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DC Unveil New Costumes for Wonder Woman and Supes

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haha That's awesome.
Wonder Wo
I'm trying to recall who said it and when, but for some reason I remember someone at DC saying that Wonder Woman should be "the Wolverine of the Justice League." Well, now she's got the retractable claws to go along with her god of war -fueled berserker rages!


At least she'll still look like this in Justice League.


And, the iconic costume will be back once this phase has run its course.


"Artist Aaron Kuder's cover for "Action Comics" #41, debuting today on Nerdist, gives a clean look at Superman's new duds, a throwback to the outfit Clark sported in Grant Morrison/Rags Morales' run on the title in 2012. Additionally, our hero's fists are wrapped and bloodied, indicating that perhaps his current 24-hour frame of powerlessness and vulnerability isn't quite that short."

Ein Bear

Wonder Woman is wearing trousers, so that's good.

Superman though, fucking hell. Is that blood dripping from his knuckles?
"Artist Aaron Kuder's cover for "Action Comics" #41, debuting today on Nerdist, gives a clean look at Superman's new duds, a throwback to the outfit Clark sported in Grant Morrison/Rags Morales' run on the title in 2012. Additionally, our hero's fists are wrapped and bloodied, indicating that perhaps his current 24-hour frame of powerlessness and vulnerability isn't quite that short."

...Superman going street level? Isn't that, like, the complete opposite of everything he's supposed to be?!


user-friendly man-cashews
So... he's back to his nu52 Action Comic debut but without the cape? I'm fine with it.

As for WW, they can give her the best costume ever she's still being handled by the Finch couple. PASSSS. Also, baraka blades.
...Superman going street level? Isn't that, like, the complete opposite of everything he's supposed to be?!
Nah, his heroic spirit defines him way more than his power. Even if his life is at risk he should be an inspiring hero, because that's who he is.

The Cowboy

Just remove the arm blades on Wonder Woman's and it would be perfect IMO, very nice indeed - not impressed with Superman's at all.
Why would anyone want to fight crime in jeans? Why not sports leggings or compression shorts or some shit? They would chafe, tear, add unnecessary drag, give your opponents something to grab, etc.

WW looks good but the boots are trying to do too much.
clicks thread

sees wonderwoman..... "yeah I can dig it... the other costume was better though"

scrolls down....... "oh GOD"

well at least it is just for a certain time right?


How the fuck do you make a Superman costume without the cape?

In before pictures of Superman Red and Blue and 90s Superman
Guess those rumors of superman ditching his identity are coming true. I also like the S, very Fleisher.

Whatever, I'm excited for Yang's superman
...Superman going street level? Isn't that, like, the complete opposite of everything he's supposed to be?!

He just got a new power that basically wipes out his powers for a day or so if he uses it and it leaves him defenseless.

He's still good old Supes when he doesn't use that.


Superman looks odd but I dig Wonder Woman. Robo Bat looks cool too, I love when they do crazy departures like this.


...Superman going street level? Isn't that, like, the complete opposite of everything he's supposed to be?!

If anything from Grant Morrison's run stuck, it seems to have been that Superman now started as a beginning of Golden Age powered street level hero in jeans and t-shirt before increasing his powers and becoming the more well known classical hero (although now with alien armor).

It seems like the writers loved that early take on Superman, and we've seen him going back to that costume unofficially several times already. It's not that surprising they actually might attempt to change his current status quo to be closer to that.


Hey they managed to make a Wonder Woman with pants design that isn't boring as fuck and actually looks like Wonder Woman. Huzzah. Wish it lost the arm blades and had a few more Grecian flourishes, but I like it.

Lol @ Superman. The fuck is that? (Edit: Though the beard brings it together. Seriously what do superhero comics have against beards?)
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