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Definitive word on PS3 demo date for Resident Evil 5 / RE5 ? (banish me if old)


SMZC said:
Am I the only one that thinks that the graphics and framerate are horrible next to the 360 version?

not horrible but actually worse from what I remember, also I've been replaying MGS4 these days and now RE5 looks ordinary at best (IMO). I think I'll get the cheaper and superior PC version whenever it becomes available, or a cheap 360 version in case the PC version is canned or something.

as of today, RE4 Wii > RE5


Danielsan said:
Online co-op is pretty laggy. :(
Quoting myself to say I just had an awesome and lagless co-op game. Game is a ton of fun when both parties involved know how to play the game well.


Is this the place to complain about the demo?

I wasn't impressed. I suppose I haven't been keeping up with the previews, but weren't there supposed to be new things in this game? Some kind of light/dark vision adaptation, or something? It seems like an exact copy of RE4, only with a new and annoying real-time inventory, and with the awesome rainy, dark ruined village replaced with a boring, bright, bombed-out town.


Narcosis said:
You might wanna try opening the game menu and seeing what control types C and D do.

I did but neither control allows me to change orientation using right stick while shooting.


hide your water-based mammals
WickedLaharl said:
i know. the question someone poised was how it ran at 1080p, but there is no 1080i/p support in the ps3 demo.

having played the demo again i must say that the slowdown is really annoying
Where? Or are we just being picky here? It's always playable in-game for me.


yurinka said:
Anyone played on-line in PS3? Impressions? Noticiable lag? Connection problems?

I played with someone I just jumped in to a game with and there was lag, delay in kills and opening doors. Then I hosted a game and played with a friend and I there was no lag, everything was going smooth.


Holy shit. I just checked out the offline co-op. What the hell is up with those screen sizes?
I take that it's to preserve frame rate but still, I did not expect that.


bish gets all the credit :)
Played with someone in Japan yesterday with no problems, except that he was a terrible player. :D
Still managed to kill chainsaw man though. I noticed some framedrops when he appeared though.


I've never played RE4 and have only manages a few minutes in the RE5 demo but I have to say that I really like it so far. I'm off to work but I'll be ready for some co-op in about 10 hours.

If anyone wants to play my PSN Name is Shurs


this will sum up the the bulk of the rest of this thread

RE5 hater: Wow, these controls stink.
RE5 fan: No they don't, its to add tension! Tension!
RE5 hater: If the game needs to have bad controls to add tension, maybe the game isn't very good?
RE5 fan: Maybe you just need to try control type A? Maybe you just suck!
RE5 hater: No I tried all the control schemes, none were very good. Why can't it control more like Dead Space?
RE5 fan: OMG this isn't Dead Space! If you wanna play Dead Space, play that instead!
RE5 hater: But I want to play this game. I just want to play it with good controls. Maybe if I could at least move while shooting...
RE5 fan: Maybe you just suck!


I guess I'm stuck playing this beautiful game in ugly 480p again on my CRT?

Capcom and their lack of 1080i, I swear. I don't care for stuff like Little Big Planet, but come on. RE5 is a major release.

raziel said:
this will sum up the the bulk of the rest of this thread

RE5 hater: Wow, these controls stink.
RE5 fan: No they don't, its to add tension! Tension!
RE5 hater: If the game needs to have bad controls to add tension, maybe the game isn't very good?
RE5 fan: Maybe you just need to try control type A? Maybe you just suck!
RE5 hater: No I tried all the control schemes, none were very good. Why can't it control more like Dead Space?
RE5 fan: OMG this isn't Dead Space! If you wanna play Dead Space, play that instead!
RE5 hater: But I want to play this game. I just want to play it with good controls. Maybe if I could at least move while shooting...
RE5 fan: Maybe you just suck!
The haters make it seem as if the game is unplayable, though. Of course the fans are going to go apeshit, it's what we do. We've been doing it since the original Resident Evil, and when a game comes along and finally fixes the formula, people still bitch.


