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CNN: Undocumented Immigrant is Being Deported 5 Minutes After Being Told She Can Stay

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Actually, I would have been the guy trying to get into office to bring change to the law using a textualist point of view. I believe in equal treatment under the law for all individuals, citizens or non.

With that said, the law is clear on unlawful entry and unlawful presence in the US. It's not even a criminal case in the case of unlawful presence it's civil -- with one of the main penalties being deportation. The law never really changed around this, it just hasn't been enforced until recently.

'It's the law'.

Yes. Yes it is.

But that doesn't mean it isn't unusual or cruel to deport people in cases like this. When I see people that don't have to fear deportation going 'well she shouldn't have broken the law', and ignoring the impact of the deportation itself, I can only shake my head.

Sometimes deportation is the only solution. I get that. But discretion is built into our legal system for a reason... and when people ignore it, and seemingly defend or applaud specific punishments for breaking the law, it kind of breaks my heart.

Especially if they never have to fear that punishment themselves just because they got squeezed out on one side of an arbitrary line vs the other.


Is that your answer, an ad hominem attack? Don't agree with us so you must be a racist/sexist/mysoginist/homophobic/etc? Saying I disagree with illegal immigration is none of those things as much as you and a couple others are trying to insinuate it is.

The problem with saying the law is organic is that there are two very diseperate political factions in the States interpreting that law. Which is why I'm glad the US Supreme Court got a great SC Justice in the same vein as Scalia who believes in originalism, particularly when it comes to the Constitution.
Originalism lol like I said you're just chuck full of conservative talking points. Originalism is a useless school of thought because it is convenient and ever bending school on what dead people thought. And how can we even know truly how the dead thought and believed. Those justices the Thomas', the Scalia's, and soon Gorsuch the ones you think apply judgements based on original interpretation always, they don't. Read this maybe it will open your eyes to just how much saying they take a Orginnslist or Textualist approach has no bearing in real life and how most of their decisions are in fact informed by their conservative thought.

Originalism lol like I said you're just chuck full of conservative talking points. Originalism is a useless school of thought because it is convenient and ever bending school on what dead people thought. And how can we even know truly how the dead thought and believed. Those justices the Thomas', the Scalia's, and soon Gorsuch the ones you think apply judgements based on original interpretation always, they don't. Read this maybe it will open your eyes to just how much saying they take a Orginnslist or Textualist approach has no bearing in real life and how most of their decisions are in fact informed by their conservative thought.


I'd love to see the originalism argument that the founding fathers were anti immigrant. I can only imagine it to be all kinds of hilarious.


Originalism lol like I said you're just chuck full of conservative talking points. Originalism is a useless school of thought because it is convenient and ever bending school on what dead people thought. And how can we even know truly how the dead thought and believed. Those justices the Thomas', the Scalia's, and soon Gorsuch the ones you think apply judgements based on original interpretation always, they don't. Read this maybe it will open your eyes to just how much saying they take a Orginnslist or Textualist approach has no bearing in real life and how most of their decisions are in fact informed by their conservative thought.


"Organic law" under activist judges is as leftist a talking point as originalism is right, which is why I brought up originalism at all.

I'll check out your article.


Gold Member
Why wasn't she able to get a visa due to her marriage? I thought if you married a US citizen you were good?

Form I-485, which is the form one files if they request immediate permanent residency if they get married and are already in the U.S. says:

Who Is Not Eligible to Adjust Status?

Unless you are applying for creation of record based on continuous residence since before January 1, 1972, or adjustment of status under a category in which special rules apply (such as 245(i) adjustment, asylum adjustment, Cuban adjustment, special immigrant juvenile adjustment, or special immigrant military personnel adjustment), you are not eligible for adjustment of status if any of the following apply to you:

1. You entered the United States in transit without a visa;

Since she entered the country illegally without a proper visa she's not eligible. Just getting married doesn't fix the problem that she entered the country illegally.

There needs to be a better way to remediate these kinds of issues. Considering the amount of time the government has known she's been in the country, and that they've allowed her to stay regardless, there needs to be a way to fix this. Otherwise they should have deported her way back then.


"Organic law" under activist judges is as leftist a talking point as originalism is right, which is why I brought up originalism at all.

