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Car stereotypes.

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I was thinking about this subject this morning, while stuck in traffic and trying frantically to make a meeting on time: I usually fancy myself to be the fair and unbiased type, but as soon as you put me on a highway, I'm as prone to stereotypes and biases as the next guy. Based strictly on the type of car, I automatically assume things about the driver. As a couple of examples:

--> Some cars are "girl cars" -- Volkswagen Jetta, for example. Any guy in a Jetta is a guaranteed metrosexual. Toyota Celicas comes to mind as well.

--> Any car with a religious symbol -- cross, fish, religious-themed bumper sticker -- is likely to be going about 10 MPH slower than everyone else. Which, of course, makes NO sense when you think about it. Why drive like you're afraid of dying when heaven is only a car crash away? If I thought I was on God's "good list," I'd drive like a maniac.

--> Cheap American cars -- the classic example is the Chevy Malibu -- are almost certainly rental cars, and the drivers tend to drive slowly (sightseeing? lost? jet-lagged?) and then do incredibly dangerous lane-change maneuvers once they realize their turn is approaching.

--> As a last example, Toyota Camrys or Honda Accords with boxes of Kleenex on the back shelf are invariably driven by Asians. In fact, the box of Kleenex is often contained in a wicker Kleenex box holder. If anyone can explain this to me, I'd be eternally grateful, since I JUST DON'T GET IT. How can the driver possibly reach to the back shelf if he/she feels a sneeze coming on?

Am I the only one who is a closet sociopath, or do any of you also have "car stereotypes" they'd like to share?


Christians drive slow because they have a culture of obedience beaten into them. Even though state law has no religious implication, they bend to strong authority because they have been trained to derive pleasure from following rules. Or at least that's one theory ;)

The other day, I saw this swank white Cadillac jerk in front of a jacked up pick-up truck at the Wendy's drive through. I imagined that a redneck driver in the truck screaming "Damn nigger!". Then I drove around and saw that the truck was being driven by a black dude in his 20's and the Cadillac was being driven by a middle-aged white woman. Stereotypes owned.


--> Some cars are "girl cars" -- Volkswagen Jetta, for example. Any guy in a Jetta is a guaranteed metrosexual. Toyota Celicas comes to mind as well.

Where the fuck did this come from? Here in POP CULTURE CENTRAL, Jettas and Celicas are all FAST N FURIOUS street racers. Not girl cars.


Giant Ford F-350 4x4,(or chevy /dodge or misc suv) with a six inch lift, giant tires , with"bad ass boys drive bad ass toys" sticker ( or other misc sticker referencing their maleness) pit bull or other vicious dog tied up in the back ....they are always either really short tough guys , or ex jock lossers that seem to be over compensating. And they all dress and act generaly the same too......Im not sure about anywhere else but in southern california they seem to be everywhere.....


------>Not entirely sure if this is shared stereotype amongst everyone else, but supposedly guys who drive Mazda Miada's are Gay/Bisexual.

Now, I really can't corroborate this, although every time I *do* see a Miada it's almost always with two metrosexual looking men, the drivers right hand cradling the seat of the passenger side.

------> Beat up/broken Down cars almost always harbor horrible drivers. Either there's already some visible damage to their vehicle, or their cars so de-valued that they could care less how they drive their car amongst the other vehicles.

------> Raced out Honda-civics harbor pre-teens with buzz cuts, loud inane mufflers who weave through traffic like tonka trucks on spring-powered engines.

------> Cars with fish symbols attached to the trunk seem to always be dated, dirty, and generally of poor maintenance.

------> Cars with rear damage almost always seem to break too fast.


etiolate said:
Where the fuck did this come from? Here in POP CULTURE CENTRAL, Jettas and Celicas are all FAST N FURIOUS street racers. Not girl cars.

Where is "POP CULTURE CENTRAL"? Jettas and Celicas being girl cars are most definitely the impression here in San Francisco.


