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David Hayter not reprising his role as Snake in Metal Gear Solid 5? Statement


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
He was great and iconic in the original, pretty good in 2, serviceable in 3, and an outright blemish on the games in the others. I have huge respect for the dude as a person but his acting wont be missed. It wouldnt have made sense for Old BB to have his voice anyway when we had Richard Doyle in 4 and Solidus (who was a perfect genetic clone) played by Cygan in 2.
To all those hating on Hayter. Have you heard Snake's new voice in the trialers and gameplay. He sounds like a generic 20 year old anime character now. He doesn't sound older at all. HE sounds terrible. Not like a battle hardened solider at all.


Listen to Snake at the end of the trailer. You can hate on Hayter all you want and I don't mind a replacement if it's good and captures The Big Boss/Solid Snake feel but this is just bad.

That's not Snake its Kaz talking at that part.


Unconfirmed Member
Well he's not going to ruin the surprise on his twitter account is he, if kojima has told him to button it or deny all knowledge he will.

That doesn't seem like a Kojima level secret.

Remember for this Phantom Pain stuff people figured out the MGS5 connection day 1. and Kojima was directly commenting about it numerous times prior to today hinting at the connection.

If this was a secret I don't think only Hayter himself would be in on dropping the hints lol

Maybe the game is 2/3's big boss, and 1/3 snake or something, or snake just has a few levels, therefore keifer would still be the lead



People are just coming up with scenarios that allow Hayter to still be in the game with no logical basis.

Why would they do something like this? To put it in perspective Ohtsuka is still reprising his role as Japanese snake. No bullshit involved on that end at all. It doesn't make sense that they'd be saving Hayter for "the real Snake" while Ohtsuka is playing the fake one parallel to Sutherland.

Why would they go through all this effort for an ass pull that is nothing more than "GOTCHA HERES HAYTER APRIL FOOLS".

I knew this day would come someday, Retro_... why'd you go and just slap an underscore on my name, now people are going to be confused.

It was inevitable.

I'm gonna have to disagree. I think it's a bit closer to what happened with the Star Wars prequels; respectable actors (NOT Hayden Christensen) chewing on terrible lines written by a 'visionary director' lost in his own head. Hayter's voice acting has been fairly consistent, but the games themselves have just been getting weirder and weirder and it's hard to be convincing when you're delivering lines like that.

Yeah like I said earlier I'm sure script quality and voice direction are also a factor.

but it's also pretty hard to portray any level of convincing drama with such a comically overdone voice as Hayter's Solid Snake.

Also, what makes you think Sutherland will stick around to keep doing the games? He tends to be a pretty busy guy and they may not be able to get him back, especially if the money isn't right. And then what?

I have no idea how they got him in the first place.

but I mean if it works out it's weird to imagine hypothetical scenarios preventing him from returning in future games.

Um, what? He did the VA for the Jedi Knight in The Old Republic, which set records for the amount of VA involved (not to mention that's a pretty popular class too). Plus all the MGS games. Plus all of the screenwriting he does. I don't think you can base the quality of his performance based on the quantity of his performances. In fact, it kind of sabotages your point;

I don't think your examples really disprove my point...

but what you're saying is fair enough. I'm probably being more harsh than I need to be trying to play devil's advocate in this thread.

his bio may not be huge, but he's consistently busy because of Metal Gear games; he's basically the voice of Solid Snake.

Welp. not anymore I guess. lol

So hopefully he'll be able to pursue those other potential roles now that he's not so tied up
I'm not a fan of Hayter's acting. He has the voice, sure. I've cringed at some of his acting though. If Sutherland can do it right, then I'll be pleased. Though, if he yells "get down!" in his usual Jack Bauer fashion, I'm gonna be so mad.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
He was great and iconic in the original, pretty good in 2, serviceable in 3, and an outright blemish on the games in the others. I have huge respect for the dude as a person but his acting wont be missed. It wouldnt have made sense for Old BB to have his voice anyway when we had Richard Doyle in 4 and Solidus (who was a perfect genetic clone) played by Cygan in 2.
This will be funny if they are playing with us and theirs a reason why he aint featured in the trailer


You don't even know of what are you talking about do you?
Also yes for me his voice is one of the most important things of the saga so if he is missing but his character isn't it can be a dealbreaker.
You can live without his voice acting? Good for you and enjoy the game but don't try to make it look like a minor thing to the people who care about this stuff.

