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considering opposition to feminism, black lives matter, LBGT rights, as just differen

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My soul is dying right now. I'm reading people trying to be "considerate" of nazis. Nazi opinions are being validated.

This is where we are now, as a society.


I would also argue that so many people are calling Richard Spencer a "nazi" when in reality his rhetoric and views fall more in line with white supremacy as it's manifested in America. Nazi is more palatable because we've literally gone to war against Nazis. White Supremacy? Not so much.

Richard Spencer has more in common with republican congressmen and the KKK than he does with a high ranking NSDAP member. So I don't think of him as a Nazi, I think of him as the same sort of racist that has been the ruling class in America since it's inception.
No, it isn't. Again, where is this headlong descent down this slippery slope coming from? From your experience of hanging around faux-radical idiots in the past?

If precedent matters, why are you ignoring the precedent set in living history wherein nazi ideals were allowed into the highest reaches of government and people didn't stand against them?

This isn't radical far-left dogwhistling by your dumb friends. This isn't that.

A neo-nazi, given a platform by another neo-nazi, who has gone on record as suggesting the best way to "Make America Great Again" is to completely destabilize it first, was giving an interview during the inauguration of an illegitimate president helped by a hostile foreign government. He got punched in his face and turned into a meme.

People don't have a problem with that.

You are arguing that people's lack of a problem with this is the beginning of a steep decline towards an anarchist future wherein there are no laws/morals and unjustified actions rule the land. I'd suggest the problem is that our eagerness to equivocate on behalf of neo-nazis in the name of fairness has sped up a societal decline that's led to neo-nazis not only rising in America, but now having seats in the government at the right hand of our President.

I'll ask you the question I asked Chromatic:

Why is it that your fears turn to mob rule and vigilantism because people aren't upset a Nazi got punched in the face, while you seem relatively unafraid of the reality that the Nazi who was punched has friends advising our President? One of whom literally helped write his inauguration speech

Why are you more worried about mistreatment of Nazis leading to (not at all plausible) potential anarchy than you are NAZIS IN THE HIGHEST REACHES OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT?

Why are your priorities thus?

Let's get a few things clear:

1) White Supremacy increases because inequality and misery increases. I've seen no evidence that suggests that people are being converted to the white supremacy cause for no other than the usual reason; economic times are hard, and immigrants and refugees are always the first to be blamed. You imply that the nazis a shared enterprise or a world force. This isn't true. Most of these white supremacists are not really nazis. Remember that nazi ideology is a contradiction in itself.
America has always been a country of racists and as more people lose faith in the process, the crazies get to take it.

It's not that I am not incredible sad or concerned about the white supremacy. It's that I am not surprised. This is what America is. This is what that happens during great social upheavels. The displacement and misery caused by the industrial revolution is one of the key firestarters for the rise of fascism to begin with. So it is on the clock that majority populous turns on the minority. This is not news. this is not a surprise. Nobody is going to solve the blatant corruption and power grab of corporate institution in the political life, and now we are all going to pay the price.

2) There is a lot more of a historical and proven precedent for escalating violence by doing it one group, and then seeing a populous take it and running with it. I find it incredible perplexing that you'd dismiss something so obvious as a slippery slope fallacy. come on.

3) My argument is indifferent to who he is. He could be a nazi, he could be a radical muslim who sees gays and women as sub human. If the nazi is worthy of violence, so is the muslim. How are you going to square the deplorables not being worthy of retribution? This is not an argument about fearing anarchy, but how about how naturally primal insticts for violence will sneak in through the backdoor.
It is for the same reason I am against the death penalty or torture. There are many horrible people who I think deserve these crimes, but my individual desires or sense of justice is dangerous to the progress of a civil society. Everyone has a shiv to shank. Many groups have irreedeemable bloodlust against others.

4) The left is on the right side of history. Seeing it through lens with the longer perspective there is no good reason to mirror the right.

5) You can easily end up with a Milo situation where banning, suppression and violence turns into their power play. Getting banned from Twitter was the best thing that ever happened to Milo. Here he had gotten a level of notority that not even ISIS had had. His message was that he was the victim of a massive feminazi campaign. The banning of him grew him 10 fold. The idea that it would stop was idiotic. It had the opposite effect. Trolls want attention, and they want others to come out and play. If the right can bait liberals to come out and commit acts of violence it will go along way in their spin coverage to show that it is not just the right who houses extremists. It will even the odds, and the contrast in volumes will be endlessly diminished or mirred. It will be an israeli-palestine conflict where both sides start escalating it, and everyone keeps arguing who started it.
You propose that it's just a beat down and that's the end of it. I disagree.

