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David Hayter not reprising his role as Snake in Metal Gear Solid 5? Statement


Super Member
Just because he isn't in this game doesn't exclude him from future games. Hopefully there wasn't a falling out or something


Nope. Just repeat 'Yipee', 'Wahoo' and 'Let's a go' voice clips and Mario will outlive us all.

Except that they never use the same soundclip. He record new voice clip for every game. This guy also does the voice of Wario, Luigi, Warluigi and Paarthurnax from Elderscroll.
He also does Lagerfeld from Resonance of Fate, Orvus from Ratchet and Clank, and he was the announcer in Punch Out.
Giant track record.
I'm sure script quality and voice direction are as much to blame as Hayter's performance

but yes, he most certainly was in 4 and PW

Yeah but to be fair EVERYONE in MGS3 was pretty terrible

Yeah, I guess that's true.

In fact, the girl that played Eve nearly ruined the ending of MGS3 for me with her "crying."


I thought Kojima himself had said that he liked David Hayter's Snake voice better than the Japanese VA.. I'm so sure I remember reading something about that. Anyone else remember this?
I really hope we're all just being trolled and Hayter will be in it.


If they were willing to keep Quinton Flynn as Raiden in Rising (who was embarrassing as "Jack the Ripper") I have a hard time believing they'd intentional replace Hayter as Snake for MGSV from a perspective of quality voicework. Other factors, like money? Sure.

Yeah, this, combined with how much of a troll Kojima is known to be, really gives me second thoughts on this situation. In an ideal world, they would have informed him of their decision to get another actor. Even though this is not always the case, I still think KojiPro would have handled any parting much more peacefully and without burning bridges. Hayter wanting more money is possible... But I don't see that coming from a guy who voluntarily split his paycheck just so he could assemble the original cast for TT.

At the very least, I'm going to see what Keighley's interview brings. If they deliberately skip on the question, then I will probably think something is up.


Unconfirmed Member
It honestly won't be the same without him. Pretty sad if they didn't even ask, but I've always gotten the impression Kojima wants to be respected as a storyteller and places a lot of value on film making. That he could get a "Real Hollywood actor" to do the VA is probably all the excuse he needed.

I think it's more that they want to be a bigger presence in the West altogether.

The open world design and KojiPro forming their own LA studio to develop the multiplayer aspect of the game support this just as much as casting a Hollywood actor in the lead.

Nevermind that Hayter was perfect.

I don't think he is. I think people are just used to him and he's been kept around for legacy's sake as a result.

I don't think anyone will miss Hayter 2 Metal Gear games from now if this replacement sticks

There's a reason why he doesn't do much else in the way of voice acting besides Solid Snake. and that reason is he's not very good.
...do you think this is an English voice only series like RE?

The English track sounds like a bad English anime dub because they are bad English videogame dubs.

...no I don't. I said they fit, not that this is some smirking post-anime age spoof. It is what it is, and Hater fits perfectly within the NA cast.

No but I think they're actively trying to change that.

and I think if MGS wants to shake that image in the West they definitely need to up their localization efforts. and I think recasting the lead will do alot to help that with a more prominent actor is a big part of that. (because a weak lead brings your whole game down)

And that is fair enough, but that doesn't mean we should retroactively devour Hater's past performances.

Robot Pants

He was fine in 3.
He sounded over the top in 4 because he had to sound older and like he was dying. Not his fault. Normal Snake voice is just fine.


Come on people, he'll still voice Snake dont worry about it. MGS 4 had different actors for Snake and Big Boss. I would not be surprised if Kojima pulls us a MGS 2 again. Small/big portion playing Big Boss. Small/big portion playing Solid Snake.

Also Kojima knows how people feel about Hayter. And another also, at the end of MGS Meryl asks Snake what his real name is and he says David.

Kojima is not going to ditch all that.

Trust Raiden.


I have mixed feelings about this. Hayter got it down perfectly with the first MGS, but I don't understand what happened to have made him so bad after that. One of the main reasons I replay the first MGS is to appreciate how well I think he voiced Snake.


Yeah I think he lost it a bit over the years, I don't personally mind someone else doing it. It won't be the same but it's not a huge loss.

Two snakes would also explain it.


Unconfirmed Member
And that is fair enough, but that doesn't mean we should retroactively devour Hater's past performances.

I can't speak for everyone but I've felt this way since MGS4

I appreciate the guy and what he's done for the franchise.(Particularly taking a pay cut for Twin Snakes in order to bring the rest of the cast back as well. Always thought that was really awesome of him.)

but I'm not about to delude myself into thinking that his performances were something special or that no one else can do the character because of that alone.

