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Dark Souls series tops 8 million copies shipped (940K Japan, 7M+ abroad)


I'm proud to say I bought one of each of their games. Souls games are just so damn good. The only problem is that they have ruined a lot of other games for me. The combat is so tight and satisfying, the worlds so haunting and entrancing that when I play other games I get bored quickly.

DS 3 is going to be fantastic. Any word on Bloodborne DLC/Expansion?

I may be wrong on this, but I remember some talk about it being revealed shortly after E3? Maybe Gamescom?


I may be wrong on this, but I remember some talk about it being revealed shortly after E3? Maybe Gamescom?

I hope you're right. I would be estatic if they drop an expansion on us for the holidays but I suspect it won't be until next year. Hell, maybe they will include it with dark souls 3 as a bonus to get people who didn't play Bloodborne to try it out.
I may be wrong on this, but I remember some talk about it being revealed shortly after E3? Maybe Gamescom?

Probably not, as Sony is mostly skipping Gamescom and focusing on Paris Week this year.

"However, he did hint at a possible 2015 release date for the DLC, as he explained that he would like to “play it this year.”


Awesome numbers for the series!

I may be wrong on this, but I remember some talk about it being revealed shortly after E3? Maybe Gamescom?

I would've thought it might be revealed at a conference though, which Sony won't be having at Gamescom this year. So maybe Paris games week or Tgs?

I hope you're right. I would be estatic if they drop an expansion on us for the holidays but I suspect it won't be until next year. Hell, maybe they will include it with dark souls 3 as a bonus to get people who didn't play Bloodborne to try it out.

I think that would be hard to do with two different publishers though.
I hope you're right. I would be estatic if they drop an expansion on us for the holidays but I suspect it won't be until next year. Hell, maybe they will include it with dark souls 3 as a bonus to get people who didn't play Bloodborne to try it out.

Different publishers, that's never going to happen.


Really? All of my friends, hardcore Souls fans among them, more or less agree that Souls 2 wasn't particularly a brilliant achievement and that the second half of 1 was lackluster. Didn't know the franchise is this admired around here.

Well, it's successful.

Souls 2 not being particularly brilliant I will grant you. Souls 2 is merely *very good* and I would still place on par or above most other third person action games that have been released in the last couple of years.

Souls 1 did not have a lackluster second half. It had a couple of weak areas that should have been optimized better (Lost Izalith, chiefly) but technically Anor Londo is in the 2nd half of the game and it is amazing (and includes The Painted World of Ariamis which was very cool) The Crystal Cave and of course Kiln of the First Flame. All of those were very strong areas and appeared in the 2nd half of the game.

The Duke's Archive was too long and a bit boring and Lost Izalith was borderline bad but outside of those two areas the 2nd half of Dark Souls was as good as the 1st half.

I don't want to derail the thread too much but there was a very large write-up by a game creator at the time that Bloodborne launched that detailed a couple of the reasons why the Souls games are as good as they are. It is worth a read as it comes from a professional game designer who is also passionate about playing games. Everyone has preferences and it is fine not to like something but I would contest anyone who said that the Souls games weren't objectively great.


That's why I've always been saying that DS3 is not a question of if, but just when.

Also, that puts the PC sales share for both DS1 and DS2 at roughly 50% -- outside Japan.
I think DS1 is by far the most successful Japanese game on Steam ever, but I might be missing something.

DSFix undoubtedly had a huge impact on the reception of the game on PC. There are few mods that I can think of that are so widely used, at least, when it comes to people discussing the game online. Without it, the poor port situation could have tanked the series with the first game on the PC platform.
I still have random students walk up to me after a first lecture/lab and ask if I am the DSfix guy.

It's fun.


Honestly, it would be the perfect time for a PC/PS4 remaster to drum up hype for the 'sequel.'

MT Framework being so salable and easily ported to x86, it should be quick and cheap on Capcom's end.

Well, look at DMC4SE. Especially at the DLC for it.
If Dragon's Dogma HD ever comes true, you can for sure expect something like '10 arrows pack DLC, $1.99' or 'Pawn revive crystals twopack, $2.99' and such.
Not having playe DMC4SE, I'm not sure how the game would play with a freemium mechanism included... Probably badly.