6) Again I ask you to remember that neo-nazi groups have been around for many many years, and them having a platform have never been a problem. This thread is about arguing for violence against deplorables because them having a platform and excercising their right in itself is productive towards stopping them. This is nonsense. It will be counter productive and add to their forces. people join gangs, cults and outcast skinhead groups when their lives are shit, but their numbers have been small throughout the last 30-40 years. Take that into your calculation.


BLM: "We would like our lives to be treated equally as the rest"
You: "Well there are some legitimate arguments against that"

If you re-read my post (it's unclear if you read any of it past the fist paragraph) you'll see that my point is that many people who actually critique current social justice activism are not opposed to it, but have some difficulty understanding the nuances of the identities of those they seem to be opposed to. Just because you support something doesn't mean you have to agree with every single thing about it.

If I was fragile enough to be offended by your reply that doesn't apply to me, I might just retreat back to my rural farmhouse in Ohio and stew in the comfort of knowing that by saying my cop friend/family is a piece of shit simply for being a cop, even though he might have never shot anyone and in fact saved several lives, you clearly don't know me or value what I value and you appear to be entitled to things that I had to bust my ass, digging my dick in the dirt to earn. And you'll know you were wrong when I vote Trump in for another term, buster. You sound like a sore loser. Did I mention I served in the military, marched in the civil rights movement, and teach at the local high school? Who are you to say I'm an unethical waste of existence? And there's way more about I haven't even mentioned yet that proves you're jumping to conclusions here.

In short, is it more comfortable to say something easy like your reply (and understandably so, a lot of human beings need comfort right now) than picking the brain of a trump supporter who *gasp* might not be Joffrey on Game of Thrones, but might line-up with some of the more ethically ambiguous characters? Is it more productive to fuck someone like that who's on the fence off or to change their minds by appealing to their empathy? To some extent, I'm asking this because I'm honestly not entirely sure I know the answer myself in these times.
My soul is dying right now. I'm reading people trying to be "considerate" of nazis. Nazi opinions are being validated.

This is where we are now, as a society.

This. As a colored man who's faced his fair share of fucking bullshit, this is honestly infuriating.
There arguably IS a reasonable enough perspective that is critical (maybe not necessarily opposed, but critical) of BLM, post-modern Feminism, etc.

It might sound a bit like this:
I don't quite understand what you're getting at here. Are these your views or are you making up views that you don't necessarily believe.

"While basic human rights and an end to systemic oppression is important, I have family members who are police and contribute lots of positivity to the community. They are not racist and question authority and are striving to make policing more compassionate and have been for years and years, not just as a reaction to BLM
Yes. There are good police officers that are not racist and want to do good. The overall average is that our law enforcement is poorly trained and has institutionalized racism plaguing it. That doesn't mean there aren't any good cops. . Also, just because you are a person of color who is a BLM activist and feminist doesn't mean you are automatically entitled to being a more ethical person than me. Ethical in what way? When you say you, who are you, and why are BLM activists more ethical? Because of skin color? Your life does not matter simply for being black, it depends on your character. You can be a woman and person of color advocating for those things and still be a terrible person."That's true, but does it negate the things that they are advocating for? BLM activists advocate for structural changes in society that hurt black people and that have nothing to do with character or being a good person

My responses are bolded


This isn't a reasonable opposition to BLM. This is a fallacy built up to paint BLM as whiners. You'll have to do better man.

It isn't an opposition to BLM at all, because I don't oppose BLM. Is it not a valid criticism that some who claim to be/are part of it (people of color, or not) are capable of being assholes sometimes?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk

Presenting Richard Spencer's "difference of opinion" that certainly does not deserve a punch in the face:

"Is Black Genocide Right?"

Editor: Richard B. Spencer
Gross. Spencer (and the author of the article) clearly haven't been punched enough, I say.

