take on superhero recruitment, a city with patrol routes and it didn't take itself too serious. However the combat was not fun, the art assets were all over the place from its several reboots and would have to be all redone. Plus the engine was a bastard version of the Master of Orion and Xcom code. There was no saving what had been done, but man, I loved the concepts behind it.

Simsville always seemed interesting to me. I don't think even Maxis knew what it was meant to be though.


I had a brief chance to try this out when I was an external beta tester for Maxis. The game in practice was an update of Sim Town but the target was what we got in Sims 3 but before they had the technology to do Sims 2. Doomed project from the start.

Space*Agency for DS
It sounded a lot like a 2D Mass Effect 1 with much more style and flair all set to house music. Even had spaceship battles. Made by the same people that made Contact on DS

I really wanted this game for my DS. Sad that it never came out. Hey, developers, if you want to make something like this still, I'm still interested!


Faith and a .45

Another game I'm really interested in but I'm not sure why to be honest.

B.C. for Xbox


Molyneux was probably lying a whole lot. As usual. Was super hyped for it and gutted that it got cancelled after about two years of development.

As, another Molyneux game. I understand it was another game that would get overhauled after an interview. Peter would come out, talk about stuff that was suppose to be in game that no one ever heard off and they would have to throw most everything out to include that thing. Same thing happened to The Movies.


ok I think the game i was talking about earlier was called "INCorporated"

But it looks like they took down all the footage...


Cosmic Walker for the Wii. I know it's the kind of game that would benefit a lot from impressive visuals and didn't make much sense in the Wii, but it still hurts.
There was one game I saw footage on a long time ago...turned out to be Killing Day.

At the time I saw the footage, XB360 and PS3 weren't out yet, and the graphics blew me away. Bunch of crazy John Woo esque gun fights with the environment getting destroyed all around you.


Oddly enough there was a canceled OG Xbox game called "The Unseen".

All I remember of it was the main goth girl character doing a dance.
Pretty depressing thread!

But so many interesting and cancelled (which makes it more depressing) games I did not Know about, I really thank a lot of fellow Gaffers that have posted in this thread.

Anyway, to those stating that Beyond Good and Evil 2 has been canceled? I believe it was never confirmed, in fact I've just read in a spanish IGN article from August this year that the game had entered full production.

Well, I just found the same article in english on Gamespot

Here it is


Nibris am cry at the lack of love, or they would if they were alive.

I don't know if I was ever interested in their games but after Sadness it was pretty hard to believe they were going to get anything out. Nothing about Raid of The River looked interesting but I think that at least managed to get a few screenshots out. I would love to get a look behind the scenes and see how far they got with Sadness, what it looked like, the development challenges, design vision etc.

Are you really sure? I don't remember it.

It was short. I think part of a sizzle reel and was only a few seconds at best. It didn't feature much other than one of the races in a mine-cart and a hint about bahamut. I'll try to see if I can find it.


For me it's mostly Valve-related projects. Valve's SOB project (Stars of Blood, I believe?) - a space-pirate game or something along those lines, and the concept art was incredible.

Then there's The Crossing by Arkane & Valve, which was an asynchronous singleplayer-multiplayer game set in an open world.

Ofcourse, there's also Arkane's Return to Ravenholm.

And last (for Arkane) but not least, their project with Steven Spielberg - LMNO.

And speaking of Arkane... I'll give honourable mentions to Prey 2. The tidbits we saw looked great.


Trigun: The Planet Gunsmoke


This was going to be an online game on PS2 I believe. There was basically zero info about the game besides this one off-screen video.

And of course Bumpy Trot 2 (Steambot Chronicles 2).


The original was such a masterpiece, I am tearing up thinking about what could have been...

Also Disaster Report 4...


The game was nearly complete until the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami caused Irem to cancel the game.

Each of these games I scoured the internet for any new tidbit of info I could find (very little) until the fateful cancellation announcement.
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