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Dark Souls internal rendering resolution fix (DSfix)


Note that a blue screen can never be the fault of this game, or any game. If your hardware, OS and drivers work correctly a game or application can not crash your PC.


disabling the ingame aa worked for me
I thought i had to disable it from the ini file

for the borderless fullscreen mode, im noticing that if it's not 16:9, the picture gets stretched
im guess this is due to the straight up console port and other aspect ratios are not supported
is it possible to run in borderless fullscreen mode with black bars?
my screen is 16:10, 1920x1200


Note that a blue screen can never be the fault of this game, or any game. If your hardware, OS and drivers work correctly a game or application can not crash your PC.

Its the only thing out of hundreds of programs thats crashed this installation which is probably two years old. Its this game conflicting with something when loading the video codecs, and its Froms fault. Because again, its only their application that has ever blue screened the PC. Bad interoperability.


Messing with .ini files for the first time in your life brought a smile to my face. You had the eureka moment when how it works all came together.

You've just taking the first step into a new life friend, and I know you must be some kind of a masochist because you're playing Dark Souls. THIS IS YOUR DESTINY
Ha! Well, I thank everyone for being patient with me. :)

I played the game for four hours last night -- I was running around killing skeletons in the Catacombs before slowly realizing it isn't the first area I should visit. So I then spent a lot of time in New Londo before realizing the same. A brief detour into Valley of Drakes... and now I'm in Undead Burg, which is a bit of a pushover by comparison. Nearly killed Taurus Demon my first try; got him on the second. I killed Asylum Demon back at the start, which surprised me because Vanguard was instant death in Demon's Souls. SO MUCH FUN.

I am seeing a couple graphical glitches, however. Namely, when people talk, there's like a faint shaded box behind their text, and the text on one side of the screen brighter than the other, with a clear split in the middle between the light text and the darker text. This only occurs when people talk and I'm fine ignoring it if need be.

The other glitch only happened once, when the giant raven whisked me from Undead Asylum off to Lordron. Various black bars appeared during the cutscene, momentarily obstructing the view. Hmm...
I unlocked the framerate which results in way better fps, but I am getting quiet a bit of screen tearing. If I force V-sync through the nvidia control panel will it fuck with the DSfix?


Plane Escape Torment
Ha! Well, I thank everyone for being patient with me. :)

I played the game for four hours last night -- I was running around killing skeletons in the Catacombs before slowly realizing it isn't the first area I should visit. So I then spent a lot of time in New Londo before realizing the same. A brief detour into Valley of Drakes... and now I'm in Undead Burg, which is a bit of a pushover by comparison. Nearly killed Taurus Demon my first try; got him on the second. I killed Asylum Demon back at the start, which surprised me because Vanguard was instant death in Demon's Souls. SO MUCH FUN.

I am seeing a couple graphical glitches, however. Namely, when people talk, there's like a faint shaded box behind their text, and the text on one side of the screen brighter than the other, with a clear split in the middle between the light text and the darker text. This only occurs when people talk and I'm fine ignoring it if need be.

The other glitch only happened once, when the giant raven whisked me from Undead Asylum off to Lordron. Various black bars appeared during the cutscene, momentarily obstructing the view. Hmm...

The graphical glitches are due to the HUD scaling option in DSFix. I had the same thing, I decided that I can live with the default HUD if it meant getting rid of these glitches.


Plane Escape Torment
I unlocked the framerate which results in way better fps, but I am getting quiet a bit of screen tearing. If I force V-sync through the nvidia control panel will it fuck with the DSfix?

Just install D3D overrider. It's the best for dealing with screen tearing and minimizing input lag.


The graphical glitches are due to the HUD scaling option in DSFix. I had the same thing, I decided that I can live with the default HUD if it meant getting rid of these glitches.
Hmm, well, raven cutscene aside, actual gameplay has been fine -- I have the HUD scaled to 75%, the framerate is buttery smooth, no screen-tearing, etc. During gameplay, the only glitch is the presence of a shaded box, dark on one side of the other, behind the text when NPCs talk. But that's fine. I was just wondering if there was a workaround for that, too.


