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Crysis 2 - PC modding and tweaking


With the game being on sale on Amazon for $7.49, I figured a lot of people may have picked it up, or maybe there are just people who have had it for a while but are unaware of the mods out there. This might help. Click the bolded words for links.

1.9 patch - DX11 and Hi-Res Texture pack

These are official releases by Crytek, and are the first things you should get. Even if you don't intend to use DX11, it's recommended you download the patch anyway because it also adds features to DX9.

Maldo's HD Texture Pack v3 or

Maldo's a modder that's gone out of his way to really make Crysis 2 a better experience. By replacing nearly 1000 textures, rearranging level geometry, optimizing tessellation and adding POM, and creating a configuration utility that allows you to completely customize your performance level, it's a must-have in my book.

AMD users would also do well to notice the Reduced Tessellation option in his configuration utility as it greatly improves performance while still allowing you to see those tessellated bricks everyone loves so much.


Some comparison shots:

Also note that Maldo's back at it again and a new version of his mod will be out sometime in the future. Check his blog for regular updates.

C Mod

This mod changes several things in the single-player campaign, some major, others minor. Among the major ones of note are:

  • Increasing the speed boost to match that of the first game (the only problem being that your suit energy doesn't run out any faster, thus allowing you to boost for a LONG time -- some may not like that)
  • Muting the suit voice when changing modes (no more "Cloak engaged", etc.)
  • Repositioning the weapons to match that of the first game (guns no longer take up half the screen)

A full list of changes, and the mod's progress, can be found here.

Thanks to bhlaab for the following:

Hey, anyone who just wants smaller gun models but not the other features of C_Mod:

install the mod as usual, but then delete everything besides the folder
\Crysis 2 Main Dir\Mods\C_Mod\gamecrysis2\Scripts\entities\items\crysis2\weapons\humans

and the file
\Crysis 2 Main Dir\Mods\C_Mod\info.xml

Particle FX mod

Watch this.


Info on how to install it and future versions here.


Other notable mods (click for info)

Blackfire's Mod 2

This one changes the time of day and other things. I'm not a huge fan of how it looks, but some might like it. He's nice enough to cross-promote other mods, and explains how to get them working in conjunction with his own.

The Realness 2.0

Another time of day mod. It also affects depth of field and vegetation apparently. I've not tried it yet.

Quality Mod 1.8

This one lets you do several things like play around with dynamic depth of field -- which basically brings things in the background in and out of focus depending on where you look, a quick-save function, toggle slow motion, and other things.


Making a custom config

If you're in the need of tweaking anything in the console, but don't feel like typing the commands in each time you start the game. Just like with the first game, you can make an "autoexec.cfg" file in Notepad and place it in the game's root directory. (If you use Maldo's config utility, it will automatically create one for you.) A couple of lines I always add to mine are:

r_ShadowJittering = 6
r_texmaxanisotropy = 16
hud_hide = 1

Also, if you don't like the game's bloom. Try these, thanks to XOMTOR.

Try these 2:


They still work in the command console and autoexec. I have the first cvar set at 0.2 and the second at 0.4.

Another tip is that if you have MaldoHD v3.0 installed, you can tweak almost any cvar by altering the cvargroups directly like we did in the early days of Crysis 1. They're located in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis 2\Mods\MaLDoHDv3\gamecrysis2\Config\CVarGroups

Particle and LOD tweaking thanks also to XOMTOR:

If you're getting pop-ups, play around with the LOD values. Try these:

e_LodRatio = xx // Object LOD ratio for no pop-ups/visible LOD changes, default ultra/high is 20. Large effect on FPS. (Higher is better)
e_LodMin = 0 // Min LOD for objects
e_ViewDistRatioDetail = 200 // View distance ratio for detail objects
e_ViewDistRatio = xxx // View distance ratio for objects like cans bottles etc default is 100

Now the deal with CVARs in Crysis 2 is that most of them were locked after patch 1.9 but thanks to Maldo, we can tweak them using an alternate method when you have his mod installed. In the folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis 2\Mods\MaLDoHDv3\gamecrysis2\Config\CVarGroups

Here you'll see a bunch of configs which are the default ones the game uses. We can tweak these and the game will show the effects. For the above LOD tweaks, you would need to open
sys_spec_objectdetail.cfg (make a backup first just in case). Make the changes to the section directly under the heading "default for this CVAR group".

