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Destructoid reviews Neogaffers reviews of an Uncharted 3 review

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gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Your Excellency said:
You tell me: if it has better graphics, better setpieces, better controls, more natural refined climbing, better gunplay, better sound and better storyline, is it better? Yes? Objectively? Yes.

In the same way, Gran Turismo is objectively better than Porsche Challenge. Sure, you may get some psychos saying that Porsche Challenge is a better game, and is in fact the best game ever, but that doesn't change the fact that viewed objectively on the basic merits, GT is better.

I don't know, I haven't played it. Mind you, I don't know why I'm responding when you've answered for me.

Edit: In any case, many of those things you've mentioned can not be measured objectively.


Your Excellency said:
You tell me: if it has better graphics, better setpieces, better controls, more natural refined climbing, better gunplay, better sound and better storyline, is it better? Yes? Objectively? Yes.
All of those things are subjective, aside from graphics and possibly controls.
Next issues:

Destructoid reviews Neogaffers reviews of a Skyward Sword review
Destructoid reviews Neogaffers reviews of a Skyrim review
Destructoid reviews Neogaffers reviews of a MK7 review


Your Excellency said:
Note to Destructoid: the full quote of mine was:

Basically, it comes down to this: if Uncharted 3 is objectively better than Uncharted 2, yet gets lower scores, then we have a situation on our hands. None of us know quite what's going to happen if that happens, but this much is true: the shit is gonna hit the fucking fan.

They could have least had the decency to quote me fully and accurately, and attributed it to me.

And you know what? When it came to that quote, I was fucking 100% right on the mark.

Actually, I think that's quite a stupid line of reasoning because STANDARDS CHANGE. Say, the first Doom got a 9,5. Then Doom 2 comes out and is a bit better. Should it get at least a 9,6 then? Or, because standards have changed, can it get a 9, even though it's better? Of course it should. Taking the previous game as the starting point of a score is stupid. Much better is taking the overall gaming landscape as a point of reference.

What if Doom got a 9,5 and Doom 2 only came out in 2011. Should it still get a 9,6 because it is better than Doom 1, even though it is atrocious by today's standards?

That is why I don't have a problem with games getting lower scores than their predecessors even though they are better games.

Taking Uncharted 3, I can believe it is better than part 2. But as part 2 scored 9,6 on average and part 3 is probably more of the same (even though probably absolutely amazin), a score in the low 90s is more appropriate than in the high 90s.


speedpop said:
Kind of a sad state of affairs but it is the practical norm for GAF these days. The forum has grown much larger than it used to and you're bound to have many more usernames who wear the badge of honour upon their chest.

The great thing is that all sense of Gaming news is stuffed through the same chokepoint. There are no diversions here. The trouble with this is that you're much more likely to run in to the same people that react bizarrely to reviews - no matter the number.

Wouldn't surprise me if this was the reason why a lot of serious dev heads (both within the industry and on the article-writing side of things) that used to belong on GAF have gone silent over the years. Or maybe it's just me.

TL;DR - GAF Gaming has always been a nuthouse.
Actually I was thinking about bringing this up as a possibility, too. I get the impression that the GAF (gaming) community is going slightly downhill. The more people here, the more difficult it is to control or filter out the insane ones.



Your Excellency said:
You tell me: if it has better graphics, better setpieces, better controls, more natural refined climbing, better gunplay, better sound and better storyline, is it better? Yes? Objectively? Yes.

In the same way, Gran Turismo is objectively better than Porsche Challenge. Sure, you may get some psychos saying that Porsche Challenge is a better game, and is in fact the best game ever, but that doesn't change the fact that viewed objectively on the basic merits, GT is better.

If Uncharted 3 improved over Uncharted 2 that much, maybe Uncharted 2 was overated.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
I feel like I'm in a huge minority here, owning a PS3, playing it near exclusively, and yet having little to no interest in Sony exclusives. Including Uncharted.
I sort of want to be honest here, I find fanboys totally disgusting, but I find Playstation fanboys to bo the absolute bottom of the barrel...of the disgusting.