Gold Member
I bought the game on steam a while ago and fired it up with the DS fix. It refused to start, two programs would run on the system though. Apparantly I ran the game for 70 hours without ever being able to event get the game to start as the programs were running but the game refused to start (i keep my computer on for days at a time). Anyone else have an issue like that? When i removed the DS fix totally it worked totally fine. Would love to raise the FPS and resolution if I can to really enjoy the game.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I can't get any sort of AA working. I have it disabled in the game menu, and have also tried with motion blur off. Here is my DSfix.ini.

# Graphics Options

# internal rendering resolution of the game
# higher values will decrease performance
renderWidth 1920
renderHeight 1080

# The display width/height
# 0 means use the same resolution as renderWidth/Height
# (use for downscaling - if in doubt, leave at 0)
presentWidth 0
presentHeight 0

############# Anti Aliasing

# AA toggle and quality setting
# 0 = off (best performance, worst IQ)
# 1 = low 
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
# 4 = ultra (worst performance, best IQ)
aaQuality 4

# AA type
# either "SMAA" or "FXAA"
aaType SMAA

############# Ambient Occlusion

# Enable and set the strength of the SSAO effect (all 3 settings have the same performance impact!)
# 0 = off
# 1 = low
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
ssaoStrength 0

# Set SSAO scale
# 1 = high quality (default)
# 2 = lower quality, lower impact on performance
# 3 = lowest quality, lowest impact on performance
ssaoScale 1

# Determine the type of AO used
# "VSSAO" = Volumetric SSAO (default, suggested)
# "HBAO" = Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion
# VSSAO and  HBAO types have a different effect and similar performance
# SCAO combines both, with a higher performance impact
ssaoType VSSAO

############# Depth of field

# Depth of Field resolution override, possible values:
# 0 = no change from default (DoF pyramid starts at 512x360)
# 540 = DoF pyramid starts at 960x540
# 810 = DoF pyramid starts at 1440x810
# 1080 = DoF pyramid starts at 1920x1080
# 2160 = DoF pyramid starts at 3840x2160
# higher values will decrease performance
# do NOT set this to the same value as your vertical rendering resolution!
dofOverrideResolution 540

# Depth of Field scaling override (NOT RECOMMENDED)
# 0 = DoF scaling enabled (default, recommended)
# 1 = DoF scaling disabled (sharper, worse performance, not as originally intended)
disableDofScaling 0

# Depth of field additional blur
# allows you to use high DoF resolutions and still get the originally intended effect
# suggested values:
# o (off) at default DoF resolution
# 0 or 1 at 540 DoF resolution
# 1 or 2 above that
# 3 or 4 at 2160 DoF resolution (if you're running a 680+)
dofBlurAmount 1

############# Framerate

# Enable variable framerate (up to 60)
# - this requires in-memory modification of game code, and may get you banned from GFWL
# - there may be unintended side-effects in terms of gameplay
# - you need a very powerful system (especially CPU) in order to maintain 60 FPS
# - in some  instances, collision detection may fail. Avoid sliding down ladders
# Use this at your own risk!
# 0 = no changes to game code
# 1 = unlock the frame rate
unlockFPS 0

# FPS limit, only used with unlocked framerate
# do not set this much higher than 60, this will lead to various issues with the engine
FPSlimit 60

# FPS threshold
# DSfix will dynamically disable AA if your framerate drops below this value 
#  and re-enable it once it has normalized (with a bit of hysteresis thresholding)
FPSthreshold 20

############# Filtering

# texture filtering override
# 0 = no change 
# 1 = enable some bilinear filtering (use only if you need it!)
# 2 = full AF override (may degrade performance)
# if in doubt, leave this at 0
filteringOverride 0

# HUD options

# Enable HUD modifications
# 0 = off (default) - none of the options below will do anything!
# 1 = on
enableHudMod 0

# Remove the weapon icons from the HUD 
# (you can see which weapons you have equipped from your character model)
enableMinimalHud 1

