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Cop bodyslams 15 year old girl

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Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Ya, that was clearly excessive. If she had landed on her head head would have been seriously hurt. It's not like she was kicking his ass, he just lost control, macho moron.
Considering her weight and the fact that it looks like she's weaponless I disagree. It's not even the body slam that perturbs me, it's how obvious it's a violent move out of anger on behalf of the cop. If you're crowd control and dealing with drunk idiots, you probably should transfer to a desk job if you can't handle them being shitheels.

I find the weight/lack of weapons to be somewhat irrelevant. Having seen first hand how aggressive and violent considerably smaller people than me can be when angry and out of control, such level of aggression is sometimes the only way to restrain that person.

This is all based on the video, I'd really need to see what happens before the slam to form a more accurate opinion.

This almost sounds like a ridiculous apologist for the Rodney King beating.

Don't be silly.
I can't see why an officer of that size needs to bodyslam a 15-year old girl on the pavement to restrain her effectively.

If she was resisting then yes he'd have to take her down but I see don't see why it has to be a WWE maneuver, she could have easily been hurt (maybe she was). Could have been worse if she hit the pavement head first.
I find the weight/lack of weapons to be somewhat irrelevant. Having seen first hand how aggressive and violent considerably smaller people than me can be when angry and out of control, such level of aggression is sometimes the only way to restrain that person.

This is all based on the video, I'd really need to see what happens before the slam to form a more accurate opinion.

Weight and lack of weapons is completely relevant to how to handle a situation. Threat to your person is supposed to be gauged by cops and they're supposed to act accordingly, that's the whole point of training.

"Good God Almighty" "With god as my witness, she's been broken in half"



After careful study of the video (and enhancing the pixels) it does seem kind of excessive. He's behind the girl and puts a knee in her back to help him lift her off the ground and then lets her weight bring her down.

He could have easily flipped her over a leg and brought her down more gently, considering his position.


Honestly their is a lot we don't see their. As the camera pans back to the cop you can see his legs moving, like he is running towards her. So although we don't know for sure, she could have been trying to run away, he caught up to her, and subdued her. If that was the case I would prefer the slam to tackling her to the ground. Its a bit too hard to see the whole picture though.


Considering her weight and the fact that it looks like she's weaponless I disagree. It's not even the body slam that perturbs me, it's how obvious it's a violent move out of anger on behalf of the cop. If you're crowd control and dealing with drunk idiots, you probably should transfer to a desk job if you can't handle them being shitheels.
Devo, how are you seeing that it's an move "out of anger"? We don't see the beginning context at all.

It didn't even look like that hard of a slam.

And girls in your weight class when going crazy are pretty hard to restrain. You're not giving your weight much credit. When people want to go, they go. Life isn't like boxing - "stats" like weight and reach only count for so much.

I do agree that as he wasn't the only cop in the video then it could probably have gone differently.


Looked like she was running to me so he brought her down. Don't see the issue here unless she was hospitalized with major injuries.
It does not matter if the suspect is 15 years old.
It does not matter if the suspect is female.
A suspect resisting arrest will be met with reasonable force.
The suspect in the video was met with reasonable force for someone resisting arrest.
The suspect did not die or suffer serious injuries. If you want to live in hypothetical land then we have to live in hypothetical land when the officer decides to use force - the suspect could have been a ninja.

Yes, it kinda does fucking matter. No, the force was no way close to being "reasonable", the girl is fucking 15, she couldn't even lift the guy 1cm above the ground if she tried. As for the "hypothetical" part, I don't know if you are trolling or not, but it's not looking good.

Probably being a loud mouth little shit. But oh noes, she's 15!

Yeah, kinda is 15, which means you have to fucking factor that in and not lose your shit to 15 year old.

Some of these teen-aged shits need a good body slam.

And you need a ban.


I've re-watched the video three times now. Despite what the CNN lady says, I can't tell if she's running or standing still. There's just not enough context footage. I initially thought it was less a slam and more the cop grabbing her while she was running, which made it look worse than it is.

Because if she is being still or non-crazy, then yes, that is indeed absurdly excessive force.

