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Destiny: Only one area per planet

No we already explored portions of the earth and moon there were areas that were flat out inaccessible

what areas do you mean?
i think on old russia there wasnt any invisible wall or anything that blocked your way to proceed into further areas
and the lv??/lv20 areas can easily be expored with a sparrow, they are fairly small actually
They never said other zones were explorable, but they did imply that everything in Old Russia was explorable. What if it still is? We played a restricted beta. Anything could have been arbitrarily blocked off.

That would be the hope but I find it hard to believe they wouldn't mention that invisible walls are just to restrict access in the beta. However, Bungie are the devs who waited until the last second to confirm online coop in Halo 3, letting speculation spiral whether coop was limited to local play.


What was that quote, content every year or something? New areas all the time via DLC?

They're going to milk this game, and they're going to milk it hard, and people are going to end up paying $499.99 for the full game with all areas.

That's extreme hyperbole, both expansions are listed at $20 each.


The GAF mood for this game has certainly went a full 180 since the alpha release, I think I'll hold off for a cheaper price as well

The games good, the game is not Destiny budget or MMO/PSO quality good, in terms of time investment, to me. But ya, pre-ordering a new IP is rarely a good idea, imo, and the amount of content that will be in this game to me, will determine if it's worth the pick-up. Loot based games, imo, require a lot of content to be worth the price.


I think in vanilla PSO the cap was relatively easy to hit. I think with Ep 2 it became a lot harder to cap out. It's been waaaay too long though.

PSO cap was 100. It wasn't easy or hard to hit. It was just about right imo. Ver2 was 200 and that was really dragged out. I hit 159, after that I never really tried harder to hit 200.

Kings fan

DesTINY. That's what I'm a call it from now on.

Lol. Don't know what is funnier; this post or the butthurt fanboys who don't know how to take a joke.

@ IAmRandom31

Great post. Hit the nail on the head. Reminds me a lot of what Ubisoft does with most of their game reveals (Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed, etc).

My expectations are definitely lowered from the Skyrim + Borderlands + Halo concepts that the devs were selling from the get go.

It's going to be a big seller and I'm sure an enjoyable experience, but not the experience most people had in mind. I guessing most are going to default to the Crucible for competitive multiplayer after they get bored with the linear pathways of Destiny's "open world". This game is going to be more Diablo than Skyrim, something people may actually prefer (I prefer the latter).
Bungie should make an official statement regarding this. Honestly if I get a 12-20 hour quality campaign then I can care less how many areas there. It helps that I love the mp though. I know some people don't.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
what areas do you mean?
i think on old russia there wasnt any invisible wall or anything that blocked your way to proceed into further areas
and the lv??/lv20 areas can easily be expored with a sparrow, they are fairly small actually

There were auto kill zones in Old Russia that give the player 10 seconds before they would die. Those could just be restrictions for the beta. There were also invisible walls, but those were clearly meant to block off places that weren't meant to be explored (like a roof with a satellite on it and the satellite is floating in the air). Although I do wish that there weren't invisible walls so easily accessible. I wasn't trying to find them, but my Titan was able to jump high enough to get to them which broke immersion (I was looking for gold chests at the time).

That would be the hope but I find it hard to believe they wouldn't mention that invisible walls are just to restrict access in the beta. However, Bungie are the devs who waited until the last second to confirm online coop in Halo 3, letting speculation spiral whether coop was limited to local play.

It's certainly possible either way -- I do wish Bungie would confirm that one way or the other, but I'm going to wait till the game is released before I express joy or disappointment over the content.


mmmm..... maybe.

Story was basically this ..

Opening : land on Earth, you dead mon! run! Find a ship! Oh pick up gun and kill those guys!

Tower : Welcome to your new home, now go find your master. We have beach volleyball and soccer if you are feeling tense.

Earth Mission 1 : Go find a warp drive for your ship. Look! Across the screen! A fallen ship. Go!

Earth Mission 2 : The Wizard came from the Moon! The hive is here! The darkness is closer then we thought .... * queue dark and ominous tones *

Earth Mission 3 : the fallen seem to be guarding something ...... kill them and find out! Oooo an array station. It exists! Onward!

Earth Mission 4 : The fallen are destroying the Cosmodrone looking for something. We find it first! We get! * gotten *, its codes for the array station! ONWARD!

Earth Mission 5 : Oooo array station! Got() ! This will someone save us!

Strike : evil machine god die

Perfect summary of the story, unfortunately. The moon mission wasn't better, but it was obviously a lot further along in the plot and thus completely disjointed and confusing. I hope the story picks up after those earth missions!

