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Destructoid reviews Neogaffers reviews of an Uncharted 3 review

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mik83kuu said:
Haha you serious? Are you really trying to justify a stupid comment like that? Look mang, have you ever played a video game in your entire life? What exactly are these objectively better aspects you speak of? How can someone objectively review a game? Is a story line better if you add more characters to it? Are graphics better if they are more realistic? Is game play better just because it has new moves and guns? You have got to be fucking kidding me. Objective reviews. Jesus Christ :-O

Are you reading the same thing that I'm reading. He was not agreeing with the comment, he was just making a comment and he was right... Sadly...

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Wow, I feel a bit disturbed that there are so many insane people on this generally great forum.

Then again, Uncharted fans have always been a special kind of crazy. It got to the point that posting 'Uncharted!@11!!!!' was a meme response to any game recommendation thread (regardless of platform) as a way of mocking the typically rabid Uncharted fan.


ShockingAlberto said:
I think the dumbest quote I read was someone trying to discredit Eurogamer by saying that they only liked UK games like Arkham City and were actively trying to sabotage Uncharted 3.

Not realizing, of course, that this meant that every single U.S. review of UC3, including IGN's Romeo-like declaration of love, is then immediately suspect by the same logic.

I thought Edge was the one with the UK bias?



BoobPhysics101 said:
It's ok, because GAF is making revenue from the cross traffic hits that Destructoid is giving.

Well, that's kind of acceptable, but I'd imagine the general traffic anyway is probably high enough that the cross traffic is negligible. The only people who will see any benefit to this is the GAF Gold members anyway :p

Zefah said:
Wow, I feel a bit disturbed that there are so many insane people on this generally great forum.

Then again, Uncharted fans have always been a special kind of crazy. It got to the point that posting 'Uncharted!@11!!!!' was a meme response to any game recommendation thread (regardless of platform) as a way of mocking the typically rabid Uncharted fan.

Fans of anything are a special kind of crazy. Grow up.


bish gets all the credit :)
Zefah said:
Then again, Uncharted fans have always been a special kind of crazy. It got to the point that posting 'Uncharted!@11!!!!' was a meme response to any game recommendation thread (regardless of platform) as a way of mocking the typically rabid Uncharted fan.

hey hey, we love generalizations!

AZ Greg

Haunted said:



Zefah said:
Wow, I feel a bit disturbed that there are so many insane people on this generally great forum.

Then again, Uncharted fans have always been a special kind of crazy. It got to the point that posting 'Uncharted!@11!!!!' was a meme response to any game recommendation thread (regardless of platform) as a way of mocking the typically rabid Uncharted fan.

Game sales 5m units and somehow 20-30 people represent the entire fanbase. Nice!


roman2003h said:
Are you reading the same thing that I'm reading. He was not agreeing with the comment, he was just making a comment and he was right... Sadly...

What? All he did was quote himself and say he still thinks he's 100% correct. I think he's nuts.
Your Excellency said:
Note to Destructoid: the full quote of mine was:

Basically, it comes down to this: if Uncharted 3 is objectively better than Uncharted 2, yet gets lower scores, then we have a situation on our hands. None of us know quite what's going to happen if that happens, but this much is true: the shit is gonna hit the fucking fan.

They could have least had the decency to quote me fully and accurately, and attributed it to me.

And you know what? When it came to that quote, I was fucking 100% right on the mark.

All Uncharted fans are crazy, PROOF. Case closed.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Maybe, I should have wrote 'fanboy', then.

I'm a fan of the Uncharted series, too. More specifically, I'm a fan of the first half of the first Uncharted, and a huge fan of Uncharted 2.
ghst said:
Sure, it's possible they actually believed that the Uncharted 3 review thread was a bad thread. But if they follow this industry closely, and read a lot of threads each year, it's just hard to believe. Even an objective observer can see that the Uncharted 3 review thread is doing LOTS of things that few if any other threads do in this day and age. It's truly in a league of it's own when it comes to critique in threads today, and it's gifs are easily some best going right now.

Just reading the thread title from the front page, and you can see the critical integrity of this thread is above and beyond almost any thread today.