# Scale down HuD, examples:
# 1.0 = original scale
# 0.75 = 75% of the original size
hudScaleFactor 0.75

# Set opacity for different elements of the HUD
# 1.0 = fully opaque
# 0.0 = fully transparent
# Top left: health bars, stamina bar, humanity counter, status indicators
hudTopLeftOpacity 0.8f
# Bottom left: item indicators & counts
hudBottomLeftOpacity 0.75f
# Bottom right: soul count 
hudBottomRightOpacity 0.5f

# Window & Mouse Cursor Options

# borderless fullscreen mode 
# make sure to select windowed mode in the game settings for this to work!
# 0 = disable
# 1 = enable
borderlessFullscreen 0

# disable cursor at startup
# 0 = no change
# 1 = off at start
disableCursor 1

# capture cursor (do not allow it to leave the window)
# 0 = don't capture
# 1 = capture
# (this also works if the cursor is not visible)
captureCursor 0

# Save Game Backup Options

# enables save game backups
# 0 = no backups
# 1 = backups enabled
# backups are stored in the save folder, as "[timestamp]_[original name].bak"
enableBackups 1

# backup interval in seconds (1500 = 25 minutes)
# (minimum setting 600)
backupInterval 1500

# maximum amount of backups, older ones will be deleted
maxBackups 10

# Texture Override Options

# enables texture dumping
# you *only* need this if you want to create your own override textures
# textures will be dumped to "dsfix\tex_override\[hash].tga"
enableTextureDumping 0

# enables texture override
# textures in "dsfix\tex_override\[hash].png" will replace the corresponding originals
# will cause a small slowdown during texture loading!
enableTextureOverride 0

# Other Options

# skip the intro logos
# this should now be slightly more stable, but should still be
# the first thing to disable in case you experience any problems
skipIntro 1

# change the screenshot directory
# default: . (current directory)
# example: C:\Users\Peter\Pictures
# directory must exist!
screenshotDir .

# override the in-game language
# none = no override
# en-GB = English, fr = French, it = Italian, de = German, es = Spanish
# ko = Korean, zh-tw = Chinese, pl = Polish, ru = Russian
# this does not work in Windows XP!
overrideLanguage none

# Dinput dll chaining
# if you want to use another dinput8.dll wrapper together
# with DSfix, rename it (e.g. "dinputwrapper.dll") and put the new name here
dinput8dllWrapper none
# dsmfix.dll

# D3D adapter override
# -1 = no override
# N = use adapter N
# this setting is for multiple (non-SLI/crossfire) GPUs
# everyone else should leave it at -1
d3dAdapterOverride -1

# Log level - 0 to 11, higher numbers mean more logging
# only enable for debugging
logLevel 0

# The settings below are not yet ready to use!!               

# You can only set either forceFullscreen or forceWindowed (or neither)
# 0 = off, 1 = on
forceWindowed 0
forceFullscreen 0

# turn on/off Vsync
enableVsync 1
# adjust display refresh rate in fullscreen mode - this is NOT linked to FPS!
fullscreenHz 60
I have tried all different levels, SMAA and FXAA, forcing in RadonPro and not, in combination and not, windowed and fullscreen, skip intro and not, etc. Everything I can possibly think of but still get no AA at all.


Low Poly Gynecologist
I can't get any sort of AA working. I have it disabled in the game menu, and have also tried with motion blur off. Here is my DSfix.ini.

# Graphics Options

# internal rendering resolution of the game
# higher values will decrease performance
renderWidth 1920
renderHeight 1080

# The display width/height
# 0 means use the same resolution as renderWidth/Height
# (use for downscaling - if in doubt, leave at 0)
presentWidth 0
presentHeight 0

############# Anti Aliasing

# AA toggle and quality setting
# 0 = off (best performance, worst IQ)
# 1 = low 
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
# 4 = ultra (worst performance, best IQ)
aaQuality 4

# AA type
# either "SMAA" or "FXAA"
aaType SMAA

############# Ambient Occlusion

# Enable and set the strength of the SSAO effect (all 3 settings have the same performance impact!)
# 0 = off
# 1 = low
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
ssaoStrength 0

# Set SSAO scale
# 1 = high quality (default)
# 2 = lower quality, lower impact on performance
# 3 = lowest quality, lowest impact on performance
ssaoScale 1

