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Destructoid: PS4 controller prototype & devkit photo, [Up: New Photo/Info In OP]

Angry Fork

Disappointed the sticks are concave instead of convex, I liked the smooth sphere surface much better than 360 controller sticks.

And I was hoping for a bit more of a different shape but other than that it looks fine.


anyone can tell what size of the touchpad is, maybe using the size of the usb ports or something else?

Looking at my laptop, its touchpad is 2in x 1.5inch. Wonder how it compares.
I find it funny how some want the DS4 to be a 360 controller, but if it had the 360s stick layout then some would complain that Sony ripped off Microsoft's controller.

I cannot understand why it is hard to accept that many people actually like the stick layout on the DualShock. Its all preferance and there is no evidence that one layout is proven more effective than the other..

This is Sonys design and the opposite stick layout is Microsoft's design. Its OK that they are not the same.
- Fuck those ugly ass sticks. Hate the ones on 360. With a bit more resistance the PS3 ones would be perfect.
- If that is indeed a bigger version of the Vita pad *jacknicholsonnodding.gif*
- Please tell me the shitty triggers are really gone, Sony


Gold Member
Not sure what I think of the sticks, look pretty weird to me. Maybe they'll feel good though. The DS3 sticks are certainly not perfect, but I do personally prefer them to the concave 360 controller sticks. Those just don't feel good to me. I think my favorite sticks are the ones Nintendo uses - convex but with thin "rings" that prevent your thumbs from slipping off of them. This looks sort of similar to that I guess, but the rings look really thick. We'll see.


There should be more tampons in gaming
I'm not sure if this was mentioned, if it was I must have overlooked it, but has there been mention of if the triggers, L2/R2, will actually be fishtailed triggers? That seems like a natural evolution of the controller and something that Sony has failed to change regarding the Dual Shock in all these years.

Truthfully, I'd love to see R1/L1 buttons actually be rounded at the top and have a depression along the middle of them that you can rest your pointer finger in. The rest of the button would protrude out past the depression (to prevent slippage) but be of equal length when compared to the top of the button before the depression. Controller would also have a rubber underside, that would aid in grip; at times when I'm playing Folklore and my hands are perspiring, I feel as if the controller is going to "rocket" out of my hands while I'm shaking and yanking. Rubber Gripping would eliminate that anxiety. Add in a more natural, rounded shape, almost crescent like with padded Concave analog sticks and Sony would easily have the best controller, in my opinion of course. The only accommodation that would make my design better (to me) is the option of offsetting the analogs (for all you 360 gamepad lovers out there)


I bet the analog sticks are actually like the Vita's, with a glossy plastic ring around a flat-ish rubber center.


I'd chalk up the appearance of concave sticks to weird lighting/angle.

Foxix Von

Disappointed the sticks are concave instead of convex, I liked the smooth sphere surface much better than 360 controller sticks.

And I was hoping for a bit more of a different shape but other than that it looks fine.

Look a bit closer. They aren't exactly concave. They're little recessed convex domes with a smooth bump along the outside edge. It's a really weird design but I think I might like it.


I bet the analog sticks are actually like the Vita's, with a glossy plastic ring around a flat-ish rubber center.


I'd chalk up the appearance of concave sticks to weird lighting/angle.

I think you're half right.

I think that the sticks are convex in the sense that they have little bumps, but there is a large ring around it so that fingers don't slip off as easily.

EDIT: Yeah, what Foxix said.

Drain You

I find it funny how some want the DS4 to be a 360 controller, but if it had the 360s stick layout then some would complain that Sony ripped off Microsoft's controller.

I cannot understand why it is hard to accept that many people actually like the stick layout on the DualShock. Its all preferance and there is no evidence that one layout is proven more effective than the other..

This is Sonys design and the opposite stick layout is Microsoft's design. Its OK that they are not the same.

I honestly think it is really just what people are used to using for the longest time. I hate Sony's stick layout but I really do think if that was all I used for a good few weeks or months or whatever it be I would just end up getting used to it and it would feel natural.


- Fuck those ugly ass sticks. Hate the ones on 360. With a bit more resistance the PS3 ones would be perfect.
- If that is indeed a bigger version of the Vita pad *jacknicholsonnodding.gif*
- Please tell me the shitty triggers are really gone, Sony

+1 for the resistance. There's actually an easy solution to this: make the joysticks shorter in height like the 360's. The taller joystick of the previous PS controllers made it easier to push (physics, torque, etc.) often leading to overshooting where I want to aim, especially in FPS games (well, at least for me).
I waited a bit before having a knee jerk reaction, to let the design sink in.

The analogs don't convince me in the slightest but I kinda dig the rest. Will have to hold one in my hands before I can have anything else to say.

Interchangeable analogs would be awesome. Say the system came with concave and rounded and you screw in the ones you prefer. Seems it would be totally doable but would require forward thinking with all gamers in mind...


Happiness over a touchpad on the Dualshock but GAF nearly burned the house down over Kinect being included on Xbox.

Begun, the console wars has.

A tiny touch pad is not the same as a $100+ motion sensor/camera. It does very little to take away from the rest of the system, unlike Kinect.

(By "take away" I mean make up a significant part of the BOM, resulting in less powerful hardware.)


The shoulder and the face buttons were pressure sensitive on PS2 and PS3 controllers. Listing them as digital buttons could just be an oversight, though.

I'd almost guarantee it but who knows at this point? Seems foolish to do though.