I'll check out your article.
So you do recognize that they are both talking points? If you do how then can it be said that one is more "true" than the other. You will find liberal justices particularly from the New Deal era that claim they were originalist in their interpretation of FDR's legislative agenda. The constitution is vague it's why we have a judicial system to interprete it in the first place. I don't know if the vagueness is by design, but often times so called originalist are simply applying their own political thought to their decisions then framing it as this is what the founders would want. But they can't know because the founders are dead and the only insight we have into their thinking is an often vague constitution and the federalist papers.
Form I-485, which is the form one files if they request immediate permanent residency if they get married and are already in the U.S. says:

Since she entered the country illegally without a proper visa she's not eligible. Just getting married doesn't fix the problem that she entered the country illegally.

There needs to be a better way to remediate these kinds of issues. Considering the amount of time the government has known she's been in the country, and that they've allowed her to stay regardless, there needs to be a way to fix this. Otherwise they should have deported her way back then.

This is the kind of response I'd expect from someone truly interetested in fixing this problem, rather than using the suffering of innocent American children as a stick to beat fear into potential illegal immigrants.

There are countless people deserving of punishment that could be used for this purpose. It's unsettling that people are willing to use innocents of their own nationality to make this statement.

Hopefully there is an appeal process that will allow a judge to come to the same discretionary conclusion.

We don't need to fuck this entire family unit over to fix illegal immigration. That's probably a good reason why she had not been removed as of yet.


One point worthy of being mentioned is that other countries enforce their immigration laws. Why should the US be any different in enforcing its immigration laws and allow illegal immigration?


One point worthy of being mentioned is that other countries enforce their immigration laws. Why should the US be any different in enforcing its immigration laws and allow illegal immigration?

Because it leads to nonsense where contributing members of society, who often have children who are citizens, or husbands, or wives, or spouses, and who have lived in this country for half, 3/4ths, 7/8ths of their lives are sent back to a country that is largely alien (oddly enough) to them.
One point worthy of being mentioned is that other countries enforce their immigration laws. Why should the US be any different in enforcing its immigration laws and allow illegal immigration?

Would you say the same if you were black around 60 years ago, it was blazing hot and the fountain for coloured folks was broken?

Would you say the same if you wanted to come out as gay around the same time in many places in the western world?

The law is the law. Sure.

But maybe the law is shitty sometimes and we should speak up about changing those which do more damage to our own fellow citizens and human beings than they do good?

It's against the law to speak out against at government in many countries. Like, death squad, prison camp illegal. With your viewpoint, we shouldn't have a view on that because they're just following their laws, like other countries.

Not all laws are equal.

Not all laws are good.

Many laws would mean that many people you know or love would be living in fear, in prison or dead, were it not for people who decided that "law is law tho" is not an excuse for being shitty to other humans.


Gold Member
This is the kind of response I'd expect from someone truly interetested in fixing this problem, rather than using the suffering of innocent American children as a stick to beat fear into potential illegal immigrants.

There are countless people deserving of punishment that could be used for this purpose. It's unsettling that people are willing to use innocents of their own nationality to make this statement.

Hopefully there is an appeal process that will allow a judge to come to the same discretionary conclusion.

We don't need to fuck this entire family unit over to fix illegal immigration. That's probably a good reason why she had not been removed as of yet.

This family doesn't need to be torn apart to fix this. There does need to be some acknowledgment from the family that she knowingly broke the law. She's not completely a victim here. She had to know that this was always a risk, yet she chose to marry and have children.

But her compliance with ICE ever since she was discovered should also mean something. She obviously has not been a security risk or criminal offender.

Part of the problem is that relaxed immigration enforcement for the past 8 years has given people false hope. While it showed empathy at the time there was no guarantee that it would last. In the end it seems to have just delayed dealing with the issue instead of fixing it.

Hopefully this example can be a catalyst to help change things. I just hope that it isn't too late for this family.


Wow it's bad enough that they ended up deporting but for them to first be like "oh you can stay... oh wait jk" is just unacceptable
This family doesn't need to be torn apart to fix this. There does need to be some acknowledgment from the family that she knowingly broke the law. She's not completely a victim here. She had to know that this was always a risk, yet she chose to marry and have children.

But her compliance with ICE ever since she was discovered should also mean something. She obviously has not been a security risk or criminal offender.

Part of the problem is that relaxed immigration enforcement for the past 8 years has given people false hope. While it showed empathy at the time there was no guarantee that it would last. In the end it seems to have just delayed dealing with the issue instead of fixing it.