Hehe. Warren Ellis rocks.
It isn't an opposition to BLM at all, because I don't oppose BLM. Is it not a valid criticism that some who claim to be/are part of it (people of color, or not) are capable of being assholes sometimes?

What does people of color being assholes have to do with BLM as an organization or a cause? If the basis is people associated with BLM being jerks is enough to form a distaste then why the fuck is that scrutiny not applied to everything else in those people's lives? What is it about BLM specifically that is suddenly so fairly worth criticism by that standard that isn't applicable to every other thing on planet earth? The fact it has black people standing up for themselves? What does being a good person even have to do with BLM? Can you point me to where they have insiuated they are all good people and angels? Why is black lives mattering suddenly tied to needing to be a good person?

It's not a valid position man. It falls to slightest bit of scrutiny.


If you re-read my post (it's unclear if you read any of it past the fist paragraph) you'll see that my point is that many people who actually critique current social justice activism are not opposed to it, but have difficulty understanding the nuances of the identities of those they seem to be opposed to. If I was fragile enough to be offended by your reply that doesn't apply to me, I might just retreat back to my rural farmhouse in Ohio and stew in the comfort of knowing that by saying my cop friend/family is a piece of shit simply for being a cop, even though he might have never shot anyone and in fact saved several lives, you clearly don't know me or value what I value and you appear to be entitled to things that I had to bust my ass, digging my dick in the dirt to earn. And you'll know you were wrong when I vote Trump in for another term, buster. You sound like a sore loser. Did I mention I served in the military, marched in the civil rights movement, and teach at the local high school? Who are you to say I'm an unethical waste of existence? And there's way more about I haven't even mentioned yet that proves you're jumping to conclusions here.

Is it more comfortable to say something easy like that (and understandably so, a lot of human beings need comfort right now) than picking the brain of a trump supporter who *gasp* might not be Joffrey on Game of Thrones, but might line-up with some of the more ethically ambiguous characters. Is it more productive to fuck someone like that who's on the fence off or to change their minds by appealing to their empathy? To some extent, I'm asking this because I'm honestly not entirely sure I know the answer myself in these times.

Black people don't have the luxury to placate and baby people on the fence when their lives are on the line. You might think we do, but we don't.

It isn't an opposition to BLM at all, because I don't oppose BLM. Is it not a valid criticism that some who claim to be/are part of it (people of color, or not) are capable of being assholes sometimes?

We have good fucking reason to be.


It isn't an opposition to BLM at all, because I don't oppose BLM. Is it not a valid criticism that some who claim to be/are part of it (people of color, or not) are capable of being assholes sometimes?

No fucking shit. Like.... theres people that are looking to take advantage of the situation in literally every movement, from the tea party, to political marches and more. Its completely expected and not a surprise to ANYONE.

You look suspect as hell though when you insist on hinging SOLELY on the riff raff and not the overall message of the movement though. Like I could go out there right now and find some extremist claiming to be feminist that are saying "Men are scourge" and whatnot; but doing so serves no purpose, and I certainly wouldnt echo said extremism AD NAUSEUM in every discussion about Feminism I approached unless I had an agenda or an underlying desire to undercut or undermine Feminist advances in the world.

We fucking KNOW that there are people claiming to be BLM doing dumb shit. And we condemn them as much as you do. Yet we are still capable of discussing the benefits of BLM and more importantly the POINT of BLM without somehow always circling around to the small contingent of troublemakers. The cherry picking is hilariously predictable and completely transparent.


And, as we learned in this election, people like that are EVERYWHERE and the electoral college can work in their favor. Maybe the best way to fight oppression for now is to have conversations with reasonable Trump supporters about why they voted for him and to make an effort to reach understandings and show them why/how their position is harmful instead of responding in a way that they interpret to be hostile, like shoving a dog's nose in shit. As tiring as it is to take on the role of educator so much (I feel for the POC who are STILL being put in a position of having to explain why their culture matters. It's 2017), it's important to remember that right now we are dealing with a large, fragile population of the country who can still effect the outcome of elections.

People who voted for Donald J Trump are either bigots or do not care one iota about decisions made that will bring the US in a bigoted direction. Objectively, there is nothing policy wise that he brought to the table that will result in a significant benefit for our country in foreign affairs, world power, economy, etc. Their decision is going to, quite literally, make things worse for them so things can be made MUCH worse for others.

