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Critical analysis of Dragon Ball Z – A short dissertation

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The fact that anyone supports Hillary boggles my mind... I have tested between 130-160 on IQ tests
Note: I’d like to make it clear that this in regards to the original Japanese version of the show: uncut, unedited, original music, original voices. Funimation did a wonderful job butchering the series for American audiences and is therefore irrelevant to me and will not be mentioned any further here.


When I originally watched the show for the first time, I was about 15 or 16 – sometime around 10 years ago. It was a very magical experience for me. Everything seemed so serendipitous to me then. Having matured and re-visiting the series now with a more discerning and critical eye, I’ve come to notice some fundamental inconsistencies and crucial flaws that hinder what could have been the best televison anime ever.

By far the most obnoxious quality of Dragon Ball Z is the internal commentary of the dialogue. Nearly every character outside of the action is a spectator, commentating on the action. This can, and often does go beyond unnecessary and annoying and into the realm of insulting. Nothing happens without someone informing the viewer first. The show would have definitely benefited from omission of this sort of heavy-handed story telling.

Another immediately irritating fault is with the depth of the characters, or lackthereof. They are really rather flat and extremely predictable. I realize cartoons are created primarily for young audiences and they have always been silly and asinine by nature, but I can’t help but get frustrated when every single character in the show is governed by shallow impulses, completely oblivious to the concept of logic. Gohan is by far the worst of the bunch. He rarely says anything outside of blurting out names (piccolo-san?) or regurgitating back what someone says to him. Here is an example of this:

Bulma: Gohan we have to go look for the the Dragon Balls.
Gohan: The Dragon Balls…?

That is just lazy, bad dialogue. Yes, you gauche idiot, the fucking dragon balls..that’s what she said. Vegeta, who in my opinion is one of the better characters, has a lot of potential, but is also poorly handled. He has a Napoleon complex, entitlement issues, and possibly closet-homosexuality all of which amount to unrelenting standards for himself. He is driven mad with furious ambition to be the best and his pride pushes him ever onward as if it were never enough. Sadly, he neither evolves to be the best, nor goes insane from the pressure; he just comes off as pitiful and delusional. I wish Toriyama would have handled his development differently as he could have been much more. Piccolo is also one of the better characters, and definitely the most logical, but by reality’s standards still mentally retarded.

Beyond what was done poorly, is what wasn’t done at all. There was a lot of potential for inner conflicts between the “good guys,” but sadly this was not taken advantage of. You have several proud, egotistical warriors with conflicting often severely spiteful opinions of each other, yet there is no inner turmoil among them whatsoever. I can’t count the number of times it seemed only natural for there to be a brawl between Vegeta and Piccolo, or Vegeta and Trunks, or Goku and Piccolo, etc. Sadly, nothing. As for villains, Cell brought up a lot of unanswered questions. What were Cell’s motives? What was the purpose of the Cell games? Etc.

Next up is script and pacing. The plot is haphazardly written and relies on cheap rewrite tactics. The scenarios and power-struggles are more often not, noticeably formulaic. To Toriyama’s credit, I’m sure these issues were greatly amplified from the translation of the original manga. As a medium, comics allow for a much greater “suspension of disbelief” However, since I’m talking about the show, they must be mentioned. The pacing in the Freeza saga was where the series really fell apart for me. It was 60 or so episodes that could have easily been managed in half or less. Momentum is often broken, focus shifted to less important expositions. Then, there’s this kind of stuff:

“The planet will explode in 2 minutes!*
*five hours later”
*the planet will explode in 1 minute!*

Unacceptable. The dialogue between Freeza and Goku is also quite atrocious. It’s like trading licks but with contrived, repetitive idle chatter, Variations of the same boasts, claims, and reactions. No one that is in a life or death battle talks like that. Geez. Some of my favorite profound pieces of discourse throughout the show include “Nani!?” [what?] and “Baka na” [impossible] If I had a dollar for every time someone dumbfoundedly blurted out those two words, I’d probably have around $800. I found myself seriously substituting my own dialogue every time this sort of cop out would happen. I guarantee I could turn DB into Faust, if only someone would allow me to rewrite the damn thing.

Lastly, I had a minor gripe with power level and fighting ability inconsistencies, which there were a few of. It’s really hard to differentiate VISIBLY between a Kamehameha fired by Muten Roshi in Dragon Ball and one fired by Goku nearly 200 episodes into DBZ, even though Goku is apparently twelve trillon times more powerful. I could expand on this and cite examples, but like I said, it’s pretty minor. Also, another thing I probably wouldn’t have noticed in the manga.

