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Carrie Fisher strikes back at critic who told her to quit or be judged on her looks

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Hoping he's doing loads of fight choreography. I want an epic light saber duel out of him.

I think the only lightsaber stuff that would set him apart from any other lightsaber stuff is if he used the force to control the lightsabers without actually holding them.

Like this goofball:



She looks fine but sounds weird and isn't very Leia like with the character. I think a lot of old actors come across weird when they get new teeth that don't quite fit the same and they just sound weird. Don't think she is awful just a little noticable.


Critics are such funny people. You just know when they get all negative and sanctimonious (celebrated far too much nowadays under the guise of 'criticism') they just relish in the smarmy 'Oh I see it, others probably don't but I do. I'm so smart'.

Such a peculiar one-up culture as they all write for each other rather than a general audience.


Did you feel similarly about Harrison Ford? Because the way the move featured Han Solo, really put his age into focus, more than Leia's.

Also, I'm excited to see what Mark Hamill's acting is going to be like in the next couple of movies. His acting in the original movies was awful, but some of this is attributable to Lucas' writing and maybe his youth. I've heard that Hamill is an amazing voice actor now, so maybe he's really improved.

I don't really see this.

He was fairly uncharismatic and whiny in ANH, but half of that was his role as the naive farm boy and the script. In Empire with a competent director he was actually pretty good, and in Jedi he was one of the few actors who didn't mail in their performance.

I'm not saying he was oscar material, or even as good as Harrison was while mailing it in, but relative to the rest of the competition, he did fine.

He probably does better (and seems to enjoy it more) when he is allowed to go full ham like he does with his Joker performance, but I think he can do subtler stuff decently as well. I think it will come down to script and direction mostly.
Journalist is an ass hat, but I can agree with others about her voice being a little off and she did seem to over due the botox or had some weird cg touch up done not sure. She looked off in the movie compared to recent public appearences. She looks fine though and what little screen time she had didn't destroy the movie. I think some of the disconnect with her is that she has been out of the picture for so long. We've watched Harrison Ford age on screen for the last 30 years. Hamill didn't really have much screen time so I guess we'll see what he does in the future. He didn't have alot of screen time in The Kingsmen either but he seemed ok in that. The beard helps him alot too.
I actually was distracted by her face during the movie.

She did not look bad but it looked like she overdosed on botox injections before they started filming. It didn't look like half of the muscles in her face could move properly.

I would have rather seen her wrinkles instead of that.

She had the acting range of a wooden plank.
CG Face? No comment. Her acting was still shit no matter the reason.

Disagree but frankly her acting is not what we're talkin about sooooo....
59? Jesus christ. She looked like Joan Rivers in TFA: in her eighties and with several plastic surgeries.

Do you have any real concept of age?

She did not look 80 years old holy crap. This is up there with the folks who think Maggie Gyllenhaal looks 50


Pretty sure CGI would give her skin an airbrushed look, but it wouldn't change what kind of muscles move or don't move. That's something botox does.


I actually was distracted by her face during the movie.

She did not look bad but it looked like she overdosed on botox injections before they started filming. It didn't look like half of the muscles in her face could move properly.

I would have rather seen her wrinkles instead of that.

This was my concern as well. She was so distracting, not because she is older and not fitting the Hollywood image of beautiful, but because she was so done up that she was completely void of emotion. She had less life than just about every CG character I've ever seen.


I don't really see this.

He was fairly uncharismatic and whiny in ANH, but half of that was his role as the naive farm boy and the script. In Empire with a competent director he was actually pretty good, and in Jedi he was one of the few actors who didn't mail in their performance.

I'm not saying he was oscar material, or even as good as Harrison was while mailing it in, but relative to the rest of the competition, he did fine.

He probably does better (and seems to enjoy it more) when he is allowed to go full ham like he does with his Joker performance, but I think he can do subtler stuff decently as well. I think it will come down to script and direction mostly.

I disagree. I thought he bounced between being over the top and being bland. I found the original movies hard to enjoy, for several years, because I found it difficult to take Luke Skywalker seriously. Again, part of that was the writing, but even in Empire I found it difficult to take his dramatic scenes with Darth Vader seriously. I haven't seen Jedi recently, so I'll refrain from commenting on his performance there.
I disagree. I thought he bounced between being over the top and being bland. I found the original movies hard to enjoy, for several years, because I found it difficult to take Luke Skywalker seriously. Again, part of that was the writing, but even in Empire I found it difficult to take his dramatic scenes with Darth Vader seriously. I haven't seen Jedi recently, so I'll refrain from commenting on his performance there.
what did you think about the dagobah scenes? Mark was one of the reasons the audience believed yoda was there. Underrated actor if you ask me imo.


The demans of a visual medium and the audience reluctance to aging...I don't even.

Well, it's apples and oranges in these situations. Leia should be looking 59, and it seems like any comments about her age are unfairly bordering on sexism/ageism because "she used to be hot".