This entire election those same people were not interested in policy. They were not interested in having a discussion. They were not ignorant to his inability to change things for they better. Fear of the other is what got him elected. The willful inability to understand that the expansion of rights for others will not, in fact, hurt the rights of the privileged but will make life better for everybody is the realm those people choose to live in.

There is no middle ground with this. I have close family that voted for that traitor and I remind them every chance I get that I'm literally ashamed of their decision and will remind all people who they encounter when I'm around of the decision they made as it directly will make my life more difficult, and in many ways the emboldening of white supremacists his election caused already has impact me and personal friends of mine. Shit, my best friends wife is a Jew and got called a "fucking kike" yesterday. They've got a six year old.

I've tried remaining calm. I've presented facts and figures and data and logic. These people know they are wrong and do not care. It is quite the opposite. We've reached a period where their mouth pieces are now using phrases like "fake news" for valid reports and "alternative facts" for outright lies.

These people have been begging for a culture war. Real life isn't twitter and if a cracked eye socket is what it takes to keep my non straight, non white, friends feeling safe enough to go outside, I'm not going to shed any tears.


Black people don't have the luxury to placate and baby people on the fence when their lives are on the line. You might think we do, but we don't.

We have good fucking reason to be.

I agree that black people have been putting work in that regard for years.

And being pissed because of trump and the rise of white supremacy isn't the reaction of someone who is an asshole. It is a natural and healthy reaction to a serious problem in this country. And, of course, the problem is made even more serious by the fact that many of those contributing to it are afforded the power to change the results of an election in their favor.

- J - D -

I would also argue that so many people are calling Richard Spencer a "nazi" when in reality his rhetoric and views fall more in line with white supremacy as it's manifested in America. Nazi is more palatable because we've literally gone to war against Nazis. White Supremacy? Not so much.

Richard Spencer has more in common with republican congressmen and the KKK than he does with a high ranking NSDAP member. So I don't think of him as a Nazi, I think of him as the same sort of racist that has been the ruling class in America since it's inception.

Dude literally screams "Hail Trump" in his rallies. Come on.


It isn't an opposition to BLM at all, because I don't oppose BLM. Is it not a valid criticism that some who claim to be/are part of it (people of color, or not) are capable of being assholes sometimes?

And? The mission statement of BLM isn't that black people can't be assholes, it's that black people are treated more violently by law enforcement because of prejudiced ideals that paint them as somehow more dangerous and worth excessive or deadly force. They're are assholes who are gay and assholes who are women. But that is not a critique of groups dedicated to LGBTQ+ rights or feminist principles

Black people don't have the luxury to placate and baby people on the fence when their lives are on the line. You might think we do, but we don't.

Hell, not only are there already a lot of minorities who already do reach out on multiple platforms but there are thousands upon thousands of resources from books to film to talks, articles and etc. for every marginalized group of people that it kind of starts becoming insulting to say that it's due to a lack of effort to engage that perpetuates the ignorance of people toward these activist groups and what they stand for.

Rather I believe that, A) Some people are well aware of their bigotry and don't seek out resources or change simply because they don't want to & B) Some of the most important people in the fight to change minds are the family & friends of racists, sexists, homophobes etc. yet they don't go through the effort of having those discussions (due to fear, apathy, or out of an interest to excuse their behavior) and just rely on the minorities themselves outside of their internal group to do the heavy lifting of reaching their hearts.
But nobody's saying he should be shot in the head so why are you even trying to take the argument and put it there? I've had to ask why you guys keep going down this slide and racing back up the ladder to wheeeeeeee your way back down it again at least three times in this thread now.

I know you've seen the questions I've asked prior. They apply to you too.

Just because you grew up in a rural area and managed to escape doesn't make your devil's advocacy any more righteous or well-thought-out. Not in the current climate or context.

There's a general inability to appreciate the differences in weight regarding both opinions and actions in this thread, which is part of the problem at its core. Nazi beliefs don't carry the same weight as basic fiscal conservatism. Punches aren't the same as gunshots. They don't hold equivalence in any other aspect but in this devil's advocacy you're pushing that serves no real benefit.

David has been championing the "it's the lefts fault they lost for making fun of the poor racist idiots" line since jump.