I am ashamed for GAF.
EmCeeGramr said:
Half of those are legit insults, the others are making fun of Greg Miller's poor writing ability, which has been a kind of running joke for a while now (see Dead Space 2 review).
What a joke. Legit insults? Really?

rdrr gnr

Amir0x said:
but things like 'better set pieces' and 'better controls' and 'more natural refined climbing' and 'better gunplay' and 'better storyline' is all subjective qualities that is the sole realm of whoever-the-fucks-opinion-is-being-told. There can be no reckoning because there won't be a objective assessment of most of these values.
Zefah said:
Wow, you're pretty crazy, dude.

How can you say that the graphics are objectively better? What if someone doesn't like deserts, but loves the Tibetan setting from Uncharted 2? They're going to think Uncharted 2 looked better.

It's pretty difficult to objectively qualify 'better' when it comes individual game mechanics and story. These are, again, subjective to the individual.
I would like to respond to these, but given how out of context posts are being utilized, I will refrain.

Nothing is wholly subjective when it comes to gaming... this doesn't apply to the 8/10 nonsense however.


neojubei said:
please dont generalize.

fans are crazy about whatever game or anything they like.

I'm not calling everyone out it's just the rabid ones that get to me, on here and the rest of the internet. I can technically be called an Uncharted fan as I liked 1 and 2 more than I disliked them.
So I'm reading through the posts in a game forum reacting, to the reaction of a game journalist site after reading the reactions of a game forum site that reacted to a review of a video game most of those game forum users haven't played yet, but are just as eager as me to play that game.

And you know what?
I need a fucking girlfriend to spend my time more meaningful.


echoshifting said:
Really? Damn, impressive.
Check that FPS thread he made today, or just read his/her/alien being's post history it's very observable when viewed over a period of time :)


butthurt Heat fan
Did Mr. Sterling cover the reactions to Eurogamer giving Daytona USA a higher rating?

I think Daytona deserved the 9, IMHO, but Eurogamer's blatantly trolling at this point.
Vice said:
All of those things are subjective, aside from graphics and possibly controls.
Graphics and controls are subjective as well. How do you define "better" graphics? More polygons? Who decides that more polygons should imply better graphics, and why do they have that authority? Why doesn't better artstyle take priority? Continuing on that thought, what makes one artstyle better than another? So on and so forth to ad nauseum.

The fact of the matter is there are varying subjective standards that are agreed upon by the majority of gamers and game reviewers. When people talk about a game being "objectively better" they are usually referring to these types of standards. However, no majority can take a subjective measurement to the unreachable realm of objectivity.

This is like philosophy 101 stuff right here.


Your Excellency said:
You tell me: if it has better graphics, better setpieces, better controls, more natural refined climbing, better gunplay, better sound and better storyline, is it better? Yes? Objectively? Yes.

In the same way, Gran Turismo is objectively better than Porsche Challenge. Sure, you may get some psychos saying that Porsche Challenge is a better game, and is in fact the best game ever, but that doesn't change the fact that viewed objectively on the basic merits, GT is better.

Holy flying circus you are either the most ignorant person on this thread or your trolling hits me right in the sweetspot.
Beam said:
What a joke. Legit insults? Really?
As in, "things are legitimately considered as insults," not, "insults that are legitimate or valid."

Watching the persecution complex in here is getting fucking disturbing.



Holy shit, how is this the first time I've seen this?

"Girthman", :lol
twinturbo2 said:
Did Mr. Sterling cover the reactions to Eurogamer giving Daytona USA a higher rating?

I think Daytona deserved the 9, IMHO, but Eurogamer's blatantly trolling at this point.
I have no words...
Your Excellency said:
You tell me: if it has better graphics, better setpieces, better controls, more natural refined climbing, better gunplay, better sound and better storyline, is it better? Yes? Objectively? Yes.