If running/craziness, no, I don't think it is.
I don't know how we can have a feeling one way or the other without some video of the 10 seconds prior to that take-down.

It looked mighty rough. Yes it looked excessive based on what short snippet we have available.

I just don't know.


He is an adult man, she is 15-years-old and rather skinny. You do the math.
How about read my entire post? Can't tell due to great CNN editing, but if she's running and he simply grabs her roughly, going airborne like that is likely without much force from the officer at all.

I'm not calling this good policework at all, but should she be going full whack, it isn't outrageous. Stop thinking of things in terms of "math". We haven't seen enough of this footage to make a solid judgement beyond hypotheticals.

Check my post history and you will find me one of the posters most against the use of force or weapons by police on this forum. I hate tasers, weaponised sprays, guns and simple brutality.

I'm also not an idiot and don't think "oh, girl is 15 and skinny, obviously she's weak and easy to restrain for any real man" or assume that the crucial seconds before the footage we actually see could be of no relevance whatsoever.

There is not a single poster on this forum that can make a good judgement about that video. There isn't enough of it.

edit - o god, right on cue somebody posts right after to make my "hmm, I dunno" stance seem crazy.


lol according to u guys, nobody should be punished for what they did. don't fall victim to what the media boost up. first off here's a clue for u that are clueless. "A 15 yr old girl at a Dance Club". hmm, what's an underage girl doing at a club?
How about read my entire post? Can't tell due to great CNN editing, but if she's running and he simply grabs her roughly, going airborne like that is likely without much force from the officer at all.

Without much force from officer for sure, but the way she slammed the ground doesn't look very appealing.

"A 15 yr old girl at a Dance Club". hmm, what's an underage girl doing at a club?

Having a good time like almost every other teenager, probably against her parents' wishes but together with all of her friends? Oh wait, you are saying that somehow her promiscuous behavior (I assume you mean that, what else could UNDERAGE girl be doing at a club except getting alcohol and blowing older dudes, right?) at the club explains the need to use force to restrain her?


Gold Member
Without much force from officer for sure, but the way she slammed the ground doesn't look very appealing.

Having a good time like almost every other teenager, probably against her parents' wishes but together with all of her friends? Oh wait, you are saying that somehow her promiscuous behavior (I assume you mean that, what else could UNDERAGE girl be doing at a club except getting alcohol and blowing older dudes, right?) at the club explains the need to use force to restrain her?

She was probably there selling girl scout cookies to earn a merit badge.
I typically give cops the benefit of the doubt in these situations, so I will assume she was resisting. Does everyone's parents not teach them growing up that if you resist arrest the cops will fuck you up? Ever seen Cops? If it happened for no reason, cop should be fired, but I doubt that at this point.
Sorry to blow your mind, but none of COPS is real. It's all scripted.

Heard this on the latest Bombcast.
A 15 year-old petite is hard to restrain?

As a police officer, anyone can be difficult to restrain if they want to be. At that point you are trained to take them to the ground as it keeps them in a better position of control and limits their ability to hurt you or anyone else. If she was resisting, there is nothing wrong here what-so-ever.

Dude Abides

As a police officer, anyone can be difficult to restrain if they want to be. At that point you are trained to take them to the ground as it keeps them in a better position of control and limits their ability to hurt you or anyone else. If she was resisting, there is nothing wrong here what-so-ever.

I don't think anyone questions his right to take her down if she was resisting/interfering. It's doing so WWE style that is raising eyebrows.


It all depends what happened prior to the take down.
The video shown by itself would of course anger people, as you can't see it in context.

The girl could have been punching and kicking the officer while crying rape for all we know.

Also, if this person snuck into a bar,
the officer would have thought they were an adult. (not a child)

Though if the officer just walked over to her with no reason and slammed her down,
then yes, there is an issue.


But we can all agree that, should we see more context that shows that this was excessive, it was infinitely preferable to tasering, yes?


Is the reason people are upset is because it's a poor defenseless weak girl?
The kid shouldn't be starting fights while impersonating an adult.