# Determine the type of AO used
# "VSSAO" = Volumetric SSAO (default, suggested)
# "HBAO" = Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion
# VSSAO and  HBAO types have a different effect and similar performance
# SCAO combines both, with a higher performance impact
ssaoType VSSAO

############# Depth of field

# Depth of Field resolution override, possible values:
# 0 = no change from default (DoF pyramid starts at 512x360)
# 540 = DoF pyramid starts at 960x540
# 810 = DoF pyramid starts at 1440x810
# 1080 = DoF pyramid starts at 1920x1080
# 2160 = DoF pyramid starts at 3840x2160
# higher values will decrease performance
# do NOT set this to the same value as your vertical rendering resolution!
dofOverrideResolution 540

# Depth of Field scaling override (NOT RECOMMENDED)
# 0 = DoF scaling enabled (default, recommended)
# 1 = DoF scaling disabled (sharper, worse performance, not as originally intended)
disableDofScaling 0

# Depth of field additional blur
# allows you to use high DoF resolutions and still get the originally intended effect
# suggested values:
# o (off) at default DoF resolution
# 0 or 1 at 540 DoF resolution
# 1 or 2 above that
# 3 or 4 at 2160 DoF resolution (if you're running a 680+)
dofBlurAmount 1

############# Framerate

# Enable variable framerate (up to 60)
# - this requires in-memory modification of game code, and may get you banned from GFWL
# - there may be unintended side-effects in terms of gameplay
# - you need a very powerful system (especially CPU) in order to maintain 60 FPS
# - in some  instances, collision detection may fail. Avoid sliding down ladders
# Use this at your own risk!
# 0 = no changes to game code
# 1 = unlock the frame rate
unlockFPS 0

# FPS limit, only used with unlocked framerate
# do not set this much higher than 60, this will lead to various issues with the engine
FPSlimit 60

# FPS threshold
# DSfix will dynamically disable AA if your framerate drops below this value 
#  and re-enable it once it has normalized (with a bit of hysteresis thresholding)
FPSthreshold 20

############# Filtering

# texture filtering override
# 0 = no change 
# 1 = enable some bilinear filtering (use only if you need it!)
# 2 = full AF override (may degrade performance)
# if in doubt, leave this at 0
filteringOverride 0

# HUD options

# Enable HUD modifications
# 0 = off (default) - none of the options below will do anything!
# 1 = on
enableHudMod 0

# Remove the weapon icons from the HUD 
# (you can see which weapons you have equipped from your character model)
enableMinimalHud 1

# Scale down HuD, examples:
# 1.0 = original scale
# 0.75 = 75% of the original size
hudScaleFactor 0.75

# Set opacity for different elements of the HUD
# 1.0 = fully opaque
# 0.0 = fully transparent
# Top left: health bars, stamina bar, humanity counter, status indicators
hudTopLeftOpacity 0.8f
# Bottom left: item indicators & counts
hudBottomLeftOpacity 0.75f
# Bottom right: soul count 
hudBottomRightOpacity 0.5f

# Window & Mouse Cursor Options

# borderless fullscreen mode 
# make sure to select windowed mode in the game settings for this to work!
# 0 = disable
# 1 = enable
borderlessFullscreen 0

# disable cursor at startup
# 0 = no change
# 1 = off at start
disableCursor 1

# capture cursor (do not allow it to leave the window)
# 0 = don't capture
# 1 = capture
# (this also works if the cursor is not visible)
captureCursor 0

# Save Game Backup Options

# enables save game backups
# 0 = no backups
# 1 = backups enabled
# backups are stored in the save folder, as "[timestamp]_[original name].bak"
enableBackups 1

# backup interval in seconds (1500 = 25 minutes)
# (minimum setting 600)
backupInterval 1500

# maximum amount of backups, older ones will be deleted
maxBackups 10

# Texture Override Options

# enables texture dumping
# you *only* need this if you want to create your own override textures
# textures will be dumped to "dsfix\tex_override\[hash].tga"
enableTextureDumping 0

# enables texture override
# textures in "dsfix\tex_override\[hash].png" will replace the corresponding originals
# will cause a small slowdown during texture loading!
enableTextureOverride 0

# Other Options

# skip the intro logos
# this should now be slightly more stable, but should still be
# the first thing to disable in case you experience any problems
skipIntro 1

# change the screenshot directory
# default: . (current directory)
# example: C:\Users\Peter\Pictures
# directory must exist!
screenshotDir .

