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Chris Hecker: "I do not think the Wii is a piece of sh*t"

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Oh I know i get what you're saying White Man yes its all the N-Fans fault. I mean war in iraq must be N-Fans fault they must've sent threatening emails to the president. I mean what type of conspiracy theory is this.


White Man said:
I give up. You idiots are ruining my enjoyment of this Family Ties season 1 box set that I purchased while drunk last night. diaf

PS this was a rant.
This is why I don't go shopping while drunk. Well, one of the reasons.
White Man said:
I give up. You idiots are ruining my enjoyment of this Family Ties season 1 box set that I purchased while drunk last night. diaf

PS this was a rant.

We're only being idiots if you're being one. There's really no hard evidence for either case. So, barring coming up with totally off speculation, the only real stupidity here is that we're arguing about it at all. You're just as guilty of that as we are.

White Man

sp0rsk said:
Cool then, no offense taken brah.

Cool, I hope a piano falls on your head while walking down the street, like in an old Warner Bros. cartoon.

PS that is rantese for "I lurve you"


Professional Schmuck
Newzboyz99 said:

"Glad you listened to our little talk. Bitch."


That's basically what I got out of this. Did anybody get a picture of Hecker? Did you notice whether or not he still had his thumbs? Old-school Yaumuchi ninjas are ****ing ruthless.


force push the doodoo rock
White Man said:
Cool, I hope a piano falls on your head while walking down the street, like in an old Warner Bros. cartoon.

PS that is rantese for "I lurve you"

Not before a homeless lady sticks your man meat in a toaster and serves it to sewer rats.

PS that is rantese for "Call me later"
v1cious said:
i think you forgot where you are, you seem to think this is impossible to come by.

I still think that pressures from his bosses and his publisher to not hurt the relations with Nintendo is a way more plausible explanation than a bunch of executives flipping out because of some emails written by a bunch of angry and motivated fanboys.


Professional Schmuck
Mr. Pointy said:
His bosses ass-raped him. Sucks.

Shit rolls down hill, brother. You get some schmuck mouthing off to the media, you jerk his chain or we pull some old school family shit. Know whatamean?


Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
I would just like to take a moment in all this fun to say: Warren Spector's rant was freaking brilliant.


Seriously the Guy works for EA. EA is all about kissing Nintendos ass right now. They jumped on him the moment he got off the stage probably.


ethelred said:
Second, while people called Hecker names, people also called Newell names... in fact, a certain segment of PS3 supporters basically dredged up the exact same insults Nintendo fans used on Jeff Gerstmann.

Hey, poor Denis Dyack has had to wade through those same insults much much longer than Jeff or Gabe. :D


vasuba said:
Seriously the Guy works for EA. EA is all about kissing Nintendos ass right now. They jumped on him the moment he got off the stage probably.

Seriously. There is a HUGE difference between a rant and completely taking a shit all over one of your companies successful business partners. This guy brought whatever form of hell that showed up at his hotel room that night on himself.
so, as far as the actual "point" he was making...

If you're a developer, working on a game in 2007, and the area you're specifically working in happens to depend on hardware power, and one of the platforms greatly impacts how good a job you can do in that area in a "negative" way, and there are other platforms that "positively" impact how good a job you can do...

And you're asked to speak on a panel which specifically says "this is your chance to make your point in an outlandish, over-the-top way"...

Wouldn't that make his "piece of shit" comment appropriate in that context? I mean, we all know hardware power is not the Wii's strength, so it's not like it's really an "inaccurate" comment. And I don't really see the need for "tact" when he's referring to a inanimate piece of gaming hardware. Everyone kinda knows that the Wii is weak (even Nintendo, but they're too busy printing money to notice, haha), so calling it a "piece of shit" doesn't seem like some crazy notion to me.

If anything, I would think more discussion should be generated by the "art" criticisms, rather than the hardware criticisms.

Also, I wonder if it's specifically the word "shit" that's bothering people. If he said "Wii hardware from a power standpoint is BAAAAD REALLY BAAAAD" would he have gotten the same reaction? It reminds me of when threads get derailed from Amirox calling something a piece of shit :lol
soul creator said:
so, as far as the actual "point" he was making...