That's why I've always been saying that DS3 is not a question of if, but just when.

Also, that puts the PC sales share for both DS1 and DS2 at roughly 50% -- outside Japan.
I think DS1 is by far the most successful Japanese game on Steam ever, but I might be missing something.

I still have random students walk up to me after a first lecture/lab and ask if I am the DSfix guy.

It's fun.

Were you ever approached by anyone from From/Namco?


That's why I've always been saying that DS3 is not a question of if, but just when.

Also, that puts the PC sales share for both DS1 and DS2 at roughly 50% -- outside Japan.
I think DS1 is by far the most successful Japanese game on Steam ever, but I might be missing something.

I still have random students walk up to me after a first lecture/lab and ask if I am the DSfix guy.

It's fun.

That's awesome. I didn't know you were an educator in real life. :)


DS2 got Durante's approval. I suspect they've learned their lesson on what PC gamers want from ports.

I thought it was pretty obvious they used Durante's additions as a blue print for their DS2 PC port.

What a comeback though, I thought DS2 was excellent.

Well, look at DMC4SE. Especially at the DLC for it.
If Dragon's Dogma HD ever comes true, you can for sure expect something like '10 arrows pack DLC, $1.99' or 'Pawn revive crystals twopack, $2.99' and such.
Not having playe DMC4SE, I'm not sure how the game would play with a freemium mechanism included... Probably badly.

Just had a look at them, they look like cheat codes.

Hey, whatever pays the bills over at Capcom. I would prefer to have a game with some cosmetic or 'cheat code' DLC than a game not existing.

Irrelevant to me either way as I rarely purchase DLC


Searched "creed" - zero results. I'm sorry I doubted you GAF :')

I'm so glad these games have found success and are still being made. Feels like a small miracle that this sort of thing can thrive in today's industry. As long as they're all of good quality, keep them coming.


For you.
Well, look at DMC4SE. Especially at the DLC for it.
If Dragon's Dogma HD ever comes true, you can for sure expect something like '10 arrows pack DLC, $1.99' or 'Pawn revive crystals twopack, $2.99' and such.
Not having playe DMC4SE, I'm not sure how the game would play with a freemium mechanism included... Probably badly.
Game plays just fine, micro-transactions dont really affect it.


SteamSpy is an estimation so it's not exact.

It's off by like 500k though based on the 1.2 million shipped and the current numbers. I can't imagine steamspy being that wrong and I can't imagine that DS2 only sold 400k on pc. So something doesn't seem to fit.


The stellar PC sales is probably reason to why Bandai Namco is porting everything they got to PC nowadays. Great that the PC crowd is starting to play more Japanese games. Though I suspect a large portion of those players are people who a generation ago used to play primarily on console.

Well, look at DMC4SE. Especially at the DLC for it.
If Dragon's Dogma HD ever comes true, you can for sure expect something like '10 arrows pack DLC, $1.99' or 'Pawn revive crystals twopack, $2.99' and such.
Not having playe DMC4SE, I'm not sure how the game would play with a freemium mechanism included... Probably badly.
Well, so long as the actual game balance and currency values aren't tinkered with, I don't care. Microtransactions are shit. But so long as it doesn't have gameplay implications (which they don't for DMC4:SE as it's basically cheat codes), I can just pretend they don't exist.
It still just looks completely broken in parts, but that's more of a design issue than a porting issue.

I was making a point about the latter than the former. Yeah people will be bummed when DS3 comes out and those particle/lighting effects in the teaser aren't in the shipped product, too. But there's plenty to hope from the quality and performance of the PC port.


I was making a point about the latter than the former. Yeah people will be bummed when DS3 comes out and those particle/lighting effects in the teaser aren't in the shipped product, too. But there's plenty to hope from the quality and performance of the PC port.

They got a pretty significant backlash for that in DS2 and we've already seen Bloodborne look great on PS4, it's using the same engine, so there's no reason why they should make that mistake with DS3.

I just don't want to see these kinds of shenanigans.


