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Dean Takahashi: Nintendo should've bought Ouya; Wii U Dead in Water


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
terrible article mired in silicon valley groupthink...

1. title is misnomer - dean never actually explains why nintendo should strategically acquire ouya - why that would make sense

2. he doesn't do good fact-checking - cod:ghosts is most likely headed to wii u - activision nearly confirmed as much

3. getting vc money != validation... VC's are right about 10% of the time... the particularly sleazy varieties of them at kleiner perkins and sequoia will sell their souls and lie through their teeth and say anything to make a few bucks...

4. bing gordon is an investor in ouya, and supposedly, he got an amazing deal that meant personal participation for him being a member of the board - so he personally profits a great deal if he suggests that tradtional consoles are dying

Yeah, that's what I was getting at earlier. Venturebeat being the type of publication that it is, would obviously have an interest in the Ouya. Dean Takahashi cares about the latest new investments above all else, so yeah Ouya is gonna look like a hot commodity to him. That doesn't mean that he knows what is best for traditional gaming companies. He never shows what Nintendo would do with such a property. Rather, he is personally interested in Ouya as an investment, so he thinks that gaming companies like Nintendo should be too.
this is such an utterly stupid suggestion. Nintendo's console is struggling (and might well fail) so Nintendo should have bought out another console that is unlikely to outsell their currently struggling console... because... WEBSITE CLICKS!

even if Nintendo wanted a piece of hardware like the Ouya they would just make one. acquiring a company that has bought off the shelf chips that anyone can buy, doesn't strike me as a smart idea. and that Ouya controller may be good, but so is the Wii U Pro controller. best controller I've held that one. Nintendo don't need any help creating hardware. they just might need some help in deciding what hardware they should be creating in the first place.
That's why they constantly retry past failures, like 3D for NES, or complex local multi and asymmetric gameplay.

You can see that an other way. They actually managed to believe in, create, and release something that was to the rift what would be a wood trunk with spikes to a bed.

If they thought a limited angle viewing 3d screen that not even everyone could enjoy was a good thing for their new portable.. Explain me how the rift would be a nonono for them.. That was maybe their only and last chance at having something unique and revolutionary that people would pay to try.

They sold/tried to sell the 3DS on the fact it was utilising "glassless 3D", & given that they have always had a focus on local multi-player, the rift wouldn't be a particularly easy sell for them(& that is ignoring the obvious fact that the tech wouldn't really have been ready at the time they wished to release the Wii U, & is likely still a few years away from being viable at a mass-market level).


Ahahahaha, really?

Because the Ouya is just a few short weeks away from a hilarious flop. It's going to hit the ground with a thud, and the KS preorders will be the most consoles they ever sell in a month.
This guy must be dumb as all hell if he thinks Ouya would make sense as an acquisition. Their games are just Android games anyway. If Nintendo wanted to launch a $99 console based on Android Ouya would be crushed within minutes. They don't own any IP and their fanbase and brand recognition is about a million times less than Nintendo's.



I think it's a valid argument to say they should have built something like Ouya, but why buy up something they could easily make themselves? There's nothing unique about it.

Rolf NB

Ouya has no selling point. It has no exclusive content. It runs the content people use to piss away their waiting time on the go at home, on your TV, with control schemes it was never designed for. All the low pricing in the world won't balance out the complete lack of necessity.

It's even worse than the Wii U in that respect. It is an absolute conundrum how the Ouya would help Nintendo's fortunes.

This reeks of mental acrobatics trying to lampshade the "Nintendo should make games for smartphones lol" chestnut under the not-really-a-smartphone-but-almost Ouya. Except it still doesn't make any more sense than before.

If Nintendo needed to have an Android platform to publish games on -- and let me be very clear here, they absolutely don't --, they could just build one themselves. It's fairly easy to do so, as far as these things go. Acquisitions in that direction would just be a waste of money.



I think it's a valid argument to say they should have built something like Ouya, but why buy up something they could easily make themselves? There's nothing unique about it.

Remove touchpad functionality and you're basically left with an Ouya, only with more developer support, Nintendo's well known brands that can attract consumers to the machine, and a lot more power.
Ouya has no selling point. It has no exclusive content. It runs the content people use to piss away their waiting time on the go at home, on your TV, with control schemes it was never designed for. All the low pricing in the world won't balance out the complete lack of necessity.

If the Ouya at least had cutting edge 2013 ARM-based hardware, like the Tegra 4 STB config, where it would run games at least twice as well as comparable mobile phones, it would be worth it.

Maybe we should wait for Ouya 2.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Hahahaha, what? Why? I don't think buying a pyramid scheme is a sellable idea.


Gotta agree with this.
nintendo buying Ouya would give them no benefit whatsoever.

I am genuinely not even sure what the point would be of such an aquisition. So you'd go with that, get cheaper hardware, just for a platform so you can play recycled phone games that don't even look right on big tvs or feel right control-wise?