Don't think he can be reached.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I would also argue that so many people are calling Richard Spencer a "nazi" when in reality his rhetoric and views fall more in line with white supremacy as it's manifested in America. Nazi is more palatable because we've literally gone to war against Nazis. White Supremacy? Not so much.

Richard Spencer has more in common with republican congressmen and the KKK than he does with a high ranking NSDAP member. So I don't think of him as a Nazi, I think of him as the same sort of racist that has been the ruling class in America since it's inception.
Dude LITERALLY said that Jewish people are soulless golems and tells hail trump and hail our people at his rallies while sporting a typical nazi haircut yet somehow you don't consider him a nazi. What the actual fuck?? It's more so that white supremacy has more in common with nazism than the other way around


People who voted for Donald J Trump are either bigots or do not care one iota about decisions made that will bring the US in a bigoted direction. Objectively, there is nothing policy wise that he brought to the table that will result in a significant benefit for our country in foreign affairs, world power, economy, etc. Their decision is going to, quite literally, make things worse for them so things can be made MUCH worse for others.

This entire election those same people were not interested in policy. They were not interested in having a discussion. They were not ignorant to his inability to change things for they better. Fear of the other is what got him elected. The willful inability to understand that the expansion of rights for others will not, in fact, hurt the rights of the privileged but will make life better for everybody is the realm those people choose to live in.

There is no middle ground with this. I have close family that voted for that traitor and I remind them every chance I get that I'm literally ashamed of their decision and will remind all people who they encounter when I'm around of the decision they made as it directly will make my life more difficult, and in many ways the emboldening of white supremacists his election caused already has impact me and personal friends of mine. Shit, my best friends wife is a Jew and got called a "fucking kike" yesterday. They've got a six year old.

I've tried remaining calm. I've presented facts and figures and data and logic. These people know they are wrong and do not care. It is quite the opposite. We've reached a period where their mouth pieces are now using phrases like "fake news" for valid reports and "alternative facts" for outright lies.

These people have been begging for a culture war. Real life isn't twitter and if a cracked eye socket is what it takes to keep my non straight, non white, friends feeling safe enough to go outside, I'm not going to shed any tears.

IMO, for what its worth, 90% of what you posted reads as truth to me. I do still think there is a significant portion of trump voters who are just living in another world and have been pwned by those who raised them and their school systems. I also want to fuck them off for failing what seemed to me to be a very basic right vs wrong test, but I have family who are some of the most altruistic people you'll ever meet that voted for trump primarily for economic reasons, or not being able to afford mandatory health insurance, etc, so in my experience it is difficult for me to always feel like someone should completely revoke their human card for voting for trump. But then again, I also have friends and fam who are scared for their lives as well and I feel for them right now far more than anyone who voted for trump.


Dude literally screams "Hail Trump" in his rallies. Come on.


Dude LITERALLY said that Jewish people are soulless golems and tells hail trump and hail our people at his rallies while sporting a typical nazi haircut yet somehow you don't consider him a nazi. What the actual fuck??

Again, I said I treat him (and with the rest of the alt right) as a proprietor of White Supremacy, which can include (surprise!) nazism.

Calling him a Nazi makes him easier to hate rather than calling him a White Supremacist (or even nationalist for that matter) because white people can separate themselves as not being Nazi more easily than they can separate themselves from white supremacy.

Clarification: We do not disagree, but to me it's all the same so I will call him what I call the rest, a White Supremacist.
Black people don't have the luxury to placate and baby people on the fence when their lives are on the line. You might think we do, but we don't.

Maybe you don't, but their are plenty of black people that will placate and baby people that are on the fence. Some are very happy to do so.
Hell, some take the time and energy to be on this forum to do just that. It's not just a black people thing either.
Any skin color, race, gender, sexual preference, autistic spectrum, age, and disability can help so that black people don't have to carry that burden by themselves.

Unless you're the following:
terminally ill
have a bounty on your head placed by white supremacists
have a bomb strapped to you

Than your life is not on the line anytime soon. Even with a narcissistic psychopath as our president. If you don't personally want to engage in these types of discussions, that's your choice and your free to make it. But the assertion in your post is just flat out wrong and hyperbolic.