What I'm really trying to say is this. The sum of the Uncharted 3 review thread's parts make it worthy of a higher appreciation than just a "bad thread". Based purely on what I know right now, without having even read a single post, I know this. Anyone reading NeoGAF today knows this. Uncharted fans are among the elite of NeoGAF posters today. These same posters saying that it's a bad thread have most certainly posted more in threads delivering far less than the Uncharted 3 review thread does.
ehh not your best work :x
although the material given was pretty weak to start with


EmCeeGramr said:
Half of those are legit insults, the others are making fun of Greg Miller's poor writing ability, which has been a kind of running joke for a while now (see Dead Space 2 review).
Haha give me a break.
mik83kuu said:
What? All he did was quote himself and say he still thinks he's 100% correct. I think he's nuts.

There is a difference between being correct and being right. He was right. (I'm not sure if he is implying that he was correct)

EDIT: I definitively don't agree with his use of the word "objectively" :)


SykoTech said:
Yep. Anyone who followed from the start could see how comedic the thread was at first. Then the people complaining about the complaining wander in and make list, taking everything seriously. Then the fanatics get mad, become super defensive, and thread was just crap.
Would have been better if we could have gone on discussing and pretending to feel violated while secretly loving it at chinners erotic adventures than what it became. :(

GreekWolf said:
Of course, which was exactly my point. I'm convinced that all the pseudo-outrage over review scores, has absolutely nothing to do with a particular game franchise, but rather hive-minded soldiers protecting a company exclusive.

As far as inciting... well, Destructoid took that ball and ran with it.
The hive mind only came in after the anti-complain campaign though. These people get defensive fast and it would have gone smoother if they weren't given reasons to start arming their tanks.


Green Scar said:
NeoGAF: "I'm running"
Hidden gem in this thread

I been avoiding the review threads so i won't be spoiled from uc3

I know its going to be a great game. No need for 10/10 from every website.
Im not gonna lie, 2 years ago I would have scream and shouted "xbots"
But i grew up
I find destructiod's view of a forums reaction to a review, comical.
What they're doing is "reporting" a high school lunch period conversation.
AZ Greg said:
Hey man, that metascore is important to validate my opinion that Uncharted is the best game evarrrr.

Or perhaps I just need it to squash the niggling little doubts I have about all the complaints of stale gameplay, overdone plotting and shallow characters.
JaseC said:
Uncharted 3 is objectively superior to Uncharted 2?

You tell me: if it has better graphics, better setpieces, better controls, more natural refined climbing, better gunplay, better sound and better storyline, is it better? Yes? Objectively? Yes.

In the same way, Gran Turismo is objectively better than Porsche Challenge. Sure, you may get some psychos saying that Porsche Challenge is a better game, and is in fact the best game ever, but that doesn't change the fact that viewed objectively on the basic merits, GT is better.
EmCeeGramr said:
Half of those are legit insults, the others are making fun of Greg Miller's poor writing ability, which has been a kind of running joke for a while now (see Dead Space 2 review).

I think his point is that several of those are much worse than anything found in the "Hall of Shame" list, which makes you wonder why they aren't in there. There was another post that immediately attempted to discredit the Destructoid 10/10 by calling the reviewer a fanboy.
FTH said:
I'd say its more embarrassing that someone had the gall to gather all of the posts up so all Destructoid had to do was link to it. Takes a good bit of arrogance to do that.

I'm glad MR gathered them, I knew there'd be some crazy going on in that thread but no way was I going to read through it all to find it. I do think (hope) at least a few of those comments were joking though.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Fuck you Destructoid. If you're too lazy to aggregate posts yourself, don't steal someone's work when they're just trying to help self-police these idiots.

Though it was a funny post, and I'm glad that it's getting popularized, don't treat it like gaf is alone in it or is worse than other places.

Generally gaf does pretty well for itself by internet standards. It's the appeal.

edit: nm, I overreacted. Looks like he calls out Uncharted fans in general and uses the gaf thing as an example because it was already out there.

Still lazy, but fair enough.
I think Uncharted fanboys have surpassed Fallout and Mother fanboys on craziness. At least the Fallout and Mother fans have good taste in games.


Has problems recognising girls
Kind of a sad state of affairs but it is the practical norm for GAF these days. The forum has grown much larger than it used to and you're bound to have many more usernames who wear the badge of honour upon their chest.

