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Chris Hecker: "I do not think the Wii is a piece of sh*t"

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Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
White Man said:

Wait.. They changed the themesong?? The only freaking thing about the series I remember, and they changed it?? What the crap! How'd they change it?

White Man

psy18 said:
So... how was the crow eating feels like?

I heard it feels very grammatical.

Wait.. They changed the themesong?? The only freaking thing about the series I remember, and they changed it?? What the crap! How'd they change it?

It's not the same people singing it. It's really not a bad re-do, but it is jarring at first. They also apparently cut scenes because they couldn't get the rights to some of the music.
Wiitard said:
The guy was really harsh on 360 and PS3 at the rant section two years ago. It's not like he is forum troll.

I would like to see the full text of what he said. Specifically, what kind of stuff is really being sacrificed on Wii. What exactly would this smarted AI do? After all, the architecture of the other consoles is specifically designed for graphics uber alles (not that they cannot do better graphics and physics then Wii, but the difference is not as big as the graphics). I would have really, really love to hear somebody articulating a qualitative next gen difference.

It doesn't necessarily even have to be just "smarter AI". Some games may just want "more AI". I may be able to have 3 smart enemies on a Wii, and have 30 smart enemies on a 360/PS3/PC.

As just a really basic example, I once worked on a PS2/Xbox game, and the majority of our development and testing was done on Xbox (since it's much easier). I would come up with some crazy combat situation with a bunch of enemies or whatever. And it'd work fine on Xbox. Running the same level on PS2? Crash on level load. The reason? Memory limitations. I had to cut down the number of enemies in that level to make it "fit" on PS2.

Like I said, it's a really basic example, but the general point is that more powerful hardware means you have to make less of those tradeoffs from a development standpoint. And more powerful hardware increases the potential for "smarter AI" *and* "more AI". Along with everything else that goes into a game.
Inhumanility said:
A piece of **** is worthless, disgusting, useless... the most vile substance you can think of. That's what he called the Nintendo Wii. It's horrendous.

I'm also guessing you think it's pretty gross or unorthodox when someone says: "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."
Inhumanility said:
A piece of **** is worthless, disgusting, useless... the most vile substance you can think of. That's what he called the Nintendo Wii. It's horrendous.

Even saying it "sucks ***" is over the line. Had he said something about it's graphical capabilities being garbage/useless, it might not have been as bad. But he called the entire Nintendo Wii hardware uselss, disgusting, worthless etc.... An opiinon that he ranted off as facts AND had to gall to say he did research on it.


just a word of warning: never read an Amirox post


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
soul creator said:
It doesn't necessarily even have to be just "smarter AI". Some games may just want "more AI". I may be able to have 3 smart enemies on a Wii, and have 30 smart enemies on a 360/PS3/PC.

As just a really basic example, I once worked on a PS2/Xbox game, and the majority of our development and testing was done on Xbox (since it's much easier). I would come up with some crazy combat situation with a bunch of enemies or whatever. And it'd work fine on Xbox. Running the same level on PS2? Crash on level load. The reason? Memory limitations. I had to cut down the number of enemies in that level to make it "fit" on PS2.

Like I said, it's a really basic example, but the general point is that more powerful hardware means you have to make less of those tradeoffs from a development standpoint. And more powerful hardware increases the potential for "smarter AI" *and* "more AI". Along with everything else that goes into a game.
What happened when you ported it to Gamecube?


White Man said:

Hang on a minute. What? Are you serious? What the hell is the theme song now then?

Edit: just saw your response.... *assumes fetal position*


soul creator said:
It doesn't necessarily even have to be just "smarter AI". Some games may just want "more AI". I may be able to have 3 smart enemies on a Wii, and have 30 smart enemies on a 360/PS3/PC.

As just a really basic example, I once worked on a PS2/Xbox game, and the majority of our development and testing was done on Xbox (since it's much easier). I would come up with some crazy combat situation with a bunch of enemies or whatever. And it'd work fine on Xbox. Running the same level on PS2? Crash on level load. The reason? Memory limitations. I had to cut down the number of enemies in that level to make it "fit" on PS2.

Like I said, it's a really basic example, but the general point is that more powerful hardware means you have to make less of those tradeoffs from a development standpoint. And more powerful hardware increases the potential for "smarter AI" *and* "more AI". Along with everything else that goes into a game.

Oh, I can totally see that. That's exactly what I expect. But what I'd like to know is does this quantitative difference becomes qualitative? Something like: well you can have 3 smart enemies on Wii and 10 on 360 at the same time. And here is the reason you should really care you start getting all this crazy interactions between the enemies like for example... Something which is not pretty much a linear extrapolation of the experience I already have.