It sucks for him and I feel bad for the guy but I'm a Metal Gear fan, not a Hayter one, and I'm excited to see the end result of all these direction shifts for the franchise. It definitely needed something like this after 4.
its blatantly going to be that snake is in the game.

i'm not quite sure about the ages of both and such, but imagine if big boss & snake had a scene together in mgsv, like how goofy would it be just hayter's voice going back and forth.

or if the age gap is too much and they wont meet, well maybe it jumps back and forward in time from big boss to snake, and well if hayter voiced both that would be just confusing for the player, especially newcomers to mgs.


Unconfirmed Member
its blatantly going to be that snake is in the game.

i'm not quite sure about the ages of both and such, but imagine if big boss & snake had a scene together in mgsv, like how goofy would it be just hayter's voice going back and forth.

or if the age gap is too much and they wont meet, well maybe it jumps back and forward in time from big boss to snake, and well if hayter voiced both that would be just confusing for the player, especially newcomers to mgs.

Well if they are doing that Hayter doesn't know about it yet lol

(I don't think they're doing that)

If they were going to go through all that trouble they would still have Hayter as the lead Snake, not the secondary one. (Since your scenario is purely contrived as a way for Hayter to be in the game in the first place)

Doesn't make any sense why they'd cast Sutherland and announce him as the lead only to have him be second banana to David Hayter in the end


I can't imagine an MGS game without David Hayter as Snake.

Then again, I couldn't imagine people being excited for MGS 5 at all after what they did with 4. I'd prefer a reboot of MGS. Give them a chance to wipe the slate clean and keep the story from turning into the incomprehensible convoluted mess we have now.

Robot Pants

I can't imagine an MGS game without David Hayter as Snake.

Then again, I couldn't imagine people being excited for MGS 5 at all after what they did with 4. I'd prefer a reboot of MGS. Give them a chance to wipe the slate clean and keep the story from turning into the incomprehensible convoluted mess we have now.

No need for a complete reboot. There are 3 out of 4 great games.
Just remake MG1 and 2.
I'd be more excited about that.


Unconfirmed Member
I can't imagine an MGS game without David Hayter as Snake.

Then again, I couldn't imagine people being excited for MGS 5 at all after what they did with 4. I'd prefer a reboot of MGS. Give them a chance to wipe the slate clean and keep the story from turning into the incomprehensible convoluted mess we have now.

I think they have the room to do that here.

It'd be interesting if instead of trying to fit this game into the existing canon they decided to branch it off into a completely different timeline.

Because there's gotta be more to it than LOL IT WAS ALL JUST A DREAM


I can't imagine an MGS game without David Hayter as Snake.

Then again, I couldn't imagine the people being excited for MGS 5 at all after what they did with 4. I'd prefer a reboot of MGS. Give them a chance to wipe the slate clean and keep the story from turning into the incomprehensible convoluted mess we have now.

Part of the charm of Metal Gear is its ridiculous, over the top storyline, which bleeds into the gameplay. If you reboot within the current MG universe, you're not solving your problem, and if you start all over with a more streamlined story, it's Metal Gear in name only.


To all those hating on Hayter. Have you heard Snake's new voice in the trialers and gameplay. He sounds like a generic 20 year old anime character now. He doesn't sound older at all. HE sounds terrible. Not like a battle hardened solider at all.


Listen to Snake at the end of the trailer. You can hate on Hayter all you want and I don't mind a replacement if it's good and captures The Big Boss/Solid Snake feel but this is just bad.
Well if they are doing that Hayter doesn't know about it yet lol

(I don't think they're doing that)

Well he's not going to ruin the surprise on his twitter account is he, if kojima has told him to button it or deny all knowledge he will.

If they were going to go through all that trouble they would still have Hayter as the lead Snake, not the secondary one. (Since your scenario is purely contrived as a way for Hayter to be in the game in the first place)

Doesn't make any sense why they'd cast Sutherland and announce him as the lead only to have him be second banana to David Hayter in the end

Maybe the game is 2/3's big boss, and 1/3 snake or something, or snake just has a few levels, therefore keifer would still be the lead

i dunno, if hayter had truly stopped voicing snake through such an iconic series i think he'd make a proper statement saying how hes enjoyed working with kojima and mgs staff etc but have had to part ways due to such and such and blah blah blah.


Was Big Boss referred to as "Snake" at all in peace walker?

Yes, also commonly referred to as just "Boss" by Kaz or "Commandante" by Amanda and Chico and some other nick names.

One interesting thing though
Even after the ending of chapter 4, not the final ending, Snake told Kaz to call him Big Boss from now on, however he still called im Snake througout the rest of the game, including chapter 5 and its ending.


I haven't enjoyed his performance since MGS2, and that was still a step below MGS1. He's not horrible, just regular poor video game voice acting with a shoddy script and bad direction.

Changing up the voice actor won't solve that last part, unfortunately.


