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Dead Rising 3 |OT| Welcome to the After Party


The more and more I play this game the more and more I realize how bad it is in relation to every other game in the series. Basically everything that made the series unique has either been watered down to the point you can't even recognize it's a Dead Rising game or just flat ass removed. I might go into more detail later after I force myself to finish it, but shit it's depressing we reached this point with such an original and unique series so fast. Modern AAA(A) for you, I guess.

This is probably the most a game has disappointed me since Deus Ex Invisible War, but at least that was still a fucking Deus Ex game, albeit a really shitty one.

Ugh shit man you have more than enough time to do anything in this game at anytime. This isn't even getting into stuff like all the bosses are pathetic walks in the park anyways you can beat at level 1 with almost no difficulty simply by spamming combo weapons like the fire street lamp, so it's not like you have to really worry about missing that pp.

Game can not be watered down more than it is on "normal" and be anything other than a shitty dynasty warriors knock off with zombies.

Man, is this really a further departure from the series than something like Dead Rising 2? I totally don't see that. This game feels like what Dead Rising 2 should have been. Like I said in my last post, nothing will ever top the original Dead Rising for me, but it has a lot more going for it from what I've played than the second one. All three of the mainline DR titles still follow a similar fundamental structure/flow. I wouldn't even say this game has implemented those modern "AAA" gaming philosophies, at least not to the extent as other games/series have over the years. The normal story mode does seem a lot more forgiving, but isn't that what the Nightmare difficulty/mode is for? At least there's a more hardcore/challenging mode/difficulty available beyond the "campaign".

I mean, what's so particularly watered down about this game compared to the other ones? I haven't gotten THAT far yet, but from what I could tell this more or less feels like a Dead Rising game to me. I find the Dead Rising 2 features/systems (crafting/building weapons) much more streamlined (which you could say is watered down/simplified), but because of these decisions I find the game MUCH more fun and enjoyable to play. You're saying you haven't been this disappointed since Deus Ex: Invisible War? Invisible War still felt like a Deus Ex game but Dead Rising 3 doesn't feel like Dead Rising? Really? See, I felt that way when I went from the original game to Dead Rising 2. I'm really fascinated that Dead Rising 2 didn't make you already feel that way, hah!

For me, I'm beyond that grieving state/phase where Capcom (or any developer) could produce classics like the original Dead Rising. I'm impressed enough that Capcom Vancouver has captured enough of what I enjoy/value most out of Dead Rising.


I am ashamed I have not finished this yet - but I am clearing my backlog now since I am on vacation. First Infinite, then DR3.


dunno if any of you know about this but when you start the Overtime or True ending, the time is frozen and you can literally do all your achievement stuff. as long you don't trigger the cut scene at the roof in ingleton for the next part, there will be no time limit.
Also your AI pal
is inf health, so just ditch him and drive to where you want. he'll be like superman running back to you.


Its the part where it tells me to go to the sewers. Not sure if that's a no zombie part but I have access to the entire map. Fairly early on still.

I was reading about disappearing/invisible NPCs and there was a quick fix where you you had to hard reset your Xbox to fix it. Power it off and unplug the machine from the back and then hook it back up and boot it back on.


Good Ol' Xbox Live. Jumped into a Hardcore nightmare coop match. I say "Hello" the response was "You sound black I'm not talking to you". Really dude?


I'm in overtime and missing three blueprints. Can't find them for life of me on map.

Also, I'm not seeing % completed for "complete all PP trials " achievement. I hope this isn't glitched. Speaking if which, I'm dreading the create x weapon 50 times Crap. I should have made a more cautious effort early on.

Lastly, do PP trials carry over next olaythrough or do I lose all progress?

Add me. Same as username here. I need a run through myself.

everything carries over. the weapon creation ones are a pain. only trials left for me at the moment.


Made some panoramas:


I've played this for about 8 or so hours now and I really, really like it. The zombie count is ridiculous, and I really like how they've expanded on combo weapons. Huge step up from DR2, which I already liked a lot.


I finished it last night with Ending C. I loved it and it's one of my favourite games of the year now. Tbh I didn't enjoy it at first but it got so much better. It was a cool ending and I plan on smashing through it again this week


Made some panoramas:



Awesome. How did you score these? is there an upload app for it or something?

Also to other dude: I'll respond to you fully in time, but essentially my feelings on DR2 was that it featured enough of the DR core that the offsets felt like offsets, and you could thus ignore them, while in DR3 everything seems to super dumbed down with no option out. Nightmare mode is kind of an embarrassing afterthought. I started the game there, and felt like I was playing an afterthought that was added after the initial e3 reveal and rushed to meet the release date. FFS there's no time limits on the main missions thus there's no way to adequately gauge time unless you've played the game before, and even then...

