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Destiny: How did the Alpha affect your opinion of the game? Vote inside.

Before: 6/10
After: 7/10

I like Halo, so this game was always a must buy. But I am more sure of what they are doing now, I know I will be hooked. On the flip side I see some limitations so I see that it wont be my GOTY unless the main game has some crazy story missions.
1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was "Sweet I love Borderlands and this too looks like Diablo + FPS but with more of an emphasis on coop" 8.5/10

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is "Shit this is Vanilla Diablo 3 all over again" 5/10

I can't wait to see what happens when the action RPG novices start complaining about loot drops.


1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was very good, I was interested in a Bungie Borderlands. My interest level was: 8/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is extremely positive. My interest level is now: 10/10.

Early alphas should be a thing more often.
I thought the game was fun, but felt disconnected from any storytelling (unless that's its own SP mode).

Felt the co-op was alright, but enemies are too samey and there's zero voiceover for them (can they not speak? why am I killing them? who are they?)

I am most interested by the 6 player co op that supposedly requires a lot of teamwork. But I dont see a good class/teamwork syatem outside of shooting the crap out of your enemy

Reviving seems lame yet seems to be the best co op mechanic. Are the six players all going to be unique with abilities to support each other?

I also really wanted MP to be competitive like Halo. But it seems unbalanced and lacks the excitement of Halo (partly because snipers and shotguns are carried by everyone and super moves are too common). The Control mode is way too basic and downright horrible for Bungie's reputation. Map design also seems too standard, partly with how linear the Control mode is.

As of now, I am choosing to cancel my preorder for MGSV

If the beta can showcase a better pvp mode (CTF please!), and if I can get my hands on the 6 player mode, that might turn me around


Before the alpha I couldn't get excited about this game but I knew it had a big budget and bungie ia great so 6/10

But after playing it this weekend the multiplayer was great and looked gorgeous 9/10 for me.
Before: 7/10, which was a lot, and purely riding on Bungie's name, seeing nothing worthwhile, and hoping for the best.

Now: 8/10. I think I'll enjoy it, and the public events have very real potential. The strike mission was also a fun time, even if the bosses took fucking forever to drop. There is some true potential here and I really enjoyed the way the combat flows.

Am still concerned about the amount of non-competitive content here, especially whats solo-able. No interest in the competitive modes whatsoever.


1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny… Didn't care much for it. I'm burned out on shooters and I've never played Halo, nor cared to. My interest level was: 4/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny… Love it. Next to FFXIV, this is all I've played. Actually, I've barely touched FF. Actually... I preordered it yesterday, and had no intention to before. My interest level is now: 10/10.

I too am worried about a lack of non competitive options, as crucible hands me my ass constantly. I would at least like to see new and refreshing PVP options available in crucible when this goes gold.


Before the Alpha, I was extremely hyped up, always been huge on this and have been convincing other players to get it since it was leaked. Before, 10/10

After? Well, with the upcoming beta that will hold only more content and the retail game after that, I am honestly pumped for Destiny. 11/10
Before Alpha, I had next to no interests in it, like 2/10. While I like Halo, does not mean the world to me.

After playing the Alpha....that was a ton of fun, moves up to an 8/10 to me, where I may get it. The beta will likely push this higher, loved the RPG feel.
Stats updated and they're starting to level out.

Right now it looks like 4 out of 5 people's impression of Destiny increased after the alpha, which is pretty telling.


Before: 6/10 (I had it preordered, but wasn't too enthusiastic)
After: 8/10 (I'm not going to cancel my preorder and plan to play it on release)

I suck at it, of course (a 0.2 K/D ratio in the Crucible, on average). But the exploration and quest mode are quite fun too.
1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was mild disinterest. My interest level was: 2/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is I NEED TO PREORDER THIS NOW. My interest level is now: 9/10.


1. Before the alpha, I wasn't that interested. I didn't really know what the game was and, if I'm being honest, never really got that into Halo. Probably just a 4/10, seemed like it might be worth a rental or borrowing from a friend.

2. After the alpha, I'm getting it day one, along with at least two of my friends. 10/10.


I get the feeling that competitive multiplayer is gonna be a series of shotgun tag. It's looking like it's not for me. The story stuff in this game better be strong.


I think we can both agree your interest level in Destiny was not 0/10 by the simple fact that you gave the Alpha a chance (unless you were forced to play it for whatever reason).

These interest ratings are obviously not an exact science, but I found too many posts on this thread going from no interest to a very high interest level because of an Alpha which they choose to play.

I think such posts are likely misleading a number of Gaffers or readers who truly have no interest in the game to mistakenly think they should pick it up.

Hm, fair enough.

I should correct it then, before Sony's E3 conference my interest really was 0/10, then, after watching the opening of that conference which was Destiny themed, I thought "hey, that actually look pretty cool", so I guess that would be 4? Maybe 5? And then they announced the Alpha for PS4, and since Bloodborne made me buy a PS4 after the conference ended, why not?