I was making a point about the latter than the former. Yeah people will be bummed when DS3 comes out and those particle/lighting effects in the teaser aren't in the shipped product, too. But there's plenty to hope from the quality and performance of the PC port.

DS3 is only releasing on PS4/Xbone console-wise so there's no reason not to expect lighting and particle effects on par with Bloodborne's.
edit: beaten


I still have random students walk up to me after a first lecture/lab and ask if I am the DSfix guy.

It's fun.
Would you be willing to share whether From Software or Namco thanked you or acknowledged you for your mod? I have thought about that for ages!


Were you ever approached by anyone from From/Namco?

That's awesome. I didn't know you were an educator in real life. :)
I'm a researcher really (and more of an engineer really really :p), I just do 4 hours a week of lecturing as part of my position.

4 hours of lecturing that I'm paid for that is. I lecture people on the internet for free all the time! ;)

It's off by like 500k though based on the 1.2 million shipped and the current numbers. I can't imagine steamspy being that wrong and I can't imagine that DS2 only sold 400k on pc. So something doesn't seem to fit.
I think the 1.2 million simply included Japan. Then everything fits perfectly -- assuming the console release didn't sell much on top of that, which they don't really do generally.


well deserved but still the series deserve a lot more than this, but at least it's way more than what I expected.


Nice to hear. After Bloodborne being my first "Souls" title, I'm super stoked for Dark Souls 3.

Same here. Although I briefly tried Demon's Souls, when it came available on PS+, but at the time it didn't click with me.

That's pretty funny actually. Just imagining all the ragequits in 1-1 at the red eye knight, lol!

Haha! I did exactly that. =D And now I've platinumed Bloodborne (skipped Defiled chalice though), and playing it again on NG+. How times change.


I'm a researcher really (and more of an engineer really really :p), I just do 4 hours a week of lecturing as part of my position.

4 hours of lecturing that I'm paid for that is. I lecture people on the internet for free all the time! ;)

That's interesting! I'm in a similar position, really. I'm currently teaching a couple first year math and physics classes twice a week as part of the requirements for my doctorate program in DSP (Electrical Engineering). The thing is I'm not really enjoying it, and seeing how my day job in the music industry has little to do with it, I'm seriously considering giving up on my studies/research. Besides, I'm not getting paid for any of it yet. :p

In any case, "my students" aren't very big fans of Dark Souls. They're mostly Call of Duty players, unfortunately. :-/


It's about 8.5 millions.

The incredible thing is how disproportionate DS sales on PC is compare to most other AA(A) multiplats. It really found a home there.


So basically "Stop liking what I don't like!!"

For real , i myself don't care for Dota nor will i make myself like a game i don't care for but MILLIONS are enjoying the game and who am i to get in their way by being a little insignificant shit compared to the entire community. Darn why can't there be an option to ignore quotes of ignored people.
Loved, DeS, Loved Dark Souls, but got a little bored with it, just tired of the formula at that point. Skipped DS2, got BloodBorne, ready for DS3.

Fantastic series, glad it's found a large audience.
It's about 8.5 millions.

The incredible thing is how disproportionate DS sales on PC is compare to most other AA(A) multiplats. It really found a home there.
I dunno, PC crowd seems to be the typical anti-AAA group (generalizing a bit) Souls series seems like a perfect match with hardcore gamers, and many have moved on to PC to have more control and options.


never left the stone age
Just felt like revealing a piece of my imagination of what deserves success and what does not like all the other people that made "undeserved/deserved" posts. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=151763243#post151763243 You also have a lot of "undeserved" posts here, couldn't sense it's suddenly a taboo when it comes to this franchise. I apologize if this is the case.

No need to apologize, but you could have been a bit more in depth, and don't be surprised that a lot of people who enjoyed the series posts in a thread about its success :p.
With a million copies a piece on Steam one would hope that Dark Souls 3 has no issues on PC for once.

Dark Souls 2 didn't have any issues.

Great to see the PC community embrace the game. They fought so hard to get in on there weathered a half assed port and here we are. Now if only we got a simultaneous release..sigh.


Wonder why they don't do a Demon Souls remaster.

Would do a few hundred thousand copies I guess.

Money on the table.
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