I like Dinklage :)
Why are people whining? They're expanding the world later on. I played 16 hours in beta and about 15 hours in alpha. That's already 30 hours within this one area. 30 hours is more than your average single-player game. And this was only ONE map. Moon was a bit smaller (yes I explored it) than Russia, but it was more interesting. There seemed to be more things to do than in Earth. Earth = starter zone and then the actual game starts from moon.

Really, $60 for unlimited play: strikes and raids are where you get loot/what you grind and PvP is just endless gring for those who enjoy it. What the hell is wrong with people these days? Cancelling pre-orders while the same people enjoyed the beta. I just... stupid people.


First tragedy, then farce.
One other thing I want to throw out there:

The classes here are super disapointing. PSO had a much better experience because you had to work together. You needed a healer, you needed a tank, you needed a couple of guys who could wreck shop and kill the fuck out of everything.

Certain weapons for certain classes.

I honestly feel that both PSO and Borderlands did a better job here. Especially PSO.

With Destiny I feel like everyone is run shooty and you pick a gun for your playstyle and then ever 3 minutes you get a different special power.

Not super conducive to creating a social experience.

Ultra Dark Falz required one really fucking awesome healer running around reviving the fuck out of people, healing everyone between passes and someone to not die during one shot kills to bring the team back from the brink.

Not really getting that vibe here at all. Maybe that is late game stuff, but I felt like I was lobbing shots at pretty easy to avoid bullet sponges until they dropped.


I bet you Borderlands 2 vanilla has more content than Destiny. Idk what they've been doing with all that money and dev time (probably around 50-75 mil for development + a few years).

I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. An established franchise on its second go versus Bungie's first outing of a multiplatform game since Oni with the idea of creating an always connected shared world shooter. It's an ambitious title that has potential for a lot of content but also a lot of potential for things not to pan out like they envisioned until Destiny 2 or later.


Saint Titanfall
So let's have a rage thread full of conjecture and supposition then?

You make your bed and you sleep in it. If they didn't hype this game as a massive game with dozens of teases of many area's we wouldn't be having this issue. They even straight up lied what benefit of the doubt do you think they deserve?
Aaaand now I'm questioning that limited edition I got. I'm incredibly disappointed, and this is coming from someone who loved everything about the alpha/beta.


One other thing I want to throw out there:

The classes here are super disapointing. PSO had a much better experience because you had to work together. You needed a healer, you needed a tank, you needed a couple of guys who could wreck shop and kill the fuck out of everything.

Certain weapons for certain classes.

I honestly feel that both PSO and Borderlands did a better job here. Especially PSO.

With Destiny I feel like everyone is run shooty and you pick a gun for your playstyle and then ever 3 minutes you get a different special power.

Not super conducive to creating a social experience.

Ultra Dark Falz required one really fucking awesome healer running around reviving the fuck out of people, healing everyone between passes and someone to not die during one shot kills to bring the team back from the brink.

Not really getting that vibe here at all. Maybe that is late game stuff, but I felt like I was lobbing shots at pretty easy to avoid bullet sponges until they dropped.

This was my main criticism with the game.

The classes all use the same pool of weaponry and only have 4 options that really differentiate them from the other classes ( grenade, melee modification, movement modification, and super move).

In the end I can see this game being people shooting at things with not much in terms of interaction with each other outside of reviving you when you die.
You guys do realize that the Earth map is a lot bigger than what we got. There was at least 3-5 larger areas we couldn't get to.

I hit 3 areas where the bad guys had a "???" to keep me out plus at least 5 areas where the doors were closed or where the ghost had to open the door but couldn't.

I assume that there is going to be plenty of solo missions and co-op missions on this game.
what areas do you mean?
i think on old russia there wasnt any invisible wall or anything that blocked your way to proceed into further areas
and the lv??/lv20 areas can easily be expored with a sparrow, they are fairly small actually

I found a couple of blocked pathways which I'd definitely put money on being open in the full game. I spent a heck of a lot of time constantly running past level 20 enemies on Earth to explore as much as I could - mapped out all the subways and caves with high level enemies (very, very short, usually go nowhere or are simply shortcuts), but there were definitely some areas blocked off that clearly lead somewhere new.

Earth entertained me for a long time though. The moon also looks massive (maybe even bigger than Old Russia). If they can keep that up for Mars and Venus I'll easily be set until the expansions are out, which will hopefully add new exploration zones to these existing planets (like Chicago). It's not like Destiny is the only game I'll be playing - I need time for Unity and Dragon Age too! Then there's The Witcher 3 in spring!


