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Chris Hecker: "I do not think the Wii is a piece of sh*t"

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MiamiWesker said:
You can also rant and not be a complete moron about it. Last year they had a huge session and never did one of them single out one company or one product and completly bash them.

Exactly. Spurting statements like 'this is shit' and 'two GC's taped together' is schoolyard rubbish. Then in the next breath he wants to be taken as a serious artist. Nobody can accuse the guy of being smart.
White Man said:
So tell me, rant sessions have been going on for years. Why is it that only now, when Nintendo gets called on, that people bitch? Oh, because Nintendo fans seem to have a particularly high tard to sane ratio.

I don't remember any specific past ones, but did they contain the same vitriol for the XBox? PS2? GC? Dreamcast? I find it unlikely, but for some reason the Wii brings out some crazy emotions.
Well I've lost all of my new found respect for him, ohh well, what's said has already been said, I'm sure he still feels the same way, but coming back and apologizing for it is a bitch move.

White Man

The Sphinx said:
Don't know about contradicted but you certainly imply Nintendo has never been criticized in these rant sessions before. After all, if Nintendo's ever criticized the N-tards rise in anger. Right?

Oh, I'm sure that has more to do with GDC getting more attention the past 3 years than anything. Also, I don't have a list of everything that was ever ranted on there. Hardly a contradiction.


Virgin Wii said:
I'm not sure why you're blaming Nintendo fans for it, though. He never stated why he was apologising, specifically. The most likely scenario is that he got in trouble with the higher ups.

i'm thinking the 'higher ups' wouldn't give a flying fudge either way were it not for the, more than likely, landslide of phone calls/emails/etc from Nintendo fans articulating their displeasure with Mr. Hecker's comments. Just saying.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
hauton said:
This infuriates me. It's so obvious that offense was taken and Hecker had someone breathe down his neck to retract it. The tongue-in-cheek nature of his rant was used to bring about legitimate points about the Wii. A guy like Newell, who obviously has his own interests in mind, just slams the PS3 with little, if any, support or point behind it and sparks inflammatory comments such as Sony should relaunch the PS3 and people cheer for him.

"The wii is a piece of shit" is not a "legitimate point." It's sad because he did have a point in there. I believe if he'd have focused on the idea of Nintendo not treating gaming as an art without getting so harsh on the Wii itself, I doubt the response would have been so bad. It might have allowed for serious discussion too. And not a public apology.

Oh, and the wording, at least to me, points more towards appeasing suits, than annoying fanboys.


GreenGlowingGoo said:
Or C. He realized he might one day want to work on a game that's for a nintendo system and decided against burning a bridge.
This is as good a reason as any. You don't want to piss off someone that you might need to partner with someday.


xaosslug said:
i'm thinking the 'higher ups' wouldn't give a flying fudge either way were it not for the, more than likely, landslide of phone calls/emails/etc from Nintendo fans articulating their displeasure with Mr. Hecker's comments. Just saying.

thank you
BlueTsunami said:
Pretty much

Oh, look! He calls out Sony/Microsoft for not using OooE (Out of Order Execution) CPUs last year and doesn't go back on his statment. This year, total turn around.

But blue that is VERY different then calling a new system "two gamecubes with duct tape" isn't it?

@White Man: Its contradictory because you said its been going on years without any problems, only now does somebody apologize. Doesn't make sense though because GC suffered a lot more than Wii did so why when GC was being called a lunch box etc, there wasn't any apology? Didn't Nintendo fans being the psychos they are exist back then?
White Man said:
GDC is for developers.

Except that the gaming public is paying more attention to GDC this year than ever before. So off the cuff rant sessions get blogged, gamers pick up on it and this cluster**** ensues. That's the real problem.

Sounds like the guy was just messing around, didn't he do a similar rant aimed at the 360/PS3 last year? I feel sorry for him, he had no idea it would be reported on as serious news.

White Man

CrushDance said:
But blue that is VERY different then calling a new system "two gamecubes with duct tape" isn't it?

@White Man: Its contradictory because you said its been going on years without any problems, only now does somebody apologize. Doesn't make sense though because GC suffered a lot more than Wii did so why when GC was being called a lunch box etc, there wasn't any apology?