So yeah, you're right. If not for the Sony conference, I wouldn't even try the alpha, like I didn't care about the new Battlefield beta.

Rather than using numbers, I decided to write a song about how the Alpha made me feel

Moon Wizard, flying in the sky
I'm shooting you in style some day
Oh, loot maker, you heart breaker
Wherever you're dropping, I'm looting it today

Three players, off to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see
We're after the same bulletsponge, waiting, round the bend
My Huckleberry Friend, Moon Wizard, and me

Moon Wizard, blasted little fly
I'm shooting you in style today
Oh, goddamnit, bruv
You dropped that same glove, that's just so fucking lame

Three players, off to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see
We're after that same bulletsponge, waiting, round the bend
My Huckleberry Friend, Moon Wizard, and me

No but seriously, all it had to do was prove it didn't play like Borderlands to restore my initial interest.

Song time then?

It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive


I think we can both agree your interest level in Destiny was not 0/10 by the simple fact that you gave the Alpha a chance (unless you were forced to play it for whatever reason).

These interest ratings are obviously not an exact science, but I found too many posts on this thread going from no interest to a very high interest level because of an Alpha which they choose to play.

I think such posts are likely misleading a number of Gaffers or readers who truly have no interest in the game to mistakenly think they should pick it up.

I wouldn't be surprised if plenty of people with very little interest got caught up in the energy surrounding E3 and the "exclusivity" of the alpha on a platform that has been somewhat starved for things to play. There are probably a lot of people who tried out the game that wouldn't have otherwise if it wasn't for those very specific circumstances, and now they're glad they did.

I know I personally might not have ever bothered to get into the alpha if I hadn't already had a code coming from going to the Sony E3 event, and now I'm going to pre-order it digitally so that it's always on my system for bursts of play whenever I feel like it. Hopefully there's enough content that I don't end up feeling burned, but the alpha has me hyped.


Neo Member
Before: ???/10

I just didn't know what to expect. I have never felt the hook from an MMO; the gameplay has to feel good for me to get hooked on something, and WOW or others didn't really feel good to me,

After: 10/10

My only concern is if they can't keep up with enough quality content. I'm afraid that this will have the same fate as the Old Republic.

I am extremely optimistic, and hope it delivers!


1.Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny is that it's another lackluster Bungie game. My interest level was: 0/10.

2.After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is that I need the full game like now. My interest level is now: 10/10.

I did not see that coming at all.
Before: 3/10
Mild disinterest and general apathy.

After: 9/10
I want this game right goddamn now. While there were aspects of the alpha that I disliked, I can see this becoming one of my favorite early gen multiplayer titles. In short, Bungie sold me on the game. I particularly love how polished it feels.


Before: 7/10. I saw it as a culmination of everything Bungie did to halo as a series. Lots of potential and a blueprint for a really good shooter/mmo hybrid.

After: 2/10. It's basically Halo gunplay, always online, with generic classes. I still think they can convince me with the SP but not feeling confident anymore.

Chris R

I was interested but had no solid idea what the game was about before the alpha. After playing it for 3 or 4 hours I'm still intrigued but waiting on a beta to decide if I purchase it day 1. Shooting felt nice, but the leveling and enemy spawning mechanics left me feeling the game had a bit more developing to do.


Before 5/10 , I had a pre-order down but I wasn't sure how I felt.


11/10, just hook it up to my veins. I'm in love.


Neo Member
Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny…2/10 - very meh. Was a strong pass. Never played any Halos and FPS is starting to bore me big time. I bought the latest COD and Battlefield and probably put in 3 hours into both combined. Last MMO I was in was Final Fantasy 11 and it was a time suck and very laggy (due to platform). Never wanted in another.

After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny… 10/10 - my life needs this. Will pre-order for the beta and September needs to be here stat. My body is ready. Kudos Bungie, you got a new follower.


I like it more than i thought i would not being a fps fan. the load times are pretty awful though. ANd now i think every game like this would be better with the souls games summon mechanic.

Before 6/10
Now 9/10


1.Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny is that it's another lackluster Bungie game. My interest level was: 0/10.

2.After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is that I need the full game like now. My interest level is now: 10/10.

I did not see that coming at all.

Yeah me too. Never really played a Bungie game other than the Halo series but I never really cared for them. I loved Destiny's alpha though.
Before the alpha i had no idea what it really was but knew i would buy the next bungie game

after the alpha i was blown away by it and still am going to buy the next bungie game.
Before the Alpha: 2/10

After the Alpha: 9/10

Was a smart move of them to have done the Alpha. I imagine the beta will bring them even more attention.
1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was that it was a Borderlands clone with Halo combat that looked incredibly dull and boring. No soul and the enemies looked brainless as well as the combat. My interest level was: 1/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is that it's nothing like Borderlands besides the small loot drop we've gotten so far. It's got tight controls and beautiful world and level design. Peter Dinklage's voice acting/the script needs serious work, but hot damn is this game some fun shit! My interest level is now: 9/10.

