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Considering trading PS4 towards XboxOne just because of noise... I have a problem :(


There is no way a functioning ps4 is louder than an old 360. I had a 360 and it was basically as loud as any electronic equipment I've ever heard. Ps4 is not even close

My OG 360 sounds like a vacuum at this point. I'd rather have the red ring of death than the noise.


My launch PS4 could also become quite loud playing games like KZ or TLOU, but it was when I kept it in a semi-closed cabinet. Hot air could not be dissipated so fan was kicking in. Moved it outside the cabinet and it solved the issue- You can hear it sometimes, but just a tad, like the first gear while it was kicking into 3rd or 4th

So if anything I would recommend moving to the place where the hot air can escape away from the console.
I have both a PS4 and a Wii U and sometimes I play 'em with no volume because I occasionally have gigantic headaches (it helps). Both are very quiet, so I really don't get these complains.

You get strong headaches and still decide to play video games when you have them?
I don't think that's a good idea.
My PS4 is quiet. My XBO is quiet. My 4 year old.... not so much.

Your system may be defective. (like 1,000,000 have probably stated before me)
My ps4 is way quieter than my Panasonic plasma tv. I've only heard sounds when initial install is being done, maybe the placement of the console or it's orientation are to blame. The loudest console I ever had was my 3 xbox 360s these were ridiculously loud, even charging the controller on standby was insanely loud. The original fat ps3 comes a close second but only in certain games.

On Demand

Is your room hot OP? That would contribute to the fan being on high.

Playing Destiny the fan is quite. With a game like P.T. though i can hear it more but I wouldn't call it distracting.


Mine is whisper quiet. I can't even hear it when playing late at night with the sound turned right down. Not sure why some apparently sound like a jet engine.
I find it pretty funny the criticisms i had on how cheap and nasty the ps4 design was back at launch are starting to become more accepted rather than getting flamed out for criticism of the ps4

My Launch Ps4 is noisy as hell...the controller shitty and falling apart and the design of the box itself seems to attract large chunks of dust in the vents no matter how clean the area is around it and the eject button decides to try and eject discs at random intervals due to the case pinching the button

The Ps4 may have the best insides but they certainly took some shortcuts at the design table ...hopefully the ps4 slim will install a better cooling and fan solution then the rolls royce engine installed at the moment


Junior Member
My PS4 certainly isn't quiet, but it's acceptable I'd say. Used to bug me but I've gotten fairly used to it now. Kicks up more during certain games. I can hear it whilst wearing my Golds during quiet scenes on the games where it does kick up, but it's not like it's overshadowing the noise from my headphones.

I've also noticed in practically every single game if you pause the game the fans start to get louder - doesn't seem to matter what the game is, I've never had this with a console or PC, it's pretty odd.


Already commented about how damn loud the PS4 is....

It's seriously gotten to the point where I can't stand anymore. I know the damn thing isn't defective. I know it's just part of the design:


Seriously, I'm not an engineer, but I can't help think to myself, "Why the F would you put ,what looks like the equivalent of a video card fan, to cool your system!?"

Basically ANY moderately taxing game (guaranteed with a 1080p/60fps like Metro or Shadow Warrior) sends the fan into a high pitched whirl that I can sometimes even hear through my Sony Gold headphones..... and I sit 10ft away from the system!
I know it's ridiculous to obsess of these hardcore 1st world problems, but it's just.... fucking i can't help it :(

anyway, I await for whatever is coming my way from GAF :/

Trading it over just for the (alleged) noise? That's shallow. Maybe you should trade it in but I don't think the noise is the reason you're even considering this.


I understand you hate the noise, OP but I would be buying louder wireless headphones to drown it out before I traded my PS4 for an Xbone.


Generous Member
I sit an arms length away from mine I use golds on the lowest volume and I never hear mine it's as quiet as a mouse 😀


we need to find two gaffers that live in the same area, one with the fabled silent ps4 and one with a ps4 that sounds like a jumbo jet farting tornados into a megaphone(aka a normal ps4) have them meet up, test both systems under the same conditions playing the same game and such and record the results for everyone to see.


My PS4 is definitely louder than my XBO but I still wouldn't call it loud. My XBO is basically completely silent though.


Xbox One whisper quiet.

1st PS4 whisper quiet until I play FFXIV

2nd PS4 whisper quiet.

Wii U Is this thing turned on?

Im gonna go with if your console is loud get that shit checked out, probably defective.
Apparentry Xbox One also has a noise issue so I do not know if you are doing better...
I also never noticed noise issues on mine but I am like 9 feet from the console and game sounds drown it.


Junior Member
Wii U Is this thing turned on?

Im gonna go with if your console is loud get that shit checked out, probably defective.

My WiiU is pretty loud just because of the disc drive. With no way to install games (unless you buy them digitally), it's constantly spinning when playing and it's not the quietest of drives. Bayonetta 1 (currently playing, not tried 2 yet) is particularly loud especially during cutscenes because it does that last-gen style disc thing where it sounds as if the disc is going back and forth loading stuff - only game on the console I've ever had load in that way and make that noise.


Apparentry Xbox One also has a noise issue so I do not know if you are doing better...
I also never noticed noise issues on mine but I am like 9 feet from the console and game sounds drown it.

it doesn't, it was fixed in the latest firmware update.


OP, I think you have a defective console.

My PS4 makes is louder than my XONE, but only because my XONE is pretty much silent. I can hear the PS4 but nowhere near the volumes that you describe. Certainly not over the game audio to any extent where is is annoying.


OP, I think you have a defective console.

My PS4 makes is louder than my XONE, but only because my XONE is pretty much silent. I can hear the PS4 but nowhere near the volumes that you describe. Certainly not over the game audio to any extent where is is annoying.