I think we're better off being out of this, Tiemen. We don't want to get ourselves banned, do we? ;)

You said the same thing yesterday, and yet..

I think in vanilla PSO the cap was relatively easy to hit. I think with Ep 2 it became a lot harder to cap out. It's been waaaay too long though.

Yeah, pso 1 was a matter of days, maybe a week. V2 and episode 1+2 was crazy.


I got that feeling, too. Except when they announced the expansions, it changed my assumption about what they meant. I thought it'd be like other online focused games like Warframe where most of the new content is free. But based on their marketing for the expansions, it seems like we'll be dropping $20+ any time we want new missions/loot etc.

I'm not interested in that.

I view it like Destiny retail is the "starter pack" for $60 and the expansion packs will hit regularly in place of a monthly fee. I'm also not buying it....if i have a ton of fun in the beta and renting the retail game, i'll consider it.


I sure hope so. Because if they're just filling their planets with those little radios where you have to collect/kill a certain number of things and you only have 5-10 actual story missions, I'm going to be pretty disappointed.

An I'll be right there with you. But Bungie's track record is the only thing making me say "let's wait and see".

I suspect there will be whole arcs of story missions on each planet complete with a bunch of missions and strikes and (probably) a raid. I'm just as disappointed at the lack of zones per planet, though I'm starting to feel like that idea was kind if missing the point. A lot of us spent a lot of time in Explore mode in the beta because we had nothing else to do, and I don't think that is going to be anywhere near the place we will be spending the majority of our time. It's basically a huge collection of levels that Bungie can use to create tons of story missions and strikes while making the player feel less restricted during those.

I think Destiny will offer a quite lengthy line of story missions and content. It's not going to be the game we all envisioned in our heads (partly do to Bungie's fairly bad explanation of what the game actually is for so long), but I don't think content is going to be anything we need to worry about.


Most of FPS games have only 10-15 hours for story mode. I do not know why people expect more from Destiny.

You have story mode, explore mode, pvp and raid in Destiny and I do not think that story mode will be shorter than 10 hours.

Do you people expect Guldwars 2 lv of content ?


Why are people whining? They're expanding the world later on. I played 16 hours in beta and about 15 hours in alpha. That's already 30 hours within this one area. 30 hours is more than your average single-player game. And this was only ONE map. Moon was a bit smaller (yes I explored it) than Russia, but it was more interesting. There seemed to be more things to do than in Earth. Earth = starter zone and then the actual game starts from moon.

Really, $60 for unlimited play: strikes and raids are where you get loot/what you grind and PvP is just endless gring for those who enjoy it. What the hell is wrong with people these days? Cancelling pre-orders while the same people enjoyed the beta. I just... stupid people.

dude, there isn't 15 hours of story content in that first area. You may have played it in 15 hours twice grinding etc, but those 7 missions can be finished in 3 hours max. You don't have to grind or loot crazy to progress the game at all
Even though my time with the destiny beta was incredible I can't in good faith put down money on a deception like this. I expected millions (maybe billions) of miles of terrain and recreations of every single major landmass on earth as well as 1:1 recreations of our solar system. What I am getting is table scraps that will not satiate my hardcore gaming thirst. Will maybe buy for $5 at the bargain bin....but I have just cancelled my preorder.
Why are people whining? They're expanding the world later on. I played 16 hours in beta and about 15 hours in alpha. That's already 30 hours within this one area. 30 hours is more than your average single-player game.

You played that much because you couldn't go any further. If Venus opened up after Earth you would have gone there.


One other thing I want to throw out there:

The classes here are super disapointing. PSO had a much better experience because you had to work together. You needed a healer, you needed a tank, you needed a couple of guys who could wreck shop and kill the fuck out of everything.

Certain weapons for certain classes.

I honestly feel that both PSO and Borderlands did a better job here. Especially PSO.

With Destiny I feel like everyone is run shooty and you pick a gun for your playstyle and then ever 3 minutes you get a different special power.

Not super conducive to creating a social experience.

Ultra Dark Falz required one really fucking awesome healer running around reviving the fuck out of people, healing everyone between passes and someone to not die during one shot kills to bring the team back from the brink.

Not really getting that vibe here at all. Maybe that is late game stuff, but I felt like I was lobbing shots at pretty easy to avoid bullet sponges until they dropped.

I dunno, it seems unfair to make a call on that with content that's limited to level 8 characters, especially when your point of comparison is the definitive end game for another title.


One other thing I want to throw out there:

The classes here are super disapointing. PSO had a much better experience because you had to work together. You needed a healer, you needed a tank, you needed a couple of guys who could wreck shop and kill the fuck out of everything.