Pojo said:
Capcom and their lack of 1080i, I swear. I don't care for stuff like Little Big Planet, but come on. RE5 is a major release.

1080i is basically phased out now. While some TVs support it, the core resolutions are 1080p and 720p. Which is for the best, but sucks for people that got 1080i only HDTVs. I think the old CRT HDTV in my room only does 720p and 1080i now that I think about it, whereas my living room one supports all of them. Annnnnnnnnnnd, 720p looks like crap on it (the CRT) compared to 1080i.
EDIT: The Demo is out now on the Japanese PSN, bitches!

Sick! I'll give it a go when I wake up a bit more. :D
raziel said:
this will sum up the the bulk of the rest of this thread

RE5 hater: Wow, these controls stink.
RE5 fan: No they don't, its to add tension! Tension!
RE5 hater: If the game needs to have bad controls to add tension, maybe the game isn't very good?
RE5 fan: Maybe you just need to try control type A? Maybe you just suck!
RE5 hater: No I tried all the control schemes, none were very good. Why can't it control more like Dead Space?
RE5 fan: OMG this isn't Dead Space! If you wanna play Dead Space, play that instead!
RE5 hater: But I want to play this game. I just want to play it with good controls. Maybe if I could at least move while shooting...
RE5 fan: Maybe you just suck!
hahaha damn tank controls :p I'll see how it plays out.


Is it me, because I am experiencing some noticeable frame drops. I didn't have this issue in the 360 version :/

I will say though, the controls on the PS3 are much better.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Did play it for long last night. i was tired

but the game looks absolutely Amazing

i'll play more when i get home
Type A isn't working for me, which is supposed to be the COD style one? Also I figured I would try speeding up my aiming speed.

That said, netcode is amazing, I would have thought I was playing it with a person right here.
i think there are more zombies in this demo in assembly. capcom really needs to consider cutting back on the amount to maintain a better framerate.


I didn't like the controls but its not unplayable. The only thing that I actually might consider game breaking is that when you access the inventory you can't move. Like I have time to go to menu, select item, then confirm I want the item. I know its going to make me seem like a hater but at least in Dead space you could move while you had the inventory out. Also "Adding to the tension" sounds more like an excuse for bad controls. That being said its still a good game and well worth a purchase.


This has all been said before, but I'll just chime in since I did this in the 360 demo thread as well and played the PS3 demo just now.

+ presentation is great, graphics are good, I like the setting and cutscenes are well done. Models look good, too.

- PS3 version has some massive framedrops when there's a lot of action on the screen

- aiming is so unbelievably sluggish, it's like Chris is underwater and moving the handgun is taking all of his strength. RE4 Wii most likely ruined this aspect for me.

- the controls are clunky at best, broken at worst. A to D, it's all bad.

- the co-op partner ruins the atmosphere (for me) and just makes the game as a whole a less enjoyable experience. I have a distinct dislike for both AI partners (if they're as vital as they're here, everything feels like an escort mission) and/or being dependant on a stranger connected online to complete the game. The splitscreen screens are a fucking joke, I can't believe they'll ship the game looking like that in splitscreen. Ridiculous.

And that's the last I'll say about this, since I don't want to be a downer for people who are enjoying the game. Just a major, major disappointment for me. :( Went from a must buy from when it was first announced to a rental when more details emerged to a complete pass after the playing the demo. Just ugh.



I will say this, after switching back and forth between the ps3 and 360 versions I can say the ps3 versions colors are way more fucking vibrant. Framerates not as good, but I think this is still going to be the version I get.


Haunted said:
- the co-op partner ruins the atmosphere (for me) and just makes the game as a whole a less enjoyable experience. I have a distinct dislike for both AI partners (if they're as vital as they're here, everything feels like an escort mission) and/or being dependant on a stranger connected online to complete the game. The splitscreen screens are a fucking joke, I can't believe they'll ship the game looking like that in splitscreen. Ridiculous.