You miss this:

Oh, I'm sure that has more to do with GDC getting more attention the past 3 years than anything. Also, I don't have a list of everything that was ever ranted on there. Hardly a contradiction.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
xaosslug said:
i'm thinking the 'higher ups' wouldn't give a flying fudge either way were it not for the, more than likely, landslide of phone calls/emails/etc from Nintendo fans articulating their displeasure with Mr. Hecker's comments. Just saying.

Poor guy can dish it out, but can't take it. :(


there is joy in sucking dick
CrushDance said:
But blue that is VERY different then calling a new system "two gamecubes with duct tape" isn't it?

No I agree, I do. The OooE statment was definitely more tame than this one.


hauton said:
This infuriates me. It's so obvious that offense was taken and Hecker had someone breathe down his neck to retract it. The tongue-in-cheek nature of his rant was used to bring about legitimate points about the Wii. A guy like Newell, who obviously has his own interests in mind, just slams the PS3 with little, if any, support or point behind it and sparks inflammatory comments such as Sony should relaunch the PS3 and people cheer for him.

Well, that's remarkably disingenuous.

First, while plenty of people cheered on Newell, plenty of people also cheered on Hecker. Go reread that thread and refresh your faulty memory as to how many of the responses were "I agree" and "Well said" and other supportive remarks.

Second, while people called Hecker names, people also called Newell names... in fact, a certain segment of PS3 supporters basically dredged up the exact same insults Nintendo fans used on Jeff Gerstmann.
xaosslug said:
i'm thinking the 'higher ups' wouldn't give a flying fudge either way were it not for the, more than likely, landslide of phone calls/emails/etc from Nintendo fans articulating their displeasure with Mr. Hecker's comments. Just saying.

What the hell kind of theory is that ? Do you seriously think that the random internet fanboy has the phone number or the email address of Maxis and EA executives ? There has been theories far more plausible that has been stated in this very thread, so please look up.
White Man said:
Oh, I'm sure that has more to do with GDC getting more attention the past 3 years than anything. Also, I don't have a list of everything that was ever ranted on there. Hardly a contradiction.
Rant sessions are just that, rants. It allows users bitch and allows some level of bonding between colleagues. It's usually relevant for those specific groups, not online sites trying to gather more unnecessary attention. I've seen this with Embedded Windows, Embedded Linux, and other OS rants.

No one's given a shit in the past, but once it was about the beloved Wii, everyone goes apeshit.


First, I said on the first page that I really hope his job wasn't in jeopardy over this, but it does sound to me like this was a result of pressure from his employer. Second, I think the part that might have triggered anger from EA was the "Nintendo doesn't make art" comment... coming a few hours before Kondo's presentation and a day before Miyamoto's address. The man works directly under Will Wright, who has a lot of mutual respect for Miyamoto. While I'm sure the rant session is meant to be a spirited free-for-all there are certainly lines you don't cross and dissing one of the keynote speakers might be one of them.


chibcicylist said:
Well, that's Nintendo's fault for creaming over Sony's ass the last few months that they felt they had to do something big...so...

I don't care whose fault it is. The show is about developers. All this shit needs to go. If companies need to do a PR splash. They can hold their own damn conferences on their own time, and invite the press over.
White Man said:
You miss this:

Oh, I'm sure that has more to do with GDC getting more attention the past 3 years than anything. Also, I don't have a list of everything that was ever ranted on there. Hardly a contradiction.

Well I'm just saying. I missed the part where yuo said there was more attention on it. But even still if something similar had been said about PS3 or Xbox the problem would have been the same don't you think?
I think I know why he was even ranting in the first place. EA has given him the task of beginning the port of Spore to the Wii and he's just having such a hard time doing it. Naturally he wants to let out some of that frustration but after he lets it all out. . .it comes to him that he made a huge mistake. You know; kind of like sex with someone you wish you never did it with.

Joe Molotov

White Man said:
So tell me, rant sessions have been going on for years. Why is it that only now, when Nintendo gets called on, that people bitch?

Because normally the rants are boring as hell, and don't have anything that regular people can latch onto, the way you can with "X console is a piece of **** and X company doesn't care about games".


Lets look at this another way, if he said the 360 or PS3 was a piece of sh*t, you can be pretty sure 'Sonythings' or 'Xbots' would be up in arms doing exactly the same things as 'Ninthings'.

Sure what they did was retarded but the way he worded it would have invited harsh criticism from any of the fanboy groups if it was their console being bashed.

Next time he should try using tact instead of just spouting 'XXXXX is a piece of sh*t'.