BTW, anyone who's looking for more/better particles and doesn't want to use the mod, try these in the sys_spec_particles.cfg:

e_ParticlesQuality = 4
e_ParticlesMaxScreenFill = 8192 // default max is 160
e_ParticlesMinDrawPixels = 0.2 // default max is 1 (less is better)
e_ParticlesObjectCollisions = 2
r_UseParticlesHalfRes = 0
e_ParticlesForceAnimBlend = 1
e_ParticlesForceGI = 1
e_ParticlesMotionBlur = 1
e_ParticlesForceDiffCM = 1
e_ParticlesForceSoftParticles = 1
e_particleslod = 1
e_ParticlesEmitterPoolSize = 16384 // previously 8192
e_ParticlesPoolSize = 32768 // previously 16384
e_ParticlesMaxDrawScreen = 4

These won't replicate the particle mod but they will max out the number of particles on screen, their quality and visible distance. A good area to test this is the church area in the Gate Keepers level.

If anyone's having trouble with SLI:

XOMTOR said:
For SLI, I'm getting almost perfect scaling using the compat flag: 0x02506405. I believe that you need to disable r_PostMSAAEdgeFilterNV or you'll get flickering. It's located in sys_spec_postprocessing.cfg; just place a semi-colon in front of the line as opposed to setting it to zero.

To mess around with the game's AA options.

r_postmsaa = 0, 1, or 2
r_postmsaaedgefilternv = 0, 1, 2, or 3
r_useedgeaa = 0, 1, or 2

And lastly, speaking of AA, the game doesn't support proper MSAA at all, only SGSSAA can be used for NVidia users, I believe, and AMD users are stuck using either in-game options or injecting post-AA of their own.

If you have the power, though, downsampling is an option, and that's where this tool comes in handy.

SSAA Tool v1.0 (click for info)

I personally disable all in-game AA and downsample from 2880x1620 and maintain ~30fps with tessellation off and injected FXAA of my own to clean up the rest of the aliasing.

NVidia users can downsample through drivers. Here's a guide.


That's a good starting point, I think. If anyone else has anything they'd like to add as far as tweaks or mods. Feel free.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Installing Maldo HD and disabling particle shadows gave me a huuuge performance boost. It seems to be the one part of the DX11 patch that murders performance. Silly that Crytek didn't allow individual tweaks.


The Crysis 2 mod community was dead on arrival. A few hardcores that didn't get hired by Crytek (like Xigmatek did) plug away at a few things. Expect even less for Crysis 3.


that's a short list of the mods and tweaks available.. didn't Crysis 1 had hundreds of maps, vehicles etc?

Yeah, but Crysis has had an active modding community for half a decade. The DX11 patch for Crysis 2 came out 10 months ago, and the next game is likely just a year away, so I doubt there will be as many mods for this game. Since 3's running on the same engine, though, hopefully work will carry over.


I use Maldo and the particle mod on my 580/i7@4.3 (fucking insane), but I think I've messed up some of the settings because the last times I've loaded it, the game crashes in some places. I watch the VRAM settings on an led screen and have noticed it going over the 1.5 gb that my 580 has.

The maldo mod is a must have for performance though. I played through a few levels before and after, then set it aside. The particle mod looks so awesome though.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
With the game being on sale on Amazon for $7.49, I figured a lot of people may have picked it up, or maybe there are just people who have had it for a while but are unaware of the mods out there.

Oh, nice. I'd be waiting for it to go on sale again.


OP is your link to the Maldo download the most recent version?
Is it compatible with the US version of the game (the website is in French, pretty sure it's compatible but just double checking)?
I believe I have an earlier version of the Maldo pack, is it safe to just install this on top of it?

For anyone that hasn't played this yet, do it.


OP is your link to the Maldo download the most recent version?
Is it compatible with the US version of the game (the website is in French, pretty sure it's compatible but just double checking)?
I believe I have an earlier version of the Maldo pack, is it safe to just install this on top of it?

For anyone that hasn't played this yet, do it.

Yes, 3.0b is the latest release. He's working on a new version with more textures, but he's likely to be working on Valve Time.
I was hoping for a thread like this just the other day. Subscribed.

I'm a little hestitant though as I can't manage to run the game on ultra without killing my framerate - how heavy are some of these mods?

Regardless, I'll do whatever it takes to max out particles :)


I was hoping for a thread like this just the other day. Subscribed.

I'm a little hestitant though as I can't manage to run the game on ultra without killing my framerate - how heavy are some of these mods?

Regardless, I'll do whatever it takes to max out particles :)

Maldo's mod improves performance on Ultra for me, and you can tweak a lot of individual settings not available in the vanilla game. The other mods are mostly time of day and coloring tweaks using what's already available in the game itself. The particle mod is probably the heaviest hitter performance-wise, but it's worth playing the game on whatever settings you have to just to see it. (Especially since the difference between High and Extreme really isn't that huge)

i have a 680 and i have no idea about what this means

He's referring to this, read the description:


That's the option EatChildren was talking about.