Hopefully the surrounding ring isn't protruding too much though.

Nah, it looks like it won't be a large difference but we'll have to wait and see.


I wonder if they will go with a lithium battery in the controller.

They... pretty much have to. It's the only battery technology that's efficient at holding a (decently) long charge and without the battery life deteriorating over its lifespan quickly. That being said, lithium batteries are old technology. The only reason we've been getting better battery life is not because battery technology has gotten better (well, it has, but at a snail's pace) but because other components have gotten smaller/energy efficient. This means more space for a larger battery and less drain. Sad truth. Anode/cathode technology in Li-On batteries is a hot thing right now.


digital buttons? I don't get it.

The PS2/PS3 controller's X, O, triangle, and square buttons were analogue (layman's terms: pressure sensitive) like the triggers. Some older games used these, particularly MGS3 where lightly pressing one of the face buttons was a chokehold but strongly pressing it was a throat slit. I remember this because I had a bitch of a time adjusting when I first figured that out, haha.
I honestly think it is really just what people are used to using for the longest time. I hate Sony's stick layout but I really do think if that was all I used for a good few weeks or months or whatever it be I would just end up getting used to it and it would feel natural.

I definitely agree with you. But it sure is asking a lot for people to expect Sony to change the analog layout just because they are more familiar with the opposite design. What about everyone who thinks the DS feels more natural? Sony isn't going to abandon them. Btw its nice to have civil conversation...it seems rare lately.


tagged by Blackace
Wait so, what is the Light Bar for then if it's a bullet pointed feature of the controller? The way it's listed like everything else makes it sound like it's not there for debugging/dev purposes and a feature like buttons, sticks, etc.


I'm a little mystified by people feeling so strongly about analog stick placement. I prefer having the left analog stick in the upper position myself, but it's nothing I don't get used to within a few minutes of playing with another type of controller.


I'm a little mystified by people feeling so strongly about analog stick placement. I prefer having the left analog stick in the upper position myself, but it's nothing I don't get used to within a few minutes of playing with another type of controller.

Yeah, people want to argue about something, and since we don't have that much news on these new consoles, mundane things will have to do I guess.


All these religiousesque stick position arguments really astound me. I'll admit to preferring symmetrical sticks, but I switch between my DS3 and my 360 controller on my PC all the damn time and don't have an issue with either one. Sure you hold each one fairly differently, but I don't find either really uncomfortable, but at least the DS3 has a usable D-pad.

Drain You

I definitely agree with you. But it sure is asking a lot for people to expect Sony to change the analog layout just because they are more familiar with the opposite design. What about everyone who thinks the DS feels more natural? Sony isn't going to abandon them. Btw its nice to have civil conversation...it seems rare lately.

In a perfect world they would sell controllers from both MS and Sony with either stick option. Doubt that would ever happen though. Also as for the civil bit, thank you, and I couldn't agree more. Opinions are great, no need to get worked up over them.


i just want to say i hope those really are start and select buttons... that placement would be phenomenal, cause your thumb would naturally extend to them, cause it's a continuation of the direction the thumbs are pointing.

wait unless your left thumb is on the stick... ah whatever, what's the difference.


The PS2/PS3 controller's X, O, triangle, and square buttons were analogue (layman's terms: pressure sensitive) like the triggers. Some older games used these, particularly MGS3 where lightly pressing one of the face buttons was a chokehold but strongly pressing it was a throat slit. I remember this because I had a bitch of a time adjusting when I first figured that out, haha.

Racing games used this a lot and the shoulder buttens were also pressure sensitive (even on the DS2).


Wait so, what is the Light Bar for then if it's a bullet pointed feature of the controller? The way it's listed like everything else makes it sound like it's not there for debugging/dev purposes and a feature like buttons, sticks, etc.

I assumed it was like the light ball on the move.
I like the bulkier size, that's about it.

The sticks don't look great but I'll reserve judgment.

Hopefully the triggers aren't awful this time around.


I bet the analog sticks are actually like the Vita's, with a glossy plastic ring around a flat-ish rubber center.


I'd chalk up the appearance of concave sticks to weird lighting/angle.



Edit: You can kinda see the person who took the photo in the reflection.
This gamepad actually looks like a downgrade from the DS...I don't know how that was possible. As somebody with bigger hands, this thing looks like it will be an absolute nightmare to hold. The touchpad looks awkward as heck.


So the grill..more likely to be a mic or a speaker?

I know on the wii, the speaker on the controller wasn't a raging success. And I'm not sure there is much it could do that good surround sound couldn't.


dunno if it's posted

Update: Another source has told IGN that the mysterious space in the middle of the controller can be pressed like a button, something Kotaku's source has also stated. Our separate source also indicates that the R2 and L2 buttons may actually be more in line with spring-loaded Xbox 360-like triggers and that the light atop the controller is indeed a PlayStation Move sensor.
+1 for the resistance. There's actually an easy solution to this: make the joysticks shorter in height like the 360's. The taller joystick of the previous PS controllers made it easier to push (physics, torque, etc.) often leading to overshooting where I want to aim, especially in FPS games (well, at least for me).

I agree. They should shorten the sticks a bit because i hated playing CoD on PS3 in comparison to the 360. My accuracy was definitely off on PS3 because of the "loose" feeling on the analog sticks.


Face buttons are digital now? That kinda sucks but I guess not a lot of games use them these days. Still, I liked having them there when they were used.
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