Dude LITERALLY said that Jewish people are soulless golems and tells hail trump and hail our people at his rallies while sporting a typical nazi haircut yet somehow you don't consider him a nazi. What the actual fuck?? It's more so that white supremacy has more in common with nazism than the other way around

This isn't entirely correct - he wondered aloud if the media are "soulless golems" implying they are controlled by Jews.

Still equally bad.
"We need to be better than they are"

We are better then they are by fucking default. A sucker punch don't change that.

Cause our side isn't the one ADVOCATING FOR GENOCIDE.


For people who advocate for coddling Nazis, racists, misogynists, homophobes etc, a question:

Would you be comfortable with your child being friends with children raised that way? Comfortable with them staying over at their little Nazi friend's house? Being invited to their church? Dating someone like that?


David has been championing the "it's the lefts fault they lost for making fun of the poor racist idiots" line since jump.

Don't think he can be reached.

There's no reaching someone who wants a soapbox instead of a conversation. He likes to go on big, long screeds and then rarely, if ever, responds to posts that comes afterwards with anything other than snark or increasingly dramatic hyperbole (assuming he responds at all).

Don't waste your time, Bobby.


First time I heard this kind of rhetoric Taken seriously was from Mark Zuckerberg.

Something along the lines of "Blah blah blah this is the hard part about being inclusive. Being tolerant to the intolerant! We need to work together to...".


Fuck that.

The fight for equality might be inconvenient for you. For some of us it's all we got.
First time I heard this kind of rhetoric Taken seriously was from Mark Zuckerberg.

Something along the lines of "Blah blah blah this is the hard part about being inclusive. Being tolerant to the intolerant! We need to work together to...".


Fuck that.

The fight for equality might be inconvenient for you. For some of us it's all we got.

Most of this forum was alive when it was still illegal for people like me to even exist.

I ain't going back to those days. They'll pry it from my cold dead hands.


Like, why should I be tolerant to people who think my life doesn't matter? Why should I be tolerant to people who thinks my LGBTQ friends' lives don't matter? My Jewish friends? My Hispanic/Latino friends?

Fuck em yo

Watching Richard Spencer getting the Sonic Rings knocked outta his ass was amazing
Also, why is Richard Spencer still a fucking thing?

Yes, He's a horrible person.

Yes, the guy is a scumbag.

Yes, you should not agree with his views.

Yes, his views are different, but that doesn't mean that they aren't any less awful.


Yes, if you punch anyone, no matter if they are a Nazi, you will get sued in court because you threw the first punch.

No, punching a white supremacist (no matter how awful that person truly is) does not make you a hero. It makes you a person that can not regulate their emotions in public. It's something that an immature child would do, not a rationale grown man or woman.

No, just because you think a Nazi should not get punched doesn't mean you empathize, coddle, sing Kumbaya with, or love the Nazi's.

Yes, anybody that thinks the former is not thinking very intelligently.

Yes, Nazi's and white supremacists are shitty people and have committed atrocities.

No, you should not tolerate views that put down other races.

Yes, If I say that punching white supremacists or Nazis is wrong because A. it's against the law to swing a punch to anyone unprovoked and B. We are grown, rationale, mature adults and giving into petty anger and violence both public and private is wrong AND I get called a Nazi sympathizer, those people are not thinking very rationally.
Like, why should I be tolerant to people who think my life doesn't matter? Why should I be tolerant to people who thinks my LGBTQ friends' lives don't matter? My Jewish friends? My Hispanic/Latino friends?

Fuck em yo

Watching Richard Spencer getting the Sonic Rings knocked outta his ass was amazing

The DMX remix gave me life.

Also, why is Richard Spencer still a fucking thing?

Because he's a literal nazi with a large following of other nazis and people who, if not sympathize with nazis, tolerate them.

He's not a nobody with no power.



Waiting until people started getting euthanized, gassed, or killed in the street for resisting is what you're effectively advocating for.

He didn't get assassinated, he got punched. Stop acting like this is precedent for other alleged white supremacists are getting murdered in the street.


If I punch a person who thinks I should be killed for existing does that count as self defense or do I have to wait for them to start with the genocide before it counts?
If you transported Joseph Goebbels to the modern day and his hateful evil ass was sitting on a street corner pontificating about how the "lesser races" should know their place and be eradicated.


Dude got hit, boo hoo. He didn't even get hit THAT HARD. I've been hit harder by my grandmother for mouthing off.
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