That’s about it for the general complaints. Next I’m going to briefly deconstruct the episode I'm currently on, # 188 “A Hero’s Farewell”

This is the last episode of the Cell Saga. Gohan has bested Cell and becomes vengeful but ultimately does not act on it. It would have been much better to see Gohan humiliate Cell and to make Cell cling to extreme desperation. It would have been really satisfying to see Cell cry before Gohan looks into his eyes and blasts him to oblivion for his wickedness, but Toriayama chooses a much tamer route.

Suddenly worried, Goku tells Gohan to finish Cell and not mess around. Funny because just a few episodes earlier Goku had the opportunity to kill Cell, but he did nothing and allowed Cell several minutes to reform. This is just one of several critical follies in the Cell saga alone (Vegeta allowing Cell to become perfect, Kuririn not killing Android 18, etc.). I will say that this particular folly is forgiven because it serves to set up a very climactic ending to the arc, as Goku’s selfless sacrifice wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

So Cell then decides to blow himself up but not before proceeding to TELL EVERYONE HE’S GOING TO AND NOT ONLY THAT BUT GIVES A COUNTDOWN TO EXPLOSION! By this point I’m so frustrated. I already know what’s going to happen and it’s like watching a train wreck. Bear in mind these are just the faults of one episode so you can imagine how much fun I had with the whole series up to this point

So before I get labeled as a hater, I’m going to discuss the strengths of the DB series. The music is pretty damn good, and quite suiting. Could have used more variety, but it’s a television show so you’re going to have overused songs. The art is very likeable. I do not like most anime artstyles, nor do I like most American animation artstyles. I do however, really, really like Toriyama’s for some reason. He is an excellent artist, both technically and creatively. The designs themselves range from not so good (Garlic Jr. and co., Cells first 2 forms) to tremendously good (Androids), with most leaning more towards the latter end of the spectrum. Finally the show’s best quality, and the reason Dragon Ball is so popular is the realization of its universe. Everything from technology to culture, to various races, attacks, religion, etc. is very unique and appealing.

So while there is a lot to rag on, there’s also a lot to love. On one hand its cheesy inspiration fodder. On another it is a grand glorification of the human spirit and the will to survive. It’s simple, but it carries a vital message. It’s kind of dumb, but built around a fantastic moral framework, which elevates it above just “entertainment.” For every cringe worthy moment there is a jaw-droppingly awesome one. Respect:



holy fuck wall of text, i read the Freeza part and complete understand what you are going at. there's too much idle and doing nothing, it just pure filler.


time to take my meds
I'll say this. Naruto fixes everything that was ever wrong with Dragonball, but keeps everything I loved about it.


The fact that anyone supports Hillary boggles my mind... I have tested between 130-160 on IQ tests
Bad_Boy said:
I'll say this. Naruto fixes everything that was ever wrong with Dragonball, but keeps everything I loved about it.

I've heard good things, but it takes such dedication to get involved with such a massive series. Still, I may check it out.


Its hard to find one of these hugely popular Anime shows without filler to be honest. They procude a fuck-ton of episodes and many times dont have a big animation budget so they just re-use stuff or use still-images (think Evangelion once they cut out part of the funding after the response to the violance) and shit like that.


Best anime ever is Code Geass. Confusing at times, but always gets to the point. And the ending. Wow.

As far as how you feel about DBZ, I must agree on all fronts.


Just shut up and enjoy it dude. No one cares what flaws you can find when you're actively trying to dissect it.


DanteFox said:
Just shut up and enjoy it dude. No one cares what flaws you can find when you're actively trying to dissect it.

sure, i mean whatever its not like we are on a discussion forum


The fact that anyone supports Hillary boggles my mind... I have tested between 130-160 on IQ tests
DanteFox said:
Just shut up and enjoy it dude. No one cares what flaws you can find when you're actively trying to dissect it.

How dare I not settle for mediocrity! Go back to watching Transformers 3. You're part of the problem.


sonikokaruto said:
i get what you say, that's why they released kai ...

and by the half of it, it's the same bwahahahaha

it's like the same shit all over again, i watched an episode and am disgusted at the animation quality.


Bad_Boy said:
I'll say this. One Piece fixes everything that was ever wrong with Dragonball, but keeps everything I loved about it.
The correct and more accurate answer; especially since OP takes more from DB than Naruto does.