Hopefully this example can be a catalyst to help change things. I just hope that it isn't too late for this family.

There isn't anyone in this thread or even the woman's family that doesn't acknowledge her contravention of an immigration law. It's quite likely that it weighs on them constantly.

She's obviously not totally innocent, but her children are.

If we acknowledge that allowing her to settle and not acting on her undocumented status earlier is what enabled this tragic situation, then making innocent American kids suffer because of it becomes even more abhorrent.

Nobody would be giving this the light of day if the person entered illegally, kept to thems3lves and was deported a couple years later.

However allowing a person to stay for two decades, co.pletely settle and leave their entire old life behind, then force them back into a life that doesn't exist anymore while simultaneously tearing them from the only thing they know now,.......

I know we're likely agreeing here but still lol....
That's horrible... She is gonna leave her family behind? Her husband and her daughter? Is immigration and customs enforcement not realizing what they're doing??

They're literally breaking a family.

Here 18 years illegally and didn't once try to go and get some forms of paper to stay.

It reminds me of that guy in ilinois opening up registration for illegals so they can avoid deportation but barely anyone came.

I understand people don't like breaking up families but at some point you need to draw a line SOMEWHERE.
Here 18 years illegally and didn't once try to go and get some forms of paper to stay.

It reminds me of that guy in ilinois opening up registration for illegals so they can avoid deportation but barely anyone came.

I understand people don't like breaking up families but at some point you need to draw a line SOMEWHERE.

A little assumption, a throwaway post, a person dehumanized without a second thought.


Gold Member
There isn't anyone in this thread or even the woman's family that doesn't acknowledge her contravention of an immigration law. It's quite likely that it weighs on them constantly.

She's obviously not totally innocent, but her children are.

If we acknowledge that allowing her to settle and not acting on her undocumented status earlier is what enabled this tragic situation, then making innocent American kids suffer because of it becomes even more abhorrent.

Nobody would be giving this the light of day if the person entered illegally, kept to thems3lves and was deported a couple years later.

However allowing a person to stay for two decades, co.pletely settle and leave their entire old life behind, then force them back into a life that doesn't exist anymore while simultaneously tearing them from the only thing they know now,.......

I know we're likely agreeing here but still lol....

I think we are agreeing. The previous selective enforcement is what makes the government's current decision so bad here. If she would have been deported as soon as her status was discovered then the government wouldn't really have as much blame. But because the government allowed her to remain it allowed her to keep building her life under false hope.


I think all laws should be enforced. Period.

As for the ones I don't agree with, that's what (getting involved with) politics are for. Don't like the laws? Get involved with a political party to get those laws changed. Canvass on the phones for the party/candidate you support. I'm pretty sure that at least is the same is the US as Canada.

You have no idea how stupid some laws can be across some US states. You'd probably broken some without knowing. According to your views you should (if you broken any) be in jail right now.


You're not allowed to pronounce “Arkansas” incorrectly.


They accidentally banned every computer in the state by poorly wording a law which outlawed Internet Cafés.


You can't keep an ice cream cone in your back pocket on Sundays.


You cannot use imitation milk in a milkshake without warning the drinker.


Giving your sweetheart a box of chocolates weighing more that 50 pounds is illegal


It's a $500 fine for sending a pizza man to a friend's house without them knowing.


It is illegal for Christmas decorations to still be up after January 14th.


A woman isn’t allowed to cut her own hair without her husband’s permission.

North Carolina

Bingo games can't last more than five hours.


You can't share your Netflix password.


It is illegal to tickle women.
These are some of the many.

Have you ever gone through Virgina and tickled a woman? Because if you have you should be jailed. What about all those romantic lovers who tickled woman before? They should be in jail.
You have no idea how stupid some laws can be across some US states. You'd probably broken some without knowing. According to your views you should (if you broken any) be in jail right now.

These are some of the many.

Have you ever gone through Virgina and tickled a woman? Because if you have you should be jailed. What about all those romantic lovers who tickled woman before? They should be in jail.

We really comparing illegal immigrants to ice cream cones?
Would you say the same if you were black around 60 years ago, it was blazing hot and the fountain for coloured folks was broken?

Would you say the same if you wanted to come out as gay around the same time in many places in the western world?

The law is the law. Sure.

But maybe the law is shitty sometimes and we should speak up about changing those which do more damage to our own fellow citizens and human beings than they do good?