3pheMeraLmiX said:
------> Raced out Honda-civics harbor pre-teens with buzz cuts, loud inane mufflers who weave through traffic like tonka trucks on spring-powered engines.
lol very true


I have yet to see anyone besides either gum popping 16 year old girls and leather faced middle aged white women drive SUVs/PT Cruisers/Scions/Azteks/other large or "trendy" cars
etiolate said:
Where the fuck did this come from? Here in POP CULTURE CENTRAL, Jettas and Celicas are all FAST N FURIOUS street racers. Not girl cars.

Maybe because 99.9% of the time you see a Jetta a 16 year old girl is driving it?
I've worked at a gas station and here's what I've observed.

Arabic people own mostly Caravans, Aerostars.

People who drive Monte Carlo's(year 2000+) are either rednecks or obsessed with Chevy.

People who own the following: Corollas and Echoes are either stuck up who won't tip or 40+ year old mommies who are scared of putting gas in the tank by themselves(and won't tip).

Old people love huge ass cars: Intrepids, Concordes, Buicks(lesabre,regal... you name'em)


asking dangerous questions
Some Asian-centric things I notice:
-It's very rare to see an Asian person driving an American-made car (e.g. Ford, GM, Chrysler) unless it's a minivan.
-Mini's are driven by middle-aged Asian women (probably very spoiled by there husbands...)
-Any time you see a nice car driven by a young Asian male, there'll be an Asian female in the passenger seat; the hotter the car, the hotter the girl. NEVER will you see the girl driving and the male in the passenger seat.


darscot said:
That just shows they are a guys car.

guys car
I was thinking of trading my focus in, but after 28,000 miles im growing attached to its wimpy 4 cylinders. I might just fix it up and call it good and learn to keep it tuned myself.


MrAngryFace said:
I was thinking of trading my focus in, but after 28,000 miles im growing attached to its wimpy 4 cylinders. I might just fix it up and call it good and learn to keep it tuned myself.

Buy an SVT focus


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Xenon said:
Woman in an SUV = someone who will never let you in

Hmm I'd be interested on a clarification on this one... my fiance drives a SUV.
If I had my way id import the Focus RS from europe but thats not allowed :(

SVT is an option tho. Im one of those people that likes to have something around for a while.

As for people on the road. People in trucks and suvs will try to outrun econ cars, but manuals can outpace em even if underpowered cause most people cant drive anyway.

Jesus people drive fucking slow and get in my way. People with bumper stickers about how great america is drive in ways that make me wanna leave america.


darscot said:
Every one on the straight guy list is pile. Were was this survey done outside Rednecks r Us?

Seriously. Maybe it is true that gay men just have better taste. If that list is true they sure as hell have better taste in cars then straight guys.


Where is "POP CULTURE CENTRAL"? Jettas and Celicas being girl cars are most definitely the impression here in San Francisco.

I was referring to California. I don't know whats up. I always see guys driving those. I do see a lot of girls driving Jettas, too. Not more than guys though. Girls love Saturns. Celicas though? Nay.


MrAngryFace said:
I dunno, all those cars on the manly list are things I cant fucking afford.

They had some stinkers in the hetero list and I don't think a camero is that much money if you get it as a basic package without the Knight Rider engine.

The gay guys had some stupid cars on their list too, but it was so much better.

They should have fucking polled some straight guys from the city though, I think they were all taken from Arkansas or something.


bionic77 said:
Seriously. Maybe it is true that gay men just have better taste. If that list is true they sure as hell have better taste in cars then straight guys.

No dude....for a car to qualify as a real "GUY" car it needs to have 300+ hp and look tough like this


anything less is just

That's why those cars are in the lists they are.


Outlaw said:
No dude....for a car to qualify as a real "GUY" car it needs to have 300+ hp and look tough like this


anything less is just

That's why those cars are in the lists they are.

Nah, this is only the dream list of real "GUY's" if you only look at hicks.

At least the gay guys put a bimmer on their list.


Outlaw said:
No dude....for a car to qualify as a real "GUY" car it needs to have 300+ hp and look tough like this


anything less is just

That's why those cars are in the lists they are.

That just screams I have a small unit and hope this penis with wheels will make up for it.