DP, but I updated the OP with some gifs, and I remembered a post XOMTOR made a few days ago that I thought was relevant for tweaking CVars.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
He's referring to this, read the description:


That's the option EatChildren was talking about.

Yeah, this. A lot of people using the DX11 reported huge dips when the game made heavy use of particle effects, such as intense gunfights. The easiest way to replicate the drop in performance is, as the config suggest, unload a magazine into a wall or floor. Frames can drop into single digits due to the stupid particle shadows feature, which you cannot toggle off and on in-game.

Thankfully Maldo HD lets you turn it off. Do so and you'll see far more consistent performance during intense fire fights, even with everything else cranked.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
For some reason I can't seem to set a higher drawdistance value than 3 in maldo Hd. Anyone experienced this?

edit : hmm problem fixed itself...


thank you for this thread, I will come back after upgrading my video card.
good to see that c mod brings back speed mode


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
I can't understand why now, if I re-play Crysis 2 with maldo HD I do like 15fps less...
I've played it a month ago, with maldo I had +- 60fps always (beside some moment, like when the berserk alien with the blu cannon shoot mi directly in the face, there was like 45 lol)... The only thing that I've change are the driver for the vga... Bah...


I can't understand why now, if I re-play Crysis 2 with maldo HD I do like 15fps less...
I've played it a month ago, with maldo I had +- 60fps always (beside some moment, like when the berserk alien with the blu cannon shoot mi directly in the face, there was like 45 lol)... The only thing that I've change are the driver for the vga... Bah...

It's likely a setting like tessellation or maybe particle shadows? Those can hit performance hard.


Maybe you guys can help me with a problem I'm having. I installed the Crytek updates for DX11, and while I can turn on the DX11 features (even turn everything on ultra with almost no slow down), I can't turn on the High-Res textures. It says High res textures in the advanced graphics options, but no matter how many times I click, it won't change from No to Yes and is greyed out. Whats the problem? Is it my hardware or is it Crysis 2 itself?

AMD Athlon II 640 x4
nVidia GTX 460 1 GB GDDR5
4 GB DDR3 1333 RAM

(Note: Please do not advise me to change my CPU. I'm aware that it isn't the best, but right now I don't have to money to replace it. Also, no I will not go out and get a new MB for an intel CPU, ever.)


Maybe you guys can help me with a problem I'm having. I installed the Crytek updates for DX11, and while I can turn on the DX11 features (even turn everything on ultra with almost no slow down), I can't turn on the High-Res textures. It says High res textures in the advanced graphics options, but no matter how many times I click, it won't change from No to Yes and is greyed out. Whats the problem? Is it my hardware or is it Crysis 2 itself?

AMD Athlon II 640 x4
nVidia GTX 460 1 GB GDDR5
4 GB DDR3 1333 RAM

(Note: Please do not advise me to change my CPU. I'm aware that it isn't the best, but right now I don't have to money to replace it. Also, no I will not go out and get a new MB for an intel CPU, ever.)
Did you download patch 1.9? It should download automatically if you open Crysis2Launcher.exe, I believe.


Did you download patch 1.9? It should download automatically if you open Crysis2Launcher.exe, I believe.

Yep, everything downloaded. Like I said, the DX11 update works perfectly. Tessellation and all. But it won't let me turn on the High Res texture pack.


I already have the maldo pack and I've just downloaded that awesome looking particle mod. How do I run them at the same time?


I already have the maldo pack and I've just downloaded that awesome looking particle mod. How do I run them at the same time?

Copy the "gamecrysis2" and "Engine" folders over the ones in Maldo's mod folder. Back the original "gamecrysis2" up first, though, so you can uninstall the mod if you want.


Are all those mods heavy in term of impact on performance ? Cuz I've got a rig in construction (570GTX OC, capable GPU from what I red, and i5-3570K) and I'd be more interested in basic optimisations of the engine if there's any. I'm targeting the 60FPS mark.

Aaah the good ol' days of playing a uber-downgraded version of Oblivion @20FPS average with a GeForce 5700FX :')
never again


So are there any levels or suit mods that are worth downloading ? I remember there was a mods that lets you drive any vehicle in the game that looked pretty cool. Also I'm seriously thinking about tweaking how the suit worked.


Do you do the same with C mod?


Are all those mods heavy in term of impact on performance ? Cuz I've got a rig in construction (570GTX OC, capable GPU from what I red, and i5-3570K) and I'd be more interested in basic optimisations of the engine if there's any. I'm targeting the 60FPS mark.