I'll be preordering for some beta access! The game is boring as hell to watch, but it's just so much fun to play! I'm really excited for it.
1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was that it was an intriguing fps, although I wasnt too hyped when I saw gameplay videos. My interest level was: 6/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is that its now a must buy and my social life is gonna take a major hit when it drops. My interest level is now: 10/10.


Before the Alpha: 4/10. Felt like the one big budget game left after all the delays I might be interested in, even though I stopped playing Halo after 3 and appreciated but never obsessed over Borderlands. Didn't really "get it."

After the Alpha: 9/10. Will be playing day one and will probably preorder for Beta access. Loved the dreamy atmosphere, the gunplay, the UI, the bits of lore and the level design. A few touchstones I didn't really expect but should have - Mass Effect, Phantasy Star Online. Was just a weekend in limited areas but I'll have Destiny on my mind until I can play again. If the amount of content and script are up to par, exciting times indeed.
1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was that it was an overly ambitious game, that would lack in real content and playability. My interest level was: 3/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is that it may be the best game of the year. The game feels dense with content and the gameplay feels miles better than Halo ever did. Bungie's unrivaled infrastructure and support lead me to have very high expectations. My interest level is now: 10/10.

I was almost completely disinterested. Evolve was the only multiplayer game that I was seriously looking forward to. The guns in this game felt appropriately deadly unlike Halo's nerf weapons, but they managed this without having the insta-death quality of CoD style shooters.

I was reminded of the kind of damage dealing that I loved in Red Faction Guerrilla, and that is a really great thing.


Before it was a mild curiosity, because I wanted to try a bungie game. I was quite worried I was locked into something I didn't want a month ago because I pre ordered via PSN and some negative press impressions shook my confidence, and also the fact every piece of information/footage released just made the game look like bungie's version of borderlands.

After playing the alpha, I am very confident in the game now. Sleek presentation, fun shooting, just a good time with friends and even randoms. I highly enjoyed the strike, minus the part where you need to kill the walker.

So yeah, not regretting my pre order anymore.
Posted 5/10 before and after but the last few hours warmed me up to the game some. I did a bit of reading and having seen the skill trees and whatnot and how Bungie wants the game to operate once you reach cap, I think this is something I'm pretty keen on actually.

So before 5/10, after 6/10. Beta might get me to a 7 or 8 depending on the amount of content we get to see. Even though its a shooter it is a loot RPG and those tend to suck at low levels. I'm optimistic with the enjoyment I had here that the game will be great.

Sweet Ivy

1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was mostly based on the fact that Bungie is behind it and they would do something pretty cool. They hadn't shown anything particularly amazing, but I felt in the end it would be there.
My interest level was: 9/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is that they are delivering on expectation, I was a believer and they showed I was right. The starting mini adventure was interesting, the characters are cool. It's not bringing much new to the table in terms of gameplay, but it does in terms of gaming. This will probably be the first good FPS MMO, after all the letdowns so far (Defiance and Dust 514 for me).
My interest level is now: 9/10.


1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was clouded by hype. I was interested in the principles that they were talking about, but not sure how it would actually play IRL. I was following the news but not seriously considering a day 1 purchase.

My interest level was: 6/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is pre-ordered. I really enjoyed the exploration more than I expected and the loot got me hooked. It was a genius move on their part to include higher level armour than the level cap would allow you to use, always leave them wanting more.

My interest level is now: 9/10.
Before: This is a Bungie game, I'm sure it'll be good but everything shown so far looks fairly standard. 6/10

After: This is an alpha? I want to play more. 9.5/10


1. Before the alpha, Destiny had me intrigued though wasn't quite sure what to expect. My interest level was: 6/10.

2. After having played the alpha I pre-ordered it on the PSN; played with 2 other friends and just couldn't get enough of it. My interest level is now: 10/10.


It didn't grab me but I have nothing else to buy and I'd like to buy one game this year for ps4. If I do it'll be destiny


1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was indifference. My interest level was: 2/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is that it will be one of my favorite games this year. My interest level is now: 10/10.

I've never been a huge Bungie fan so I pretty much completely ignored everything about Destiny and almost ignored the email from Amazon with the alpha code. I only really tried it because I had nothing to do and was bored out of my mind. I ended up loving it. The gun play is just so fun, the aim assist was a little much, but it was still so satisfying. I ended up putting at least 10 hours into it, most of that just wandering around in explore mode, even with the lack of content. I still have some concerns about longevity, but I preordered it and can't wait for the beta. Bungie has made a believer out of me, it was an absolutely brilliant move sending out so many keys.
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