# override the in-game language
# none = no override
# en-GB = English, fr = French, it = Italian, de = German, es = Spanish
# ko = Korean, zh-tw = Chinese, pl = Polish, ru = Russian
# this does not work in Windows XP!
overrideLanguage none

# Dinput dll chaining
# if you want to use another dinput8.dll wrapper together
# with DSfix, rename it (e.g. "dinputwrapper.dll") and put the new name here
dinput8dllWrapper none
# dsmfix.dll

# D3D adapter override
# -1 = no override
# N = use adapter N
# this setting is for multiple (non-SLI/crossfire) GPUs
# everyone else should leave it at -1
d3dAdapterOverride -1

# Log level - 0 to 11, higher numbers mean more logging
# only enable for debugging
logLevel 0

# The settings below are not yet ready to use!!               

# You can only set either forceFullscreen or forceWindowed (or neither)
# 0 = off, 1 = on
forceWindowed 0
forceFullscreen 0

# turn on/off Vsync
enableVsync 1
# adjust display refresh rate in fullscreen mode - this is NOT linked to FPS!
fullscreenHz 60
I have tried all different levels, SMAA and FXAA, forcing in RadonPro and not, in combination and not, windowed and fullscreen, skip intro and not, etc. Everything I can possibly think of but still get no AA at all.

SMAA is a pretty weak form of AA.

The best way to get AA in the game is to increase the rendering size.

Set Render width to 2560 and set Render Height to 1440

Set Present Width to 1920 and Present Height to 1080

See what your framerates like. Is it still good?

Then set Render Width and Height to 3200 and 1800 respectively.

Still good? Fuck it!

Bring render Width to 3840 and height to 2160!

The way to do good AA in this game is downsampling (increasing the render width and height) and layering SMAA on top to clean up the edges.


Yeah, Dark Souls' rendering pipeline doesn't allow you to force most types of AA at the driver level. Just downscale from a (much) higher resolution than your screen with DSFix, and apply SMAA at Ultra.


Really need a mod edit to add DISABLE AA IN-GAME to the title.

Do I get banned for playing online with 60fps? Newbie here.

You have nothing to worry about. People do much worse on GFWL and nothing happens.

I unlocked the framerate which results in way better fps, but I am getting quiet a bit of screen tearing. If I force V-sync through the nvidia control panel will it fuck with the DSfix?

If you use Window's DWM(aka aero), then I recommend borderless windowed. This will give you v-sync no matter your framerate. And, IIRC, SMAA and D3DOverrider are not compatible; it's one or the other. Or am I confusing SMAA with SweetFX here? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Oh - and this applies to everyone - I recommend unlocking the framerate and setting it to 30fps. It'll be a rock-solid 30fps throughout the game and you won't encounter the issues with physics(broken ladders, short jumps, etc...). It's set it and forget it, unless you like managing when to enable/disable the unlock and you have a mid to high end CPU.

If you hate manually editing text in INI files, install this: Morten242s UI for DSfix

It's a GUI for DSfix that makes configuring your options trivial. I make a shortcut to this on my desktop (right click, send to, desktop) and use it as a launcher for the game. Seriously, it'll make setup significantly faster and easier.

  1. Load/Reload = Load settings from INI to the GUI
  2. Save = Save settings from GUI to INI
  3. Save Application Settings = Save settings from GUI(Incase you need to reinstall DSfix but want to preserve your settings)
  4. Load Application Settings = Load saved settings to GUI


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
SMAA is a pretty weak form of AA.
When I say nothing, I mean nothing. Absolutely zero AA effect on anything.

The best way to get AA in the game is to increase the rendering size.

Set Render width to 2560 and set Render Height to 1440

Set Present Width to 1920 and Present Height to 1080
Yeah about that...


Does that look like 2560x1440 stuffed into 1280x720 to you? We could try 3200x1800...