Nintendo would be instantly relegated so far behind the pack of Sony and Microsoft hardware. There is a reason people do buy consoles when they do, it is because they offer experiences that fundamentally cannot yet be offered at the same level as they can on phones. When you kill that benefit, you effectively have no reason to exist at all.

Think about arcades for a moment. For years, arcades were the place to go to see the next-generation of visuals, to experience gimmicks impossible on consoles. And then consoles started catching up - visually, gimmicks, features... you name it. And eventually it surpassed it, and the age of Arcades died.

Centering an entire major Nintendo console around the Ouya philosophy is simply retarded. You'd get a cheaper price, but also the cheaper image to go with it, the idea that your consoles offer something you can't get anywhere else. And what would the trade-off be? Shitty android phone games that look like crap and play off their home turf, which is the benefit of portability? Basically worst game market place of the moment for the sheer amount of crap-to-decent ratio.

Yeah, it's just a dumb idea. Nintendo should be investing in things, Ouya is not one of them. Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Mayfield Fund were stupid to invest.


Aftershock LA
I know I'm not the biggest Nintendo fan these days, but what the fuck did I just read?! It's been a long time since I've read an article that was so off the mark. I mean, what is it? The fact that the Ouya is a new console and this generation has gone rather long in the tooth, so any and all excitement to be had about new consoles is transferring to Ouya?

What would buying Ouya add to Nintendo in any way, shape, or form? I just don't see the benefits, honestly. I know the Wii U isn't lighting the world on fire, but damn, it's only been what, 6 months since it launched? Not even its first birthday yet? Like I do with all new consoles, I give it a good one or two years, or 12-18 months to start producing content I enjoy. I haven't been following Nintendo much lately, but I know they have some stuff on the horizon that will, at the least, excite their fanbase and bring in some sales.

I don't own a Wii U, but a new Animal Cross, Smash Bros, Zelda, and Metroid will eventually force my hand, and I'll pick one up.

It's like everyone thinks they're market analysts these days, though, it's kind of puzzling to me.

I also don't get why he's comparing the sales of iPhone 5's to Wii U's. The iPhone is a fucking phone. The Wii U is a fucking video game console that gets connected to your TV. Maybe it's because I'm an old time gamer, but when it comes to video games, I prefer to play them on dedicated gaming devices, be it PS3/Vita/PS4, Xbox 360/720, WiiU/3DS, or PC. When it comes to making phone calls, yeah, I'd probably go with Apple or Android (I own an Android, actually). I have a lot of apps on my phone and tablet, but I don't game on it. I just think it's way, way too early to write off Nintendo and Wii U just yet, and I'm still puzzling over how acquiring Ouya would improve Nintendo's station (or any of the big three, really).


Of all the "advice" I've heard for Nintendo over the past few weeks this is the most inane.

Ouya needs Oculus Rift support then we can have two massively over-hyped products colliding to finally save us from our console shackles!
Even mentioning these two products in the same sentence should not be allowed. One is a technologically outdated device you plug into your TV to do things dozens of other products can do, but worse.

The other is a PC accessory that provides a gameplay experience that has been unattainable outside of specialized 5 figure+ equipment before its release.

Its still faster than Tegra 3. :)
The CPU part? No, not really.


Wii U has a horrible, slow CPU.

No it doesn't. I wouldn't call a 3-core 1.2 GHz OoO CPU horrible or slow. The issue with the Wii is marketing! marketing! marketing! Everyone assumed it was some Wii add-on and not a new console. If they named it Wii 2 that would have been much better.


What a brain fart. The main issue of WiiU is that it should have been released 6 or 7 years ago instead of the Wii. But to release an Ouya instead of a WiiU would have been even worse.
No it doesn't. I wouldn't call a 3-core 1.2 GHz OoO CPU horrible or slow. The issue with the Wii is marketing! marketing! marketing! Everyone assumed it was some Wii add-on and not a new console. If they named it Wii 2 that would have been much better.

The CPU isn't that bad. The biggest problem of WiiU is the very low memory bandwidth.

Or they could create their own Tegra based Android console for a couple of bucks? It took what, 7 million to kickstart Ouya? Why would it make sense to buy them for more than that?

Exactly, I don't see the point in buying the Ouya when they could have just made a Tegra based console running Android.


What a brain fart. The main issue of WiiU is that it should have been released 6 or 7 years ago instead of the Wii. But to release an Ouya instead of a WiiU would have been even worse.

Its a common believe that Wii U is ancient technology, but that streaming tech to that price would have been impossible back then, probably impossible at any price. So would the performance / form factor / power consumption ratio. You remember how huge and noisy the original 360 was ?


While at one point the potential worth of the OUYA company would be high once the machine is released it will plummet it. Would be an instant loss for the owners. The machine is at best some kind of weird hobbiest toy at best.


For many already mentioned reasons, this is a fairly preposterous idea.

If Nintendo wants to get involved in any kickstarter gaming hardware, there's a simple three-step plan for them to follow:

1. Get console-exclusive compatibility with Oculus Rift for Wii U
2. Create F-Zero game for Wii U
3. Profit
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