It's against the law to speak out against at government in many countries. Like, death squad, prison camp illegal. With your viewpoint, we shouldn't have a view on that because they're just following their laws, like other countries.

Not all laws are equal.

Not all laws are good.

Many laws would mean that many people you know or love would be living in fear, in prison or dead, were it not for people who decided that "law is law tho" is not an excuse for being shitty to other humans.

Right. And not all punishments for breaking those laws are fair.

Except for initially entering the country legally, this woman would be eligible to be a US citizen.

Community service perhaps? A small fine maybe?

But deportation? It's insane. Sometimes deportation is the only solution to a problem. This is not one of those times. Give her status, then she can contribute to the country and her and her husband can more readily raise her kids. This will likely only cost the country to enforce in her case. Again, that's why our cops and judges etc have discretion.

It's an important part of our legal system. Imagine if everyone going 1 mph over the speed limit got pulled over by traffic cops and all punished to the maximum extent of the law.

It's the law right? So we should never let anyone go unpunished if they break the speed limit for any reason by any amount.
Right. And not all punishments for breaking those laws are fair.

Except for initially entering the country legally, this woman would be eligible to be a US citizen.

Community service perhaps? A small fine maybe?

But deportation? It's insane. Sometimes deportation is the only solution to a problem. This is not one of those times. Give her status, then she can contribute to the country and her and her husband can more readily raise her kids. This will likely only cost the country to enforce in her case. Again, that's why our cops and judges etc have discretion.

It's an important part of our legal system. Imagine if everyone going 1 mph over the speed limit got pulled over by traffic cops and all punished to the maximum extent of the law.

It's the law right? So we should never let anyone go unpunished if they break the speed limit for any reason by any amount.

You do realise that they let people go around 5 over the limit because of the vehicles themselves, and the actual terrain / road they are on.

Some of these comparisons are weird.

She had 18 years, decided not even to try to go and get residency legally .


This is such a difficult topic because it affects people in different ways, and not every family's situation is covered gracefully by all the various and sometimes seemingly conflicting laws.

My own family's immigration was certainly not unique and in the same scenario I imagine others might have made to choice to migrate illegally instead. My grandparents were green card holders and living in the US, and decided to petition my mom. The petition took almost 23 years to process.

In 23 years time, my mom got married, had 5 kids, got 3 degrees, and generally succeeded in raising our family outside the US.

In the same 23 year span, my grandparents had multiple strokes, and multiple open heart surgeries in NJ.

In order to visit the US on a tourist visa, you have to be able to prove that you are not considering living in the US as an immigrant (legally or not). But since your parents filed a petition for you, that is documented proof that you want to migrate, so your visa petition will automatically be declined. For most people that means you can't visit the petitioning relative at all for 20+ years.

My parents considered scrapping the greencard petition just so they could visit my dying grandparents. They would try for a tourist visa over and over again and get denied. It wasn't until my parents were at the very peak of their careers, close to retirement, with assets built up in our home country, that their tourist visas were approved.

Applying to visit the dying grandparents who petitioned your greencard -> Declined.
Applying to bring your kids to Disney and Universal ->Approved instantly.


You do realise that they let people go around 5 over the limit because of the vehicles themselves, and the actual terrain / road they are on.

Some of these comparisons are weird.

She had 18 years, decided not even to try to go and get residency legally .
She spent years checking in with the government to make sure she wasn't being kicked out, complying with government instructions. Tell me, what else should she have been doing? What magic paperwork should she have signed to become a legal resident?
You do realise that they let people go around 5 over the limit because of the vehicles themselves, and the actual terrain / road they are on.

Some of these comparisons are weird.

She had 18 years, decided not even to try to go and get residency legally .

They have discretion and they use it.

Like, that's a completely normal part of our legal system.

You wouldn't think it was unfair to get pulled over for doing 1 mile over the speed limit and getting fully punished the same as someone who was doing 15 miles over the speed limit? You wouldn't think maybe the cop or the judge could have shown you some leniency?

Because they totally can. Lawfully. As part of the same legal system that people seem to use to argue that we have no fucking choice here but to deport this woman.