Certain weapons for certain classes.

I honestly feel that both PSO and Borderlands did a better job here. Especially PSO.

With Destiny I feel like everyone is run shooty and you pick a gun for your playstyle and then ever 3 minutes you get a different special power.

Not super conducive to creating a social experience.

Ultra Dark Falz required one really fucking awesome healer running around reviving the fuck out of people, healing everyone between passes and someone to not die during one shot kills to bring the team back from the brink.

Not really getting that vibe here at all. Maybe that is late game stuff, but I felt like I was lobbing shots at pretty easy to avoid bullet sponges until they dropped.

Yup, this was a problem to me too. Without their special abilitites the classes feel way too similar. Boarderlands had similar issues, but the special abilities were constently being used, where as the powers in Destiny(at least so far) are saved for "oh shit" moments. PSO and Boarderlands you were defined by your special abilities, with Destiny, it feels too similar... I dunno, some of this may be because I'm playing in first person mode. I would have much preferred Destiny in 3rd person... Call me shallow, but I like seeing my gear on my character while I'm playing.


tagged by Blackace
My 2c:

I share a lot of the same sentiments as IAmRandom31. Basically you started with a "too good to be true" vision and it ended up being more realistic.

However, I'm not sure if I'm ready to quantify game quality by landmass or even number of environments necessarily, like others are willing to do here so comfortably. And even still the amount of time I spent in each environment didn't nearly approach the amount of time I'd like to spend in the retail version exploring, and I still feel like I got a significant amount of satisfaction out of that, and can easily see myself getting 15+ hours out of the story alone, in environments that are made to facilitate post-launch additions and events (how the world of Destiny is supposed to change.. or will that be rescinded too?). On top of that the Crucible is pretty fun, despite momentum shifts being a bit too easy.

I think people are way too quick to judge volume of content using a vertical slice (at the start of the game, most of which was a tutorial no less), that's where I take issue with some of the hyperbole. Thankfully, I didn't go in trying to burn myself out on that content either. I think even if the game didn't come with Old Russia or that one Moon mission I might get my money's worth. The core gameplay is there, and while not perfect, it's really only a few tweaks away. Bungie did a really good job at minimalizing issues that plague loot and FPS genres.


Bungie should make an official statement regarding this. Honestly if I get a 12-20 hour quality campaign then I can care less how many areas there. It helps that I love the mp though. I know some people don't.

Looks like there is going to be a lot of filler repeating quests to hit the required level for quests, but yeah...it likely won't have a long campaign. Shit, much of the time in the current missions is spent getting to where the actual mission starts.


Was this ever confirmed?
I want to say I doubt that, because how would people be able to get to the crucible without playing the sp for several hours. Id assume that the exp gets slower after you pass 8 but I can't see them forcing people to play 7 hours before multiplayer


One other thing I want to throw out there:

The classes here are super disapointing. PSO had a much better experience because you had to work together. You needed a healer, you needed a tank, you needed a couple of guys who could wreck shop and kill the fuck out of everything.

Certain weapons for certain classes.

I honestly feel that both PSO and Borderlands did a better job here. Especially PSO.

With Destiny I feel like everyone is run shooty and you pick a gun for your playstyle and then ever 3 minutes you get a different special power.

Not super conducive to creating a social experience.

Ultra Dark Falz required one really fucking awesome healer running around reviving the fuck out of people, healing everyone between passes and someone to not die during one shot kills to bring the team back from the brink.

Not really getting that vibe here at all. Maybe that is late game stuff, but I felt like I was lobbing shots at pretty easy to avoid bullet sponges until they dropped.

I feel like class depth will come.

Honestly I'm comparing Destiny Beta to how it was to play Normal Mode in PSO Episode I. Not that hard. Could be done Solo at like level 18-20, just bring recovery items/warp item. But as we progress and actually see some real boss fights (Cause all these mobs we've been fighting seem like elites) I'm sure the synergy will come.

Even if you look at the subclasses menu on our Character screens you can see. They give everyone the "damage spec" subclass first. The support, or tank subclasses are unlocked at level 15. Probably right around the time when stuff like that will actually matter.

The flow feels very similar to PSO actually. You beat normal, and then go back through the game on Hard, you actually have to work together with the other classes in a 4 man group (3 man for Destiny). Same thing for Very-Hard. And then Ultimate was on another level, which the "Nightfall" versions of Strikes (That have recommended level higher than the Level Cap, meaning you need to be geared) sounds like Destiny's answer to that.
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