I read this and kind of puts the whole apology into perspective:

Gamespot said:
Spore designer Chris Hecker probably didn't realize that a firestorm of controversy would erupt over his comments yesterday regarding the Nintendo Wii. During a developer rant session at Game Developers Conference on Wednesday, Hecker said that the "Wii is a piece of s***," slamming the system for its lack of power and Nintendo for only making fun games and not artistic ones. A day later, and after much outcry on the Internet, Hecker offered up a lengthy apology just prior to a presentation that he gave on Spore's powerful animation system.

"I was trying to be thought provoking and entertaining and fun, and a lot of the stuff went too far over the top on the entertaining and fun side, so that it was no longer thought provoking, just inflammatory. And in the process I hurt a bunch of people I care about. And so, I want to apologize now," Hecker said.

He added that when he said those words he was speaking for himself and that he did not represent the views of EA or Maxis. Hecker also apologized to his coworkers, who he said were upset over the remarks.

"I do not think that the Wii is a piece of s***," Hecker said, and he applauded Nintendo for its innovation regarding the Wii's unique controller, its user interface, and the system's affordable price. He also commended Nintendo for its passion at making great games.

Hecker's apology was met with polite applause from the sizeable audience. He then launched into an in-depth explanation of the animation system in Spore, the ambitious and long-awaited next game from Will Wright, the creator of The Sims and SimCity. Hecker's session was titled, "How to Animate a Character You've Never Seen Before."

So first off, I seriously doubt that "people he cares about" entails internet fanboys. Second, with the other section of this article I posted, it seems like he offended his co-workers, not just the upstairs brass.
I mean, we can say "this was a developer rant, who cares" but this rant was aimed at developers and it seems ACTUAL DEVELOPERS were offended. The only ones mentioned were his co-workers, but one needs to remember that for how much we piss all over Nintendo sometimes in forums, Nintendo is the most well-respected developer groups and publishers in the entire industry. The idea that a lot of developers were pissed off with what he said, and issuing an apology at GDC in front of other developers reflects that even more strongly.
I won't say that the hate mail from fanboys didn't encourage the apology, but if people he knows told him that he crossed a line, I think that shows more of a motivation.

But yeah... sorry, I need to work on my canned GAF responses instead, this'll probably seem so out of place in this thread.

White Man said:
Like I said, can't say it hasn't happened with Sonybots and Xbots (I know there are a lot of tards at TXB), but I've never seen it. As soon as I saw that thread turn sour, I went right to wiki, where I am also a Nazi mod.
Did you see the Wii page during E3? Or during Tokyo Game Show when they revealed the Wii-mote? It was vandalized relentlessly. Selective analytical scope FTL.


MidnightScott said:
Pathetic. I hope this loser does lose his job. :lol

Have you read what he said about Sony and MS at GDC 2005?

I would much rather have developers who think that Wii is the step in the wrong direction articulate their views and make their cases. I want to hear what they have to say. THey may even be right. Maybe the real big thing is a game which they are developing...
That's good. I thought his opinion represented the majority of the third party developer community. Thank goodness his peers were also offended. I guess Nintendo has fewer hurdles than I had previously thought.


It's just common sense that you don't badmouth your business partner in a public forum, under any circumstances, unless you have no intention in keeping a business relationship with them.
linsivvi said:
It's just common sense that you don't badmouth your business partner in a public forum, under any circumstances, unless you have no intention in keeping a business relationship with them.

I think the controversy is, why is "Chris Hecker" considered Nintendo's business partner? EA is Nintendo's business partner, not Chris.

"Well, Chris Hecker works for EA, so he should've known that there could be backlash"

But of course, some might say that this session's entire purpose is that it should be accepted that one employee is not representing the formal position of everyone at the company he works for. So in this specific environment, he should be allowed to "badmouth" something in the industry, and it should be accepted that it's his own personal opinion.

I dunno...I guess it's just funny to me, because I swear I've heard far more "controversial" rants at GDC. Essentially calling Wii hardware weak seems like the last thing that would generate some controversy...the Wii having weaker hardware is not like some great secret that no one knew about :lol
Heh. Well yesterday after hearing that he had called the Wii a piece of shit and learning that he was working on Spore, I almost posted a news story called:

"Spore to be a piece of shit"

With a tagline:

Only on Wii.

Buuuut...I figured Jim might not like that one so I didn't. It would've been fun though.
MidnightScott said:
Pathetic. I hope this loser does lose his job. :lol

Yeah, that'd probably help Spore release this year. Why can't he call the Wii a piece of shit? I don't agree; but who cares. He'd probably still kick my ass at bowling (wadafuk, stop veering towards the gutter).

Hecker seems like a passionate guy. Isn't that a good thing? I believe he was speaking a little tongue-in-cheek and a little truthfully, with a little provocation dashed on top. I probably would have been laughing if I had gotten to see him speak. Seems cool to me. Shit, if he can present a topic titled, "How to Animate a Character You've Never Seen Before," that's a talented mofo.