I don't think I can finish the game by myself. No I probably won't finish the game by myself. Co-op mode online all the way for me in RE5. At least I can joke around with my friends while I'm playing.


I kinda noticed that the facial animations are rough on the ps3 version as well. But this is probably because its an early build.
Wow Control Type D FTW, it just made everything a 100% better, along with increasing the aiming speed. I still suck, but that is par the course, still great job by Capcom by creating the control style as a response to feedback they got.


Danielsan said:
Holy shit. I just checked out the offline co-op. What the hell is up with those screen sizes?
I take that it's to preserve frame rate but still, I did not expect that.

No, it's to preserve the correct aspect-ratio for both players and it's the only way to got. :)


So Gears of War-like controls are confirmed in the final version?

I guess all that bitchin-n-moanin helped somehow.
Paracelsus said:
So Gears of War-like controls are confirmed in the final version?

I guess all that bitchin-n-moanin helped somehow.

I though type D was just based off of shooters like COD, but whatever its based off of it works.

Also ammo is hard as balls to manage. It's like the old RE for me. Maybe it's all over the place, but securing it isn't easy.


WickedLaharl said:
i think there are more zombies in this demo in shanty town. capcom really needs to consider cutting back on the amount to maintain a better framerate.

Eh? Is this a PS3 issue? I didn't notice any slowdown on 360.

Also, glad you guys get to play it now. It's such a good game. Haters be damned. The controls aren't perfect, but it in no way makes the game unplayable or even hard to play, once you spend an hour with the damn thing.

Personally, I use control type C. Love it.


Someone please tell Sheva that this is a survival horror not a FPS. Tell her to CONSERVE BULLETS!!!! She just mindlessly shoot them (not in the head) and keep requesting ammo.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
omg rite said:
Eh? Is this a PS3 issue? I didn't notice any slowdown on 360.
He's saying he thinks there's more zombies there in the PS3 version of the demo, for whatever reason, probably contributing to the slowdown. I can say I noticed some slowdowns (no tearing though) but it didn't bother me at all.

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Can someone confirm if Type D was the "Western type" Capcom added after feedback?
It's the closest to what you're probably hoping for, but still won't let you move while you're aiming.
Lord Error said:
He's saying he thinks there's more zombies there in the PS3 version of the demo, for whatever reason, probably contributing to the slowdown. I can say I noticed some slowdowns (no tearing though) but it didn't bother me at all.

I didn't see any tearing either.
Achtius said:
Someone please tell Sheva that this is a survival horror not a FPS. Tell her to CONSERVE BULLETS!!!! She just mindlessly shoot them (not in the head) and keep requesting ammo.

Sounds like she has a addiction problem. But you are not helping any by being a enabler!

Three more hours until I can test this myself. Please be good...


Haunted said:
This has all been said before, but I'll just chime in since I did this in the 360 demo thread as well and played the PS3 demo just now.

+ presentation is great, graphics are good, I like the setting and cutscenes are well done. Models look good, too.

- PS3 version has some massive framedrops when there's a lot of action on the screen

- aiming is so unbelievably sluggish, it's like Chris is underwater and moving the handgun is taking all of his strength. RE4 Wii most likely ruined this aspect for me.

- the controls are clunky at best, broken at worst. A to D, it's all bad.

- the co-op partner ruins the atmosphere (for me) and just makes the game as a whole a less enjoyable experience. I have a distinct dislike for both AI partners (if they're as vital as they're here, everything feels like an escort mission) and/or being dependant on a stranger connected online to complete the game. The splitscreen screens are a fucking joke, I can't believe they'll ship the game looking like that in splitscreen. Ridiculous.

And that's the last I'll say about this, since I don't want to be a downer for people who are enjoying the game. Just a major, major disappointment for me. :( Went from a must buy from when it was first announced to a rental when more details emerged to a complete pass after the playing the demo. Just ugh.