That being said I still like the fact the zeds and the bosses are actually a threat on this mode vs normal where they are essentially nothing more than combo fodder there for you to combo on and such. I just wish they had spent more time actually evaluating it on a first time run vs a hard mode secondary run for experienced players. I admit my last post was a little hyperbolic considering I ran through the last three bosses by standing still and throwing electric lamp shots at them + having to sit around and wait on things to do, but still. I just wish they would have preserved a little bit of that DR1 stuffs where you had to make real choices in real time (due to the save system) on who to save and who to let die. Even since it came out I haven't played a game that has honestly made me think that "oh shit, that dude is going to die unless I save him...but that other dude is also going to die unless I save /him/...so who should I save?". That's what I've always loved about DR1 imo. That feeling of helplessness in accordance with the fun humor allowed for such an encgaging experience, but now it's like: "oh yeah you can really save anyone you want with more than enough time to wreck everyone else so yeah...so what you want". Instead of feeling like I had to save that person, it;s more of an afterthought, you know?

But that's just me. I still like playing the game despite all this and honestly take back the IW complaint, even though it is still a disappointing entry in a series I love oh so much.


How do I get in the mansion in the top right corner of Sunset Hills? I'm pretty sure I was in it during my first playthrough. I have a statue in there to collect.


Goofy glitches abound.

Still taking my time in overtime. Killed my 55k zombie pp trial. The 75k pops up. Except I got my 100k achievement an hour ago!

Ugh. Dont want to kill another 75k zombies from scratch. Tell me this is the last one. If there is a 100k from scratch I'm going to be Pissed.

Moving onto nightmare mode.

There's no 100k from scratch one......

It's 200k


I've yet to do it. Only achievement I'm missing is the PP trials. So tedious and boring.


these are great. awesome. you should try some toward the ends of the final few days when its absolutely packed with bodies. its actually really ridiculous how many zombies fill the streets then.
Oh yeah I should do that another day, but I leave these for now:





How do I get in the mansion in the top right corner of Sunset Hills? I'm pretty sure I was in it during my first playthrough. I have a statue in there to collect.
Just played through that. You have to go in the door in the back BUT it was also a psycho mission. I'm guessing you can't go in until you get the prompt for it.


Game is ugly and beautiful at the same time. And lots of fun!

Do the Capcom logos at the loading splash have jaggies too?

Crap. Never got the horse or reindeer head. Oh wells.


Anyone stuck with " get update from Jamie" through smartglass ...it just doesn't work now

you have to advance/progress the story to get updates. if smartglass simply isnt working, try starting the game through the app and then starting the companion
Love this game. I'm at level 50 and do not want it to end. After you complete the game, can you keep playing to level up more? I want to max out all my stats. The Ultimate Grim Reaper is a beast of a weapon!


Can anyone comment on the co-op? I got the game as an X-Mas gift, and now I'm contemplating giving a copy to a friend. How is the co-op - any fun?
Can anyone comment on the co-op? I got the game as an X-Mas gift, and now I'm contemplating giving a copy to a friend. How is the co-op - any fun?

Co-Op is fun. Getting together is a little different than you are used to with a game that has a lobby system.

But once you two are in the world together its a lot of fun. Vehicles can hold both of you guys so you can just drive around.


Can anyone comment on the co-op? I got the game as an X-Mas gift, and now I'm contemplating giving a copy to a friend. How is the co-op - any fun?

Been playing coop with my bro, lots of fun. Little weird to set up, have to join a party then have the main player invite you in.

Only downside is you spawn in with no weapons, little annoying when you get geared up and get kicked due to a connection error. Rejoin the game and all your weapons are gone.

It has been lots of fun, but a tad on the easy side.
Been playing coop with my bro, lots of fun. Little weird to set up, have to join a party then have the main player invite you in.

Only downside is you spawn in with no weapons, little annoying when you get geared up and get kicked due to a connection error. Rejoin the game and all your weapons are gone.

It has been lots of fun, but a tad on the easy side.

Zombie slaying should be on the easy side... makes for awesomeness... In all seriousness though it kinda sucks hearing it is on the easy side. I like stressful coop games at times.


I think I got the glitch. Got all 96/103 blueprints but could not give me beer hat or buffet cart blueprint even though I am level 50 and maxed out smarts. Such a bummer.


Been playing coop with my bro, lots of fun. Little weird to set up, have to join a party then have the main player invite you in.

Only downside is you spawn in with no weapons, little annoying when you get geared up and get kicked due to a connection error. Rejoin the game and all your weapons are gone.

It has been lots of fun, but a tad on the easy side.

Those Psycho battles are no joke. Maybe easier in coop although I haven't tried it with anyone else.


Co-Op is fun. Getting together is a little different than you are used to with a game that has a lobby system.

But once you two are in the world together its a lot of fun. Vehicles can hold both of you guys so you can just drive around.

Awesome, thanks. Will buy my buddy a copy and jump in.
Those Psycho battles are no joke. Maybe easier in coop although I haven't tried it with anyone else.

I find the psycho battles to be easy. Only 1 that took half my health was that yoga psycho. It prob helped that I would only visit a psycho when I was fully stocked with the best weapons.
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