Jim Bowie

border said:
Christians drive slow because they have a culture of obedience beaten into them. Even though state law has no religious implication, they bend to strong authority because they have been trained to derive pleasure from following rules. Or at least that's one theory ;)

I'm going to have to disagree with you. I'm a Christian and I fucking fly.

Also, all public school based student driver cars are 4 door Sunfires.

Also, any pick-up truck with the American flag custom window in the back is guaranteed to be wearing a cowboy hat.


Hmm I'd be interested on a clarification on this one... my fiance drives a SUV.

When you try to change lanes and the person refuses to let you in. Someone metioned that chicks in SUVs are the worst. Now I notice it but maybe its only because I am looking for it.


I love the old bugs but the society has ruined the new ones for me. Great car just couldn't own one myself.


Agreed with taxi = asshole.

Volvo drivers come in one of two flavors -
1. I bought a Volvo because I researched and my safety is important and I'm a 'careful'(translation=slow-ass grandma) driver.
2. I bought a Volvo because I heard they were safe cars therefore I'm going to drive like an ass because at least I'll survive the crash.

The bigger the SUV, the smaller the woman driving it. Funniest thing I ever saw was a short chick at the Container Store who couldn't reach the tailgate on her H2 to close it. She had to go back into the store and get a clerk to close it for her. And yes, she saw my tall ass laughing at her.

Buick/Oldsmobile/Cutlass invariably contains an ancient bag of bones that drives straightaways at less than half the speed limit but never brakes on turns.


hmm...gays drive Jeeps? *puts Grand Cherokee up for sale*

No seriously, what is that about? Old beat up Wranglers/CJ's were the car of choice in my high school days. Of course, almost none had stock tires/suspension...I guess it depends on what you do with it...


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
I'd say the only consistently true car stereotype would be with that vehicle Mr. Garrison invented that you operated by taking it in the ass and the mouth.



My theory on Jeeps is simple. Clean pollished well waxed jeep only looks great around a Blond. Dirty beat up Jeep acceptable for anyone.


Hang out with Steve.
Well, my wife and I have owned between the two of us four New Beetles, and we're a heterosexual married couple. Since the cars were released, I've been very active in the New Beetle owner's community, and I have met men & women of all ages, races, political and religious beliefs, and lifestyles, with no one group more predominant than any other (except races -- by far most of the NB owners I've met are white).

Oh, and the bud vase in my convertible is chromed billet aluminum, and has nothing in it :D


Count of Concision
Around here in Brooklyn, Jettas are indeed seen as a more feminine ride. Ditto for the Dodge Neon, but not as much.

Hyundai Sonata: I really wanted that Jag or Benz, but could only swing $17K. :p (these are seriously good-looking cars for the money though, imo)

Corvette drivers: "I think I'm a bad ass"

Benz drivers: "Sorry, I can't see you-- my nose is in the way" ;)

Also, for nearly any female you see driving a $70K+ vehicle (not all, but most), you can safely conclude that they've never worked a day in their life. Fact. :D


Where the fuck did this come from? Here in POP CULTURE CENTRAL, Jettas and Celicas are all FAST N FURIOUS street racers. Not girl cars.

You're confusing those with Civics/Integras especially "Type R's".

-Jettas, Celicas (last body style), Golfs, Beetles ("new" body style), base Mustangs, Miatas, non WRX/STI Subarus etc are all women's cars. Granted I can only speak from experience, but in NYC, Jersey and all over Florida it is a fact. Though the new thing for women are HUGE SUV's that they can't handle.

-Anthing from Oldsmobile, Buick etc is bound to be driven by some old silverhaired hunchback.

-Oh and BMW 3 series = expensive Civic... everyone and their mother has one. I'd never buy a 3 series and would promptly trade/sell one if it were given to me.

-Imports > Domestic... anyone who says otherwise must have grew up in hick country where everyone had a Camaro, Mustang Firebird or Dodge >insert name<.


Loki said:
Also, for nearly any female you see driving a $70K+ vehicle (not all, but most), you can safely conclude that they've never worked a day in their life. Fact. :D

Pleasing a men well enough to have him hook you up with a sweet ride is a job in my book.
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