Stormbringer said:
What the hell kind of theory is that ? Do you seriously think that the random internet fanboy has the phone number of Maxis and EA executives ?

i think you forgot where you are, you seem to think this is impossible to come by.

White Man

CrushDance said:
Well I'm just saying. I missed the part where yuo said there was more attention on it. But even still if something similar had been said about PS3 or Xbox the problem would have been the same don't you think?

This very same person said negative things about multicore processing in reference to PS3 and 360 just last year. And it was reported on.
xaosslug said:
i'm thinking the 'higher ups' wouldn't give a flying fudge either way were it not for the, more than likely, landslide of phone calls/emails/etc from Nintendo fans articulating their displeasure with Mr. Hecker's comments. Just saying.

Contacting the publisher itself seems like an awful lot of trouble for an en masse attack. I can't see so many Ntards taking more effort than attacking him directly.


This thread is bound to be even purer gold than the last one.

I applaud Chris Hecker's self-preservation instinct for finally kicking in.


White Man said:
This very same person said negative things about multicore processing in reference to PS3 and 360 just last year. And it was reported on.

But he didn't start off that rant with 'Multi-core Processing is a piece of sh*t' did he?
Xavien said:
Next time he should try using tact instead of just spouting 'XXXXX is a piece of sh*t'.

Thinking about it, this didn't bother me nearly as much as the "art" statement. Does he know anything about Nintendo?


GreenGlowingGoo said:
"The wii is a piece of shit" is not a "legitimate point." It's sad because he did have a point in there. I believe if he'd have focused on the idea of Nintendo not treating gaming as an art without getting so harsh on the Wii itself, I doubt the response would have been so bad. It might have allowed for serious discussion too. And not a public apology.

Well that's the thing - it was done in a tongue-in-cheek way in the form of a rant, which isn't exactly the same as a doctoral dissertation. It was suppose to be a sensationalistic method of inserting both humour and real thinking points into a single speech. The fact that he's being crushed like this via the outlash is ridiculous.


White Man said:
You miss this:

Oh, I'm sure that has more to do with GDC getting more attention the past 3 years than anything. Also, I don't have a list of everything that was ever ranted on there. Hardly a contradiction.
You should bold "more attention", see if it gets through.
White Man said:
This very same person said negative things about multicore processing in reference to PS3 and 360 just last year. And it was reported on.
Yeah I read about that in the previous thread. But like he said "two gamecubes duct taped together" lol. Isn't that funny? I thought it was a good joke. People took it seriously and I can bet Nintendo themselves took it as an insult, besides EA wouldn't want to have problems with Nintendo.

This really has nothing to do with internet nooblets but rather corporate talks.
ethelred said:
Second, while people called Hecker names, people also called Newell names... in fact, a certain segment of PS3 supporters basically dredged up the exact same insults Nintendo fans used on Jeff Gerstmann.

Let's not forget all the venom directed at Parish for his UG&G review. Or Microsoft fans flipping out over Ninja Gaiden C- and Fable 8/10.


Stormbringer said:
What the hell kind of theory is that ? Do you seriously think that the random internet fanboy has the phone number or the email address of Maxis and EA executives ? There has been theories far more plausible that has been stated in this very thread, so please look up.

um... did you not see the lock'd thread? Seriously?!? :lol

White Man

CrushDance said:
Yeah I read about that in the previous thread. But like he said "two gamecubes duct taped together" lol. Isn't that funny? I thought it was a good joke. People took it seriously and I can bet Nintendo themselves took it as an insult, besides EA wouldn't want to have problems with Nintendo.

This really has nothing to do with internet nooblets but rather corporate talks.

Nintendo fans took a comment at a rant session as an insult? I hope none of you people ever see one of your favorite actors or comedians as the subject of a roast.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
WasabiKing said:
Rant sessions are just that, rants. It allows users bitch and allows some level of bonding between colleagues. It's usually relevant for those specific groups, not online sites trying to gather more unnecessary attention. I've seen this with Embedded Windows, Embedded Linux, and other OS rants.

No one's given a shit in the past, but once it was about the beloved Wii, everyone goes apeshit.

I honestly think most people wouldn't have a problem with this if he didn't word it the way he did. You can rant without throwing around such boorish insults. It seemed incredibly childish, and very unprofessional. That's all I'm saying.