It is very minor ... And its missed placed sympathy for a guy who was lucky enough to have such a recurring job. Reading scripted dialog and very little "acting".

That's my opinion.


Hayter is Snake. It won't be the same without him.

Snake isn't Big Boss. In the beginning it made sense, but it always rubbed me wrong how how they kept the bandanna and kept calling Boss 'Snake' throughout the PSP games. It's about time they made him distinct.


Yeah like I said earlier I'm sure script quality and voice direction are also a factor.

but it's also pretty hard to portray any level of convincing drama with such a comically overdone voice as Hayter's Solid Snake.

See, I've never had a problem with it being "comically" overdone because from day one he was very obviously channeling Kurt Russel's similarly overdone, growling badass tone from the Escape from New York/LA movies; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ed6Yr81jZ6g

I have no idea how they got him in the first place.

but I mean if it works out it's weird to imagine hypothetical scenarios preventing him from returning in future games.

I'm just saying that getting somebody like Sutherland is cool, but film stars have all sorts of scheduling issues and if he has to choose between VA for a video game or a movie/TV show (and he made $40 million for just three seasons of 24 and was the highest paid actor in TV at that point), he's gonna go with the bigger paycheck.
It is so rare for a "Hollywood" actor to give a good voice performance in a video game. If they want to change voices, fine. But, don't just get a name for the sake of having a name. Get a voice actor.


It is very minor ... And its missed placed sympathy for a guy who was lucky enough to have such a recurring job. Reading scripted dialog and very little "acting".

That's my opinion.

If it was minor (leave alone very minor) this thread wouldn't even exist...
He has been the voice of the character for 15 years and for this he is somewhat tied with the character. It's like when here where i live recently have decided to change for the first time since it started the voice actors of Bart and Marge (and some other) from The Simpsons. After you give the voice to a character for such a long time even the most similar voice will result to your ear someone totally different.
Again if can enjoy with other voices i can't say nothing more that good for you but don't act like if it's good for you then should be for everyone else.


Unconfirmed Member
See, I've never had a problem with it being "comically" overdone because from day one he was very obviously channeling Kurt Russel's similarly overdone, growling badass tone from the Escape from New York/LA movies; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ed6Yr81jZ6g

Yeah but I think Metal Gear has evolved beyond being a parody of Escape from New York after 5 games.

I'm just saying that getting somebody like Sutherland is cool, but film stars have all sorts of scheduling issues and if he has to choose between VA for a video game or a movie or continuing Touch on Fox (He made $40 million for three seasons of 24), he's gonna go with the bigger paycheck.

Well to my understanding now we don't even know if Sutherland is confirmed as Snake. So this could be a non-issue.

We just know it isn't Hayter


It is so rare for a "Hollywood" actor to give a good voice performance in a video game. If they want to change voices, fine. But, don't just get a name for the sake of having a name. Get a voice actor.

Ugh most generic voice actors are horrible .

Even the avatar guy was better than most in black ops 2.
disgust @ at all the hayter hate. he was great in all the titles he's been a part of. also don't agree that he's not in the game at all.
Voices come and go. We will endure.

Shame for David Hayter to be unceremoniously cut out. I'm kind of sad to say that I'm not sad to see him go, but I feel like the writing was on the wall ever since MGS3 and Twin Snakes.

MGS3 for the most part he was great. It was the strained readings of "Boss!!" that completely didn't gel with what was going on in the cutscene that bugged me. Compare the cutscene 5 minutes into the beginning of Operation Snake Eater, in the original Japanese Snake is yelling for his freakin' mentor, whereas it sounds like English-voiced Snake is just trying to get her attention while he strains to think up arguments for how CalorieMate really is great food and tuxedos are perfectly valid clothing for a stealth agent. It happens again right before the final boss fight! Sure the Japanese side can sound hammy, but better hammy and full of heart than a complete tonal disconnect that breaks the experience.