If you're a developer, working on a game in 2007, and the area you're specifically working in happens to depend on hardware power, and one of the platforms greatly impacts how good a job you can do in that area in a "negative" way, and there are other platforms that "positively" impact how good a job you can do...

And you're asked to speak on a panel which specifically says "this is your chance to make your point in an outlandish, over-the-top way"...

Wouldn't that make his "piece of shit" comment appropriate in that context? I mean, we all know hardware power is not the Wii's strength, so it's not like it's really an "inaccurate" comment. And I don't really see the need for "tact" when he's referring to a inanimate piece of gaming hardware. Everyone kinda knows that the Wii is weak (even Nintendo, but they're too busy printing money to notice, haha), so calling it a "piece of shit" doesn't seem like some crazy notion to me.

If anything, I would think more discussion should be generated by the "art" criticisms, rather than the hardware criticisms.
I actually agree with that for the most part. I think the 'art' criticisms pretty much killed all his credibility.

This one is called:
d[-_-]b said:
Oh I know i get what you're saying White Man yes its all the N-Fans fault. I mean war in iraq must be N-Fans fault they must've sent threatening emails to the president. I mean what type of conspiracy theory is this.
Lee Harvey Oswald was a Nintendo fan. Also the Moon landing was faked by Nintendo.
Shhhhhhh! Don't tell anyone! ;)

Shouldn't the press be partially blamed for this? It seems like they were sensationalizing something that wasn't meant to be taken too seriously.


Mr. Pointy said:
I have to contribute at least one bail out pic, otherwise I wouldn't feel complete.


Damn some people would have surely died from that. Although you're bloody stupid to get on a vehicle with that many on it.


I know where some people are coming from with defending this dude in a clearly advertised rant for developers. Still, if I were to post that on GAF I'd get banhammer'd at mach speed (from the very same mods defending him) whether or not I marked it as a hyperbolic rant. The point is this is only meant to stir people up, it doesn't have a constructive nature, and if you're going to put it out there then you best be ready to accept the consequences.

And it's not just the Nintendo fanboys. Remember when Gabe Newell ragged on the PS3 and all the Sonybots made personal attacks about his weight? Same thing.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Somnid said:
And it's not just the Nintendo fanboys. Remember when Gabe Newell ragged on the PS3 and all the Sonybots made personal attacks about his weight? Same thing.

Shhh. Only Nintendo fans get angry about such things.


Somnid said:
And it's not just the Nintendo fanboys. Remember when Gabe Newell ragged on the PS3 and all the Sonybots made personal attacks about his weight? Same thing.

Don't forget the food stains dude.

Remember the stains. *nods*
Somnid said:
I know where some people are coming from with defending this dude in a clearly advertised rant for developers. Still, if I were to post that on GAF I'd get banhammer'd at mach speed (from the very same mods defending him) whether or not I marked it as a hyperbolic rant. The point is this is only meant to stir people up, it doesn't have a constructive nature, and if you're going to put it out there then you best be ready to accept the consequences.

And it's not just the Nintendo fanboys. Remember when Gabe Newell ragged on the PS3 and all the Sonybots made personal attacks about his weight? Same thing.

You shouldn't get banned if the mods specifically set up a post/board section that said "THIS IS THE ONE SECTION WHERE IT'S OK TO RANT. GO FOR IT". It's not just saying something in a "professional" place and then trying to save face by calling it a rant. The organizers themselves set up an area for this. I would think that Nintendo/MS/EA/Sony whoever would understand that, they themselves being a part of the development community. They should expect to be criticized at a place like that.

That Greg Costikyan guy seems to piss on almost everyone in the industry and no one says anything. This guy calls some inanimate hardware a piece of shit and gets all the attention Greg Costikyan wishes he could get :lol


The physical form of blasphemy
Somnid said:
I know where some people are coming from with defending this dude in a clearly advertised rant for developers. Still, if I were to post that on GAF I'd get banhammer'd at mach speed (from the very same mods defending him) whether or not I marked it as a hyperbolic rant. The point is this is only meant to stir people up, it doesn't have a constructive nature, and if you're going to put it out there then you best be ready to accept the consequences.