I have $20 that says gahiggidy lead the charge against not only his email box, but he was quickly on the phone to Iwata and Reggie to send in ninjas to his house and threatening him by hanging him with a component cable.


force push the doodoo rock
Sp0rsk rant mode on:

Hey guys Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo all suck they cater to internet dorks such as yourselves who, by the way, couldn't get laid even if you were trapped alone on a small island populated by naked women who crave sex with men all the time. If you're gay change the population of said island to whatever sex you prefer.

Rant mode off.

p.s. Don't get mad at what I said, I was just ranting. You have no right to be angry at the obviously false things I said about you. Stop being such nerdy pricks. You're ruining everything.


White Man said:
This very same person said negative things about multicore processing in reference to PS3 and 360 just last year. And it was reported on.
Do that many people know what multicore processing is to get up in arms about it being dumped on? I know I don't.


CrushDance said:
Yeah I read about that in the previous thread. But like he said "two gamecubes duct taped together" lol. Isn't that funny? I thought it was a good joke. People took it seriously and I can bet Nintendo themselves took it as an insult, besides EA wouldn't want to have problems with Nintendo.

This really has nothing to do with internet nooblets but rather corporate talks.

If nintendo taped two GC's together, it would have more power than the Wii sadly.
WasabiKing said:
Rant sessions are just that, rants. It allows users bitch and allows some level of bonding between colleagues. It's usually relevant for those specific groups, not online sites trying to gather more unnecessary attention. I've seen this with Embedded Windows, Embedded Linux, and other OS rants.

No one's given a shit in the past, but once it was about the beloved Wii, everyone goes apeshit.

As much as he is intitled to his opinion we are entitled to our opinion of him. the way he spoke, doesn't matter what company or system he talked about, subsistute it with any of them, deserves to give him the label of moron.

You can't expect to say stupid crap and not get a reaction. If someone here rights some idiodic bias post about a company do they not get banned. He was acting like some system wars baby out there. He could have covered all of his points without saying many of the things he said. But he said it, he is entitled to say it but saying something that dumb is going to get you attention and he knew it.

It seems many of you love hiding what he said under the whole "rant" thing. Oh its a rant he is allowed to say anything he wants, its cool its just a rant, lets ignore what he says. Next year he can have a rant on how he hates Japanese developers but its ok cause its a "rant", right... please.
White Man said:
This very same person said negative things about multicore processing in reference to PS3 and 360 just last year. And it was reported on.

There's a huge flaw in that comparison. That rant was inclusive to both of the true next-gen machines; none of them were singled out. Hence, no need for 360 or PS3 fanboys to feel threatened.
White Man said:
Nintendo fans took a comment at a rant session as an insult? I hope none of you people ever see one of your favorite actors or comedians as the subject of a roast.
What can you do? Its the same it happend. No real way to change what already happend in the past. But people seriously need to calm the **** down sometimes. Get way to excited about dumb things.

White Man

I give up. You idiots are ruining my enjoyment of this Family Ties season 1 box set that I purchased while drunk last night. diaf

PS this was a rant.


The Sphinx said:
First, I said on the first page that I really hope his job wasn't in jeopardy over this, but it does sound to me like this was a result of pressure from his employer. Second, I think the part that might have triggered anger from EA was the "Nintendo doesn't make art" comment... coming a few hours before Kondo's presentation and a day before Miyamoto's address. The man works directly under Will Wright, who has a lot of mutual respect for Miyamoto. While I'm sure the rant session is meant to be a spirited free-for-all there are certainly lines you don't cross and dissing one of the keynote speakers might be one of them.
What? A sensible explanation? No ridiculous conspiracy theories? Junior member indeed...


Virgin Wii said:
There's a huge flaw in that comparison. That rant was inclusive to both of the true next-gen machines; none of them were singled out. Hence, no need for 360 or PS3 fanboys to feel threatened.

that's some Grade A spin there, dude. :lol


sp0rsk said:
p.s. Don't get mad at what I said, I was just ranting. You have no right to be angry at the obviously false things I said about you. Stop being such nerdy pricks. You're ruining everything.

Finn said:
Do that many people know what multicore processing is to get up in arms about it being dumped on? I know I don't.
You really think it matters if they know anything or not? :lol The 'hive mind' that's referred to as "people" is an insipid moron. Seriously.


force push the doodoo rock
White Man said:
I give up. You idiots are ruining my enjoyment of this Family Ties season 1 box set that I purchased while drunk last night. diaf

PS this was a rant.

Cool then, no offense taken brah.
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