In the same way, Gran Turismo is objectively better than Porsche Challenge. Sure, you may get some psychos saying that Porsche Challenge is a better game, and is in fact the best game ever, but that doesn't change the fact that viewed objectively on the basic merits, GT is better.
if the two games came out simulataneously in the same year, it would mean something.

but what's 96% in 2009 isn't 96% in 2011 any more. graphical standards have moved on. gaming conventions have changed. Uncharted 2 HELPED change them by raising the bar so much... is it really hard to understand that someone would score Uncharted 3 lower than Uncharted 2 since it doesn't nearly raise the bar by as great an amount.

i would argue that every action platformer released since Uncharted 2 has been held to higher standards. because of Uncharted 2. that's the way it should be.

and you can only say that the objective elements are better objectively. that doesn't mean that the subjective elements can't be seen by some people as inferior enough to more than counter the improved objective elements.

you can only review the objective elements of a game objectively. you can't review an entire game objectively because so much of it is subjective.

Kindgom of the Crystal Skull is objectively better than Raiders of the Lost Ark. it has a higher budget. the effects are more convincing. the film is shot with better equipment. the sound is presented in surround sound where the original was not.

now tell me in all honesty that you think that's how we should review films.
You know what would help?

If you guys would just stop talking about this. I've never seen this place collectively ram a stick so far up it's ass. Get over it.


My question is, how many of those quotes were people actually upset about the score, and how many of them were people sarcastically making fun of those who were upset about the score?
Lunar15 said:
My question is, how many of those quotes were people actually upset about the score, and how many of them were people sarcastically making fun of those who were upset about the score?



Ive always felt that the actual gaming discussion here at NeoGAF was embarrassing. When it comes to platform exclusive news, the community loses it's shit.

Almost all of the stupidity is concentrated in the first eight to ten pages of a major news story. Excepting a few HAHA OH WOW and mybodyisreggie .gifs sprinkled throughout, dozens of posts could be swapped for youtube comments and there would be no discernible change in thread quality.

Its only after the hysteria dies down that the thread matures-- people can discuss things intelligently and rationally. But god damn the posters here mashing F5 ready to post their sub-ten-character micro-reviews in a new thread make us look bad.


I love this burgeoning sector of games journalism, quoting a bunch of forum posts, then splicing in a few sentences of your own that mock the posts. Finish it up with "LOL THE INTERNET IS CRAZY"

demosthenes said:
Stay classy GAF, glad we're being shown in a great light.

More importantly, is it that much of a slow news day?
From what ive seen coming from that site it seems like everyday is a slow news day for Destructoid...


Green Scar said:
You can never be too sure.


Just saying.[/QUOTE]
In my heart I have to believe there can't be anybody on this planet that is so willfully ignorant and wrong all the time. Plus his timing is interesting. He waits for the hoopla of his last escapades to die down then starts a new wave of maximum trolling before becoming semi invisible/normal, rinse repeat.
Lunar15 said:
My question is, how many of those quotes were people actually upset about the score, and how many of them were people sarcastically making fun of those who were upset about the score?
I'c like to know too. Cause being actually upset means you have serious issues.
Gold post from this thread


Recently he has come under fire by many Gamespot users for giving good games bad reviews on the basis of small unimportant points. On the Gamespot forums users have expressed frustration with his harsh reviews and history of underscoring good games such as Mario Kart 64. He is also now renowned for his worthless and pointless review of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

holy shit that was quick

I can´t wait for the Zelda review.
Momo said:
In my heart I have to believe there can't be anybody on this planet that is so willfully ignorant and wrong all the time. Plus his timing is interesting. He waits for the hoopla of his last escapades to die down then starts a new wave of maximum trolling before becoming semi invisible/normal, rinse repeat.

Oh, yeah, I think YE is a troll, I was more saying it's so hard to be sure nowadays when it comes to judging such things. The dangers of living in a hyper-ironic world, bleh
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