Bowflex said:
How dare I not settle for mediocrity! Go back to watching Transformers 3. You're part of the problem.
The dripping elitism is almost palpable. You and SalsaShark should go have a movie nitpicking circle jerk sometime.


Neo Member
GrizzNKev said:
Best anime ever is Code Geass. Confusing at times, but always gets to the point. And the ending. Wow.

lol, I gave up after they spent an entire episode chasing a cat.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Bad_Boy said:
I'll say this. Naruto fixes everything that was ever wrong with Dragonball, but keeps everything I loved about it.

What? No it doesn't! :lol


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
SalsaShark said:
Its hard to find one of these hugely popular Anime shows without filler to be honest.

For a show that's more than 50 episodes, One Piece and Detective Conan (goddamn I gotta rewatch this series) do a pretty good job with keeping the crap content low.
Bad_Boy said:
I'll say this. Naruto fixes everything that was ever wrong with Dragonball, but keeps everything I loved about it.

Lafiel said:
The correct and more accurate answer; especially since OP takes more from DB than Naruto does.
Can I say that I think all of these still fuck up what DBZ fucked up the most? They all treat the audiene like they're fucking morons. That isn't to say I don't love 'em all.


Bowflex said:
I've heard good things, but it takes such dedication to get involved with such a massive series. Still, I may check it out.
I doubt it would be worth it. Even the people who like the fighting shounen genre don't seem too high on Naruto these days.


Bowflex said:
Suddenly worried, Goku tells Gohan to finish Cell and not mess around. Funny because just a few episodes earlier Goku had the opportunity to kill Cell, but he did nothing and allowed Cell several minutes to reform.
Isnt that the point? Goku had learned his lesson & told Gohan not to make the same mistake he did?

Apart from that i completely agree
I still love it though :p


Vincent Alexander said:
Can I say that I think all of these still fuck up what DBZ fucked up the most? They all treat the audiene like they're fucking morons. That isn't to say I don't love 'em all.
Well the genre is literally geared towards young boys, not to say other people don't watch them.


The fact that anyone supports Hillary boggles my mind... I have tested between 130-160 on IQ tests
DanteFox said:
The dripping elitism is almost palpable. You and SalsaShark should go have a movie nitpicking circle jerk sometime.

Without criticism, we would still be in the dark ages. There would be no progress for anything. Every album, film, or book you enjoy would not exist. Videogames would not exist, and as a result GAF would not exist meaning you would have no place to showcase to the world how much of an idiot you are. So yeah, elitism!
i love dbz. ive watched all of kai a few months ago and it was great watching this series again.

i really love the relationship gohan has with piccolo. like a second dad
Branduil said:
I doubt it would be worth it. Even the people who like the fighting shounen genre don't seem too high on Naruto these days.
To preface, I love all actions shows like Naruto, Bleach, DBZ, One Piece. Now, in my personal opinion, Naruto was a huge step down from the rest I listed, but a great filler while you're waiting for new episodes of Bleach or One Piece. Recently though, Naruto has turned into my favorite. It seems like the writers finally got a groove going and the characters no longer feel like stereotypes of themselves (as the characters from Bleach and One Piece are turning into). However, Naruto is still the guiltiest of treating the audience like morons.

Branduil said:
Well the genre is literally geared towards young boys, not to say other people don't watch them.
Yeah......understandable. I just can't tell whether it is because the shows are geared towards a younger demographic, or it is simply because they have to drag shit out so they don't run out of manga chapters to adapt too quickly---thus filling episodes with flashback moments showing you what happened two seconds ago.

Showmeyamoves said:
I loved that moment.
Too bad he got his ass kicked


Bowflex said:
Without criticism, we would still be in the dark ages. There would be no progress for anything. Every album, film, or book you enjoy would not exist. Videogames would not exist, and as a result GAF would not exist meaning you would have no place to showcase the world how much of an idiot you are. So yeah, elitism!
I'm sure Miles Davis is grateful for people like you whose only contributions to art are nitpicky criticisms.


The fact that anyone supports Hillary boggles my mind... I have tested between 130-160 on IQ tests
effingvic said:
i love dbz. ive watched all of kai a few months ago and it was great watching this series again.

i really love the relationship gohan has with piccolo. like a second dad

One of my absolute all-time favorite scenes:

Bowflex said:
That is just lazy, bad dialogue. Yes, you gauche idiot, the fucking dragon balls..that’s what she said. Vegeta, who in my opinion is one of the better characters, has a lot of potential, but is also poorly handled. He has a Napoleon complex, entitlement issues, and possibly closet-homosexuality all of which amount to unrelenting standards for himself.

