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Chronicles of Riddick: Butcher Bay has made me sad and weepy


Banstick Emeritus
Why am I so distraught? I completed the game yesterday and I didn't want it to end.

I can't say enough about Butcher Bay. Atmospheric, tight gameplay that mixes the best of stealth-based play with balls-out firefights. First person punch-ups that make Breakdown look broken. Riddick himself is a first rate protagonist, but this game would still be awesome even without the license. With it in place, however, it's been pushed into the upper echelon of gaming experiences for me. Absolutely gobsmacking - and this is coming from a guy who loathed the demo. What a game.

Best movie-license title ever? Yep.
GOTY so far? Yep.

The bar has been set incredibly high from today on out - GTA: SA and Halo 2 have a lot to live up to. Starbreeze need to get to work on the sequel, and quickly.



Its coming to PC in the same amount of time GTA San Andreas and MGS3 will be coming to Xbox......


Chili Con Carnage!
I agree with the premise of this thread.

CoR = GOTY so far

I only wish it went on till november.

TBH, I know i'll love Halo 2 multiplayer and single player, but if the atmosphere and storytelling are even nearly as good as Riddick i'll be shocked.
Semjaza Azazel said:
I enjoyed the game, but apparently I'm in the small minority that thinks it's really not all that amazing.

Same here although I think it's more of a massive hatred of the character Riddick and the story that surrounds him. The game itself is pretty damn good.
Yeah, this is the best movie-licensed title ever. Yeah, it's one of the best games this year, and one of the best games this gen. GOTY is still Ninja Gaiden, for me...so far.


First tragedy, then farce.
For me, this and Ninja Gaiden are way ahead of anything else that has come out this year... and for my money, probably way ahead of anything else that has come out this generation. Hopefully the heavyhitters this Xmas will live up to these games.


Yup, looks amazing and the hand to hand combat is utterly brutal.
Good voice acting on the whole as well, and some good writting.

Definitely a GOTY contender so far.


Banstick Emeritus
I must say, one of the funniest parts of the game was
hijacking the Heavy Guard after escaping from the cryo chamber. Running around blowing the living SHIT out of everything in sight while bumping into walls and listening to the CPU give me crap over my lousy driving skills made me giggle like a little girl. I loved the way the wooden floor would crack underneath my weight, little touches like that really made the difference in immersiveness.

Just thinking about it makes me want to go play it through all over again.
I think the writing in the game overall was good. I mostly liked the NPCs to be honest, they really set the mood. Some of Riddick's dialogue was absolutely laughable though...

"The dark, my favorite."

"Are you afraid of the dark? I'm not. It's afraid of me."

Luckily they're not the norm for the game lol


Chili Con Carnage!
bishoptl said:
I must say, one of the funniest parts of the game was
hijacking the Heavy Guard after escaping from the cryo chamber. Running around blowing the living SHIT out of everything in sight while bumping into walls and listening to the CPU give me crap over my lousy driving skills made me giggle like a little girl. I loved the way the wooden floor would crack underneath my weight, little touches like that really made the difference in immersiveness.

Just thinking about it makes me want to go play it through all over again.

That was also my favourite part


"I don't deserve to die! Well, mabye I do, but I don't want to!"

I laughed when I heard that line from some random guard after shooting him a few times.
I rented it saturday and I think im about halfway through. Pretty good game, but yeah, Im not just completely blown away by it. Really great for a movie liscense, though.
Riddick definitely pwned. GOTY? No. Ninja Gaiden beats it out IMO. But it's certainly up there, perhaps second place (until Halo 2 takes the top spot that is)


Heard nothing but good/great things about the game, looking forwored for the pc version. Hopefully it will be atleast a good port.


Riddick had more adventures and interractions than Metroid prime could ever wish for! Riddick is my top console fps this generation


being watched
shuri said:
Riddick had more adventures and interractions than Metroid prime could ever wish for! Riddick is my top console fps this generation




The Xbananas agree with these views.
Anyone in here beat it on Hard yet? I did, it's definitely hard. The amount of damage you can take from bullets is much more realistic (as in, they kick your ass)


The Promised One said:
Anyone in here beat it on Hard yet? I did, it's definitely hard. The amount of damage you can take from bullets is much more realistic (as in, they kick your ass)

Yeah, the stealth sections in particular can be tough as you can't really get away with bumrushing guards to engage them in melee.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Man, I really wanna play this game but the demo made me feel like I was strapped into a paint mixer. ARGH, fucking motion sickness!


Riddick > Goldeneye, and I mean that in an as compared to other games on the same system basis.

Riddick is so damned immersive and addictive. It just joined this generation's elite games, up there with Halo, Ico, and The Wind Waker.


Banstick Emeritus
Ninja Gaiden? Over-rated! *clap clap clapclapclap*

Pfft. I couldn't wait to get rid of that "action adventure". Riddick, on the other hand, owns you and your mother's mother. And not a single hump pillow or set of glazed boobies to be found! Camera angles that work with the player, not against! Now that's proper game design!

Did I mention the music? Download that zip file, burn it to CD and play it in your car. Guaranteed speeding ticket! :D



Riddick absolutely OWNS me right now. AMAZING game.

I'm just renting it but its calling to me in my sleep to throw down 50 bones for it.
I agree with Stooge here, Riddick and Ninja Gaiden have been the two best games this generation for me by far. I'm STILL playing Ninja Gaiden religiously, it's just SO fun. Riddick is calling my name also, but Ninja gaiden is what's in the system for now.


I think that's the google AdSense.

And if it's better than Ninja Gaiden... I'm definitely gonna have to check it out, but I *really* find that hard to believe. NG just does so much so FRIGGIN awesomely well, dear God I'm loving it (been playing it all weekend)

edit: to Iceman


I don't know about GOTY, but it's definitely an excellent title. I stopped playing because I accidentally deleted my old save, which was about 3/4 done the game. At the moment I don't feel like re-doing everything again, but I'll get to it eventually.
Yep, Riddick was another one of those games that compelled me to "just play a little longer" when it was after 2am and I had to wake up at 6am. Starbreeze and Tigon did a great job, and I can't wait to see what they turn out next.

I loved how so many objectives can be completed differently. You can play through most of the game using stealth, or run-n-gun if you want.

Also, anyone who liked the game should try to catch the 1/2 hour 'making of' on G4. It was run a lot when the game came out, but I'm sure it'll be played again.
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