I only quoted you because I love your avatar.

I sit less than 10 feet away from my PS4, with no head phones and the noise level has never bothered me. Either OP is obsessive or PS4 is defective.


Am I crazy? I've never heard or noticed excessively loud noises from my PS4. GAF is the only place I hear this complaint...

Mikey Jr.

What fucking noise...

I'm serious. I play with the ps4 2 feet from my face and I barely hear it. And that's with no game sound.

Sell it and buy a new one. It's a quality control thing. Mine has same issues, so do others on Gaf and else where.

Mines loud enough I can't watch movies on it.


Gold Member
Apparentry Xbox One also has a noise issue so I do not know if you are doing better...
I also never noticed noise issues on mine but I am like 9 feet from the console and game sounds drown it.

What? Xbox one has noise issues? Can you reference this claim?


I gonna be honest with you, if I had an unusually loud console, I would first consider getting a replacement unit.

Not swap it with an entirely different console.
Which is strange, why would the op say he would trade it. Is it just a gross over-reaction or was it intentional to stir the pot. The OP could have said "hey guys my ps4 is very loud, here's some evidence", "do you guys have similar issues?", " what did you do to resolve it etc..."

I thought we bought these consoles to play games in the first place, if it is that you want an xbox-one, just buy it, no need to take that angle though.


What fucking noise...

I'm serious. I play with the ps4 2 feet from my face and I barely hear it. And that's with no game sound.

Yeah same here.It's like people are talking about a completely different console from the one i have (not that i doubt them though.) I guess we're very lucky? :p


People that say it's whisper quiet are talking out of their arse, people who say it's unbearable are too. Even with opinions aside.

It's louder than a PS3, and the Xbox One, but it's far from unbearably distracting.

I've been around a few PS4s and they all make a similar amount of noise. Noticeably on a first play of a game the disc drive is quite noisy, then it gets quieter as it offloads to the hard drive and all you get is louder fans due to heat. Price to pay with a smaller package and a power supply placed inside. Just do your part and make sure it's well ventilated, running horizontally is also the best option due to fan placement.

Handy Fake

Try making sure the cabinet it's sat on isn't vibrating. I'm sure there's some Tesla-style harmonics going on.
In fact, when it's really loud, try steadying the cabinet with your hands and see if that changes anything.


I don't understand some of these noise complaints. Either your system is enclosed in a tight space and not getting enough ventilation or it's defective
Or you have super sensitive hearing
. I sit 2 feet or less away from my ps4. I play at a computer desk with the PS4 above my monitor on an open shelf. I can not hear the system at all over the sound of the game through either the speakers or when using headphones.

Have no idea how yours is that noisy that you want to swap to an xbox when you sit much further away and using headphones.

Send it in to sony or store in a wine cooler.

Honestly, I hear mine when specific games are in but I can't really tell it's even going, it's not that loud. Sounds like a defect my man! I will say that as of right now though xbox has the better games, but PS will soon be on its tail!


People that say it's whisper quiet are talking out of their arse, people who say it's unbearable are too. Even with opinions aside.

It's louder than a PS3, and the Xbox One, but it's far from unbearably distracting.

I've been around a few PS4s and they all make a similar amount of noise. Noticeably on a first play of a game the disc drive is quite noisy, then it gets quieter as it offloads to the hard drive and all you get is louder fans due to heat. Price to pay with a smaller package and a power supply placed inside. Just do your part and make sure it's well ventilated, running horizontally is also the best option due to fan placement.

Umm... just no?

My PS4 is "whisper quiet", it only gets a bit noisy when i turn it on or to standby mode but nothing as bad as the OP describes and it lasts only a few seconds.During gameplay though it's very silent and i sit just two meters away from it.


Apart from the disc drive (which only makes a noise for a few seconds) my PS4 is whisper quiet.

Same hear. That's why I'm always baffled by these threads. THen he is trading because of noise? Something that could be fixed gets me suspicious but hey...
Some people are just more sensitive certain high pitch sounds and noises. I can definitely relate to the OP. I'm a little OCD, so I'm very capable of fixating on something that's kind of irritating. That said I haven't found the PS4 to be that annoying, even though on it's highest fan mode it can be louder than I'd like, accompanied by a slight high pitch drone. Even with enclosed headphones I can still hear it sitting about 9 feet away.

It's really as simple as how bad do you want to use your PS4? The answer for me so far has been "more than I dislike the noise it makes".
If you are the type that is easily bothered by small imperfections you probably are going to be also bothered by sub 1080p/60FPS games too. So you probably just give up gaming all together and use the money to get help for your self.
My PS4 gets super loud too, and the replies in threads about it are so mixed that I don't know if it's normal or not. I wouldn't even know where to start on getting it checked out.

Also, a surprising number of people play a mere "2 feet" from their consoles...
It's louder than a PS3, and the Xbox One, but it's far from unbearably distracting.

I've been around a few PS4s and they all make a similar amount of noise. .

I pretty much agree with this. I think it's less "OP has to get his fixed, it's obviously defective" nor is it maybe as bad as OP makes it sound, I just think the PS4 has a level of noise, and people are going to be sensitive and have opinions on that noise relative to their own expectations and desires. It's as loud or quiet as he perceives or as others perceive I guess, at which point it's easier to answer within context. Yes, the X1 will be quieter and you might even find one or two other things you like, but OP will have to bear in mind he'll find other things that are less desirable than on PS4. If he has high standards for his devices, those will probably annoy him too, so it might be best judging it from another perspective ie. the content available, but focused on the actual problem, the X1 is quieter, sure.


My XB1 and PS4 are as silent as each other.

And as for the comment about being able to hear it with your headphones on, you know they go on your ears right?
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