And it's not just the Nintendo fanboys. Remember when Gabe Newell ragged on the PS3 and all the Sonybots made personal attacks about his weight? Same thing.


Why are people using GAF? Their hasn't been one in a LONG time, but, their were a couple of sponsored HATE threads. They lasted a few seconds/minutes, and people had their chance to air stuff out. Guess what, to my knowledge no one really got banned.

As for Newell, I don't recall him saying what he said in something like a rant session. I thought it was just out in the open in an interview. Their is a clear difference between ranting in a "closed" session, and ranting unprofessionally with journalist A. Their is NOTHING similar between what was done.


Oldschoolgamer said:

Why are people using GAF? Their hasn't been one in a LONG time, but, their were a couple of sponsored HATE threads. They lasted a few seconds/minutes, and people had their chance to air stuff out. Guess what, to my knowledge no one really got banned.

As for Newell, I don't recall him saying what he said in something like a rant session. I thought it was just out in the open in an interview. Their is a clear difference between ranting in a "closed" session, and ranting unprofessionally with journalist A. Their is NOTHING similar between what was done.



Oldschoolgamer said:
Their is a clear difference between ranting in a "closed" session, and ranting unprofessionally with journalist A. Their is NOTHING similar between what was done.

GDC isnt a "closed" session.
Somnid said:
And it's not just the Nintendo fanboys. Remember when Gabe Newell ragged on the PS3 and all the Sonybots made personal attacks about his weight? Same thing.
I don't remember Sony/Xbots trying to take down GAF because they thought the mods were mean to Sony/MS.


I don't really care about his criticisms of the Wii Hardware. Because, for someone who wants to push the graphical boundaries, the Wii is crap.

What I do care about was his whole "Nintendo isn't serious about games and they're games aren't art" garbage that he went on about. It was completely arrogant and disrespectful to some of the best game designers in the industry.

I'd like to see him walk up to Miyamoto and say "Hey guess what, you're not even serious about games and you are actually hindering it's advancement."
soul creator said:
so, as far as the actual "point" he was making...

If you're a developer, working on a game in 2007, and the area you're specifically working in happens to depend on hardware power, and one of the platforms greatly impacts how good a job you can do in that area in a "negative" way, and there are other platforms that "positively" impact how good a job you can do...

And you're asked to speak on a panel which specifically says "this is your chance to make your point in an outlandish, over-the-top way"...

Wouldn't that make his "piece of shit" comment appropriate in that context? I mean, we all know hardware power is not the Wii's strength, so it's not like it's really an "inaccurate" comment. And I don't really see the need for "tact" when he's referring to a inanimate piece of gaming hardware. Everyone kinda knows that the Wii is weak (even Nintendo, but they're too busy printing money to notice, haha), so calling it a "piece of shit" doesn't seem like some crazy notion to me.

If anything, I would think more discussion should be generated by the "art" criticisms, rather than the hardware criticisms.

Also, I wonder if it's specifically the word "shit" that's bothering people. If he said "Wii hardware from a power standpoint is BAAAAD REALLY BAAAAD" would he have gotten the same reaction? It reminds me of when threads get derailed from Amirox calling something a piece of shit :lol

You're basically saying that because someone's passion and hardwork is inanimate, you're allowed to call it a piece of ****? A drawing, music, written songs etc., are all inanimate on paper or on a static keyboard/guitar, so that allows people to call it a piece of ****?

No, it's inflammatory and really had no part in his speech other than to purposely get attention. He deserved what he got


legend166 said:
they're games aren't art" garbage that he went on about. It was completely arrogant and disrespectful to some of the best game designers in the industry.

I'd like to see him walk up to Miyamoto and say "Hey guess what, you're not even serious about games and you are actually hindering it's advancement."

"They're" is a contraction for "they are." "Their" is possessive.

"It's" is a contraction for "it is." "Its" is possessive.


Oldschoolgamer said:
Damnit! I'm tired :(

I know its not. I was merely pointing out the difference in venues. My point still stands though.

It doesnt

For someone who has never released a single game, this rant in a conference full of journalists was his chance to talk about the Wii

Gabe was asked in a magazine what he thought about the PS3. He awsnered

Suffice to say, if you hated one and support the other you are just looking at it depending on your console of choice.
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