The great thing is that all sense of Gaming news is stuffed through the same chokepoint. There are no diversions here. The trouble with this is that you're much more likely to run in to the same people that react bizarrely to reviews - no matter the number.

Wouldn't surprise me if this was the reason why a lot of serious dev heads (both within the industry and on the article-writing side of things) that used to belong on GAF have gone silent over the years. Or maybe it's just me.

TL;DR - GAF Gaming has always been a nuthouse.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Comments from "jimmyx" on the story are gold.

jimmyx said:
Jokes on them lol cuz UC series is not even that good compared to some other games (u of all peeps know BEST) but fangirls are still losing sleep over its scores ITS FUCKIN HILARIOS

jimmyx said:
Dude ur as kookoo as those $ony fangirls on metacritic if u think Im JimSterling. WHAT do I have to do to prove that Im not Sterling to u dumbasses? Jimbo doesnt even like Gears and I cant stand the stupid Dinasty Warriors games ERGO NOT SAME PPL
FTH said:
I'd say its more embarrassing that someone had the gall to gather all of the posts up so all Destructoid had to do was link to it. Takes a good bit of arrogance to do that.

Mama's a blackbelt in forum-fu. you should congratulate him on his dedication.


Zefah said:
Wow, I feel a bit disturbed that there are so many insane people on this generally great forum.

Then again, Uncharted fans have always been a special kind of crazy. It got to the point that posting 'Uncharted!@11!!!!' was a meme response to any game recommendation thread (regardless of platform) as a way of mocking the typically rabid Uncharted fan.
I know looking the other way isn't the answer, but posts like these generally just make the kind of posters you are describing dig their trenches deeper and act worse than before.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Your Excellency said:
You tell me: if it has better graphics, better setpieces, better controls, more natural refined climbing, better gunplay, better sound and better storyline, is it better? Yes? Objectively? Yes.

In the same way, Gran Turismo is objectively better than Porsche Challenge. Sure, you may get some psychos saying that Porsche Challenge is a better game, and is in fact the best game ever, but that doesn't change the fact that viewed objectively on the basic merits, GT is better.

Wow, you're pretty crazy, dude.

How can you say that the graphics are objectively better? What if someone doesn't like deserts, but loves the Tibetan setting from Uncharted 2? They're going to think Uncharted 2 looked better.

It's pretty difficult to objectively qualify 'better' when it comes individual game mechanics and story. These are, again, subjective to the individual.


SolidSnakex said:
I think his point is that several of those are much worse than anything found in the "Hall of Shame" list, which makes you wonder why they aren't in there. There was another post that immediately attempted to discredit the Destructoid 10/10 by calling the reviewer a fanboy.



Your Excellency said:
You tell me: if it has better graphics, better setpieces, better controls, more natural refined climbing, better gunplay, better sound and better storyline, is it better? Yes? Objectively? Yes.

Almost all of those things you listed as better are subjective.


Your Excellency said:
You tell me: if it has better graphics, better setpieces, better controls, more natural refined climbing, better gunplay, better sound and better storyline, is it better? Yes? Objectively? Yes.

In the same way, Gran Turismo is objectively better than Porsche Challenge. Sure, you may get some psychos saying that Porsche Challenge is a better game, and is in fact the best game ever, but that doesn't change the fact that viewed objectively on the basic merits, GT is better.

but things like 'better set pieces' and 'better controls' and 'more natural refined climbing' and 'better gunplay' and 'better storyline' is all subjective qualities that is the sole realm of whoever-the-fucks-opinion-is-being-told. There can be no reckoning because there won't be a objective assessment of most of these values.


SonyGAF this, SDF that. Man, talk about immature and embarrassing. Anyone still using begrudging and generalizing terms like those has no business ridiculing others.

It's funny, I don't see phrases like Xbot and Nintendrone pop up here nearly as much as I see the Sony oriented ones. It's as if some people can't get over some dumb KZ2 spamming that happened years ago.
speedpop said:
Wouldn't surprise me if this was the reason why a lot of serious dev heads (both within the industry and on the article-writing side of things) that used to belong on GAF have gone silent over the years. Or maybe it's just me.

You want Dyack back?
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