Looks to me like DSfix isn't touching the framebuffer, which would explain why there was no SMAA at all. It does let me run in legit 1080, but unless I set it to 1080 in the game menus nothing changes. If I try to set it to 2560x1440 in the game menus it gets stuck in some kind of endless video reset loop. So I inexplicably can't do AA or supersample.


If it can set the framebuffer to 1080p, then it can set it to any other size. So the only explanation is that it isn't working at all. An easy way to check is e.g. eabling the intro skip in the ini and seeing if the intro is skipped. Or enabling SSAO and triggering it on/off in game using the key configured in DSFixKeys.ini. Or taking a screenshot with DSfix.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
If it can set the framebuffer to 1080p, then it can set it to any other size. So the only explanation is that it isn't working at all.
That's what's so weird. It's definitely running 1080p but refuses to go higher or use AA.

An easy way to check is e.g. eabling the intro skip in the ini and seeing if the intro is skipped. Or enabling SSAO and triggering it on/off in game using the key configured in DSFixKeys.ini. Or taking a screenshot with DSfix.
The intros do skip and SSAO can be toggled.

Do I need to have CCC installed? I have the most recent ATI drivers but CCC caused more problems than it helped so I don't have that anymore and just use RadeonPro. I tried using it to force things, setting it to leave the game alone, and just closing it out entirely, but it affected nothing.
That's what's so weird. It's definitely running 1080p but refuses to go higher or use AA.

The intros do skip and SSAO can be toggled.

Do I need to have CCC installed? I have the most recent ATI drivers but CCC caused more problems than it helped so I don't have that anymore and just use RadeonPro. I tried using it to force things, setting it to leave the game alone, and just closing it out entirely, but it affected nothing.

This might be a shot in the dark, Dice, but hear me out on this.

When you set higher and higher resolutions, common sense would dictate that the demands of the game on your system would also increase proportionally to the resolution set in order to maintain the same framerate.

So what you can do to determine whether or not the game is really running at the higher resolution would be to take some GPU usage measurements using your favourite monitoring program. MSI Afterburner or even GPUz (running the game in windowed mode) can be used to accurately gauge the situation.

E.g. (The following scenarios are all under the assumption that you're not CPU limited, and are running a high end i7 clocked at 4+ GHZ, and your GPU is already set to performance mode and is stuck there, with no fluctuating clocks.)

Let's say 720p incurrs 20% GPU Usage

1080p = 45% GPU Usage

1440p = would definitely be higher

1800p = would be even more higher.

And so on and so forth. If the Usage % does not go up at resolutions beyond 1080p, it means that the game is indeed not running at that higher resolution. Again, this is all under the assumption that you're not CPU limited.

TL:DR You can see whether or not the game is really applying that higher resolution by measuring the appropriate increase in GPU usage % using your favourite monitoring tool.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Don't need to do that when you can see the pixels themselves. Did you look at the screens I posted? Downsampling 1800p into a 720p window does not look exactly like fully aliased native resolution. If you can't tell the difference, you should probably never bother with AA again and just enjoy the performance.
Don't need to do that when you can see the pixels themselves. Did you look at the screens I posted? Downsampling 1800p into a 720p window does not look exactly like fully aliased native resolution. If you can't tell the difference, you should probably never bother with AA again and just enjoy the performance.

Just trying to be technical about it. That's all. You can never go wrong with the exact empirical data to verify your findings.

Visual observations are often subjective. With the numbers in hand you can be definitively sure. WYSIWYG.


That's what's so weird. It's definitely running 1080p but refuses to go higher or use AA.

The intros do skip and SSAO can be toggled.
What's the size of the screenshots you take? It should be the same as the framebuffer size.

Are you sure you are editing the correct .ini file? And setting the correct values for PresentWidth/Height and RenderWidth/Height? And restarting the game? (I know these are stupid questions, but it's a seriously strange issue)


I can't find a working link for the latest version. Mediafire says it was blocked for ToS violation, Nexus gives me an error. Edit: Got it via Nexus, thanks!


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
To be clear: The game does not respond to the resolution settings in DSfix.ini (which is in the same folder with DATA.exe as all the mod files are) at all. I can make them look like this...