I knew this day would come someday, Retro_... why'd you go and just slap an underscore on my name, now people are going to be confused.

I don't think he is. I think people are just used to him and he's been kept around for legacy's sake as a result.

I don't think anyone will miss Hayter 2 Metal Gear games from now if this replacement sticks

I'm gonna have to disagree. I think it's a bit closer to what happened with the Star Wars prequels; respectable actors (NOT Hayden Christensen) chewing on terrible lines written by a 'visionary director' lost in his own head. Hayter's voice acting has been fairly consistent, but the games themselves have just been getting weirder and weirder and it's hard to be convincing when you're delivering lines like that.

Also, what makes you think Sutherland will stick around to keep doing the games? He tends to be a pretty busy guy and they may not be able to get him back, especially if the money isn't right. And then what?

There's a reason why he doesn't do much else in the way of voice acting besides Solid Snake. and that reason is he's not very good.

Um, what? He did the VA for the Jedi Knight in The Old Republic, which set records for the amount of VA involved (not to mention that's a pretty popular class too). Plus all the MGS games. Plus all of the screenwriting he does. I don't think you can base the quality of his performance based on the quantity of his performances. In fact, it kind of sabotages your point; his bio may not be huge, but he's consistently busy because of Metal Gear games; he's basically the voice of Solid Snake.
To all those hating on Hayter. Have you heard Snake's new voice in the trialers and gameplay. He sounds like a generic 20 year old anime character now. He doesn't sound older at all. HE sounds terrible. Not like a battle hardened solider at all.


Listen to Snake at the end of the trailer. You can hate on Hayter all you want and I don't mind a replacement if it's good and captures The Big Boss/Solid Snake feel but this is just bad.

I think that's Miller at the end of the trailer (Robin Atkin Downes)

Same voice as the one from the beginning of the trailer when he says "What about him"


I really really hope this choice was made because Big Boss was getting older and so they decided to give him the MGS4 voice because i really can't play with a Snake without David Hayter... he IS Snake. Hell MGS is the only saga where i prefer the english voice acting to the japanese but if Hayter is really gone even for future games i think that I'll probably play with japanese voices... I'm not totally used to them but they are somewhat familiar.


I really really hope this choice was made because Big Boss was getting older and so they decided to give him the MGS4 voice because i really can't play with a Snake without David Hayter... he IS Snake. Hell MGS is the only saga where i prefer the english voice acting to the japanese but if Hayter is really gone even for future games i think that I'll probably play with japanese voices... I'm not totally used to them but they are somewhat familiar.

Really? He is just a voice actor who reads from a script. They could get anyone who sounds a little like him and you would never know the difference.


I think that's Miller at the end of the trailer (Robin Atkin Downes)

Same voice as the one from the beginning of the trailer when he says "What about him"

Not the same as far as I can tell.



Sounds just like the voice from the gameplay just not as dazed.

I will withhold complete judgement until I get some proof-postive lines of dialog from Big Boss. So far though I'm not impressed.
So it's big boss in this game and not snake right?

If so I'm fine with the voice change. Kind of wasn't a fan of giving big boss snakes voice anyways
I can't speak for everyone but I've felt this way since MGS4

I appreciate the guy and what he's done for the franchise.(Particularly taking a pay cut for Twin Snakes in order to bring the rest of the cast back as well. Always thought that was really awesome of him.)

but I'm not about to delude myself into thinking that his performances were something special or that no one else can do the character because of that alone.

It sucks for him and I feel bad for the guy but I'm a Metal Gear fan, not a Hayter one, and I'm excited to see the end result of all these direction shifts for the franchise. It definitely needed something like this after 4.

Not expecting anyone to delude themselves here, I don't think his performances were anything special. He played those roles at the level I think was expected of him, and allowed Kojima to realize his vision. If Kojima wants to raise his standards on the NA end with V, that is an admirable goal, but I think Hayter was easily delivering according to past standards, standards that waned as the series progressed.

I'm not sure I like it though. It felt weird when Castlevania took on a distinctively western tone with LoS, and I would expect to feel just as put-off if MGS ends up feeling that way. I know Kojima was always chasing western influence, so I will keep that in mind. I just always found his NA stuff charming and consistent enough to resist any major changes, and I'm surprised Kojima feels it is necessary.

As far as Hayter getting along, I'm sure he will be fine. This isn't about liking the guy or being a fan, it is about what I perceive as judging him unfairly.


Really? He is just a voice actor who reads from a script. They could get anyone who sounds a little like him and you would never know the difference.

You don't even know of what are you talking about do you?
Also yes for me his voice is one of the most important things of the saga so if he is missing but his character isn't it can be a dealbreaker.
You can live without his voice acting? Good for you and enjoy the game but don't try to make it look like a minor thing to the people who care about this stuff ffs.
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