Pee-Wee Herman is kinda supposed to be a giant man-child, and having a 63 year old look 63 while playing him would be even creepier than that character already is.

There's a bias, is what I'm saying.


Nah. She phoned it in during Jedi, absolutely. But she was trying (while not really knowing what she was doing) in Star Wars, and very much working hard on Empire.

This is the first I'm hearing this. Her performance was perfectly fine in ROTJ, not to mention all the work she put into her body for that silly slave bikini stuff.


what did you think about the dagobah scenes? Mark was one of the reasons the audience believed yoda was there. Underrated actor if you ask me imo.

Well, I grew up with the Muppets and Labyrinth, so I didn't have any hesitation in believing Yoda was there or accepting Yoda as a legitimate character. (Also, I was very young the first time I saw the movies, which made it even easier to accept Yoda, all on his own). So, I can't really see those scenes in the same way.

But, I am excited to see Hamill in the newer movies, because I think I'll be able to judge him more clearly, without bad writing and, hopefully, with his character being more evolved (and less whiny). If I'm being totally honest, I have to admit that some of my judgment of Hamill may be clouded by how much I dislike Luke. The thing I remember most about the Dagobah scenes, is that Luke was, again, really whiny and Yoda was (rightfully) hesitant to train him, and then Luke took off in the end, disappointing Yoda.
guys I'll have you know fisher is free to complain all she wants, but if it's acause of the CGI makeup or bad acting she needs too get over it, you don't see the men actors complaining about all the hate mail they get just for being men

also ridley is alright but I think her tragic figure would carry through better if they got someone like megan fox to play her


guys I'll have you know fisher is free to complain all she wants, but if it's acause of the CGI makeup or bad acting she needs too get over it, you don't see the men actors complaining about all the hate mail they get just for being men

also ridley is alright but I think her tragic figure would carry through better if they got someone like megan fox to play her

Carrie Fisher is such a badass, I adore her so much. I'm so glad she spoke out about the sexist bullshit she's dealing with. Literally no one talks about Harrison Ford's looks in TFA. Just because you got hard to Leia in the 70s doesn't mean you have the right to assume that's all she's good for. It's a fucked up mindset.


The only two people in the main cast that seemed to give a shit were Hamill and McDiarmid in that movie. Which is probably why the only part of that movie that really works from an acting standpoint is the throne room scene.
Hold it Bobby. You're forgetting Earl Jones usual great voice work as Vader AND Admiral Ackbar (most heartfelt "it's a trap" ever).

EDIT: whoops forgot my actual point of clicking on thread which s to note what as asshole this guy is. How thoughtless of her to look her age.


Leia and Han should have cut from TFA. Leia because she did nothing and Han because he did too much.
I kind of agree purely from a narrative purity point, would have preferred more Rey and Fin and Poe but they needed the old cast back big time to reduce risk. Given they decided to make Luke the maguffin of the film his presence was always going to be near minimal. That left Han and Leia and it was obvious that meant as much Han as feasible and meant use Leia simply as a foil for him in a few scenes.

TBH though what they should really have dropped is the whole strand involving Starkiller base. That was just one big time waster that ate into the interesting elements of the new faces and emerging new narrative.


The only two people in the main cast that seemed to give a shit were Hamill and McDiarmid in that movie. Which is probably why the only part of that movie that really works from an acting standpoint is the throne room scene.


Harrison Ford was awful in ROTJ. He was better in TFA then he was in ROTJ for sure.
Do you have any real concept of age?

She did not look 80 years old holy crap. This is up there with the folks who think Maggie Gyllenhaal looks 50
Totally agree. There's hyperbole strong with some of these asshat posters that it makes it makes me sick.

Carrie looks like a woman her age, which isn't a bad thing. Sometimes it's nice to see women(or PEOPLE, in general) look their age without falling to the Hollywood glamour machine of unreal expectations. And I stress "unreal", because it's brainwashed the masses so much, people believe this type of shit is realistic in daily life. Real world =/= Hollywood glamour. Just like in that "American actors look like models VS British actors look more normal" thread, sometimes it's nice to see someone that looks REAL. Carrie's just a few years younger than my mom and my mom's not some botox 'jectin' plastic surgery nightmare. My mom's real, as are a lot of REAL, everyday women of that age. I appreciate that!
One eensy-weensy thing in the (asshole) writer's defense: he wasn't criticizing Carrie Fisher's looks. He was trying to respond (in a complete asshole way) to Fisher's having made the fact that Disney execs required her to lose weight in order to appear in the film a frequent talking point.

There might have been a much more insightful and respectful way to talk about Hollywood and looks in regards to this movie (Mark Hamill also had to undergo a makeover but hasn't really made an issue out of it), but unfortunately the writer decided to be an asshole about the whole thing.

Anyways, yes, asshole writer is an asshole.
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