# internal rendering resolution of the game
# higher values will decrease performance
renderWidth 3840
renderHeight 2160

# The display width/height
# 0 means use the same resolution as renderWidth/Height
# (use for downscaling - if in doubt, leave at 0)
presentWidth 0
presentHeight 0
And the game still only obeys the in-game menu settings. If I use FRAPS, screenshots only take at the displayed resolution and have aliasing like it is native, as seen in the screens I posted so far, which is what I see. I have downsampled other games and it does not look like this.

However, if I use the DSfix capture, it captures at the resolution I set in DSfix.ini, but also gets stuck seemingly trying to capture every separate frame instead of just one, which locks the game up as it writes these to the HD. It does change SSAO and the other things, but it does not affect display resolution or AA.

So far it is at least allowing me to play in 1080p, because this is definitely not 720p being stretched to 1080p. However, if I try to set the resolution higher than that with the in-game menus, it gets stuck in some weird video reset loop, more rapid than the countdown timer to revert back. Do I have to disable steam overlay?

Shall I load it up with logging and email you the log?


There's your problem: If you want to use downsampling you need to set presentWidth/presentHeight to your screen resolution.

I can't find a working link for the latest version. Mediafire says it was blocked for ToS violation, Nexus gives me an error. Edit: Got it via Nexus, thanks!
This is incredibly silly by the way. They block it because it's an "unofficial modification to Dark Souls". WTF.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
There's your problem: If you want to use downsampling you need to set presentWidth/presentHeight to your screen resolution.
I did that too, makes no difference.

The GFWL menus also appear normal, not small like when downsampling other games.

When I first boot the game it starts out by loading a huge window full of black that extends off my screen, but then when it actually kicks in to make the display match my screen, I guess the resolution changes to 1080p... except the DSfix screen grab still grabs at the DSfix.ini setting... but FRAPs doesn't... and AA still doesn't turn on at all...


Low Poly Gynecologist
I did that too, makes no difference.

The GFWL menus also appear normal, not small like when downsampling other games.

When I first boot the game it starts out by loading a huge window full of black that extends off my screen, but then when it actually kicks in to make the display match my screen, I guess the resolution changes to 1080p... except the DSfix screen grab still grabs at the DSfix.ini setting... but FRAPs doesn't... and AA still doesn't turn on at all...

Render is the size that it renders the image at and present is the size that it shows it to you at.

So taking a screenshot with fraps you'll get a screenshot at the "present" size (or I guess it could be whatever size you set the game to render within the Dark Souls application.

Taking a screenshot with the DSFix hotkey will take a screenshot at the full rendered size.

Set render width to 3840, render height to 2160

Set Present width to 1920 (or your monitors horizontal resolution) and set present height to 1080 (or your monitors vertical resolution)

Then take a picture with fraps and show us the results yeah?

Also, could you take a screencap of what your install folder looks like?
I can't get this game to work with out applying DSfix. I have 2 monitors and I think that's screwing it up. Any advice? I try to open it and it opens windowed on my second screen but it's off focus.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist

I'm trying the Quality SweetFX mod now...

Edit: Eh, it only changes the lighting, and not for the better.
There's your problem: If you want to use downsampling you need to set presentWidth/presentHeight to your screen resolution.

Weird, I've been successfully downsampling since DSfix came out and I've never had anything in the presentWidth/presentHeight part of the ini.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Weird, I've been successfully downsampling since DSfix came out and I've never had anything in the presentWidth/presentHeight part of the ini.

That just means that the game is rendering and displaying at whatever you set the render resolution to then.
OK, not exactly sure what is going on...

But my game has not been able to start with DsFix install as of late (version 2.01). Was looking to go back in for an NG+ run through, but the game does not want to cooperate.

Without the mod the game start perfectly fine.. but with it, it stalls and stops responding as soon as the window opens. I have tried reinstalling the game, turning off all features from the mod, turning off D3D override, etc...
I wonder what is causing the problem, thought you might be able to help Durante with some fresh ideas as to what is up.

Thanks for any help.


Low Poly Gynecologist
OK, not exactly sure what is going on...