Twin Snakes it felt like an exercise in excess for both his acting where he actively tried to put on a Snake voice, and the fact that they were retreading the same lines with rewrites here and there for no good reason. I do mean "put on" that voice; no matter what your thoughts comparing original MGS1 and Twin Snakes, there's a clear difference in delivery.

MGS4, it's been a while since I played that in English but from what I remember, he gave it a good shot at busting up the voice. Whether it sounded realistic, well I'll leave that up to you because I certainly haven't met anybody who prematurely aged into a badass grandpa. Peace Walker, all right for the actions and battle cries, but again he couldn't hit that range in MGS3 where he had to seriously emote with the voice and instead it came out off. (Specifically the scene in the end where
Peace Walker can't shut off its fake nuke signals and Snake's banging at the AI drum desperately to stop it, going "Boss!!" but it coming out as "Boss..."

I know these anecdotes come across as petty because they're either little parts of the whole game or a style choice. After phenomenal work in MGS1 and 2, it bummed me out to watch the voice slowly diminish in that way. We'll always have the games that David Hayter recorded in. It's not like Konami is going to rerecord the lines in those old games and pretend he never existed.

Angry Fork

Voices come and go. We will endure.


The point is though that Elmo is meant to sound the same, voice actors attempt to emulate the original.

With Snake if that were to happen I don't think there would be that big of a freak out, disappointing, but not awful. It becomes awful when you have someone doing something that sounds nothing like Snake at all.


I don't mind him coming back if Snake makes an appearance, but I do think it's about time Big Boss got his own voice actor. Hayter did a very good job in MGS4 so he had a nice send off if it is the last we see of him. He seems seriously bummed though, I feel badly for him.


Voice actors change. Silent Hill went through this shit, but there were reasons for it.

But to Snake? To Metal Gear?

Kojima is up to something. He usually doesn't do something without reason.

And if he is, SHAME. Hayter IS Snake. Love him or hate him (although I just dont see why anybody would not like Hayter as Snake. It's beyond me.)


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Never liked Hayters VA work. One of the main reasons why I didnt bother with picking up the US versions just to collect also.


ASSUMING that Ground Zeroes does indeed take place at the earliest possible time it can, it'd be 1979.

Solid Snake was born in 1972. Phantom Pain is 9 years after GZ.

Solid Snake is 16 in The Phantom Pain. Hayter won't be making any surprise appearances
Well he did peak with 2 as did the series. But different actor for big boss is good

I just don't want it to be so recognizable like kiefer Sutherland.
Well he wasn't Big Boss in 4 so it makes sense. Boss is getting old. Personally all the voice acting ove heard so far for MGSV has been top notch and less cartoony compared to past games. They were always so theater like. Especially Liquid.


ASSUMING that Ground Zeroes does indeed take place at the earliest possible time it can, it'd be 1979.

Solid Snake was born in 1972. Phantom Pain is 9 years after GZ.

Solid Snake is 16 in The Phantom Pain. Hayter won't be making any surprise appearances

What are you talking about? Peace Walker takes place in 1974, and Ground Zeroes takes place immediately after.
We'll have to wait for a Japanese trailer to see who is voicing Big Boss, if Okio Otsuka is till voicing him then we can rule out the theory of "it's not Big Boss that's why Hayter is not voicing him"


disgust @ at all the hayter hate. he was great in all the titles he's been a part of. also don't agree that he's not in the game at all.

I was kinda trying to forgive him but peace walker really draw the line.

That game's voice was just...holy shit bad.

Voice actors change. Silent Hill went through this shit, but there were reasons for it.

But to Snake? To Metal Gear?

Kojima is up to something. He usually doesn't do something without reason.

And if he is, SHAME. Hayter IS Snake. Love him or hate him (although I just dont see why anybody would not like Hayter as Snake. It's beyond me.)

Well to me he is just a voice actor? (shrug) I thought voice actor X character obsession was only in Japan. They are the one who usually do 'This voice actor better do this character or I will commit seppuku! type of craziness.

I'm surprised to see this type of devotion here.

I'm a fan of metal gear and solid snake not david hayter.
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