That pretty much sums up my thoughts on RE5 : ( (only played the 360 demo)
Lord Error said:
It's the closest to what you're probably hoping for, but still won't let you move while you're aiming.

Oh I don't care about the moving as much, it was the aiming, and general movement scheme that was driving me nuts.

In regards to movement I mean its RE, so no strafing for you! I can live with that. :)
People seem to complain at the speed of the aiming. Is there no way to raise the sensitivity? Or are we talking slow even at the highest sensitivity?


Is there a problem with the demo's invite/join system? I'm trying to get a friend join my game and although he receives my invites, he can't join in.


I played Shanty town (I tried the Jap demo yesterday night) on the PS3.

The slowdown are there, but I didn't play the 360 demo, so I don't know.

This is resident evil by and by. in high def.
Now about the controls, D is the way to go for me.

My only complaint is that (which might not matter) is that why can't Chris Redfield strafe run? That worked for gears because you engage enemies at range... Plus, there was a wider range of evade motions in gears when enemies got too close (and you can blindfire too)

So when the axe guy came running at me I was holy shit... I need to run away, and I just run towards him... I stopped, and turned a bit, and then started running again. Unnecessary.

The pacing feels a lot faster. And also I can't help but notice that sheva is a very proficient partner.

I don't think real-time inventory management works in this game because it is wayyy more action oriented than Dead Space ever was. But also I haven't played this game enough to get used to it. At first glance though, its ugly.

And lastly, the stomp... its looks very weak, like Chris was giving just stepping on the guy.


Been playing the demo and not paying too close attention to the thread (sacrilege).

So I'm sure this has been covered already. The friends invite thingy... this is the first time I've seen this implemented on PSN. Is it new or was it already present, just that I've never seen/used it?


slider said:
Been playing the demo and not paying too close attention to the thread (sacrilege).

So I'm sure this has been covered already. The friends invite thingy... this is the first time I've seen this implemented on PSN. Is it new or was it already present, just that I've never seen/used it?

Yeah but does it work? How do you accept friend invites?


PuppetSlave said:
People seem to complain at the speed of the aiming. Is there no way to raise the sensitivity? Or are we talking slow even at the highest sensitivity?

There is... but yeah, it really doesn't feel natural even at the highest setting.

Just a question... I don't have time to try to the demo again before I go to work, I just want to know. Are any of the other control schemes similar to Dead Space? I don't care at all about moving while shooting, I just want the controls to feel somewhat more intuitive.

Sword Familiar

178% of NeoGAF posters don't understand statistics
Took some time getting used to the new control scheme, but it seems ok. Sheva died on me on the first level and I got killed by chainsaw guy while reloading my gun on the second. It seems I'll suck at this game as much as I sucked at RE4 :(

But it's so perty.... :(
The closest thing to dead space is the D control scheme, and it sucks, RE4 has been designed to be played with one stick, play with A or don't play it :lol

And and here's a protip for Capcom : even if you don't understand how anal us westerners can be about controls, you don't have to worry about that, just allows us to customize the controls as we want, like options to toggle/hold the gun, knife or run button, let us tweak the sticks speed and sensibily, let us map the command as we want. Is it that complicated? Why bothering with tons of shitty control scheme when you could just put a nice standard one and let the player mess with it?


RockmanWhore said:
The closest thing to dead space is the D control scheme, and it sucks, RE4 has been designed to be played with one stick, play with A or don't play it :lol

And and here's a protip for Capcom : even if you don't understand how anal us westerners can be about controls, you don't have to worry about that, just allows us to customize the controls as we want, like options to toggle/hold the gun, knife or run button, let us tweak the sticks speed and sensibily, let us map the command as we want. Is it that complicated? Why bothering with tons of shitty control scheme when you could just put a nice standard one and let the player mess with it?

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