If the OP is unclear, it's because that OP is a sumnary of another article: http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/08/us/undocumented-mom-immigration-visit-chicago/

"Thank God!" she yelled. "Thanks to all of you!!"
"Yes, she could!" a supporter howled.
"They gave me a year until I have to come back," Lino told CNN. "So we're going to try to fight for my visa."
Relief reigned for five minutes. Then Lino's lawyer came back.
"They called," Bergin said, "and they said the officer we talked to was filling in, and the main officer in charge of her case wants to talk to her about it, he's got some information on her case. I don't know what that means."
Lino grew concerned. Britzy's eyes filled with tears.
The family disappeared back into the building. Less than a half-hour later, Lino was back.
"There were changes," she said.
Immigration officers told Lino to return July 11, suitcases packed and plane ticket in hand.
In other words, her deportation date is set.

Two Words

I do find it refreshing to see immigration laws finally being enforced. Laws without consequences are useless.


Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
"The law" is intended to serve the greater good, but it also provides a refuge for people hiding atrocity behind procedure.

"Only following orders."

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Dude is in here defending his position and not making ad hominem attacks and you call him a racist in a gif. Great contribution. Why not actually debate him?

I don't see the value in deporting his woman, but I also understand that our immigration laws are mostly toothless
These "law and order" types(like Bannon, Trump and Miller) shouldn't have power, because they're sociopaths.

(and hypocrites, considering the skeletons in the Trump closet)

Two Words

Dude is in here defending his position and not making ad hominem attacks and you call him a racist in a gif. Great contribution. Why not actually debate him?

I don't see the value in deporting his woman, but I also understand that our immigration laws are mostly toothless
Because debating him would only legitimize his views in his mind.

Dude Abides

Dude is in here defending his position and not making ad hominem attacks and you call him a racist in a gif. Great contribution. Why not actually debate him?

I don't see the value in deporting his woman, but I also understand that our immigration laws are mostly toothless

But they aren't toothless. A lot of people get deported. The notion that they're toothless is just right wing propaganda to increase support for dumb shit like the wall because right wingers think the presence of non-whites in the US decreases social cohesion.
But they aren't toothless. A lot of people get deported. The notion that they're toothless is just right wing propaganda to increase support for dumb shit like the wall because right wingers think the presence of non-whites in the US decreases social cohesion.

Pretty much.

Just because there are still people who speak foreign languages 'invading' your neighborhood doesn't mean people aren't getting deported.
But they aren't toothless. A lot of people get deported. The notion that they're toothless is just right wing propaganda to increase support for dumb shit like the wall because right wingers think the presence of non-whites in the US decreases social cohesion.


When the time is right, i.migration is literally an open border. Nobody is deported etc.

When the narrative then needs to change to support harsh immigration policy, it's " he's just doing what Obama did", or "Obama was deporter in chief" blah blah blah.

It would be funny if it wasn't actively ruining people's lives.
I love how people bringing up "there shold be a punishment for breaking the law" conveniently ignore that deportation is far from the only punishment option available in cases like this


It's ridiculous that there isn't some kind of statute of limitation on deportation/illegal immigration laws. We have them for all kinds of more serious crimes. But deporting some woman who's been here 18 years, has kids and a life here is ridiculous.

Not to mention for some one "only going after the bad ones", he sure seems intent on breaking up lots of families. I just sincerely hope come 2018 his party pays a huge price for all their bullshit, and come 2020 he does as well. People better never forget what Trump and his xenophobic/racist regime are doing.

And "The law is the law" is bullshit. Any minority who is randomly stopped and frisked because "well the law gives police the right" in some places knows that's a bullshit argument only trotted out to antagonize people of color.


Dude is in here defending his position and not making ad hominem attacks and you call him a racist in a gif. Great contribution. Why not actually debate him?

I don't see the value in deporting his woman, but I also understand that our immigration laws are mostly toothless

You're going to have to define toothless. Because Obama deported record numbers of undocumented folks. That posed a security/safety threat to the USA.

They have teeth when you're a problem. Just being undocumented isn't grounds for an instant ban. And that's how America has had a healthy relationship with Mexico, who provides cheap labor for American industry to compete with low prices. Thats impossible without seasonal undocumented immigrants labor.

Also, I'll find link and update post. But undocumented immigration here from Mexico has been on a Decline for 10 years or so iirc, not because of law, but better opportunity elsewhere. These people risk dying to come to the usa, laws aren't going to stop them.

If any sane, non white supremacist, wanted to reduce this. You'd target the reason they are coming here. Which isn't healthcare, or welfare, which they generally can't get. But it's because businesses offer them money if they can make it. You could crackdown full stop and add to the reduction of reasons to come here. This isn't the goal of the administration, and it isn't even the goal stated. Trump said bad Mexicans. Drug dealers and rapists. Not all undocumented workers, and he has no grand plan on the books to shut down businesses using illegal labor either.