On the other hand, the people upset that others are upset with what he said, I don't follow. Repeatedly stating it was a rant in order to point out the absurdity of the Internet response is a little of the mark. A rant is supposed to cause those you're "attacking" to become irrational. Hecker done good, by golly! The only fault I find is him apologizing; but as others have stated, he was probably pressured to/felt he owed it to colleagues.

After all, we all know it's the 360 that's a piece of shit. And as soon as my wife stops watching the checkbook, I will have one. Oh yes, I will play Halo, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Viva Pinata, Crackdown, et al.

MS, you WILL have my money...I hope!
Craig Majaski said:
Heh. Well yesterday after hearing that he had called the Wii a piece of shit and learning that he was working on Spore, I almost posted a news story called:

"Spore to be a piece of shit"

With a tagline:

Only on Wii.

Buuuut...I figured Jim might not like that one so I didn't. It would've been fun though.

that's what's funny about it also. Will Wright probably told him the day before that he had to fit all the potential Spore procedural animations into the Wii's RAM or something...Chris got frustrated, so when he got permission to rant he just went nuts :lol


soul creator said:
I think the controversy is, why is "Chris Hecker" considered Nintendo's business partner? EA is Nintendo's business partner, not Chris.

"Well, Chris Hecker works for EA, so he should've known that there could be backlash"

But of course, some might say that this session's entire purpose is that it should be accepted that one employee is not representing the formal position of everyone at the company he works for. So in this specific environment, he should be allowed to "badmouth" something in the industry, and it should be accepted that it's his own personal opinion.

I dunno...I guess it's just funny to me, because I swear I've heard far more "controversial" rants at GDC. Essentially calling Wii hardware weak seems like the last thing that would generate some controversy...the Wii having weaker hardware is not like some great secret that no one knew about :lol

Gotta remember though the whole personal opinion thing very rarely flies when you work for a mega corporation. Hell his Boss on the Development team he is on is a huge Wii Fanboy. EA is sucking on some Nintendo ass quite a bit lately. they arent gonna let a game designer cause badblood.

Big Corporations will muzzle and leash you even if its just your ranting opinion.


The whole time Julian Eggebrecht was laughing, saying to himself, "RIIiiight, the Wii is a piece of shit... sureeee."


soul creator said:
I think the controversy is, why is "Chris Hecker" considered Nintendo's business partner? EA is Nintendo's business partner, not Chris.

"Well, Chris Hecker works for EA, so he should've known that there could be backlash"

But of course, some might say that this session's entire purpose is that it should be accepted that one employee is not representing the formal position of everyone at the company he works for. So in this specific environment, he should be allowed to "badmouth" something in the industry, and it should be accepted that it's his own personal opinion.

I dunno...I guess it's just funny to me, because I swear I've heard far more "controversial" rants at GDC. Essentially calling Wii hardware weak seems like the last thing that would generate some controversy...the Wii having weaker hardware is not like some great secret that no one knew about :lol

Huh? Chris Hecker works for EA. Nintendo is a business partner of his company. That's how it works.

Forget about the session's entire purpose. There's just some things you cannot say in a public forum. It's common sense that all sensible adults having a decent career in a respectable field should possess.

If he wants to vent his frustration with Wii and Nintendo, he's more than welcome to do it in a pub with his mates, but not in a GDC session.


Oldschoolgamer said:
Pretty much. If a developer can't even speak freely at a developer's conference(rant session), then, that just goes to show how much power the publishers have. Its damned sad that they can't give their opinions on matters in the industry, without them being carefully worded pr-esque statements.

Yay for Jaffe and the Valve guys. (then too, they have much more clout than most)

Look, I don't know if it's been touched on - I'm not reading 7 pages at what's nearly 12:30am - but I think the content of his remarks spoke much more vividly of his priorities as a game developer and less about Nintendo's perceived weaknesses. It was a rather back-handed compliment the way he said they focused on "fun" games, and I suspect his (very) obvious hand-slapping by upper-management was related to that, if not entirely at least partially.

White Man

Shogun said:


Also, this is the reason I am locking this thread:

Pathetic. I hope this loser does lose his job. :lol

Nintendo fans once again prove they aren't mature enough to talk about anything. And they wonder why they are stuck with 3rd rate shit from the Elebits team. Goodnight, Nintendo fans, thanks for fattening up THE LIST.


Scary Euro Man
MiamiWesker said:
You can also rant and not be a complete moron about it. Last year they had a huge session and never did one of them single out one company or one product and completly bash them.

In 2005 Chris Hecker opened with "I’m going to rant about How Sony And Microsoft Are About To Screw Your Game Design."

Nice try, though.

See also:

Then there was the Nintendo keynote. This was the company who established the business model that has crucified the industry today.. Iwata-san has the heart of a gamer, and my question is what poor bastard's chest did he carve it from? [audience falls about]
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