Aaah the good ol' days of playing a uber-downgraded version of Oblivion @20FPS average with a GeForce 5700FX :')
never again

You'll be fine, just used reduced (or turn off) tessellation, particle shadows, put the draw distance/LOD sliders around the half-way mark, and you should be good. I'm running an OC'd 6950 (basically a 6970) and a 570's similar performance-wise.

So are there any levels or suit mods that are worth downloading ? I remember there was a mods that lets you drive any vehicle in the game that looked pretty cool. Also I'm seriously thinking about tweaking how the suit worked.

I haven't looked at many of those, but there are some. Mostly from what I've seen, there are a few short campaigns being worked on by some people. The "drive anything" mod was for the first game, I think.



You'll be fine, just used reduced (or turn off) tessellation, particle shadows, put the draw distance/LOD sliders around the half-way mark, and you should be good. I'm running an OC'd 6950 (basically a 6970) and a 570's similar performance-wise.

I haven't looked at many of those, but there are some. Mostly from what I've seen, there are a few short campaigns being worked on by some people. The "drive anything" mod was for the first game, I think.

Are you getting 60FPs yourself with the mods ?


With the game being on sale on Amazon for $7.49, I figured a lot of people may have picked it up, or maybe there are just people who have had it for a while but are unaware of the mods out there. This might help. Click the bolded words for links.

1.9 patch - DX11 and Hi-Res Texture pack

These are official releases by Crytek, and are the first things you should get. Even if you don't intend to use DX11, it's recommended you download the patch anyway because it also adds features to DX9.

Maldo's HD Texture Pack v3 or

Maldo's a modder that's gone out of his way to really make Crysis 2 a better experience. By replacing nearly 1000 textures, rearranging level geometry, optimizing tessellation and adding POM, and creating a configuration utility that allows you to completely customize your performance level, it's a must-have in my book.

AMD users would also do well to notice the Reduced Tessellation option in his configuration utility as it greatly improves performance while still allowing you to see those tessellated bricks everyone loves so much.


Some comparison shots:

Also note that Maldo's back at it again and a new version of his mod will be out sometime in the future. Check his blog for regular updates.

C Mod

This mod changes several things in the single-player campaign, some major, others minor. Among the major ones of note are:

  • Increasing the speed boost to match that of the first game (the only problem being that your suit energy doesn't run out any faster, thus allowing you to boost for a LONG time -- some may not like that)
  • Muting the suit voice when changing modes (no more "Cloak engaged", etc.)
  • Repositioning the weapons to match that of the first game (guns no longer take up half the screen)

A full list of changes, and the mod's progress, can be found here.

Particle FX mod

Watch this.


Info on how to install it and future versions here.


Other notable mods (click for info)

Blackfire's Mod 2

This one changes the time of day and other things. I'm not a huge fan of how it looks, but some might like it. He's nice enough to cross-promote other mods, and explains how to get them working in conjunction with his own.

The Realness 2.0

Another time of day mod. It also affects depth of field and vegetation apparently. I've not tried it yet.

Quality Mod 1.8

This one lets you do several things like play around with dynamic depth of field -- which basically brings things in the background in and out of focus depending on where you look, a quick-save function, toggle slow motion, and other things.


Making a custom config

If you're in the need of tweaking anything in the console, but don't feel like typing the commands in each time you start the game. Just like with the first game, you can make an "autoexec.cfg" file in Notepad and place it in the game's root directory. (If you use Maldo's config utility, it will automatically create one for you.) A couple of lines I always add to mine are:

r_ShadowJittering = 6
r_texmaxanisotropy = 16
hud_hide = 1

Also, if you don't like the game's bloom. Try these, thanks to XOMTOR.

If you'd like to mess around with the game's AA options.

r_postmsaa = 0, 1, or 2
r_postmsaaedgefilternv = 0, 1, 2, or 3
r_useedgeaa = 0, 1, or 2

And lastly, speaking of AA, the game doesn't support proper MSAA at all, only SGSSAA can be used for NVidia users, I believe, and AMD users are stuck using either in-game options or injecting post-AA of their own.

If you have the power, though, downsampling is an option, and that's where this tool comes in handy.

SSAA Tool v1.0 (click for info)

I personally disable all in-game AA and downsample from 2880x1620 and maintain ~30fps with tessellation off and injected FXAA of my own to clean up the rest of the aliasing.

NVidia users can downsample through drivers. Here's a guide.


That's a good starting point, I think. If anyone else has anything they'd like to add as far as tweaks or mods. Feel free.
So I'm assuming if you're using maldos pack that you don't want to use the crytek hi res pack? I other words disable it in the menu?
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