Uhh..did I miss something from the Japanese version? Didn't he marry Bulma or something?


The fact that anyone supports Hillary boggles my mind... I have tested between 130-160 on IQ tests
DanteFox said:
I'm sure Miles Davis is grateful for people like you whose only contributions to art are nitpicky criticisms.

I'm writing a novel, designing a videogame, and have a number of movie script ideas I plan to flesh out some day. GTFO!

FantasticMrFoxdie said:
Uhh..did I miss something from the Japanese version? Didn't he marry Bulma or something?

Outside of impregnating her, he shows almost no physical attraction to her or any other women for that matter. You could assume it's because he's so deeply involved with fighting and self-improvement, but I think there's more to it than that. Also, think about this: Tom Cruise is married and that doesn't mean he ain't gay.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Okay, read the entirety of your post. As far as the criticisms for the script/dialogue/directing, while I totally agree, this is sadly not unique to DBZ. This seems to be pervasive in anime in general (or at the very least, Shonen anime).

I was watching Rurouni Kenshin throughout the summer, and there's a lot of spectating (is that a word?), people just standing around explaining every little detail to the audience about what's going on (even if it's fucking obvious to a coma patient), lots of gasps, and grunts, and a bunch of really annoying bullshit that mainly occurs in this particular medium.


Oblivion said:
Okay, read the entirety of your post. As far as the criticisms for the script/dialogue/directing, while I totally agree, this is sadly not unique to DBZ. This seems to be pervasive in anime in general (or at the very least, Shonen anime).

I was watching Rurouni Kenshin throughout the summer, and there's a lot of spectating (is that a word?), people just standing around explaining every little detail to the audience about what's going on (even if it's fucking obvious to a coma patient), lots of gasps, and grunts, and a bunch of really annoying bullshit that mainly occurs in this particular medium.

It is because they need to space out episodes and also save on resources. Not problems in the manga.


The fact that anyone supports Hillary boggles my mind... I have tested between 130-160 on IQ tests
Oblivion said:
Okay, read the entirety of your post. As far as the criticisms for the script/dialogue/directing, while I totally agree, this is sadly not unique to DBZ. This seems to be pervasive in anime in general (or at the very least, Shonen anime).

I was watching Rurouni Kenshin throughout the summer, and there's a lot of spectating (is that a word?), people just standing around explaining every little detail to the audience about what's going on (even if it's fucking obvious to a coma patient), lots of gasps, and grunts, and a bunch of really annoying bullshit that mainly occurs in this particular medium.

I will not argue with this.


DBZ Kai is 10% shorter, so 10% less filler than the original.

IMO it's noticeably superior as a result, but it's STILL got too much filler.


After the cell saga it got too repetitive for me. Since the saiyan saga with vegeta it boiled down to a new super powerful villian for each saga saying he was the strongest in the world and goku and gang underestimated him (the villian.)


SomeDude said:
After the cell saga it got too repetitive for me. Since the saiyan saga with vegeta it boiled down to a new super powerful villian for each saga saying he was the strongest in the world and goku and gang underestimated him (the villian.)
Series was actually supposed to end after Frieza.


The fact that anyone supports Hillary boggles my mind... I have tested between 130-160 on IQ tests
cooljeanius said:
I take it Takao's still banned? (He was banned, right?)

I don't think so. I saw him post in the Kai thread the other day


Throavium said:
Series was actually supposed to end after Frieza.

I think it should have ended there, heh.

Freeza was the villain that ruled the universe up to that point. I believe freeza was also the first villain to have a power level of over 1 million.

By the end of the series it got ridiculous and most of the sayains and villains had power levels over 100,000,000. Watch the start of the series when raditz reads gokus and piccolos power levels. Both had power levels under 1,000


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
was good until Freeza.. then turned to shit shortly after...
I wouldnt say naruto fixes everything about dbz..if your watching naruto to get some dbz feel or something your doing it wrong..naruto is its own thing. My favorite anime series btw.


SomeDude said:
Freeza By the end of the series it got ridiculous and most of the sayains and villains had power levels over 100,000,000. Watch the start of the series when raditz reads gokus and piccolos power levels. Both had power levels under 1,000
Yeah after the Freeza saga power levels got a bit meaningless. I remeber the 'OVER 9000!!!!' (before the meme) and remebering how high it seemed :(
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