As you said, this woman? Ok..sure... but this isn't isolated. This is to strike fear into their hearts, which still won't work because remember people risk dying to get here due to jobs.. there is nothing genuine about this administrations efforts. As a human being, I'll never be able to ignore all of this and support it because someone broke a law once, whose penalty has historically been unenforced, minus the troublemakers.
Perhaps a bad example on my part. What I was trying to point out is that laws have consequences. Be it a ticket for speeding, jail time for robbing a bank, or deportation for immigrating illegally.

Not all laws are created equally, or in good faith and good conscience, or are felt in the same way depending on who you are, who you know, and what you make.
I love how people bringing up "there shold be a punishment for breaking the law" conveniently ignore that deportation is far from the only punishment option available in cases like this

It depends on what they desire in their hearts doesn't it?

If you give a shit about her kids, you don't jump head first into "tragic, but thems the rules, sorry".

If you're interested in proportional punishment and discretion so as not to cause harm to young innocent Americans in your crusade to "finally get em", you don't casually suggest that the American kids also suffer the exile too and leave their country with their mother when someone asks you why you think they need to suffer.

People who don't want that to happen will look for the alternative first.

People who don't give a single shit will spout, "you broke the law, your suffering will be a powerful message to people like you" and walk away.
They have discretion and they use it.

Like, that's a completely normal part of our legal system.

You wouldn't think it was unfair to get pulled over for doing 1 mile over the speed limit and getting fully punished the same as someone who was doing 15 miles over the speed limit? You wouldn't think maybe the cop or the judge could have shown you some leniency?

Because they totally can. Lawfully. As part of the same legal system that people seem to use to argue that we have no fucking choice here but to deport this woman.

No comparison.

Vehicles are machines. They can malfunction, the terrain they are on affects their movement, roadways are intended to be as clutter free as possible (although thats not always the case as we know) those are jsut SOME of the reasons is why the "cops" and "judges" usually allow 5 miles over the limit. How is any of that comparable to someonbe who snuck in illegally? Especially maliciously at first from what I am reading? We don't even know here actual chracter and even if we did how many exceptions do we have to grant? People keep pretending the bad ones don't exist, yet they do do we make an exceptions EVERYTIME and risk it?

She could have went through multiple processes over the 18 YEARS to not get in this situation. I always use the chicago example where there were outlets open to help them register for residency and few came. Heck people are calling for MORE loopholes because of trumps executive orders to have people be residents or citizens. Why do so many people not care that continuing to just let pepople in over and over and over again will lead to issues.

I mean we need SOME form of line drawn. Not Trumps but we need SOME form.
No comparison.

Vehicles are machines. They can malfunction, the terrain they are on affects their movement, roadways are intended to be as clutter free as possible (although thats not always the case as we know) those are jsut SOME of the reasons is why the "cops" and "judges" usually allow 5 miles over the limit. How is any of that comparable to someonbe who snuck in illegally? Especially maliciously at first from what I am reading? We don't even know here actual chracter and even if we did how many exceptions do we have to grant? People keep pretending the bad ones don't exist, yet they do do we make an exceptions EVERYTIME and risk it?

She could have went through multiple processes over the 18 YEARS to not get in this situation. I always use the chicago example where there were outlets open to help them register for residency and few came. Heck people are calling for MORE loopholes because of trumps executive orders to have people be residents or citizens. Why do so many people not care that continuing to just let pepople in over and over and over again will lead to issues.

I mean we need SOME form of line drawn. Not Trumps but we need SOME form.

Do you understand the difference between "just letting people in over and over' and forcing apart a family consisting of 5/6ths American citizens after allowing an undocumented person to stay and settle for two decades?

Show me a SINGLE post in this thread arguing for what you're saying they are.

Also, you seem to be completely missing the point of the post you replied to. He's saying drivers don't get the full extent of the law thrown at them for every little contravention. Proportional and APPROPRIATE punishments are given when judgements are made.

Is it appropriate to expect a person who hasn't visited their homeland for two decades to just up and return to a life that no longer exists? Is it reasonable for the punishment of one woman to tear apart the lives of five innocent Americans?

I hope she can appeal because I can't see a judge not using discretion here.
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