Life Lesson Learned.
Blame the victim? If only that rape victim didn't wear that short skirt.

Without much force from officer for sure, but the way she slammed the ground doesn't look very appealing.

Having a good time like almost every other teenager, probably against her parents' wishes but together with all of her friends? Oh wait, you are saying that somehow her promiscuous behavior (I assume you mean that, what else could UNDERAGE girl be doing at a club except getting alcohol and blowing older dudes, right?) at the club explains the need to use force to restrain her?

Now you guys are projecting. The original story suggests that she was in the club (so there was no reason to reasonably assume she was < 18/21) and that she was starting some shit. The reactions here have nothing to do with what she was wearing.
Also, if this person snuck into a bar,
the officer would have thought they were an adult. (not a child)

Some of the most violent altercations I've been in have been with juveniles (yes, including girls). I guarantee this officer didn't give one thought as to if this young woman was an adult or not because quite frankly, it doesn't matter. In situations such as this, you sort that kind of stuff out after things are under control. (All of this is under the assumption that she resisted)


huh "extreme excessive force." I'm glad they got a former prosecutor to tell us that. Is that, like, a legal term?


Honestly the more I watch it the more I'm convinced she was running trying to get away, and the cop grabbed her lifted her up to stop her running, then let her fall to the ground and subdued her. Its still pretty hard to see what happened, but even with my scenario I know a lot of people will still say it was excessive. If that was indeed the case though I have no problem with it, as it seemed like the best way to subdue a girl actively trying to get away like that. If she wasn't struggling or trying to run away then I agree its excessive.
Cop: I wondered what would break first... your attitude... or your body!

Did he not have pepper spray? I just find it hard to believe the situation warranted all that.

Perfect post sentry.
"He was handcuffed on the ground, shouldn't have turned around to say anything.. thats why he was shot!"

Oscar Grant? I sure hope no one ever defended that like this... was that cop punished?


Having seen the video now, I think the real damning evidence is the lift before he slams her. He could've easily just forced her to the ground from a standing position, instead he gives that chick just enough of a lift up to get some momentum going and THWACK, down she goes. That's definitely some over-the-top WWE ish and looks very, very intentional.
Cop: I wondered what would break first... your attitude... or your body!

Did he not have pepper spray? I just find it hard to believe the situation warranted all that.

Oscar Grant? I sure hope no one ever defended that like this... was that cop punished?

Don't know what happened beforehand, but when the video starts, she is far too close for OC spray


Yeah, kinda is 15, which means you have to fucking factor that in and not lose your shit to 15 year old.

Cause I'm sure the cop was all
"Excuse me can I see some ID?"
"Sure, here you go officer"
"Hmmm, 15? ...oh whatever" *bodyslam*

After careful study of the video (and enhancing the pixels) it does seem kind of excessive. He's behind the girl and puts a knee in her back to help him lift her off the ground and then lets her weight bring her down.

He could have easily flipped her over a leg and brought her down more gently, considering his position.

Clearly the safest thing to do would be to knock her out with a Vulcan death pinch and carefully lower her to the ground. a) Like anyone watching 1 second of video ten times has a better idea of what was going on than the guy who was there, and b) he had half a second to decide what to do and put her on the ground and held her there. It's not like he threw her down and punched her in the face.


Completely sensationalized story without proper context. This is terrible news ala FOX.

It's possible the cop didn't know the girl was 15, it is a night club after all with 18 being the minimum age most clubs require to enter.

It's possible the girl was illegally drinking before she got into the altercation before the cop encounter.

It's possible she was probably still trying to fight, being drunk, acting belligerent, non-cooperative to the police when they arrived.

Have you guys seen girls fight? Shit gets brutal really fast. I wouldn't be surprised if the cop was struck/scratched trying to separate them.

Just things to take into consideration.
I see the bodyslam but I want to see the video of the events leading up to that slam. Her being 15 doesn't magically make her cooperative. I've seen some 15 year old girls that would slice your face and beat you into a coma.


Cop was probably too fat to catch her so he bodyslammed before she could run away.

Fat, out of shape cops are an epidemic.
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