But my game has not been able to start with DsFix install as of late (version 2.01). Was looking to go back in for an NG+ run through, but the game does not want to cooperate.

Without the mod the game start perfectly fine.. but with it, it stalls and stops responding as soon as the window opens. I have tried reinstalling the game, turning off all features from the mod, turning off D3D override, etc...
I wonder what is causing the problem, thought you might be able to help Durante with some fresh ideas as to what is up.

Thanks for any help.

How long do you wait? I know that when I would use DSfix it would take a bit to leave the black screen state and start up the game. Perhaps let it sit there for a bit and see if it launches?
How long do you wait? I know that when I would use DSfix it would take a bit to leave the black screen state and start up the game. Perhaps let it sit there for a bit and see if it launches?

The window displays not responding and the windows not respondind dialog box to kill the program pops up.

I am curious...

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I know I'm massively LTTP, but I'm a Dark Souls veteran from the PS3 who recently double-dipped on PC ($7.50 was a steal, couldn't resist), and the only reason I actually bothered with it is because of the Durante mod, so I just want to say thank you for that. It was quite exhilarating to run through Blighttown at a smooth framerate (even got invaded and it didn't slow things to a crawl, which normally happens with another player, lol), and hell skipping the logos alone is worth the money I spent on it. :D And those high res graphics do look very nice of course.

So yeah, thanks Durante, you rock.


irresponsible vagina leak
So I got all running what other mods would you guys recommend for the game? Im on the Dark Souls Nexus but I feel like a kid in a candy store and some tips would help. HD Texture Pack and roll with that?


Is there a way to remap your controls in the PC version yet? I remember I got this off Steam a few months back but stopped after the intro area because I couldnt remap the controls in the game for my 360 controller.
Is there a way to remap your controls in the PC version yet? I remember I got this off Steam a few months back but stopped after the intro area because I couldnt remap the controls in the game for my 360 controller.

Not that I know of, but out of curiosity what changes did you want to make?


Dont remember specifically, as it was a month or two ago, but I think I remember attack or another important key being bound to a trigger instead of a face button.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I normally use my 360 controller on the PC, but after being so used to a PS3 controller I couldn't stand it. Using the bumpers to block and normal attack and triggers to parry and do the strong attacks really felt wrong, and for some reason my brain refused to map action (X) and roll (O) to A and B respectively, so I often screwed up. It just felt wrong in my hands for this specific game, haha. So instead I installed the MotionInJoy software to use my PS3 controller to emulate the Xbox 360 controller, and it works like a charm.
I know I'm massively LTTP, but I'm a Dark Souls veteran from the PS3 who recently double-dipped on PC ($7.50 was a steal, couldn't resist), and the only reason I actually bothered with it is because of the Durante mod, so I just want to say thank you for that. It was quite exhilarating to run through Blighttown at a smooth framerate (even got invaded and it didn't slow things to a crawl, which normally happens with another player, lol), and hell skipping the logos alone is worth the money I spent on it. :D And those high res graphics do look very nice of course.

So yeah, thanks Durante, you rock.
+1 to that. After hundreds of hours on the PS3 version, the main reason I had to buy the PC version was this mod, so a big thanks to Durante from me, too.


I tried to get the DSI to work, but it's impossible.

i give up, 4 hours of crashing (only when i install dsi), It works normally if I don't)


I normally use my 360 controller on the PC, but after being so used to a PS3 controller I couldn't stand it. Using the bumpers to block and normal attack and triggers to parry and do the strong attacks really felt wrong, and for some reason my brain refused to map action (X) and roll (O) to A and B respectively, so I often screwed up. It just felt wrong in my hands for this specific game, haha. So instead I installed the MotionInJoy software to use my PS3 controller to emulate the Xbox 360 controller, and it works like a charm.
I used to use Motioninjoy as well but got tired of having to deal with its terrible UI and the annoyance of needing to activate the 360 profile so I switched over to this:


After installation, your ds3 will automatically be recognized as a 360 controller whenever its plugged in. One issue I have with Dark Souls though is I have to launch it through steam's Big Picture mode to get the controller to work. Don't know if the same issue occurs with official 360 controllers or motioninjoy
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